diff options
authorXavier Leroy <>2004-05-16 09:09:23 +0000
committerXavier Leroy <>2004-05-16 09:09:23 +0000
commit93ff0675a75f35c0ddc91da0ff7383550533def2 (patch)
parent759292a43c82ed96f32218901f7c8f2c72c462c2 (diff)
Portage HHPA/Linux, suppression du portage HPPA/Nextstep (PR#2561). A tester
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
3 files changed, 95 insertions, 169 deletions
diff --git a/asmcomp/hppa/emit.mlp b/asmcomp/hppa/emit.mlp
index 4e488c748..5ee5ad7be 100644
--- a/asmcomp/hppa/emit.mlp
+++ b/asmcomp/hppa/emit.mlp
@@ -31,14 +31,6 @@ open Mach
open Linearize
open Emitaux
-(* Adaptation to HPUX and NextStep *)
-let hpux =
- match Config.system with
- "hpux" -> true
- | "nextstep" -> false
- | _ -> fatal_error "Emit_hppa.hpux"
(* Tradeoff between code size and code speed *)
let fastcode_flag = ref true
@@ -66,29 +58,25 @@ let slot_offset loc cl =
(* Output a label *)
-let label_prefix = if hpux then "L$" else "L"
let emit_label lbl =
- emit_string label_prefix; emit_int lbl
+ emit_string "L$"; emit_int lbl
(* Output a symbol *)
-let symbol_prefix = if hpux then "" else "_"
let emit_symbol s =
- emit_string symbol_prefix; Emitaux.emit_symbol '$' s
+ Emitaux.emit_symbol '$' s
(* Output a pseudo-register *)
let emit_reg r =
match r.loc with
Reg r -> emit_string (register_name r)
- | _ -> fatal_error "Emit.emit_reg"
+ | _ -> assert false
(* Output low address / high address prefixes *)
-let low_prefix = if hpux then "RR'" else "R\`"
-let high_prefix = if hpux then "LR'" else "L\`"
+let low_prefix = "RR%"
+let high_prefix = "LR%"
let is_immediate n = (n < 16) && (n >= -16) (* 5 bits *)
@@ -99,19 +87,13 @@ let emit_nativeint_low n = emit_string low_prefix; emit_nativeint n
let emit_nativeint_high n = emit_string high_prefix; emit_nativeint n
let emit_symbol_low s =
- if hpux
- then `RR'{emit_symbol s}-$global$`
- else `R\`{emit_symbol s}`
+ `RR%{emit_symbol s}-$global$`
let load_symbol_high s =
- if hpux
- then ` addil LR'{emit_symbol s}-$global$, %r27\n`
- else ` ldil L\`{emit_symbol s}, %r1\n`
+ ` addil LR%{emit_symbol s}-$global$, %r27\n`
let load_symbol_offset_high s ofs =
- if hpux
- then ` addil LR'{emit_symbol s}-$global$+{emit_int ofs}, %r27\n`
- else ` ldil L\`{emit_symbol s}+{emit_int ofs}, %r1\n`
+ ` addil LR%{emit_symbol s}-$global$+{emit_int ofs}, %r27\n`
(* Record imported and defined symbols *)
@@ -120,14 +102,12 @@ let defined_symbols = ref StringSet.empty
let called_symbols = ref StringSet.empty
let use_symbol s =
- if hpux then used_symbols := StringSet.add s !used_symbols
+ used_symbols := StringSet.add s !used_symbols
let define_symbol s =
defined_symbols := StringSet.add s !defined_symbols
let call_symbol s =
- if hpux then begin
- used_symbols := StringSet.add s !used_symbols;
- called_symbols := StringSet.add s !called_symbols
- end
+ used_symbols := StringSet.add s !used_symbols;
+ called_symbols := StringSet.add s !called_symbols
(* An external symbol is code if either it is branched to, or
it is one of the caml_apply* caml_curry* caml_tuplify* special functions. *)
@@ -167,8 +147,8 @@ let emit_load instr addr arg dst =
load_symbol_high s;
` {emit_string instr} {emit_symbol_low s}(%r1), {emit_reg dst}\n`
| Ibased(s, ofs) ->
- load_symbol_offset_high s ofs;
use_symbol s;
+ load_symbol_offset_high s ofs;
` {emit_string instr} {emit_symbol_low s}+{emit_int ofs}(%r1), {emit_reg dst}\n`
| Iindexed ofs ->
if is_offset ofs then
@@ -266,14 +246,10 @@ let emit_float_store addr arg src doubleword =
` fstws {emit_reg src}R, 4(%r1)\n`
-(* Output an align directive.
