diff options
authorAlain Frisch <>2012-04-18 09:01:17 +0000
committerAlain Frisch <>2012-04-18 09:01:17 +0000
commit9f46d7222a00765c5826c97b09fac7d77d2f853a (patch)
parent905143bfa21672fef20e55ebe7a8233cd26881c5 (diff)
Improve message for Unused constructor/exception warnings.
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
8 files changed, 78 insertions, 34 deletions
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 53afa5a9e..f26369207 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -32,7 +32,21 @@ let value_declarations : ((string * Location.t), (unit -> unit)) Hashtbl.t = Has
let type_declarations = Hashtbl.create 16
-let used_constructors : (string * Location.t * string, (unit -> unit)) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 16
+type constructor_usage = [`Positive|`Pattern|`Privatize]
+type constructor_usages =
+ {
+ mutable cu_positive: bool;
+ mutable cu_pattern: bool;
+ mutable cu_privatize: bool;
+ }
+let add_constructor_usage cu = function
+ | `Positive -> cu.cu_positive <- true
+ | `Pattern -> cu.cu_pattern <- true
+ | `Privatize -> cu.cu_privatize <- true
+let constructor_usages () =
+ {cu_positive = false; cu_pattern = false; cu_privatize = false}
+let used_constructors : (string * Location.t * string, (constructor_usage -> unit)) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 16
type error =
Not_an_interface of string
@@ -527,12 +541,12 @@ let mark_type_used name vd =
try Hashtbl.find type_declarations (name, vd.type_loc) ()
with Not_found -> ()
-let mark_constructor_used name vd constr =
- try Hashtbl.find used_constructors (name, vd.type_loc, constr) ()
+let mark_constructor_used usage name vd constr =
+ try Hashtbl.find used_constructors (name, vd.type_loc, constr) usage
with Not_found -> ()
-let mark_exception_used ed constr =
- try Hashtbl.find used_constructors ("exn", ed.exn_loc, constr) ()
+let mark_exception_used usage ed constr =
+ try Hashtbl.find used_constructors ("exn", ed.exn_loc, constr) usage
with Not_found -> ()
let set_value_used_callback name vd callback =
@@ -574,18 +588,18 @@ let lookup_constructor lid env =
mark_type_path env (ty_path desc.cstr_res);
-let mark_constructor env name desc =
+let mark_constructor usage env name desc =
match desc.cstr_tag with
| Cstr_exception (_, loc) ->
- try Hashtbl.find used_constructors ("exn", loc, name) ()
+ try Hashtbl.find used_constructors ("exn", loc, name) usage
with Not_found -> ()
| _ ->
let ty_path = ty_path desc.cstr_res in
let ty_decl = try find_type ty_path env with Not_found -> assert false in
let ty_name = Path.last ty_path in
- mark_constructor_used ty_name ty_decl name
+ mark_constructor_used usage ty_name ty_decl name
let lookup_label lid env =
let desc = lookup_label lid env in
@@ -857,19 +871,24 @@ and store_type id path info env =
let constructors = constructors_of_type path info in
let labels = labels_of_type path info in
- if not loc.Location.loc_ghost && Warnings.is_active (Warnings.Unused_constructor "") then begin
+ if not loc.Location.loc_ghost &&
+ Warnings.is_active (Warnings.Unused_constructor ("", false, false))
+ then begin
let ty = id in
(fun (c, _) ->
let k = (ty, loc, c) in
if not (Hashtbl.mem used_constructors k) then
- let used = ref false in
- Hashtbl.add used_constructors k (fun () -> used := true);
+ let used = constructor_usages () in
+ Hashtbl.add used_constructors k (add_constructor_usage used);
if not (ty = "" || ty.[0] = '_')
then !add_delayed_check_forward
(fun () ->
- if not !used then
- Location.prerr_warning loc (Warnings.Unused_constructor c)
+ if not used.cu_positive then
+ Location.prerr_warning loc
+ (Warnings.Unused_constructor
+ (c, used.cu_pattern, used.cu_privatize)
+ )
@@ -906,17 +925,22 @@ and store_type_infos id path info env =
and store_exception id path decl env =
let loc = decl.exn_loc in
- if not loc.Location.loc_ghost && Warnings.is_active (Warnings.Unused_exception "") then begin
+ if not loc.Location.loc_ghost &&
+ Warnings.is_active (Warnings.Unused_exception ("", false))
+ then begin
let ty = "exn" in
let c = id in
let k = (ty, loc, c) in
if not (Hashtbl.mem used_constructors k) then begin
- let used = ref false in
- Hashtbl.add used_constructors k (fun () -> used := true);
+ let used = constructor_usages () in
+ Hashtbl.add used_constructors k (add_constructor_usage used);
(fun () ->
- if not !used then
- Location.prerr_warning loc (Warnings.Unused_exception c)
+ if not used.cu_positive then
+ Location.prerr_warning loc
+ (Warnings.Unused_exception
+ (c, used.cu_pattern)
+ )
diff --git a/typing/env.mli b/typing/env.mli
index 21a469d14..0c5f515c3 100644
--- a/typing/env.mli
+++ b/typing/env.mli
@@ -153,11 +153,14 @@ open Format
val report_error: formatter -> error -> unit
val mark_value_used: string -> value_description -> unit
val mark_type_used: string -> type_declaration -> unit
-val mark_constructor_used: string -> type_declaration -> string -> unit
-val mark_constructor: t -> string -> constructor_description -> unit
-val mark_exception_used: exception_declaration -> string -> unit
+type constructor_usage = [`Positive|`Pattern|`Privatize]
