diff options
authorAlain Frisch <>2012-07-24 14:32:47 +0000
committerAlain Frisch <>2012-07-24 14:32:47 +0000
commitaebeab4caebea0f6664896b800d5529fece68ad2 (patch)
parent451fb8ab52b6a8fa93d7c67000878cbc3faccf1e (diff)
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
1 files changed, 35 insertions, 29 deletions
diff --git a/experimental/frisch/ b/experimental/frisch/
index 63ea5a700..e589f4600 100644
--- a/experimental/frisch/
+++ b/experimental/frisch/
@@ -1,21 +1,32 @@
+(* This example shows how the AST mapping approach could be used
+ instead of Camlp4 in order to give a nice syntax for js_of_ocaml
+ (properties and method calls). The code below overloads regular
+ syntax for field projection and assignment for Javascript
+ properties, and (currified) method call for Javascript method
+ calls. This is enabled by a fake local open on pseudo module JS,
+ i.e. in a scope like "JS.(...)" or "let open JS in ...".
+ *)
open Asttypes
open Ast_mapper
open Location
open Parsetree
open Longident
-let constr1 c l = T.constr (mknoloc (Longident.parse c)) l
-let apply1 f l = E.apply (E.lid f) l
+(* A few local helper functions to simplify the creation of AST nodes. *)
+let constr_ c l = T.constr (mknoloc (Longident.parse c)) l
+let apply_ f l = E.apply (E.lid f) l
+let oobject l = T.object_ ( (fun (s, t) -> T.field s t) l @ [T.field_var ()])
+let eident x = E.ident (mknoloc (Lident x))
+let pvar x = P.var (mknoloc x)
let annot e t = E.constraint_ e (Some t) None
-let rnd = Random.State.make [|0x513511d4|]
-let random_var () =
- Format.sprintf "a%08Lx" (Random.State.int64 rnd 0x100000000L)
+let rnd = Random.State.make [|0x513511d4|]
+let random_var () = Format.sprintf "a%08Lx" (Random.State.int64 rnd 0x100000000L)
let fresh_type () = T.var (random_var ())
let unescape lab =
assert (lab <> "");
let lab =
@@ -28,16 +39,17 @@ let unescape lab =
with Not_found ->
+let method_literal meth = E.strconst (unescape meth)
let access_object loc e m m_typ f =
let open E in
let x = random_var () in
let obj_type = random_var () in
- let obj = annot e T.(constr1 "Js.t" [alias (object_ [field_var ()]) obj_type]) in
+ let obj = annot e T.(constr_ "Js.t" [alias (oobject []) obj_type]) in
let y = random_var () in
- let o = annot (ident (mknoloc (Lident y))) (T.var obj_type) in
- let body = annot (send o m) m_typ in
- let constr = func "" None [P.var (mknoloc y), body] in
- let e = let_ Nonrecursive [P.var (mknoloc x), obj; P.any (), constr] (f (E.ident (mknoloc (Lident x)))) in
+ let o = annot (eident y) (T.var obj_type) in
+ let constr = func "" None [pvar y, annot (send o m) m_typ] in
+ let e = let_ Nonrecursive [pvar x, obj; P.any (), constr] (f (eident x)) in
(set_loc loc) # expr e
let method_call loc obj meth args =
@@ -46,14 +58,15 @@ let method_call loc obj meth args =
let method_type =
(fun (_, arg_ty) rem_ty -> T.arrow "" arg_ty rem_ty)
- args (constr1 "Js.meth" [ret_type])
+ args
+ (constr_ "Js.meth" [ret_type])
access_object loc obj meth method_type
(fun x ->
let args =
- (fun (e, t) -> apply1 "Js.Unsafe.inject" [annot e t]) args
+ (fun (e, t) -> apply_ "Js.Unsafe.inject" [annot e t]) args
- annot E.(apply1 "Js.Unsafe.meth_call" [x; strconst (unescape meth); array args]) ret_type
+ annot (apply_ "Js.Unsafe.meth_call" [x; method_literal meth; E.array args]) ret_type
@@ -64,37 +77,30 @@ let mapper =
val js = false
method! expr e =
+ let loc = e.pexp_loc in
match e.pexp_desc with
| Pexp_open ({txt = Lident "JS"}, e) ->
{< js = true >} # expr e
| Pexp_field (o, {txt = Lident meth}) when js ->
- let loc = e.pexp_loc in
let o = this # expr o in
let prop_type = fresh_type () in
- let meth_type = constr1 "Js.gen_prop" [T.(object_ [field "get" prop_type; field_var ()])] in
+ let meth_type = constr_ "Js.gen_prop" [oobject ["get", prop_type]] in
access_object loc o meth meth_type
- (fun x ->
- let open E in
- annot (apply1 "Js.Unsafe.get" [x; strconst (unescape meth)]) prop_type
- )
+ (fun x -> annot (apply_ "Js.Unsafe.get" [x; method_literal meth]) prop_type)
| Pexp_setfield (o, {txt = Lident meth}, e) when js ->
- let loc = e.pexp_loc in
- let o = this # expr o in
- let e = this # expr e in
+ let o = this # expr o and e = this # expr e in
let prop_type = fresh_type () in
- let meth_type = constr1 "Js.gen_prop" [T.(object_ [field "set" (arrow "" prop_type (constr (mknoloc (Lident "unit")) [])); field_var ()])] in
+ let meth_type = constr_ "Js.gen_prop" [oobject ["set", T.arrow "" prop_type (constr_ "unit" [])]] in
access_object loc o meth meth_type
- (fun x ->
- let open E in
- apply1 "Js.Unsafe.set" [x; strconst (unescape meth); annot e prop_type]
- )
+ (fun x -> apply_ "Js.Unsafe.set" [x; method_literal meth; annot e prop_type])
| Pexp_apply ({pexp_desc = Pexp_send (o, meth); pexp_loc = loc}, args) when js ->
method_call loc o meth ( snd args)
| Pexp_send (o, meth) when js ->
- method_call e.pexp_loc o meth []
+ method_call loc o meth []
| _ ->
super # expr e