- Under HPUX: alignment = number of bytes
- Undex NextStep: alignment = log2 of number of bytes *)
+(* Output an align directive. *)
let emit_align n =
- if hpux
- then ` .align {emit_int n}\n`
- else ` .align {emit_int(Misc.log2 n)}\n`
+ ` .align {emit_int n}\n`
(* Record live pointers at call points *)
@@ -315,35 +291,17 @@ let emit_frame fd =
let float_constants = ref ([] : (int * string) list)
-let emit_float_constant (lbl, cst) =
- if hpux then begin
+let emit_float_constants () =
+ if Config.system = "hpux" then begin
` .space $TEXT$\n`;
` .subspa $LIT$\n`
end else
- ` .literal8\n`;
+ ` .text\n`;
emit_align 8;
- `{emit_label lbl}: .double {emit_string cst}\n`
-(* Record external calls and generate stub code for these *)
-let stub_label_table = (Hashtbl.create 19 : (string, int) Hashtbl.t)
-let stub_label symb =
- try
- Hashtbl.find stub_label_table symb
- with Not_found ->
- let lbl = new_label() in
- Hashtbl.add stub_label_table symb lbl;
- lbl
-let emit_stub symb lbl =
- `{emit_label lbl}: ldil L\`{emit_symbol symb}, %r1\n`;
- ` ble,n {emit_symbol_low symb}(4, %r1)\n`
-let emit_stubs () =
- ` .text\n`;
- emit_align 4;
- Hashtbl.iter emit_stub stub_label_table
+ List.iter
+ (fun (lbl, cst) -> `{emit_label lbl}: .double {emit_string cst}\n`)
+ !float_constants;
+ float_constants := []
(* Describe the registers used to pass arguments to a C function *)
@@ -364,16 +322,8 @@ let describe_call arg =
(* Output a function call *)
let emit_call s retreg =
- if hpux then begin
- ` bl {emit_symbol s}, {emit_string retreg}\n`;
- call_symbol s
- end else
- if StringSet.mem s !defined_symbols then
- ` bl {emit_symbol s}, {emit_string retreg}\n`
- else begin
- let lbl = stub_label s in
- ` jbsr {emit_symbol s}, {emit_string retreg}, {emit_label lbl}\n`
- end
+ call_symbol s;
+ ` bl {emit_symbol s}, {emit_string retreg}\n`
(* Names of various instructions *)
@@ -383,14 +333,14 @@ let name_for_int_operation = function
| Iand -> "and"
| Ior -> "or"
| Ixor -> "xor"
- | _ -> Misc.fatal_error "Emit.name_for_int_operation"
+ | _ -> assert false
let name_for_float_operation = function
Iaddf -> "fadd,dbl"
| Isubf -> "fsub,dbl"
| Imulf -> "fmpy,dbl"
| Idivf -> "fdiv,dbl"
- | _ -> Misc.fatal_error "Emit.name_for_float_operation"
+ | _ -> assert false
let name_for_specific_operation = function
Ishift1add -> "sh1add"
@@ -465,7 +415,7 @@ let rec emit_instr i dslot =
` fldds 0(%r1), {emit_reg dst}\n`
| (_, _) ->
- fatal_error "Emit: Imove"
+ assert false
| Lop(Iconst_int n) ->
if is_offset_native n then
@@ -511,19 +461,13 @@ let rec emit_instr i dslot =
| Lop(Iextcall(s, alloc)) ->
call_symbol s;
if alloc then begin
- if hpux then begin
- ` ldil LR'{emit_symbol s}, %r22\n`;
- describe_call i.arg;
- emit_call "caml_c_call" "%r2";
- ` ldo RR'{emit_symbol s}(%r22), %r22\n` (* in delay slot *)
- end else begin
- ` ldil L\`{emit_symbol s}, %r22\n`;
- emit_call "caml_c_call" "%r2";
- ` ldo {emit_symbol_low s}(%r22), %r22\n` (* in delay slot *)
- end;
+ ` ldil LR%{emit_symbol s}, %r22\n`;
+ describe_call i.arg;
+ emit_call "caml_c_call" "%r2";
+ ` ldo RR%{emit_symbol s}(%r22), %r22\n`; (* in delay slot *)
end else begin
- if hpux then describe_call i.arg;
+ describe_call i.arg;
