diff options
authorDamien Doligez <>2004-06-11 23:45:46 +0000
committerDamien Doligez <>2004-06-11 23:45:46 +0000
commit97ed033e88d228a77a872aec945ae496f7006881 (patch)
parentb2f3d350af6735d7e278635caa2f1a16d16715a3 (diff)
PR#2297, suite
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
2 files changed, 55 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/stdlib/ b/stdlib/
index 5ed20e1c4..9514b9557 100644
--- a/stdlib/
+++ b/stdlib/
@@ -70,13 +70,24 @@ let print_spec buf (key, spec, doc) =
| _ -> bprintf buf " %s %s\n" key doc
+let help_action () = raise (Stop (Unknown "-help"));;
+let add_help speclist =
+ let add1 =
+ try ignore (assoc3 "-help" speclist); []
+ with Not_found ->
+ ["-help", Unit help_action, " Display this list of options"]
+ and add2 =
+ try ignore (assoc3 "--help" speclist); []
+ with Not_found ->
+ ["--help", Unit help_action, " Display this list of options"]
+ in
+ speclist @ (add1 @ add2)
let usage_b buf speclist errmsg =
bprintf buf "%s\n" errmsg;
- List.iter (print_spec buf) speclist;
- try ignore (assoc3 "-help" speclist)
- with Not_found -> bprintf buf " -help Display this list of options\n";
- try ignore (assoc3 "--help" speclist)
- with Not_found -> bprintf buf " --help Display this list of options\n";
+ List.iter (print_spec buf) (add_help speclist);
let usage speclist errmsg =
@@ -202,3 +213,35 @@ let parse l f msg =
| Bad msg -> eprintf "%s" msg; exit 2;
| Help msg -> printf "%s" msg; exit 0;
+let rec second_word s =
+ let len = String.length s in
+ let rec loop n =
+ if n >= len then len
+ else if s.[n] = ' ' then loop (n+1)
+ else n
+ in
+ try loop (String.index s ' ')
+ with Not_found -> len
+let max_arg_len cur (kwd, _, doc) =
+ max cur (String.length kwd + second_word doc)
+let add_padding len ksd =
+ match ksd with
+ | (_, Symbol _, _) -> ksd
+ | (kwd, spec, msg) ->
+ let cutcol = second_word msg in
+ let spaces = String.make (len - String.length kwd - cutcol) ' ' in
+ let prefix = String.sub msg 0 cutcol in
+ let suffix = String.sub msg cutcol (String.length msg - cutcol) in
+ (kwd, spec, prefix ^ spaces ^ suffix)
+let align speclist =
+ let completed = add_help speclist in
+ let len = List.fold_left max_arg_len 0 completed in
+ (add_padding len) completed
diff --git a/stdlib/arg.mli b/stdlib/arg.mli
index 52324d084..8203e8313 100644
--- a/stdlib/arg.mli
+++ b/stdlib/arg.mli
@@ -120,6 +120,13 @@ val usage : (key * spec * doc) list -> usage_msg -> unit
{!Arg.parse} prints in case of error.
[speclist] and [usage_msg] are the same as for [Arg.parse]. *)
+val align: (key * spec * doc) list -> (key * spec * doc) list;;
+(** Align the documentation strings by inserting spaces at the first
+ space, according to the length of the keyword. Use a
+ space as the first character in a doc string if you want to
+ align the whole string. The doc strings corresponding to
+ [Symbol] arguments are not aligned. *)
val current : int ref
(** Position (in {!Sys.argv}) of the argument being processed. You can
change this value, e.g. to force {!Arg.parse} to skip some arguments.