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authorJacques Garrigue <garrigue at>2003-07-03 10:00:53 +0000
committerJacques Garrigue <garrigue at>2003-07-03 10:00:53 +0000
commit705e980c2b40025b67c98c15c1db191cbe89973c (patch)
parent8df11a4cf7ab3b4c0c9a793312987bfc516d97a4 (diff)
reprend la definition de Xavier pour partager le code de check_recursion
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
1 files changed, 64 insertions, 119 deletions
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 9b1b9c2fc..46a437164 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -283,67 +283,71 @@ let check_abbrev env (_, sdecl) (id, decl) =
(* Check for ill-defined abbrevs *)
-(* Occur check *)
-let check_recursive_abbrev env (name, sdecl) (id, decl) =
- match decl.type_manifest with
- Some ty ->
- begin try
- Ctype.correct_abbrev env (Path.Pident id) decl.type_params ty
- with Ctype.Recursive_abbrev ->
- raise(Error(sdecl.ptype_loc, Recursive_abbrev name))
- end
- | _ ->
- ()
+let check_recursion env loc path decl to_check =
+ (* to_check is true for potentially mutually recursive paths.
+ (path, decl) is the type declaration to be checked. *)
-(* Recursive expansion check *)
+ let visited = ref [] in
-let rec check_expansion_rec env id args loc id_check_list visited ty =
- let ty = Ctype.repr ty in
- if List.memq ty visited then () else
- let visited = ty :: visited in
- let check_rec = check_expansion_rec env id args loc id_check_list visited in
- match ty.desc with
- | Tconstr(Path.Pident id' as path, args', _) ->
- if Ident.same id id' then begin
- if not (Ctype.equal env false args args') then
- raise (Error(loc,
- Parameters_differ(path, ty, Ctype.newconstr path args)))
- end else begin try
- let (loc, checked) = List.assoc id' id_check_list in
- if List.exists (Ctype.equal env false args') !checked then () else
- begin
- checked := args' :: !checked;
- let id_check_list = List.remove_assoc id' id_check_list in
- let (params, body) = Env.find_type_expansion path env in
- let (params, body) = Ctype.instance_parameterized_type params body in
- begin
- try List.iter2 (Ctype.unify env) params args'
- with Ctype.Unify _ -> assert false
+ let rec check_regular cpath args prev_exp ty =
+ let ty = Ctype.repr ty in
+ if not (List.memq ty !visited) then begin
+ visited := ty :: !visited;
+ match ty.desc with
+ | Tconstr(path', args', _) ->
+ if Path.same path path' then begin
+ if not (Ctype.equal env false args args') then
+ raise (Error(loc,
+ Parameters_differ(cpath, ty, Ctype.newconstr path args)))
+ end
+ (* Attempt to expand a type abbreviation if:
+ 1- it belongs to one of the recursively-defined modules
+ (otherwise its expansion cannot involve [path]);
+ 2- we haven't expanded this type constructor before
+ (otherwise we could loop if [path'] is itself
+ a non-regular abbreviation). *)
+ else if to_check path' && not (List.mem path' prev_exp) then begin
+ try
+ (* Attempt expansion *)
+ let (params, body) = Env.find_type_expansion path' env in
+ let (params, body) =
+ Ctype.instance_parameterized_type params body in
+ begin
+ try List.iter2 (Ctype.unify env) params args'
+ with Ctype.Unify _ -> assert false
+ end;
+ check_regular path' args (path' :: prev_exp) body
+ with Not_found -> ()
- check_expansion_rec env id args loc id_check_list visited body
- end
- with Not_found -> ()
- end;
- List.iter check_rec args'
- | Tpoly (ty, tl) ->
- let _, ty = Ctype.instance_poly false tl ty in
- check_rec ty
- | _ ->
- Btype.iter_type_expr check_rec ty
+ List.iter (check_regular cpath args prev_exp) args'
+ | Tpoly (ty, tl) ->
+ let (_, ty) = Ctype.instance_poly false tl ty in
+ check_regular cpath args prev_exp ty
+ | _ ->
+ Btype.iter_type_expr (check_regular cpath args prev_exp) ty
+ end in
-let check_expansion env id_loc_list (id, decl) =
- if decl.type_params = [] then () else
match decl.type_manifest with
| None -> ()
| Some body ->
+ (* Check that recursion is well-founded *)
+ begin try
+ Ctype.correct_abbrev env path decl.type_params body
+ with Ctype.Recursive_abbrev ->
+ raise(Error(loc, Recursive_abbrev ( path)))
+ end;
+ (* Check that recursion is regular *)
+ if decl.type_params = [] then () else
let (args, body) =
Ctype.instance_parameterized_type decl.type_params body in
