diff options
authorHongbo Zhang <bobzhang1988 AT>2012-11-02 14:13:56 +0000
committerHongbo Zhang <bobzhang1988 AT>2012-11-02 14:13:56 +0000
commit6b8f3706bd428e724a57f434da77428c84c6dc89 (patch)
parent7ee1f3e11e601ef584f46ba30e6a464ebe465feb (diff)
bug fix for parsing/ and add tools/eqparsetree to diff two parsetree
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
4 files changed, 817 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/Changes b/Changes
index b1b4089f9..e5dda36c0 100644
--- a/Changes
+++ b/Changes
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ Compilers:
- ocamldep now supports -absname
- PR#5768: On "unbound identifier" errors, use spell-checking to suggest names present in the environment
- ocamlc has a new option -dsource which visualize the parsetree
+- tools/eqparsetree compare two parsetree ignoring location
Bug fixes:
- PR#4762: ?? is not used at all, but registered as a lexer token
- PR#4994: ocaml-mode doesn't work with xemacs21
diff --git a/parsing/ b/parsing/
index 8bcc1cca8..a17ff275b 100644
--- a/parsing/
+++ b/parsing/
@@ -140,14 +140,15 @@ class printer ()= object(self:'self)
match a with
| None -> ()
| Some x -> pp f "%(%)%a%(%)" first fu x last
- method paren: 'a . bool -> (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit =
- fun b fu f x ->
- if b then pp f "(@;%a@;)" fu x
+ method paren: 'a . ?first:space_formatter -> ?last:space_formatter ->
+ bool -> (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit =
+ fun ?(first="") ?(last="") b fu f x ->
+ if b then pp f "(%(%)%a%(%))" first fu x last
else fu f x
method longident f = function
| Lident s -> pp f "%s" s
| Ldot(y,s) -> (match s.[0] with
- | 'a'..'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' ->
+ | 'a'..'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' when not(is_infix (fixity_of_string s)) ->
pp f "%a.%s" self#longident y s
| _ ->
pp f "%a.(@;%s@;)@ " self#longident y s)
@@ -155,17 +156,18 @@ class printer ()= object(self:'self)
pp f "%a(%a)" self#longident y self#longident s
method longident_loc f x = pp f "%a" self#longident x.txt
method constant f = function
- | Const_int i -> pp f "%d" i
| Const_char i -> pp f "%C" i
| Const_string i -> pp f "%S" i
- | Const_float i -> pp f "%s" i
- | Const_int32 i -> pp f "%ldl" i
- | Const_int64 i -> pp f "%LdL" i
- | Const_nativeint i -> pp f "%ndn" i
- (* trailing space*)
+ | Const_int i -> self#paren (i<0) (fun f -> pp f "%d") f i
+ | Const_float i -> self#paren (i.[0]='-') (fun f -> pp f "%s") f i
+ | Const_int32 i -> self#paren (i<0l) (fun f -> pp f "%ldl") f i
+ | Const_int64 i -> self#paren (i<0L) (fun f -> pp f "%LdL") f i (* pp f "%LdL" i *)
+ | Const_nativeint i -> self#paren (i<0n) (fun f -> pp f "%ndn") f i (* pp f "%ndn" i *)
+ (* trailing space*)
method mutable_flag f = function
| Immutable -> ()
- | Mutable -> pp f "mutable@ "
+ | Mutable -> pp f "mutable@;"
method virtual_flag f = function
| Concrete -> ()
| Virtual -> pp f "virtual@;"
@@ -432,8 +434,11 @@ class printer ()= object(self:'self)
| _ -> false
method expression f x =
match x.pexp_desc with
- | Pexp_function _ | Pexp_match _ | Pexp_try _ | Pexp_sequence _ when pipe || semi ->
+ | Pexp_function _ | Pexp_match _ | Pexp_try _ | Pexp_sequence _
+ | Pexp_let _
+ when pipe || semi ->
self#paren true self#reset#expression f x
| Pexp_function (p, eo, l) ->
( match l with
| [(p',e')] ->
@@ -508,8 +513,8 @@ class printer ()= object(self:'self)
| Pexp_letmodule (s, me, e) ->
pp f "@[<hov2>let@ module@ %s@ =@ %a@ in@ %a@]" s.txt
self#reset#module_expr me self#expression e
- | Pexp_assert (e) ->
- pp f "@[<hov2>assert@ %a@]" self#expression e
+ | Pexp_assert e ->
+ pp f "@[<hov2>assert@ %a@]" self#simple_expr e
| Pexp_assertfalse ->
pp f "@[<2>assert@;false@]" ;
| Pexp_lazy (e) ->
@@ -546,7 +551,7 @@ class printer ()= object(self:'self)
let flag = is_infix (view_fixity_of_exp x) || (match li.txt with
| Lident li -> List.mem li.[0] prefix_symbols
| _ -> false) in
- self#paren flag self#longident_loc f li
+ self#paren flag ~first:" " ~last:" " self#longident_loc f li
| Pexp_constant c -> self#constant f c;
| Pexp_pack me ->
pp f "(module@;%a)" self#module_expr me
@@ -831,7 +836,7 @@ class printer ()= object(self:'self)
| Pmod_unpack e ->
pp f "(val@ %a)" self#expression e
- method structure f x = self#list ~sep:"@." self#structure_item f x
+ method structure f x = self#list ~sep:"@\n" self#structure_item f x
(* transform [f = fun g h -> ..] to [f g h = ... ] could be improved *)
method binding f ((p:pattern),(x:expression)) =
@@ -863,7 +868,7 @@ class printer ()= object(self:'self)
method structure_item f x = begin
match x.pstr_desc with
| Pstr_eval (e) ->
- pp f "@[<hov2>let@ _=@ %a@]" self#expression e
+ pp f "@[<hov2>let@ _ =@ %a@]" self#expression e
| Pstr_type [] -> assert false
| Pstr_type l -> self#type_def_list f l
| Pstr_value (rf, l) -> pp f "@[<hov2>let %a%a@]" self#rec_flag rf self#bindings l
@@ -1082,6 +1087,11 @@ let string_of_expression x =
let f = str_formatter in
default#expression f x ;
flush_str_formatter () ;;
+let string_of_structure x =
