diff options
authorJacques Garrigue <garrigue at>2003-05-19 09:21:17 +0000
committerJacques Garrigue <garrigue at>2003-05-19 09:21:17 +0000
commitc5790aa41765fda31090ef898dab741a656a31cc (patch)
parent0df4ab03925b104c3093ffec31332fc5557a42f1 (diff)
fix PR#1559
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
6 files changed, 128 insertions, 126 deletions
diff --git a/stdlib/ b/stdlib/
index 7742591b0..7faaf27f0 100644
--- a/stdlib/
+++ b/stdlib/
@@ -78,4 +78,4 @@ let catch_break on =
(* OCaml version string, must be in the format described in sys.mli. *)
-let ocaml_version = "3.06+32 (2003-05-13)";;
+let ocaml_version = "3.06+33 (2003-05-19)";;
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 31b512cbc..5d00b94c8 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -106,6 +106,19 @@ let hash_variant s =
(* make it signed for 64 bits architectures *)
if !accu > 0x3FFFFFFF then !accu - (1 lsl 31) else !accu
+let proxy ty =
+ let ty = repr ty in
+ match ty.desc with
+ | Tvariant row -> row_more row
+ | Tobject (ty, _) ->
+ let rec proxy_obj ty =
+ match ty.desc with
+ Tfield (_, _, _, ty) | Tlink ty -> proxy_obj ty
+ | Tvar | Tnil | Tunivar -> ty
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in proxy_obj ty
+ | _ -> ty
(* Utilities for type traversal *)
diff --git a/typing/btype.mli b/typing/btype.mli
index c6fb92356..b1ec9a8e4 100644
--- a/typing/btype.mli
+++ b/typing/btype.mli
@@ -54,6 +54,10 @@ val static_row: row_desc -> bool
val hash_variant: label -> int
(* Hash function for variant tags *)
+val proxy: type_expr -> type_expr
+ (* Return the proxy representative of the type: either itself
+ or a row variable *)
(**** Utilities for type traversal ****)
val iter_type_expr: (type_expr -> unit) -> type_expr -> unit
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index c8512bf1b..629f96a46 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -99,20 +99,6 @@ let non_gen_mark sch ty =
let print_name_of_type sch ppf t =
fprintf ppf "'%s%s" (non_gen_mark sch t) (name_of_type t)
-let proxy ty =
- let ty = repr ty in
- match ty.desc with
- | Tvariant row -> Btype.row_more row
- | Tobject (ty, _) ->
- let rec proxy_obj ty =
- let ty = repr ty in
- match ty.desc with
- Tfield (_, _, _, ty) -> proxy_obj ty
- | Tvar | Tnil | Tunivar -> ty
- | _ -> assert false
- in proxy_obj ty
- | _ -> ty
let visited_objects = ref ([] : type_expr list)
let aliased = ref ([] : type_expr list)
let delayed = ref ([] : type_expr list)
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 17ae0d920..66a4c1f92 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -37,9 +37,8 @@ type error =
| Constructor_mismatch of type_expr * type_expr
| Not_a_variant of type_expr
| Variant_tags of string * string
- | No_row_variable of string
- | Bad_alias of string
| Invalid_variable_name of string
+ | Cannot_quantify of string * type_expr
exception Error of Location.t * error
@@ -48,7 +47,7 @@ type variable_context = int * (string, type_expr) Tbl.t
(* Translation of type expressions *)
let type_variables = ref (Tbl.empty : (string, type_expr) Tbl.t)
-let univars = ref ([] : (string * (type_expr * type_expr ref)) list)
+let univars = ref ([] : (string * type_expr) list)
let pre_univars = ref ([] : type_expr list)
let local_aliases = ref ([] : string list)
@@ -103,12 +102,7 @@ let rec swap_list = function
type policy = Fixed | Extensible | Delayed | Univars
-let rec transl_type env policy rowvar styp =
- if rowvar <> None then begin
- match styp.ptyp_desc with
- Ptyp_variant _ | Ptyp_object _ | Ptyp_class _ -> ()
- | _ -> raise(Error(styp.ptyp_loc, No_row_variable ""))
- end;
+let rec transl_type env policy styp =
match styp.ptyp_desc with
Ptyp_any ->
if policy = Univars then new_pre_univar () else newvar ()
@@ -116,7 +110,7 @@ let rec transl_type env policy rowvar styp =
if name <> "" && name.[0] = '_' then
raise (Error (styp.ptyp_loc, Invalid_variable_name ("'" ^ name)));
begin try
- instance (fst (List.assoc name !univars))
+ instance (List.assoc name !univars)
with Not_found ->
match policy with
Fixed ->
@@ -159,11 +153,11 @@ let rec transl_type env policy rowvar styp =