emit_call s "%r2";
fill_delay_slot dslot
@@ -584,7 +528,7 @@ let rec emit_instr i dslot =
(* Cannot use %r1 either *)
` ldi {emit_int n}, %r29\n`; (* in delay slot *)
- ` addi 4, %r3, {emit_reg i.res.(0)}\n` (* in delay slot *)
+ ` addi 4, %r3, {emit_reg i.res.(0)}\n`
| Lop(Iintop Imul) ->
` stws,ma {emit_reg i.arg.(0)}, 8(%r30)\n`;
@@ -596,21 +540,11 @@ let rec emit_instr i dslot =
` ldws,mb -8(%r30), {emit_reg i.res.(0)}\n`
| Lop(Iintop Idiv) ->
(* Arguments are assumed to be in %r26 and %r25, result in %r29 *)
- if hpux then
- ` bl $$divI, %r31\n`
- else begin
- ` ldil L\`$$divI, %r1\n`;
- ` ble R\`$$divI(4, %r1)\n`
- end;
+ ` bl $$divI, %r31\n`;
fill_delay_slot dslot
| Lop(Iintop Imod) ->
(* Arguments are assumed to be in %r26 and %r25, result in %r29 *)
- if hpux then
- ` bl $$remI, %r31\n`
- else begin
- ` ldil L\`$$remI, %r1\n`;
- ` ble R\`$$remI(4, %r1)\n`
- end;
+ ` bl $$remI, %r31\n`;
fill_delay_slot dslot
| Lop(Iintop Ilsl) ->
` subi 31, {emit_reg i.arg.(1)}, %r1\n`;
@@ -641,13 +575,19 @@ let rec emit_instr i dslot =
| Lop(Iintop_imm(Idiv, n)) ->
let l = Misc.log2 n in
` comclr,>= {emit_reg i.arg.(0)}, %r0, %r1\n`;
- ` zdepi -1, 31, {emit_int l}, %r1\n`;
+ if not (l = 0) then
+ ` zdepi -1, 31, {emit_int l}, %r1\n`
+ else
+ ` xor %r1, %r1, %r1\n`;
` add {emit_reg i.arg.(0)}, %r1, %r1\n`;
` extrs %r1, {emit_int(31-l)}, {emit_int(32-l)}, {emit_reg i.res.(0)}\n`
| Lop(Iintop_imm(Imod, n)) ->
let l = Misc.log2 n in
` comclr,>= {emit_reg i.arg.(0)}, %r0, %r1\n`;
- ` zdepi -1, 31, {emit_int l}, %r1\n`;
+ if not (l = 0) then
+ ` zdepi -1, 31, {emit_int l}, %r1\n`
+ else
+ ` xor %r1, %r1, %r1\n`;
` add {emit_reg i.arg.(0)}, %r1, %r1\n`;
` depi 0, 31, {emit_int l}, %r1\n`;
` sub {emit_reg i.arg.(0)}, %r1, {emit_reg i.res.(0)}\n`
@@ -669,7 +609,7 @@ let rec emit_instr i dslot =
` comiclr,<< {emit_int n}, {emit_reg i.arg.(0)}, %r0\n`;
` b,n {emit_label !range_check_trap}\n`
| Lop(Iintop_imm(op, n)) ->
- fatal_error "Emit_hppa: Iintop_imm"
+ assert false
| Lop(Iaddf | Isubf | Imulf | Idivf as op) ->
let instr = name_for_float_operation op in
` {emit_string instr} {emit_reg i.arg.(0)}, {emit_reg i.arg.(1)}, {emit_reg i.res.(0)}\n`
@@ -940,7 +880,7 @@ let fixup_cond_branches funbody =
the code positions. *)
displ < -1843 || displ > 1842
with Not_found ->
- fatal_error "Emit_hppa.long_branch" in
+ assert false in
let rec fix_branches pos i =
match i.desc with
Lend -> ()
@@ -970,7 +910,8 @@ let fundecl fundecl =
define_symbol fundecl.fun_name;
range_check_trap := 0;
let n = frame_size() in
- if hpux then begin
+ begin match Config.system with
+ | "hpux" ->
` .code\n`;
` .align 4\n`;
` .export {emit_symbol fundecl.fun_name}, entry, priv_lev=3\n`;
@@ -981,11 +922,13 @@ let fundecl fundecl =
` .callinfo frame={emit_int n}, no_calls\n`;
` .entry\n`
- end else begin
+ | "linux" ->
` .text\n`;
- ` .align 2\n`;
+ ` .align 8\n`;
` .globl {emit_symbol fundecl.fun_name}\n`;
`{emit_symbol fundecl.fun_name}:\n`
+ | _ ->
+ assert false
if !contains_calls then
` stwm %r2, {emit_int n}(%r30)\n`
@@ -995,25 +938,20 @@ let fundecl fundecl =
emit_all fundecl.fun_body;
if !range_check_trap > 0 then begin
`{emit_label !range_check_trap}:\n`;
- if hpux then begin