+ ignore (flush_str_formatter ());
+ let f = str_formatter in
+ default#structure f x;
+ flush_str_formatter ();;
let top_phrase f x =
pp_print_newline f () ;
diff --git a/parsing/pprintast.mli b/parsing/pprintast.mli
index ee9bf1678..993f38b39 100644
--- a/parsing/pprintast.mli
+++ b/parsing/pprintast.mli
@@ -71,8 +71,8 @@ class printer :
(Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) ->
Format.formatter -> 'a option -> unit
method paren :
- bool ->
- (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit
+ ?first:space_formatter -> ?last:space_formatter -> bool ->
+ (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit
method pattern : Format.formatter -> Parsetree.pattern -> unit
method pattern1 : Format.formatter -> Parsetree.pattern -> unit
method private_flag : Format.formatter -> Asttypes.private_flag -> unit
@@ -115,8 +115,9 @@ val default : printer
val toplevel_phrase : Format.formatter -> Parsetree.toplevel_phrase -> unit
val expression : Format.formatter -> Parsetree.expression -> unit
val string_of_expression : Parsetree.expression -> string
-val top_phrase : Format.formatter -> Parsetree.toplevel_phrase -> unit
-val core_type : Format.formatter -> Parsetree.core_type -> unit
-val pattern : Format.formatter -> Parsetree.pattern -> unit
-val signature : Format.formatter -> Parsetree.signature -> unit
-val structure : Format.formatter -> Parsetree.structure -> unit
+val top_phrase: Format.formatter -> Parsetree.toplevel_phrase -> unit
+val core_type: Format.formatter -> Parsetree.core_type -> unit
+val pattern: Format.formatter -> Parsetree.pattern -> unit
+val signature: Format.formatter -> Parsetree.signature -> unit
+val structure: Format.formatter -> Parsetree.structure -> unit
+val string_of_structure: Parsetree.structure -> string
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..454a3ddd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,781 @@
+(* *)
+(* OCaml *)
+(* *)
+(* Hongbo Zhang (University of Pennsylvania) *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2007 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
+ This module is mainly used to diff two parsetree, it helps to automate the test
+ for parsing/
+ *)
+open Parsetree
+let curry f (g, h) = f g h
+let eq_int : (int*int)->bool = curry (=)
+let eq_char : (char*char)->bool=curry (=)
+let eq_string : (string*string)->bool = curry (=)
+let eq_int32 : (int32*int32)->bool=curry (=)
+let eq_int64 : (int64*int64)->bool =curry (=)
+let eq_nativeint : (nativeint*nativeint)->bool= curry (=)
+let eq_bool :(bool*bool) -> bool = curry (=)
+let eq_list mf_a (xs, ys) =
+ let rec loop =
+ function
+ | ([], []) -> true
+ | (x :: xs, y :: ys) -> (mf_a (x, y)) && (loop (xs, ys))
+ | (_, _) -> false
+ in loop (xs, ys)
+let eq_option mf_a (x, y) =
+ match (x, y) with
+ | (None, None) -> true
+ | (Some x, Some y) -> mf_a (x, y)
+ | (_, _) -> false
+module Location =struct
+ include Location
+ let eq_t : (t*t) -> bool = fun (_,_) -> true
+module Longident = struct
+ include Longident
+ let rec eq_t : (t * t) -> 'result =
+ function
+ | (Lident a0, Lident b0) -> eq_string (a0, b0)
+ | (Ldot (a0, a1), Ldot (b0, b1)) ->
+ (eq_t (a0, b0)) && (eq_string (a1, b1))
+ | (Lapply (a0, a1), Lapply (b0, b1)) ->
+ (eq_t (a0, b0)) && (eq_t (a1, b1))
+ | (_, _) -> false
+module Asttypes = struct
+ open Asttypes
+ let eq_constant : (constant * constant) -> 'result =
+ function
+ | (Const_int a0, Const_int b0) -> eq_int (a0, b0)
+ | (Const_char a0, Const_char b0) -> eq_char (a0, b0)
+ | (Const_string a0, Const_string b0) -> eq_string (a0, b0)
+ | (Const_float a0, Const_float b0) -> eq_string (a0, b0)
+ | (Const_int32 a0, Const_int32 b0) -> eq_int32 (a0, b0)
+ | (Const_int64 a0, Const_int64 b0) -> eq_int64 (a0, b0)
+ | (Const_nativeint a0, Const_nativeint b0) -> eq_nativeint (a0, b0)
+ | (_, _) -> false
+ let eq_rec_flag : (rec_flag * rec_flag) -> 'result =
+ function
+ | (Nonrecursive, Nonrecursive) -> true
+ | (Recursive, Recursive) -> true
+ | (Default, Default) -> true
+ | (_, _) -> false
+ let eq_direction_flag :
+ (direction_flag * direction_flag) -> 'result =
+ function
+ | (Upto, Upto) -> true
+ | (Downto, Downto) -> true
+ | (_, _) -> false
+ let eq_private_flag : (private_flag * private_flag) -> 'result =
+ function
+ | (Private, Private) -> true
+ | (Public, Public) -> true
+ | (_, _) -> false
+ let eq_mutable_flag : (mutable_flag * mutable_flag) -> 'result =
+ function
+ | (Immutable, Immutable) -> true
+ | (Mutable, Mutable) -> true
+ | (_, _) -> false
+ let eq_virtual_flag : (virtual_flag * virtual_flag) -> 'result =
+ function
+ | (Virtual, Virtual) -> true
+ | (Concrete, Concrete) -> true
+ | (_, _) -> false
+ let eq_override_flag : (override_flag * override_flag) -> 'result =
+ function
+ | (Override, Override) -> true
+ | (Fresh, Fresh) -> true
+ | (_, _) -> false
+ let eq_closed_flag : (closed_flag * closed_flag) -> 'result =
+ function
+ | (Closed, Closed) -> true
+ | (Open, Open) -> true
+ | (_, _) -> false
+ let eq_label : (label * label) -> 'result =
+ fun (a0, a1) -> eq_string (a0, a1)
+ let eq_loc :
+ 'all_a0.