+val mark_constructor_used: constructor_usage -> string -> type_declaration -> string -> unit
+val mark_constructor: constructor_usage -> t -> string -> constructor_description -> unit
+val mark_exception_used: constructor_usage -> exception_declaration -> string -> unit
val set_value_used_callback: string -> value_description -> (unit -> unit) -> unit
val set_type_used_callback: string -> type_declaration -> ((unit -> unit) -> unit) -> unit
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 972102af8..55113e1b0 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -206,10 +206,13 @@ let type_declarations env name decl1 id decl2 =
let err = match (decl1.type_kind, decl2.type_kind) with
(_, Type_abstract) -> []
| (Type_variant cstrs1, Type_variant cstrs2) ->
- if decl1.type_private = Private || decl2.type_private = Public then
- List.iter
- (fun (c, _, _) -> Env.mark_constructor_used name decl1 c)
- cstrs1;
+ let usage =
+ if decl1.type_private = Private || decl2.type_private = Public
+ then `Positive else `Privatize
+ in
+ List.iter
+ (fun (c, _, _) -> Env.mark_constructor_used usage name decl1 c)
+ cstrs1;
compare_variants env decl1 decl2 1 cstrs1 cstrs2
| (Type_record(labels1,rep1), Type_record(labels2,rep2)) ->
let err = compare_records env decl1 decl2 1 labels1 labels2 in
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index f1e87f55a..26f27a6f2 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ let type_declarations env cxt subst id decl1 decl2 =
(* Inclusion between exception declarations *)
let exception_declarations env cxt subst id decl1 decl2 =
- Env.mark_exception_used decl1 ( id);
+ Env.mark_exception_used `Positive decl1 ( id);
let decl2 = Subst.exception_declaration subst decl2 in
if Includecore.exception_declarations env decl1 decl2
then ()
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 1a8b8db1d..a4aa5179e 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -666,6 +666,7 @@ let rec type_pat ~constrs ~labels ~no_existentials ~mode ~env sp expected_ty =
Hashtbl.find constrs s
| _ -> Typetexp.find_constructor !env loc lid
+ Env.mark_constructor `Pattern !env (Longident.last lid) constr;
if no_existentials && constr.cstr_existentials <> [] then
raise (Error (loc, Unexpected_existential));
(* if constructor is gadt, we must verify that the expected type has the
@@ -2569,7 +2570,7 @@ and type_application env funct sargs =
and type_construct env loc lid sarg explicit_arity ty_expected =
let constr = Typetexp.find_constructor env loc lid in
- Env.mark_constructor env (Longident.last lid) constr;
+ Env.mark_constructor `Positive env (Longident.last lid) constr;
let sargs =
match sarg with
None -> []
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 307d5041b..cfcf55126 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -844,7 +844,7 @@ let transl_exn_rebind env loc lid =
Env.lookup_constructor lid env
with Not_found ->
raise(Error(loc, Unbound_exception lid)) in
- Env.mark_constructor env (Longident.last lid) cdescr;
+ Env.mark_constructor `Positive env (Longident.last lid) cdescr;
match cdescr.cstr_tag with
Cstr_exception (path, _) ->
(path, {exn_args = cdescr.cstr_args; exn_loc = loc})
diff --git a/utils/ b/utils/
index 4745598b0..0a950923d 100644
--- a/utils/
+++ b/utils/
@@ -56,8 +56,8 @@ type t =
| Unused_type_declaration of string (* 34 *)
| Unused_for_index of string (* 35 *)
| Unused_ancestor of string (* 36 *)
- | Unused_constructor of string (* 37 *)
- | Unused_exception of string (* 38 *)
+ | Unused_constructor of string * bool * bool (* 37 *)
+ | Unused_exception of string * bool (* 38 *)
(* If you remove a warning, leave a hole in the numbering. NEVER change
@@ -285,8 +285,21 @@ let message = function
| Unused_type_declaration s -> "unused type " ^ s ^ "."
| Unused_for_index s -> "unused for-loop index " ^ s ^ "."
| Unused_ancestor s -> "unused ancestor variable " ^ s ^ "."
- | Unused_constructor s -> "unused constructor " ^ s ^ "."
- | Unused_exception s -> "unused exception constructor " ^ s ^ "."
+ | Unused_constructor (s, false, false) -> "unused constructor " ^ s ^ "."
+ | Unused_constructor (s, true, _) ->
+ "constructor " ^ s ^
+ " is never used to build values.\n\
+ (However, this constructor appears in patterns.)"
+ | Unused_constructor (s, false, true) ->
+ "constructor " ^ s ^
+ " is never used to build values.\n\
+ Its type is exported as a private type."
+ | Unused_exception (s, false) ->
+ "unused exception constructor " ^ s ^ "."
+ | Unused_exception (s, true) ->
+ "exception constructor " ^ s ^
+ " is never raised or used to build values.\n\
+ (However, this constructor appears in patterns.)"
let nerrors = ref 0;;
diff --git a/utils/warnings.mli b/utils/warnings.mli
index 6cb7ce561..c7542af8c 100644
--- a/utils/warnings.mli
+++ b/utils/warnings.mli
@@ -51,8 +51,8 @@ type t =
| Unused_type_declaration of string (* 34 *)
| Unused_for_index of string (* 35 *)
| Unused_ancestor of string (* 36 *)
- | Unused_constructor of string (* 37 *)
- | Unused_exception of string (* 38 *)
+ | Unused_constructor of string * bool * bool (* 37 *)
+ | Unused_exception of string * bool (* 38 *)
val parse_options : bool -> string -> unit;;