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authorXavier Leroy <>1999-02-25 14:02:44 +0000
committerXavier Leroy <>1999-02-25 14:02:44 +0000
commit88dcc69825a33c3ac6d0dab613ea009eb3dbab2a (patch)
parenta5eb7789fdeb76f8339dbca0ed96ad173d53c947 (diff)
Bug dans transl_store_structure quand un module est exporte avec une signature differente de sa signature de definition
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
1 files changed, 18 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index b6b773229..05c896254 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -215,13 +215,18 @@ let transl_store_structure glob map prims str =
| Tstr_exception(id, decl) :: rem ->
let lam = transl_exception id (field_path (global_path glob) id) decl in
Lsequence(Llet(Strict, id, lam, store_ident id),
- transl_store (add_ident id subst) rem)
+ transl_store (add_ident false id subst) rem)
| Tstr_module(id, modl) :: rem ->
let lam =
transl_module Tcoerce_none (field_path (global_path glob) id) modl in
- Lsequence(Llet(Strict, id,
- subst_lambda subst lam, store_ident id),
- transl_store (add_ident id subst) rem)
+ (* Careful: the module value stored in the global may be different
+ from the local module value, in case a coercion is applied.
+ If so, keep using the local module value (id) in the remainder of
+ the compilation unit (add_ident true returns subst unchanged).
+ If not, we can use the value from the global
+ (add_ident true adds id -> Pgetglobal... to subst). *)
+ Llet(Strict, id, subst_lambda subst lam,
+ Lsequence(store_ident id, transl_store(add_ident true id subst) rem))
| Tstr_modtype(id, decl) :: rem ->
transl_store subst rem
| Tstr_open path :: rem ->
@@ -245,20 +250,24 @@ let transl_store_structure glob map prims str =
let init_val = apply_coercion cc (Lvar id) in
Lprim(Psetfield(pos, false), [Lprim(Pgetglobal glob, []); init_val])
with Not_found ->
- fatal_error("Translmod.transl_store_structure: " ^ Ident.unique_name id)
+ fatal_error("Translmod.store_ident: " ^ Ident.unique_name id)
and store_idents idlist =
make_sequence store_ident idlist
- and add_ident id subst =
+ and add_ident may_coerce id subst =
let (pos, cc) = Ident.find_same id map in
- Ident.add id (Lprim(Pfield pos, [Lprim(Pgetglobal glob, [])])) subst
+ match cc with
+ Tcoerce_none ->
+ Ident.add id (Lprim(Pfield pos, [Lprim(Pgetglobal glob, [])])) subst
+ | _ ->
+ if may_coerce then subst else assert false
with Not_found ->
- fatal_error("Translmod.transl_store_structure: " ^ Ident.unique_name id)
+ assert false
and add_idents idlist subst =
- List.fold_right add_ident idlist subst
+ List.fold_right (add_ident false) idlist subst
and store_primitive (pos, prim) cont =
Lsequence(Lprim(Psetfield(pos, false),