+ (('all_a0 * 'all_a0) -> 'result) ->
+ (('all_a0 loc) * ('all_a0 loc)) -> 'result =
+ fun mf_a ({ txt = a0; loc = a1 }, { txt = b0; loc = b1 }) ->
+ (mf_a (a0, b0)) && (Location.eq_t (a1, b1))
+let rec eq_row_field : (row_field * row_field) -> 'result =
+ function
+ | (Rtag (a0, a1, a2), Rtag (b0, b1, b2)) ->
+ ((Asttypes.eq_label (a0, b0)) && (eq_bool (a1, b1))) &&
+ (eq_list eq_core_type (a2, b2))
+ | (Rinherit a0, Rinherit b0) -> eq_core_type (a0, b0)
+ | (_, _) -> false
+and eq_core_field_desc :
+ (core_field_desc * core_field_desc) -> 'result =
+ function
+ | (Pfield (a0, a1), Pfield (b0, b1)) ->
+ (eq_string (a0, b0)) && (eq_core_type (a1, b1))
+ | (Pfield_var, Pfield_var) -> true
+ | (_, _) -> false
+and eq_core_field_type :
+ (core_field_type * core_field_type) -> 'result =
+ fun
+ ({ pfield_desc = a0; pfield_loc = a1 },
+ { pfield_desc = b0; pfield_loc = b1 })
+ -> (eq_core_field_desc (a0, b0)) && (Location.eq_t (a1, b1))
+and eq_package_type : (package_type * package_type) -> 'result =
+ fun (a0, a1) ->
+ (fun ((a0, a1), (b0, b1)) ->
+ (Asttypes.eq_loc Longident.eq_t (a0, b0)) &&
+ (eq_list
+ (fun ((a0, a1), (b0, b1)) ->
+ (Asttypes.eq_loc Longident.eq_t (a0, b0)) &&
+ (eq_core_type (a1, b1)))
+ (a1, b1)))
+ (a0, a1)
+and eq_core_type_desc :
+ (core_type_desc * core_type_desc) -> 'result =
+ function
+ | (Ptyp_any, Ptyp_any) -> true
+ | (Ptyp_var a0, Ptyp_var b0) -> eq_string (a0, b0)
+ | (Ptyp_arrow (a0, a1, a2), Ptyp_arrow (b0, b1, b2)) ->
+ ((Asttypes.eq_label (a0, b0)) && (eq_core_type (a1, b1))) &&
+ (eq_core_type (a2, b2))
+ | (Ptyp_tuple a0, Ptyp_tuple b0) -> eq_list eq_core_type (a0, b0)
+ | (Ptyp_constr (a0, a1), Ptyp_constr (b0, b1)) ->
+ (Asttypes.eq_loc Longident.eq_t (a0, b0)) &&
+ (eq_list eq_core_type (a1, b1))
+ | (Ptyp_object a0, Ptyp_object b0) ->
+ eq_list eq_core_field_type (a0, b0)
+ | (Ptyp_class (a0, a1, a2), Ptyp_class (b0, b1, b2)) ->
+ ((Asttypes.eq_loc Longident.eq_t (a0, b0)) &&
+ (eq_list eq_core_type (a1, b1)))
+ && (eq_list Asttypes.eq_label (a2, b2))
+ | (Ptyp_alias (a0, a1), Ptyp_alias (b0, b1)) ->
+ (eq_core_type (a0, b0)) && (eq_string (a1, b1))
+ | (Ptyp_variant (a0, a1, a2), Ptyp_variant (b0, b1, b2)) ->
+ ((eq_list eq_row_field (a0, b0)) && (eq_bool (a1, b1))) &&
+ (eq_option (eq_list Asttypes.eq_label) (a2, b2))
+ | (Ptyp_poly (a0, a1), Ptyp_poly (b0, b1)) ->
+ (eq_list eq_string (a0, b0)) && (eq_core_type (a1, b1))
+ | (Ptyp_package a0, Ptyp_package b0) -> eq_package_type (a0, b0)
+ | (_, _) -> false
+and eq_core_type : (core_type * core_type) -> 'result =
+ fun
+ ({ ptyp_desc = a0; ptyp_loc = a1 },
+ { ptyp_desc = b0; ptyp_loc = b1 })
+ -> (eq_core_type_desc (a0, b0)) && (Location.eq_t (a1, b1))
+let eq_class_infos :
+ 'all_a0.
+ (('all_a0 * 'all_a0) -> 'result) ->
+ (('all_a0 class_infos) * ('all_a0 class_infos)) -> 'result =
+ fun mf_a
+ ({
+ pci_virt = a0;
+ pci_params = a1;
+ pci_name = a2;
+ pci_expr = a3;
+ pci_variance = a4;
+ pci_loc = a5
+ },
+ {
+ pci_virt = b0;
+ pci_params = b1;
+ pci_name = b2;
+ pci_expr = b3;
+ pci_variance = b4;
+ pci_loc = b5
+ })
+ ->
+ (((((Asttypes.eq_virtual_flag (a0, b0)) &&
+ ((fun ((a0, a1), (b0, b1)) ->
+ (eq_list (Asttypes.eq_loc eq_string) (a0, b0)) &&
+ (Location.eq_t (a1, b1)))
+ (a1, b1)))
+ && (Asttypes.eq_loc eq_string (a2, b2)))
+ && (mf_a (a3, b3)))
+ &&
+ (eq_list
+ (fun ((a0, a1), (b0, b1)) ->
+ (eq_bool (a0, b0)) && (eq_bool (a1, b1)))
+ (a4, b4)))
+ && (Location.eq_t (a5, b5))
+let rec eq_pattern_desc : (pattern_desc * pattern_desc) -> 'result =
+ function
+ | (Ppat_any, Ppat_any) -> true
+ | (Ppat_var a0, Ppat_var b0) -> Asttypes.eq_loc eq_string (a0, b0)
+ | (Ppat_alias (a0, a1), Ppat_alias (b0, b1)) ->
+ (eq_pattern (a0, b0)) && (Asttypes.eq_loc eq_string (a1, b1))
+ | (Ppat_constant a0, Ppat_constant b0) ->
+ Asttypes.eq_constant (a0, b0)
+ | (Ppat_tuple a0, Ppat_tuple b0) -> eq_list eq_pattern (a0, b0)
+ | (Ppat_construct (a0, a1, a2), Ppat_construct (b0, b1, b2)) ->
+ ((Asttypes.eq_loc Longident.eq_t (a0, b0)) &&
+ (eq_option eq_pattern (a1, b1)))