- let id_check_list =
- (fun (id, loc) -> (id, (loc, ref []))) id_loc_list in
- check_expansion_rec env id args
- (List.assoc id id_loc_list) id_check_list [] body
+ check_regular path args [] body
+let check_abbrev_recursion env id_loc_list (id, decl) =
+ check_recursion env (List.assoc id id_loc_list) (Path.Pident id) decl
+ (function Path.Pident id -> List.mem_assoc id id_loc_list | _ -> false)
(* Compute variance *)
let compute_variance env tvl nega posi cntr ty =
let pvisited = ref TypeSet.empty
and nvisited = ref TypeSet.empty
@@ -506,8 +510,12 @@ let transl_type_decl env name_sdecl_list =
(* Generalize type declarations. *)
List.iter (fun (_, decl) -> generalize_decl decl) decls;
- (* Check for recursive abbrevs *)
- List.iter2 (check_recursive_abbrev newenv) name_sdecl_list decls;
+ (* Check for ill-formed abbrevs *)
+ let id_loc_list =
+ List.map2 (fun id (_,sdecl) -> (id, sdecl.ptype_loc))
+ id_list name_sdecl_list
+ in
+ List.iter (check_abbrev_recursion newenv id_loc_list) decls;
(* Check that all type variable are closed *)
(fun (_, sdecl) (id, decl) ->
@@ -519,15 +527,6 @@ let transl_type_decl env name_sdecl_list =
List.iter2 (check_abbrev newenv) name_sdecl_list decls;
(* Check that constraints are enforced *)
List.iter2 (check_constraints newenv) name_sdecl_list decls;
- (* Check that abbreviations have same parameters *)
- let id_loc_list =
- List.map2
- (fun id (_,sdecl) ->
- match sdecl.ptype_manifest with None -> []
- | Some {ptyp_loc=loc} -> [id, loc])
- id_list name_sdecl_list
- in
- List.iter (check_expansion newenv (List.flatten id_loc_list)) decls;
(* Add variances to the environment *)
let required = (fun (_, sdecl) -> sdecl.ptype_variance, sdecl.ptype_loc)
@@ -641,69 +640,15 @@ let approx_type_decl env name_sdecl_list =
abstract_type_decl (List.length sdecl.ptype_params)))
-(* These are variants of [check_recursive_abbrev] and [check_expansion]
- above that check the well-formedness conditions on type abbreviations
- defined within recursive modules. *)
+(* Variant of check_abbrev_recursion to check the well-formedness
+ conditions on type abbreviations defined within recursive modules. *)
let check_recmod_typedecl env loc recmod_ids path decl =
(* recmod_ids is the list of recursively-defined module idents.
(path, decl) is the type declaration to be checked. *)
- let visited = ref [] in
- let rec check_regular path args prev_exp ty =
- let ty = Ctype.repr ty in
- if not (List.memq ty !visited) then begin
- visited := ty :: !visited;
- match ty.desc with
- | Tconstr(path', args', _) ->
- if Path.same path path' then begin
- if not (Ctype.equal env false args args') then
- raise (Error(loc,
- Parameters_differ(path, ty, Ctype.newconstr path args)))
- end
- (* Attempt to expand a type abbreviation if:
- 1- it belongs to one of the recursively-defined modules
- (otherwise its expansion cannot involve [path]);
- 2- we haven't expanded this type constructor before
- (otherwise we could loop if [path'] is itself
- a non-regular abbreviation). *)
- else if List.mem (Path.head path') recmod_ids
- && not (List.mem path' prev_exp) then begin
- try
- (* Attempt expansion *)
- let (params, body) = Env.find_type_expansion path' env in
- let (params, body) =
- Ctype.instance_parameterized_type params body in
- begin
- try List.iter2 (Ctype.unify env) params args'
- with Ctype.Unify _ -> assert false
- end;
- check_regular path args (path' :: prev_exp) body
- with Not_found -> ()
- end;
- List.iter (check_regular path args prev_exp) args'
- | Tpoly (ty, tl) ->
- let (_, ty) = Ctype.instance_poly false tl ty in
- check_regular path args prev_exp ty
- | _ ->
- Btype.iter_type_expr (check_regular path args prev_exp) ty
- end in
+ check_recursion env loc path decl
+ (fun path -> List.mem (Path.head path) recmod_ids)
- match decl.type_manifest with
- None -> ()
- | Some body ->
- (* Check that recursion is well-founded *)
- begin try
- Ctype.correct_abbrev env path decl.type_params body
- with Ctype.Recursive_abbrev ->
- raise(Error(loc, Recursive_abbrev ( path)))
- end;
- (* Check that recursion is regular *)
- if decl.type_params <> [] then begin
- let (args, body) =
- Ctype.instance_parameterized_type decl.type_params body in
- check_regular path args [] body
- end
(**** Error report ****)