diff options
authorDamien Doligez <>2002-12-15 23:28:52 +0000
committerDamien Doligez <>2002-12-15 23:28:52 +0000
commit854e427a99cf44e6833b9fad6dfdf39e436aef57 (patch)
parente0991a68d7e2551f07f1268e141f6db9f36d17f4 (diff)
fix "let rec x = (x;1)"
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
2 files changed, 24 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/asmcomp/ b/asmcomp/
index 0d08f8766..3647c985c 100644
--- a/asmcomp/
+++ b/asmcomp/
@@ -1421,12 +1421,17 @@ and transl_switch arg index cases = match Array.length cases with
and transl_letrec bindings cont =
let bsz = (fun (id, exp) -> (id, exp, expr_size exp)) bindings in
let rec init_blocks = function
- | [] -> fill_blocks bsz
+ | [] -> fill_nonrec bsz
| (id, exp, RHS_block sz) :: rem ->
Clet(id, Cop(Cextcall("alloc_dummy", typ_addr, true), [int_const sz]),
init_blocks rem)
| (id, exp, RHS_nonrec) :: rem ->
- Clet (id, transl exp, init_blocks rem)
+ Clet (id, Cconst_int 0, init_blocks rem)
+ and fill_nonrec = function
+ | [] -> fill_blocks bsz
+ | (id, exp, RHS_block sz) :: rem -> fill_nonrec rem
+ | (id, exp, RHS_nonrec) :: rem ->
+ Clet (id, transl exp, fill_nonrec rem)
and fill_blocks = function
| [] -> cont
| (id, exp, RHS_block _) :: rem ->
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index 9b93783e6..18651b3dd 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -463,27 +463,30 @@ let rec comp_expr env exp sz cont =
end else begin
let decl_size = (fun (id, exp) -> (id, exp, size_of_lambda exp)) decl in
- let rec comp_decl new_env sz i = function
- | [] ->
- comp_expr new_env body sz (add_pop ndecl cont)
- | (id, exp, RHS_block blocksize) :: rem ->
- comp_expr new_env exp sz
- (Kpush :: Kacc i :: Kccall("update_dummy", 2) ::
- comp_decl new_env sz (i-1) rem)
- | (id, exp, RHS_nonrec) :: rem ->
- comp_decl new_env sz (i-1) rem
- in
let rec comp_init new_env sz = function
- | [] ->
- comp_decl new_env sz ndecl decl_size
+ | [] -> comp_nonrec new_env sz ndecl decl_size
| (id, exp, RHS_block blocksize) :: rem ->
Kconst(Const_base(Const_int blocksize)) ::
Kccall("alloc_dummy", 1) :: Kpush ::
comp_init (add_var id (sz+1) new_env) (sz+1) rem
| (id, exp, RHS_nonrec) :: rem ->
+ Kconst(Const_base(Const_int 0)) :: Kpush ::
+ comp_init (add_var id (sz+1) new_env) (sz+1) rem
+ and comp_nonrec new_env sz i = function
+ | [] -> comp_rec new_env sz ndecl decl_size
+ | (id, exp, RHS_block blocksize) :: rem ->
+ comp_nonrec new_env sz (i-1) rem
+ | (id, exp, RHS_nonrec) :: rem ->
+ comp_expr new_env exp sz
+ (Kassign (i-1) :: comp_nonrec new_env sz (i-1) rem)
+ and comp_rec new_env sz i = function
+ | [] -> comp_expr new_env body sz (add_pop ndecl cont)
+ | (id, exp, RHS_block blocksize) :: rem ->
comp_expr new_env exp sz
- (Kpush ::
- comp_init (add_var id (sz+1) new_env) (sz+1) rem)
+ (Kpush :: Kacc i :: Kccall("update_dummy", 2) ::
+ comp_rec new_env sz (i-1) rem)
+ | (id, exp, RHS_nonrec) :: rem ->
+ comp_rec new_env sz (i-1) rem
comp_init env sz decl_size