+ && (eq_bool (a2, b2))
+ | (Ppat_variant (a0, a1), Ppat_variant (b0, b1)) ->
+ (Asttypes.eq_label (a0, b0)) && (eq_option eq_pattern (a1, b1))
+ | (Ppat_record (a0, a1), Ppat_record (b0, b1)) ->
+ (eq_list
+ (fun ((a0, a1), (b0, b1)) ->
+ (Asttypes.eq_loc Longident.eq_t (a0, b0)) &&
+ (eq_pattern (a1, b1)))
+ (a0, b0))
+ && (Asttypes.eq_closed_flag (a1, b1))
+ | (Ppat_array a0, Ppat_array b0) -> eq_list eq_pattern (a0, b0)
+ | (Ppat_or (a0, a1), Ppat_or (b0, b1)) ->
+ (eq_pattern (a0, b0)) && (eq_pattern (a1, b1))
+ | (Ppat_constraint (a0, a1), Ppat_constraint (b0, b1)) ->
+ (eq_pattern (a0, b0)) && (eq_core_type (a1, b1))
+ | (Ppat_type a0, Ppat_type b0) ->
+ Asttypes.eq_loc Longident.eq_t (a0, b0)
+ | (Ppat_lazy a0, Ppat_lazy b0) -> eq_pattern (a0, b0)
+ | (Ppat_unpack a0, Ppat_unpack b0) ->
+ Asttypes.eq_loc eq_string (a0, b0)
+ | (_, _) -> false
+and eq_pattern : (pattern * pattern) -> 'result =
+ fun
+ ({ ppat_desc = a0; ppat_loc = a1 },
+ { ppat_desc = b0; ppat_loc = b1 })
+ -> (eq_pattern_desc (a0, b0)) && (Location.eq_t (a1, b1))
+let rec eq_structure_item_desc :
+ (structure_item_desc * structure_item_desc) -> 'result =
+ function
+ | (Pstr_eval a0, Pstr_eval b0) -> eq_expression (a0, b0)
+ | (Pstr_value (a0, a1), Pstr_value (b0, b1)) ->
+ (Asttypes.eq_rec_flag (a0, b0)) &&
+ (eq_list
+ (fun ((a0, a1), (b0, b1)) ->
+ (eq_pattern (a0, b0)) && (eq_expression (a1, b1)))
+ (a1, b1))
+ | (Pstr_primitive (a0, a1), Pstr_primitive (b0, b1)) ->
+ (Asttypes.eq_loc eq_string (a0, b0)) &&
+ (eq_value_description (a1, b1))
+ | (Pstr_type a0, Pstr_type b0) ->
+ eq_list
+ (fun ((a0, a1), (b0, b1)) ->
+ (Asttypes.eq_loc eq_string (a0, b0)) &&
+ (eq_type_declaration (a1, b1)))
+ (a0, b0)
+ | (Pstr_exception (a0, a1), Pstr_exception (b0, b1)) ->
+ (Asttypes.eq_loc eq_string (a0, b0)) &&
+ (eq_exception_declaration (a1, b1))
+ | (Pstr_exn_rebind (a0, a1), Pstr_exn_rebind (b0, b1)) ->
+ (Asttypes.eq_loc eq_string (a0, b0)) &&
+ (Asttypes.eq_loc Longident.eq_t (a1, b1))
+ | (Pstr_module (a0, a1), Pstr_module (b0, b1)) ->
+ (Asttypes.eq_loc eq_string (a0, b0)) &&
+ (eq_module_expr (a1, b1))
+ | (Pstr_recmodule a0, Pstr_recmodule b0) ->
+ eq_list
+ (fun ((a0, a1, a2), (b0, b1, b2)) ->
+ ((Asttypes.eq_loc eq_string (a0, b0)) &&
+ (eq_module_type (a1, b1)))
+ && (eq_module_expr (a2, b2)))
+ (a0, b0)
+ | (Pstr_modtype (a0, a1), Pstr_modtype (b0, b1)) ->
+ (Asttypes.eq_loc eq_string (a0, b0)) &&
+ (eq_module_type (a1, b1))
+ | (Pstr_open a0, Pstr_open b0) ->
+ Asttypes.eq_loc Longident.eq_t (a0, b0)
+ | (Pstr_class a0, Pstr_class b0) ->
+ eq_list eq_class_declaration (a0, b0)
+ | (Pstr_class_type a0, Pstr_class_type b0) ->
+ eq_list eq_class_type_declaration (a0, b0)
+ | (Pstr_include a0, Pstr_include b0) -> eq_module_expr (a0, b0)
+ | (_, _) -> false
+and eq_structure_item :
+ (structure_item * structure_item) -> 'result =
+ fun
+ ({ pstr_desc = a0; pstr_loc = a1 },
+ { pstr_desc = b0; pstr_loc = b1 })
+ -> (eq_structure_item_desc (a0, b0)) && (Location.eq_t (a1, b1))
+and eq_structure : (structure * structure) -> 'result =
+ fun (a0, a1) -> eq_list eq_structure_item (a0, a1)
+and eq_module_expr_desc :
+ (module_expr_desc * module_expr_desc) -> 'result =
+ function
+ | (Pmod_ident a0, Pmod_ident b0) ->
+ Asttypes.eq_loc Longident.eq_t (a0, b0)
+ | (Pmod_structure a0, Pmod_structure b0) -> eq_structure (a0, b0)
+ | (Pmod_functor (a0, a1, a2), Pmod_functor (b0, b1, b2)) ->
+ ((Asttypes.eq_loc eq_string (a0, b0)) &&
+ (eq_module_type (a1, b1)))
+ && (eq_module_expr (a2, b2))
+ | (Pmod_apply (a0, a1), Pmod_apply (b0, b1)) ->
+ (eq_module_expr (a0, b0)) && (eq_module_expr (a1, b1))
+ | (Pmod_constraint (a0, a1), Pmod_constraint (b0, b1)) ->
+ (eq_module_expr (a0, b0)) && (eq_module_type (a1, b1))
+ | (Pmod_unpack a0, Pmod_unpack b0) -> eq_expression (a0, b0)
+ | (_, _) -> false
+and eq_module_expr : (module_expr * module_expr) -> 'result =
+ fun
+ ({ pmod_desc = a0; pmod_loc = a1 },
+ { pmod_desc = b0; pmod_loc = b1 })