- emit_call "caml_ml_array_bound_error" "%r31";
- ` nop\n`
- end else begin
- ` ldil L\`{emit_symbol "caml_ml_array_bound_error"}, %r1\n`;
- ` ble,n {emit_symbol_low "caml_ml_array_bound_error"}(4, %r1)\n`
- end
+ emit_call "caml_ml_array_bound_error" "%r31";
+ ` nop\n`
- if hpux then begin
+ if Config.system = "hpux"then begin
` .exit\n`;
` .procend\n`
- List.iter emit_float_constant !float_constants
+ emit_float_constants()
(* Emission of data *)
let declare_global s =
define_symbol s;
- if hpux
+ if Config.system = "hpux"
then ` .export {emit_symbol s}, data\n`
else ` .globl {emit_symbol s}\n`
@@ -1046,8 +984,9 @@ let emit_item = function
emit_string_directive " .ascii " s
| Cskip n ->
if n > 0 then
- if hpux then ` .block {emit_int n}\n`
- else ` .space {emit_int n}\n`
+ if Config.system = "hpux"
+ then ` .block {emit_int n}\n`
+ else ` .space {emit_int n}\n`
| Calign n ->
emit_align n
@@ -1058,7 +997,7 @@ let data l =
(* Beginning / end of an assembly file *)
let begin_assembly() =
- if hpux then begin
+ if Config.system = "hpux" then begin
` .space $PRIVATE$\n`;
` .subspa $DATA$,quad=1,align=8,access=31\n`;
` .subspa $BSS$,quad=1,align=8,access=31,zero,sort=82\n`;
@@ -1072,7 +1011,6 @@ let begin_assembly() =
used_symbols := StringSet.empty;
defined_symbols := StringSet.empty;
called_symbols := StringSet.empty;
- Hashtbl.clear stub_label_table;
let lbl_begin = Compilenv.make_symbol (Some "data_begin") in
` .data\n`;
declare_global lbl_begin;
@@ -1084,7 +1022,6 @@ let begin_assembly() =
let end_assembly() =
- if not hpux then emit_stubs();
` .code\n`;
let lbl_end = Compilenv.make_symbol (Some "code_end") in
declare_global lbl_end;
@@ -1100,4 +1037,4 @@ let end_assembly() =
` .long {emit_int (List.length !frame_descriptors)}\n`;
List.iter emit_frame !frame_descriptors;
frame_descriptors := [];
- if hpux then emit_imports()
+ emit_imports()
diff --git a/asmrun/hppa.S b/asmrun/hppa.S
index 713caea66..c8a265e20 100644
--- a/asmrun/hppa.S
+++ b/asmrun/hppa.S
@@ -30,18 +30,18 @@
#define LOWLABEL(x) RR%x
-#ifdef SYS_nextstep
-#define G(x) _##x
+#ifdef SYS_linux
+#define G(x) x
#define CODESPACE .text
-#define CODE_ALIGN 2
+#define CODE_ALIGN 8
#define EXPORT_CODE(x) .globl x
#define EXPORT_DATA(x) .globl x
#define ENDPROC
-#define LOADHIGH(x) ldil L`x, %r1
-#define LOW(x) R`x
-#define LOADHIGHLABEL(x) ldil L`x, %r1
-#define LOWLABEL(x) R`x
+#define LOADHIGH(x) addil LR%x-$global$, %r27
+#define LOW(x) RR%x-$global$
+#define LOADHIGHLABEL(x) ldil LR%x, %r1
+#define LOWLABEL(x) RR%x
#ifdef SYS_hpux
@@ -69,14 +69,15 @@ caml_exception_pointer .comm 8
caml_required_size .comm 8
-#ifdef SYS_nextstep
- .comm G(caml_young_limit), 8
- .comm G(caml_young_ptr), 8
- .comm G(caml_bottom_of_stack), 8
- .comm G(caml_last_return_address), 8
- .comm G(caml_gc_regs), 8
- .comm G(caml_exception_pointer), 8
- .comm G(caml_required_size), 8
+#ifdef SYS_linux
+ .align 8
+ .comm G(young_limit), 4
+ .comm G(young_ptr), 4
+ .comm G(caml_bottom_of_stack), 4
+ .comm G(caml_last_return_address), 4
+ .comm G(caml_gc_regs), 4
+ .comm G(caml_exception_pointer), 4
+ .comm G(caml_required_size), 4
; Allocation functions
@@ -173,14 +174,8 @@ L100: ldo -(64 + 4*32)(%r30), %r31
