diff options
authorDamien Doligez <>2003-03-12 16:36:28 +0000
committerDamien Doligez <>2003-03-12 16:36:28 +0000
commit8a20bd757d416f3ffa4828b3d11000ed25331c29 (patch)
parent673c958723fdf25e9764ba2df9cf9047472e88f7 (diff)
completude de la doc, typo sur anon_fun
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
2 files changed, 18 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/stdlib/ b/stdlib/
index f1eb4527b..138e06a71 100644
--- a/stdlib/
+++ b/stdlib/
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
type key = string
type doc = string
type usage_msg = string
-type annon_fun = (string -> unit)
+type anon_fun = (string -> unit)
type spec =
| Unit of (unit -> unit) (* Call the function with unit argument *)
diff --git a/stdlib/arg.mli b/stdlib/arg.mli
index 5a5caaacd..d313c9cd3 100644
--- a/stdlib/arg.mli
+++ b/stdlib/arg.mli
@@ -22,10 +22,12 @@
A keyword is a character string starting with a [-].
An option is a keyword alone or followed by an argument.
The types of keywords are: [Unit], [Set], [Clear], [String],
- [Int], [Float], and [Rest]. [Unit], [Set] and [Clear] keywords take
- no argument. [String], [Int], and [Float] keywords take the following
- word on the command line as an argument. A [Rest] keyword takes the
- remaining of the command line as (string) arguments.
+ [Set_string], [Int], [Set_int], [Float], [Set_float], [Symbol],
+ and [Rest].
+ [Unit], [Set] and [Clear] keywords take no argument. A [Rest]
+ keyword takes the remaining of the command line as arguments.
+ Every other keyword takes the following word on the command line
+ as argument.
Arguments not preceded by a keyword are called anonymous arguments.
Examples ([cmd] is assumed to be the command name):
@@ -60,18 +62,18 @@ type spec =
type key = string
type doc = string
type usage_msg = string
-type annon_fun = (string -> unit)
+type anon_fun = (string -> unit)
val parse :
- (key * spec * doc) list -> annon_fun -> usage_msg -> unit
-(** [Arg.parse speclist anonfun usage_msg] parses the command line.
+ (key * spec * doc) list -> anon_fun -> usage_msg -> unit
+(** [Arg.parse speclist anon_fun usage_msg] parses the command line.
[speclist] is a list of triples [(key, spec, doc)].
[key] is the option keyword, it must start with a ['-'] character.
[spec] gives the option type and the function to call when this option
is found on the command line.
[doc] is a one-line description of this option.
- [anonfun] is called on anonymous arguments.
- The functions in [spec] and [anonfun] are called in the same order
+ [anon_fun] is called on anonymous arguments.
+ The functions in [spec] and [anon_fun] are called in the same order
as their arguments appear on the command line.
If an error occurs, [Arg.parse] exits the program, after printing
@@ -81,7 +83,7 @@ val parse :
- The list of options, each followed by the corresponding [doc] string.
For the user to be able to specify anonymous arguments starting with a
- [-], include for example [("-", String anonfun, doc)] in [speclist].
+ [-], include for example [("-", String anon_fun, doc)] in [speclist].
By default, [parse] recognizes two unit options, [-help] and [--help],
which will display [usage_msg] and the list of options, and exit
@@ -90,12 +92,13 @@ val parse :
val parse_argv : string array ->
- (key * spec * doc) list -> annon_fun -> usage_msg -> unit
-(** [Arg.parse_argv args speclist anonfun usage_msg] parses array [args] as
- if it were the command line. *)
+ (key * spec * doc) list -> anon_fun -> usage_msg -> unit
+(** [Arg.parse_argv args speclist anon_fun usage_msg] parses the array
+ [args] as if it were the command line. It saves the value of
+ [Arg.current] before starting and restores it before returning. *)
exception Bad of string
-(** Functions in [spec] or [anonfun] can raise [Arg.Bad] with an error
+(** Functions in [spec] or [anon_fun] can raise [Arg.Bad] with an error
message to reject invalid arguments. *)
val usage : (key * spec * doc) list -> usage_msg -> unit