+ -> (eq_module_expr_desc (a0, b0)) && (Location.eq_t (a1, b1))
+and eq_with_constraint :
+ (with_constraint * with_constraint) -> 'result =
+ function
+ | (Pwith_type a0, Pwith_type b0) -> eq_type_declaration (a0, b0)
+ | (Pwith_module a0, Pwith_module b0) ->
+ Asttypes.eq_loc Longident.eq_t (a0, b0)
+ | (Pwith_typesubst a0, Pwith_typesubst b0) ->
+ eq_type_declaration (a0, b0)
+ | (Pwith_modsubst a0, Pwith_modsubst b0) ->
+ Asttypes.eq_loc Longident.eq_t (a0, b0)
+ | (_, _) -> false
+and eq_modtype_declaration :
+ (modtype_declaration * modtype_declaration) -> 'result =
+ function
+ | (Pmodtype_abstract, Pmodtype_abstract) -> true
+ | (Pmodtype_manifest a0, Pmodtype_manifest b0) ->
+ eq_module_type (a0, b0)
+ | (_, _) -> false
+and eq_signature_item_desc :
+ (signature_item_desc * signature_item_desc) -> 'result =
+ function
+ | (Psig_value (a0, a1), Psig_value (b0, b1)) ->
+ (Asttypes.eq_loc eq_string (a0, b0)) &&
+ (eq_value_description (a1, b1))
+ | (Psig_type a0, Psig_type b0) ->
+ eq_list
+ (fun ((a0, a1), (b0, b1)) ->
+ (Asttypes.eq_loc eq_string (a0, b0)) &&
+ (eq_type_declaration (a1, b1)))
+ (a0, b0)
+ | (Psig_exception (a0, a1), Psig_exception (b0, b1)) ->
+ (Asttypes.eq_loc eq_string (a0, b0)) &&
+ (eq_exception_declaration (a1, b1))
+ | (Psig_module (a0, a1), Psig_module (b0, b1)) ->
+ (Asttypes.eq_loc eq_string (a0, b0)) &&
+ (eq_module_type (a1, b1))
+ | (Psig_recmodule a0, Psig_recmodule b0) ->
+ eq_list
+ (fun ((a0, a1), (b0, b1)) ->
+ (Asttypes.eq_loc eq_string (a0, b0)) &&
+ (eq_module_type (a1, b1)))
+ (a0, b0)
+ | (Psig_modtype (a0, a1), Psig_modtype (b0, b1)) ->
+ (Asttypes.eq_loc eq_string (a0, b0)) &&
+ (eq_modtype_declaration (a1, b1))
+ | (Psig_open a0, Psig_open b0) ->
+ Asttypes.eq_loc Longident.eq_t (a0, b0)
+ | (Psig_include a0, Psig_include b0) -> eq_module_type (a0, b0)
+ | (Psig_class a0, Psig_class b0) ->
+ eq_list eq_class_description (a0, b0)
+ | (Psig_class_type a0, Psig_class_type b0) ->
+ eq_list eq_class_type_declaration (a0, b0)
+ | (_, _) -> false
+and eq_signature_item :
+ (signature_item * signature_item) -> 'result =
+ fun
+ ({ psig_desc = a0; psig_loc = a1 },
+ { psig_desc = b0; psig_loc = b1 })
+ -> (eq_signature_item_desc (a0, b0)) && (Location.eq_t (a1, b1))
+and eq_signature : (signature * signature) -> 'result =
+ fun (a0, a1) -> eq_list eq_signature_item (a0, a1)
+and eq_module_type_desc :
+ (module_type_desc * module_type_desc) -> 'result =
+ function
+ | (Pmty_ident a0, Pmty_ident b0) ->
+ Asttypes.eq_loc Longident.eq_t (a0, b0)
+ | (Pmty_signature a0, Pmty_signature b0) -> eq_signature (a0, b0)
+ | (Pmty_functor (a0, a1, a2), Pmty_functor (b0, b1, b2)) ->
+ ((Asttypes.eq_loc eq_string (a0, b0)) &&
+ (eq_module_type (a1, b1)))
+ && (eq_module_type (a2, b2))
+ | (Pmty_with (a0, a1), Pmty_with (b0, b1)) ->
+ (eq_module_type (a0, b0)) &&
+ (eq_list
+ (fun ((a0, a1), (b0, b1)) ->
+ (Asttypes.eq_loc Longident.eq_t (a0, b0)) &&
+ (eq_with_constraint (a1, b1)))
+ (a1, b1))
+ | (Pmty_typeof a0, Pmty_typeof b0) -> eq_module_expr (a0, b0)
+ | (_, _) -> false
+and eq_module_type : (module_type * module_type) -> 'result =
+ fun
+ ({ pmty_desc = a0; pmty_loc = a1 },
+ { pmty_desc = b0; pmty_loc = b1 })
+ -> (eq_module_type_desc (a0, b0)) && (Location.eq_t (a1, b1))
+and eq_class_declaration :
+ (class_declaration * class_declaration) -> 'result =
+ fun (a0, a1) -> eq_class_infos eq_class_expr (a0, a1)
+and eq_class_field_desc :
+ (class_field_desc * class_field_desc) -> 'result =
+ function
+ | (Pcf_inher (a0, a1, a2), Pcf_inher (b0, b1, b2)) ->
+ ((Asttypes.eq_override_flag (a0, b0)) &&
+ (eq_class_expr (a1, b1)))
+ && (eq_option eq_string (a2, b2))
+ | (Pcf_valvirt a0, Pcf_valvirt b0) ->
+ (fun ((a0, a1, a2), (b0, b1, b2)) ->
+ ((Asttypes.eq_loc eq_string (a0, b0)) &&
+ (Asttypes.eq_mutable_flag (a1, b1)))
+ && (eq_core_type (a2, b2)))
+ (a0, b0)
+ | (Pcf_val a0, Pcf_val b0) ->
+ (fun ((a0, a1, a2, a3), (b0, b1, b2, b3)) ->
+ (((Asttypes.eq_loc eq_string (a0, b0)) &&
+ (Asttypes.eq_mutable_flag (a1, b1)))