fstds,ma %fr30, 8(%r1)
; Call the garbage collector
-#ifdef SYS_nextstep
- ldil L`G(caml_garbage_collection), %r1
- ble R`G(caml_garbage_collection)(4, %r1)
- copy %r31, %r2
bl G(caml_garbage_collection), %r2
; Restore all regs used by the code generator
ldo -(64 + 4*32)(%r30), %r1
@@ -452,14 +447,8 @@ L103:
; Re-raise the exception through caml_raise, to clean up local C roots
ldo 64(%r30), %r30
-#ifdef SYS_nextstep
- ldil L`G(caml_raise), %r1
- ble R`G(caml_raise)(4, %r1)
- copy %r31, %r2
bl G(caml_raise), %r2
; Raise an exception from C
@@ -529,13 +518,8 @@ G(caml_callback3_exn):
; Load address of [caml_array_bound_error] in %r22
-#ifdef SYS_hpux
ldil LR%caml_array_bound_error, %r22
ldo RR%caml_array_bound_error(%r22), %r22
- ldil L`_caml_array_bound_error, %r22
- ldo R`_caml_array_bound_error(%r22), %r22
; Reserve 48 bytes of stack space and jump to caml_c_call
b G(caml_c_call)
ldo 48(%r30), %r30 /* in delay slot */
diff --git a/configure b/configure
index 70617e2aa..a01920594 100755
--- a/configure
+++ b/configure
@@ -423,17 +423,23 @@ case "$host" in
if $int64_native; then
- sh ./runtest int64align.c
- case $? in
- 0) echo "64-bit integers can be word-aligned."
- echo "#undef ARCH_ALIGN_INT64" >> m.h;;
- 1) echo "64-bit integers must be doubleword-aligned."
- echo "#define ARCH_ALIGN_INT64" >> m.h;;
- *) echo "Something went wrong during alignment determination for 64-bit integers."
- echo "I'm going to assume this architecture has alignment constraints."
- echo "That's a safe bet: Objective Caml will work even if"
- echo "this architecture has actually no alignment constraints."
- echo "#define ARCH_ALIGN_INT64" >> m.h;;
+ case "$host" in
+ hppa*-*-*)
+ echo "64-bit integers must be doubleword-aligned."
+ echo "#define ARCH_ALIGN_INT64" >> m.h;;
+ *)
+ sh ./runtest int64align.c
+ case $? in
+ 0) echo "64-bit integers can be word-aligned."
+ echo "#undef ARCH_ALIGN_INT64" >> m.h;;
+ 1) echo "64-bit integers must be doubleword-aligned."
+ echo "#define ARCH_ALIGN_INT64" >> m.h;;
+ *) echo "Something went wrong during alignment determination for 64-bit integers."
+ echo "I'm going to assume this architecture has alignment constraints."
+ echo "That's a safe bet: Objective Caml will work even if"
+ echo "this architecture has actually no alignment constraints."
+ echo "#define ARCH_ALIGN_INT64" >> m.h;;
+ esac
echo "#undef ARCH_ALIGN_INT64" >> m.h
@@ -557,7 +563,7 @@ case "$host" in
mips-*-irix6*) arch=mips; system=irix;;
hppa1.1-*-hpux*) arch=hppa; system=hpux;;
hppa2.0*-*-hpux*) arch=hppa; system=hpux;;
- hppa1.1-*-nextstep*) arch=hppa; system=nextstep;;
+ hppa*-*-linux*) arch=hppa; system=linux;;
rs6000-*-aix*) arch=power; model=rs6000; system=aix;;
powerpc-*-aix*) arch=power; model=ppc; system=aix;;
powerpc-*-linux*) arch=power; model=ppc; system=elf;;
@@ -567,9 +573,8 @@ case "$host" in
arm*-*-linux*) arch=arm; system=linux;;
ia64-*-linux*) arch=ia64; system=linux;;
ia64-*-freebsd*) arch=ia64; system=freebsd;;
- amd64-*-freebsd*) arch=amd64; system=freebsd;;
- x86_64-*-freebsd*) arch=amd64; system=freebsd;;
x86_64-*-linux*) arch=amd64; system=linux;;
+ x86_64-*-freebsd*) arch=amd64; system=freebsd;;
if test -z "$ccoption"; then