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authorJacques Garrigue <garrigue at>2009-05-19 08:17:02 +0000
committerJacques Garrigue <garrigue at>2009-05-19 08:17:02 +0000
commit7795eafa896b0c5b3066d5efec7ec49d69d44e4d (patch)
parenteb1922c6ab88e832e39ba3972fab619081061928 (diff)
use TypeHash for nondep_type, and add env to nondep_mty
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
2 files changed, 51 insertions, 73 deletions
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 0d2ae4d69..3eef9c9d4 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -3237,37 +3237,37 @@ let normalize_type env ty =
Variables are left unchanged. Other type nodes are duplicated, with
levels set to generic level.
- During copying, the description of a (non-variable) node is first
- replaced by a link to a stub ([Tsubst (newgenvar ())]).
- Once the copy is made, it replaces the stub.
- After copying, the description of node, which was stored by
- [save_desc], must be put back, using [cleanup_types].
+ We cannot use Tsubst here, because unification may be called by
+ expand_abbrev.
+let nondep_hash = TypeHash.create 47
+let nondep_variants = TypeHash.create 17
+let clear_hash () =
+ TypeHash.clear nondep_hash; TypeHash.clear nondep_variants
let rec nondep_type_rec env id ty =
- let ty = repr ty in
match ty.desc with
Tvar | Tunivar -> ty
- | Tsubst ty -> ty
- | _ ->
- let desc = ty.desc in
- save_desc ty desc;
+ | Tlink ty -> nondep_type_rec env id ty
+ | _ -> try TypeHash.find nondep_hash ty
+ with Not_found ->
let ty' = newgenvar () in (* Stub *)
- ty.desc <- Tsubst ty';
+ TypeHash.add nondep_hash ty ty';
ty'.desc <-
- begin match desc with
+ begin match ty.desc with
| Tconstr(p, tl, abbrev) ->
if Path.isfree id p then
begin try
Tlink (nondep_type_rec env id
- (expand_abbrev env (newty2 ty.level desc)))
+ (expand_abbrev env (newty2 ty.level ty.desc)))
The [Tlink] is important. The expanded type may be a
variable, or may not be completely copied yet
(recursive type), so one cannot just take its
- with Cannot_expand ->
+ with Cannot_expand | Unify _ ->
raise Not_found
@@ -3282,39 +3282,36 @@ let rec nondep_type_rec env id ty =
| Tvariant row ->
let row = row_repr row in
let more = repr row.row_more in
- (* We must substitute in a subtle way *)
- (* Tsubst denotes the variant itself, as the row var is unchanged *)
- begin match more.desc with
- Tsubst ty2 ->
- (* This variant type has been already copied *)
- ty.desc <- Tsubst ty2; (* avoid Tlink in the new type *)
- Tlink ty2
- | _ ->
- let static = static_row row in
- (* Register new type first for recursion *)
- save_desc more more.desc;
- more.desc <- ty.desc;
- let more' = if static then newgenvar () else more in
- (* Return a new copy *)
- let row =
- copy_row (nondep_type_rec env id) true row true more' in
- match row.row_name with
- Some (p, tl) when Path.isfree id p ->
- Tvariant {row with row_name = None}
- | _ -> Tvariant row
+ (* We must keep sharing according to the row variable *)
+ begin try
+ let ty2 = TypeHash.find nondep_variants more in
+ (* This variant type has been already copied *)
+ TypeHash.add nondep_hash ty ty2;
+ Tlink ty2
+ with Not_found ->
+ (* Register new type first for recursion *)
+ TypeHash.add nondep_variants more ty';
+ let static = static_row row in
+ let more' = if static then newgenvar () else more in
+ (* Return a new copy *)
+ let row =
+ copy_row (nondep_type_rec env id) true row true more' in
+ match row.row_name with
+ Some (p, tl) when Path.isfree id p ->
+ Tvariant {row with row_name = None}
+ | _ -> Tvariant row
- | _ -> copy_type_desc (nondep_type_rec env id) desc
+ | _ -> copy_type_desc (nondep_type_rec env id) ty.desc