+ && (Asttypes.eq_override_flag (a2, b2)))
+ && (eq_expression (a3, b3)))
+ (a0, b0)
+ | (Pcf_virt a0, Pcf_virt b0) ->
+ (fun ((a0, a1, a2), (b0, b1, b2)) ->
+ ((Asttypes.eq_loc eq_string (a0, b0)) &&
+ (Asttypes.eq_private_flag (a1, b1)))
+ && (eq_core_type (a2, b2)))
+ (a0, b0)
+ | (Pcf_meth a0, Pcf_meth b0) ->
+ (fun ((a0, a1, a2, a3), (b0, b1, b2, b3)) ->
+ (((Asttypes.eq_loc eq_string (a0, b0)) &&
+ (Asttypes.eq_private_flag (a1, b1)))
+ && (Asttypes.eq_override_flag (a2, b2)))
+ && (eq_expression (a3, b3)))
+ (a0, b0)
+ | (Pcf_constr a0, Pcf_constr b0) ->
+ (fun ((a0, a1), (b0, b1)) ->
+ (eq_core_type (a0, b0)) && (eq_core_type (a1, b1)))
+ (a0, b0)
+ | (Pcf_init a0, Pcf_init b0) -> eq_expression (a0, b0)
+ | (_, _) -> false
+and eq_class_field : (class_field * class_field) -> 'result =
+ fun
+ ({ pcf_desc = a0; pcf_loc = a1 }, { pcf_desc = b0; pcf_loc = b1
+ })
+ -> (eq_class_field_desc (a0, b0)) && (Location.eq_t (a1, b1))
+and eq_class_structure :
+ (class_structure * class_structure) -> 'result =
+ fun
+ ({ pcstr_pat = a0; pcstr_fields = a1 },
+ { pcstr_pat = b0; pcstr_fields = b1 })
+ -> (eq_pattern (a0, b0)) && (eq_list eq_class_field (a1, b1))
+and eq_class_expr_desc :
+ (class_expr_desc * class_expr_desc) -> 'result =
+ function
+ | (Pcl_constr (a0, a1), Pcl_constr (b0, b1)) ->
+ (Asttypes.eq_loc Longident.eq_t (a0, b0)) &&
+ (eq_list eq_core_type (a1, b1))
+ | (Pcl_structure a0, Pcl_structure b0) ->
+ eq_class_structure (a0, b0)
+ | (Pcl_fun (a0, a1, a2, a3), Pcl_fun (b0, b1, b2, b3)) ->
+ (((Asttypes.eq_label (a0, b0)) &&
+ (eq_option eq_expression (a1, b1)))
+ && (eq_pattern (a2, b2)))
+ && (eq_class_expr (a3, b3))
+ | (Pcl_apply (a0, a1), Pcl_apply (b0, b1)) ->
+ (eq_class_expr (a0, b0)) &&
+ (eq_list
+ (fun ((a0, a1), (b0, b1)) ->
+ (Asttypes.eq_label (a0, b0)) &&
+ (eq_expression (a1, b1)))
+ (a1, b1))
+ | (Pcl_let (a0, a1, a2), Pcl_let (b0, b1, b2)) ->
+ ((Asttypes.eq_rec_flag (a0, b0)) &&
+ (eq_list
+ (fun ((a0, a1), (b0, b1)) ->
+ (eq_pattern (a0, b0)) && (eq_expression (a1, b1)))
+ (a1, b1)))
+ && (eq_class_expr (a2, b2))
+ | (Pcl_constraint (a0, a1), Pcl_constraint (b0, b1)) ->
+ (eq_class_expr (a0, b0)) && (eq_class_type (a1, b1))
+ | (_, _) -> false
+and eq_class_expr : (class_expr * class_expr) -> 'result =
+ fun
+ ({ pcl_desc = a0; pcl_loc = a1 }, { pcl_desc = b0; pcl_loc = b1
+ })
+ -> (eq_class_expr_desc (a0, b0)) && (Location.eq_t (a1, b1))
+and eq_class_type_declaration :
+ (class_type_declaration * class_type_declaration) -> 'result =
+ fun (a0, a1) -> eq_class_infos eq_class_type (a0, a1)
+and eq_class_description :
+ (class_description * class_description) -> 'result =
+ fun (a0, a1) -> eq_class_infos eq_class_type (a0, a1)
+and eq_class_type_field_desc :
+ (class_type_field_desc * class_type_field_desc) -> 'result =
+ function
+ | (Pctf_inher a0, Pctf_inher b0) -> eq_class_type (a0, b0)
+ | (Pctf_val a0, Pctf_val b0) ->
+ (fun ((a0, a1, a2, a3), (b0, b1, b2, b3)) ->
+ (((eq_string (a0, b0)) &&
+ (Asttypes.eq_mutable_flag (a1, b1)))
+ && (Asttypes.eq_virtual_flag (a2, b2)))
+ && (eq_core_type (a3, b3)))
+ (a0, b0)
+ | (Pctf_virt a0, Pctf_virt b0) ->
+ (fun ((a0, a1, a2), (b0, b1, b2)) ->
+ ((eq_string (a0, b0)) && (Asttypes.eq_private_flag (a1, b1)))
+ && (eq_core_type (a2, b2)))
+ (a0, b0)
+ | (Pctf_meth a0, Pctf_meth b0) ->
+ (fun ((a0, a1, a2), (b0, b1, b2)) ->
+ ((eq_string (a0, b0)) && (Asttypes.eq_private_flag (a1, b1)))
+ && (eq_core_type (a2, b2)))
+ (a0, b0)
+ | (Pctf_cstr a0, Pctf_cstr b0) ->
+ (fun ((a0, a1), (b0, b1)) ->
+ (eq_core_type (a0, b0)) && (eq_core_type (a1, b1)))
+ (a0, b0)
+ | (_, _) -> false
+and eq_class_type_field :
+ (class_type_field * class_type_field) -> 'result =
+ fun
+ ({ pctf_desc = a0; pctf_loc = a1 },
+ { pctf_desc = b0; pctf_loc = b1 })
+ ->
+ (eq_class_type_field_desc (a0, b0)) && (Location.eq_t (a1, b1))
+and eq_class_signature :
+ (class_signature * class_signature) -> 'result =
+ fun
+ ({ pcsig_self = a0; pcsig_fields = a1; pcsig_loc = a2 },
+ { pcsig_self = b0; pcsig_fields = b1; pcsig_loc = b2 })
+ ->
+ ((eq_core_type (a0, b0)) &&
+ (eq_list eq_class_type_field (a1, b1)))
+ && (Location.eq_t (a2, b2))
+and eq_class_type_desc :
+ (class_type_desc * class_type_desc) -> 'result =
+ function
+ | (Pcty_constr (a0, a1), Pcty_constr (b0, b1)) ->
+ (Asttypes.eq_loc Longident.eq_t (a0, b0)) &&
+ (eq_list eq_core_type (a1, b1))
+ | (Pcty_signature a0, Pcty_signature b0) ->
+ eq_class_signature (a0, b0)
+ | (Pcty_fun (a0, a1, a2), Pcty_fun (b0, b1, b2)) ->
+ ((Asttypes.eq_label (a0, b0)) && (eq_core_type (a1, b1))) &&
+ (eq_class_type (a2, b2))
+ | (_, _) -> false
+and eq_class_type : (class_type * class_type) -> 'result =
+ fun
+ ({ pcty_desc = a0; pcty_loc = a1 },
+ { pcty_desc = b0; pcty_loc = b1 })
+ -> (eq_class_type_desc (a0, b0)) && (Location.eq_t (a1, b1))
+and eq_exception_declaration :
+ (exception_declaration * exception_declaration) -> 'result =
+ fun (a0, a1) -> eq_list eq_core_type (a0, a1)
+and eq_type_kind : (type_kind * type_kind) -> 'result =
+ function
+ | (Ptype_abstract, Ptype_abstract) -> true
+ | (Ptype_variant a0, Ptype_variant b0) ->
+ eq_list
+ (fun ((a0, a1, a2, a3), (b0, b1, b2, b3)) ->
+ (((Asttypes.eq_loc eq_string (a0, b0)) &&
+ (eq_list eq_core_type (a1, b1)))
+ && (eq_option eq_core_type (a2, b2)))
+ && (Location.eq_t (a3, b3)))
+ (a0, b0)
+ | (Ptype_record a0, Ptype_record b0) ->
+ eq_list
+ (fun ((a0, a1, a2, a3), (b0, b1, b2, b3)) ->
+ (((Asttypes.eq_loc eq_string (a0, b0)) &&
+ (Asttypes.eq_mutable_flag (a1, b1)))
+ && (eq_core_type (a2, b2)))
+ && (Location.eq_t (a3, b3)))
+ (a0, b0)
+ | (_, _) -> false
+and eq_type_declaration :
+ (type_declaration * type_declaration) -> 'result =
+ fun
+ ({
+ ptype_params = a0;
+ ptype_cstrs = a1;
+ ptype_kind = a2;
+ ptype_private = a3;
+ ptype_manifest = a4;
+ ptype_variance = a5;
+ ptype_loc = a6
+ },
+ {
+ ptype_params = b0;
+ ptype_cstrs = b1;
+ ptype_kind = b2;
+ ptype_private = b3;
+ ptype_manifest = b4;
+ ptype_variance = b5;
+ ptype_loc = b6
+ })
+ ->
+ ((((((eq_list (eq_option (Asttypes.eq_loc eq_string)) (a0, b0))
+ &&
+ (eq_list
+ (fun ((a0, a1, a2), (b0, b1, b2)) ->
+ ((eq_core_type (a0, b0)) && (eq_core_type (a1, b1)))
+ && (Location.eq_t (a2, b2)))
+ (a1, b1)))
+ && (eq_type_kind (a2, b2)))
+ && (Asttypes.eq_private_flag (a3, b3)))
+ && (eq_option eq_core_type (a4, b4)))
+ &&
+ (eq_list
+ (fun ((a0, a1), (b0, b1)) ->
+ (eq_bool (a0, b0)) && (eq_bool (a1, b1)))
+ (a5, b5)))
+ && (Location.eq_t (a6, b6))
+and eq_value_description :
+ (value_description * value_description) -> 'result =
+ fun
+ ({ pval_type = a0; pval_prim = a1; pval_loc = a2 },
+ { pval_type = b0; pval_prim = b1; pval_loc = b2 })
+ ->
+ ((eq_core_type (a0, b0)) && (eq_list eq_string (a1, b1))) &&
+ (Location.eq_t (a2, b2))
+and eq_expression_desc :
+ (expression_desc * expression_desc) -> 'result =
+ function
+ | (Pexp_ident a0, Pexp_ident b0) ->
+ Asttypes.eq_loc Longident.eq_t (a0, b0)
+ | (Pexp_constant a0, Pexp_constant b0) ->
+ Asttypes.eq_constant (a0, b0)
+ | (Pexp_let (a0, a1, a2), Pexp_let (b0, b1, b2)) ->
+ ((Asttypes.eq_rec_flag (a0, b0)) &&
+ (eq_list
+ (fun ((a0, a1), (b0, b1)) ->
+ (eq_pattern (a0, b0)) && (eq_expression (a1, b1)))
+ (a1, b1)))
+ && (eq_expression (a2, b2))
+ | (Pexp_function (a0, a1, a2), Pexp_function (b0, b1, b2)) ->
+ ((Asttypes.eq_label (a0, b0)) &&
+ (eq_option eq_expression (a1, b1)))
+ &&
+ (eq_list
+ (fun ((a0, a1), (b0, b1)) ->
+ (eq_pattern (a0, b0)) && (eq_expression (a1, b1)))
+ (a2, b2))
+ | (Pexp_apply (a0, a1), Pexp_apply (b0, b1)) ->
+ (eq_expression (a0, b0)) &&
+ (eq_list
+ (fun ((a0, a1), (b0, b1)) ->
+ (Asttypes.eq_label (a0, b0)) &&
+ (eq_expression (a1, b1)))
+ (a1, b1))
+ | (Pexp_match (a0, a1), Pexp_match (b0, b1)) ->
+ (eq_expression (a0, b0)) &&
+ (eq_list
+ (fun ((a0, a1), (b0, b1)) ->
+ (eq_pattern (a0, b0)) && (eq_expression (a1, b1)))
+ (a1, b1))
+ | (Pexp_try (a0, a1), Pexp_try (b0, b1)) ->
+ (eq_expression (a0, b0)) &&
+ (eq_list
+ (fun ((a0, a1), (b0, b1)) ->
+ (eq_pattern (a0, b0)) && (eq_expression (a1, b1)))