let nondep_type env id ty =
let ty' = nondep_type_rec env id ty in
- cleanup_types ();
- unmark_type ty';
+ clear_hash ();
with Not_found ->
- cleanup_types ();
+ clear_hash ();
raise Not_found
(* Preserve sharing inside type declarations. *)
@@ -3355,22 +3352,10 @@ let nondep_type_decl env mid id is_covariant decl =
type_variance = decl.type_variance;
- cleanup_types ();
- List.iter unmark_type decl.type_params;
- begin match decl.type_kind with
- Type_abstract -> ()
- | Type_variant cstrs ->
- List.iter (fun (c, tl) -> List.iter unmark_type tl) cstrs
- | Type_record(lbls, rep) ->
- List.iter (fun (c, mut, t) -> unmark_type t) lbls
- end;
- begin match decl.type_manifest with
- None -> ()
- | Some ty -> unmark_type ty
- end;
+ clear_hash ();
with Not_found ->
- cleanup_types ();
+ clear_hash ();
raise Not_found
(* Preserve sharing inside class types. *)
@@ -3409,13 +3394,7 @@ let nondep_class_declaration env id decl =
| Some ty -> Some (nondep_type_rec env id ty)
end }
- cleanup_types ();
- List.iter unmark_type decl.cty_params;
- unmark_class_type decl.cty_type;
- begin match decl.cty_new with
- None -> ()
- | Some ty -> unmark_type ty
- end;
+ clear_hash ();
let nondep_cltype_declaration env id decl =
@@ -3426,9 +3405,7 @@ let nondep_cltype_declaration env id decl =
clty_type = nondep_class_type env id decl.clty_type;
clty_path = decl.clty_path }
- cleanup_types ();
- List.iter unmark_type decl.clty_params;
- unmark_class_type decl.clty_type;
+ clear_hash ();
(* collapse conjonctive types in class parameters *)
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 95c995dcd..3123e101d 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -87,23 +87,24 @@ type variance = Co | Contra | Strict
let nondep_supertype env mid mty =
- let rec nondep_mty va mty =
+ let rec nondep_mty env va mty =
match mty with
Tmty_ident p ->
if Path.isfree mid p then
- nondep_mty va (Env.find_modtype_expansion p env)
+ nondep_mty env va (Env.find_modtype_expansion p env)
else mty
| Tmty_signature sg ->
- Tmty_signature(nondep_sig va sg)
+ Tmty_signature(nondep_sig env va sg)
| Tmty_functor(param, arg, res) ->
let var_inv =
match va with Co -> Contra | Contra -> Co | Strict -> Strict in
- Tmty_functor(param, nondep_mty var_inv arg, nondep_mty va res)
+ Tmty_functor(param, nondep_mty env var_inv arg,
+ nondep_mty (Env.add_module param arg env) va res)
- and nondep_sig va = function
+ and nondep_sig env va = function
[] -> []
| item :: rem ->
- let rem' = nondep_sig va rem in
+ let rem' = nondep_sig env va rem in
match item with
Tsig_value(id, d) ->
Tsig_value(id, {val_type = Ctype.nondep_type env mid d.val_type;
@@ -114,10 +115,10 @@ let nondep_supertype env mid mty =
| Tsig_exception(id, d) ->
Tsig_exception(id, (Ctype.nondep_type env mid) d) :: rem'
| Tsig_module(id, mty, rs) ->
- Tsig_module(id, nondep_mty va mty, rs) :: rem'
+ Tsig_module(id, nondep_mty env va mty, rs) :: rem'
| Tsig_modtype(id, d) ->
begin try
- Tsig_modtype(id, nondep_modtype_decl d) :: rem'
+ Tsig_modtype(id, nondep_modtype_decl env d) :: rem'
with Not_found ->
match va with
Co -> Tsig_modtype(id, Tmodtype_abstract) :: rem'
@@ -130,12 +131,12 @@ let nondep_supertype env mid mty =
Tsig_cltype(id, Ctype.nondep_cltype_declaration env mid d, rs)
:: rem'
- and nondep_modtype_decl = function
+ and nondep_modtype_decl env = function
Tmodtype_abstract -> Tmodtype_abstract
- | Tmodtype_manifest mty -> Tmodtype_manifest(nondep_mty Strict mty)
+ | Tmodtype_manifest mty -> Tmodtype_manifest(nondep_mty env Strict mty)
- nondep_mty Co mty
+ nondep_mty env Co mty
let enrich_typedecl env p decl =
match decl.type_manifest with