+ (a1, b1))
+ | (Pexp_tuple a0, Pexp_tuple b0) -> eq_list eq_expression (a0, b0)
+ | (Pexp_construct (a0, a1, a2), Pexp_construct (b0, b1, b2)) ->
+ ((Asttypes.eq_loc Longident.eq_t (a0, b0)) &&
+ (eq_option eq_expression (a1, b1)))
+ && (eq_bool (a2, b2))
+ | (Pexp_variant (a0, a1), Pexp_variant (b0, b1)) ->
+ (Asttypes.eq_label (a0, b0)) &&
+ (eq_option eq_expression (a1, b1))
+ | (Pexp_record (a0, a1), Pexp_record (b0, b1)) ->
+ (eq_list
+ (fun ((a0, a1), (b0, b1)) ->
+ (Asttypes.eq_loc Longident.eq_t (a0, b0)) &&
+ (eq_expression (a1, b1)))
+ (a0, b0))
+ && (eq_option eq_expression (a1, b1))
+ | (Pexp_field (a0, a1), Pexp_field (b0, b1)) ->
+ (eq_expression (a0, b0)) &&
+ (Asttypes.eq_loc Longident.eq_t (a1, b1))
+ | (Pexp_setfield (a0, a1, a2), Pexp_setfield (b0, b1, b2)) ->
+ ((eq_expression (a0, b0)) &&
+ (Asttypes.eq_loc Longident.eq_t (a1, b1)))
+ && (eq_expression (a2, b2))
+ | (Pexp_array a0, Pexp_array b0) -> eq_list eq_expression (a0, b0)
+ | (Pexp_ifthenelse (a0, a1, a2), Pexp_ifthenelse (b0, b1, b2)) ->
+ ((eq_expression (a0, b0)) && (eq_expression (a1, b1))) &&
+ (eq_option eq_expression (a2, b2))
+ | (Pexp_sequence (a0, a1), Pexp_sequence (b0, b1)) ->
+ (eq_expression (a0, b0)) && (eq_expression (a1, b1))
+ | (Pexp_while (a0, a1), Pexp_while (b0, b1)) ->
+ (eq_expression (a0, b0)) && (eq_expression (a1, b1))
+ | (Pexp_for (a0, a1, a2, a3, a4), Pexp_for (b0, b1, b2, b3, b4)) ->
+ ((((Asttypes.eq_loc eq_string (a0, b0)) &&
+ (eq_expression (a1, b1)))
+ && (eq_expression (a2, b2)))
+ && (Asttypes.eq_direction_flag (a3, b3)))
+ && (eq_expression (a4, b4))
+ | (Pexp_constraint (a0, a1, a2), Pexp_constraint (b0, b1, b2)) ->
+ ((eq_expression (a0, b0)) && (eq_option eq_core_type (a1, b1)))
+ && (eq_option eq_core_type (a2, b2))
+ | (Pexp_when (a0, a1), Pexp_when (b0, b1)) ->
+ (eq_expression (a0, b0)) && (eq_expression (a1, b1))
+ | (Pexp_send (a0, a1), Pexp_send (b0, b1)) ->
+ (eq_expression (a0, b0)) && (eq_string (a1, b1))
+ | (Pexp_new a0, Pexp_new b0) ->
+ Asttypes.eq_loc Longident.eq_t (a0, b0)
+ | (Pexp_setinstvar (a0, a1), Pexp_setinstvar (b0, b1)) ->
+ (Asttypes.eq_loc eq_string (a0, b0)) &&
+ (eq_expression (a1, b1))
+ | (Pexp_override a0, Pexp_override b0) ->
+ eq_list
+ (fun ((a0, a1), (b0, b1)) ->
+ (Asttypes.eq_loc eq_string (a0, b0)) &&
+ (eq_expression (a1, b1)))
+ (a0, b0)
+ | (Pexp_letmodule (a0, a1, a2), Pexp_letmodule (b0, b1, b2)) ->
+ ((Asttypes.eq_loc eq_string (a0, b0)) &&
+ (eq_module_expr (a1, b1)))
+ && (eq_expression (a2, b2))
+ | (Pexp_assert a0, Pexp_assert b0) -> eq_expression (a0, b0)
+ | (Pexp_assertfalse, Pexp_assertfalse) -> true
+ | (Pexp_lazy a0, Pexp_lazy b0) -> eq_expression (a0, b0)
+ | (Pexp_poly (a0, a1), Pexp_poly (b0, b1)) ->
+ (eq_expression (a0, b0)) && (eq_option eq_core_type (a1, b1))
+ | (Pexp_object a0, Pexp_object b0) -> eq_class_structure (a0, b0)
+ | (Pexp_newtype (a0, a1), Pexp_newtype (b0, b1)) ->
+ (eq_string (a0, b0)) && (eq_expression (a1, b1))
+ | (Pexp_pack a0, Pexp_pack b0) -> eq_module_expr (a0, b0)
+ | (Pexp_open (a0, a1), Pexp_open (b0, b1)) ->
+ (Asttypes.eq_loc Longident.eq_t (a0, b0)) &&
+ (eq_expression (a1, b1))
+ | (_, _) -> false
+and eq_expression : (expression * expression) -> 'result =
+ fun
+ ({ pexp_desc = a0; pexp_loc = a1 },
+ { pexp_desc = b0; pexp_loc = b1 })
+ -> (eq_expression_desc (a0, b0)) && (Location.eq_t (a1, b1))
+let rec eq_directive_argument :
+ (directive_argument * directive_argument) -> 'result =
+ function
+ | (Pdir_none, Pdir_none) -> true
+ | (Pdir_string a0, Pdir_string b0) -> eq_string (a0, b0)
+ | (Pdir_int a0, Pdir_int b0) -> eq_int (a0, b0)
+ | (Pdir_ident a0, Pdir_ident b0) -> Longident.eq_t (a0, b0)
+ | (Pdir_bool a0, Pdir_bool b0) -> eq_bool (a0, b0)
+ | (_, _) -> false
+and eq_toplevel_phrase :
+ (toplevel_phrase * toplevel_phrase) -> 'result =
+ function
+ | (Ptop_def a0, Ptop_def b0) -> eq_structure (a0, b0)
+ | (Ptop_dir (a0, a1), Ptop_dir (b0, b1)) ->
+ (eq_string (a0, b0)) && (eq_directive_argument (a1, b1))
+ | (_, _) -> false