| Ptyp_arrow(l, st1, st2) ->
- let ty1 = transl_type env policy None st1 in
- let ty2 = transl_type env policy None st2 in
+ let ty1 = transl_type env policy st1 in
+ let ty2 = transl_type env policy st2 in
newty (Tarrow(l, ty1, ty2, Cok))
| Ptyp_tuple stl ->
- newty (Ttuple( (transl_type env policy None) stl))
+ newty (Ttuple( (transl_type env policy) stl))
| Ptyp_constr(lid, stl) ->
let (path, decl) =
@@ -173,7 +167,7 @@ let rec transl_type env policy rowvar styp =
if List.length stl <> decl.type_arity then
raise(Error(styp.ptyp_loc, Type_arity_mismatch(lid, decl.type_arity,
List.length stl)));
- let args = (transl_type env policy None) stl in
+ let args = (transl_type env policy) stl in
let params = Ctype.instance_list decl.type_params in
let cstr = newty (Tconstr(path, params, ref Mnil)) in
begin try
@@ -194,14 +188,8 @@ let rec transl_type env policy rowvar styp =
(List.combine stl args) params;
| Ptyp_object fields ->
- begin try
- newobj (transl_fields env policy rowvar fields)
- with Error (loc, No_row_variable _) when loc = Location.none ->
- raise (Error(styp.ptyp_loc, No_row_variable "object "))
- end
+ newobj (transl_fields env policy fields)
| Ptyp_class(lid, stl, present) ->
- if policy = Fixed & rowvar = None then
- raise(Error(styp.ptyp_loc, Unbound_row_variable lid));
let (path, decl, is_variant) =
let (path, decl) = Env.lookup_type lid env in
@@ -233,7 +221,7 @@ let rec transl_type env policy rowvar styp =
if List.length stl <> decl.type_arity then
raise(Error(styp.ptyp_loc, Type_arity_mismatch(lid, decl.type_arity,
List.length stl)));
- let args = (transl_type env policy None) stl in
+ let args = (transl_type env policy) stl in
let cstr = newty (Tconstr(path, args, ref Mnil)) in
let ty =
try Ctype.expand_head env cstr
@@ -254,7 +242,6 @@ let rec transl_type env policy rowvar styp =
raise(Error(styp.ptyp_loc, Present_has_no_type l)))
let bound = ref row.row_bound in
- let fixed = rowvar <> None || policy = Univars in
let single = List.length row.row_fields = 1 in
let fields =
if single then row.row_fields else
@@ -264,65 +251,47 @@ let rec transl_type env policy rowvar styp =
match Btype.row_field_repr f with
| Rpresent (Some ty) ->
bound := ty :: !bound;
- Reither(false, [ty], fixed, ref None)
+ Reither(false, [ty], false, ref None)
| Rpresent None ->
- Reither (true, [], fixed, ref None)
+ Reither (true, [], false, ref None)
| _ -> f)
let row = { row_closed = true; row_fields = fields;
row_bound = !bound; row_name = Some (path, args);
- row_fixed = fixed; row_more = newvar () } in
+ row_fixed = false; row_more = newvar () } in
let static = Btype.static_row row in
let row =
if static then row else
- { row with row_more = match rowvar with Some v -> v
- | None ->
- if policy = Univars then new_pre_univar ()
- else newvar () } in
+ { row with row_more =
+ if policy = Univars then new_pre_univar () else newvar () }
+ in
newty (Tvariant row)
| Tobject (fi, _) ->
let _, tv = flatten_fields fi in
if policy = Univars then pre_univars := tv :: !pre_univars;
- begin match rowvar with None -> ()
- | Some rv ->
- let _, tv = flatten_fields fi in
- try unify_var env tv rv with Unify trace ->
- raise(Error(styp.ptyp_loc, Alias_type_mismatch trace))
- end;
| _ ->
assert false
| Ptyp_alias(st, alias) ->
- if List.mem_assoc alias !univars then
- match List.assoc alias !univars with
- ({desc=Tunivar} as tc), tr when tc == !tr ->
- tr := Btype.newty2 tc.level Tunivar;
- tc.desc <- Tvar;
- let ty = transl_type env policy (Some !tr) st in
- begin try unify_var env tc ty with Unify trace ->
- let trace = swap_list trace in
- raise(Error(styp.ptyp_loc, Alias_type_mismatch trace))
- end;
- ty
- | _ ->
- raise(Error(styp.ptyp_loc, Bound_type_variable alias))
- else begin
+ begin
- let v1 = instance (Tbl.find alias !type_variables) in
let t =
- (* Special case if using indirect variable bindings *)
- if policy = Delayed then
- try instance (Tbl.find alias !used_variables)
- with Not_found ->
- let v2 = new_global_var () in
- used_variables := Tbl.add alias v2 !used_variables;
- bindings := (styp.ptyp_loc, v1, v2)::!bindings;
- v2
- else v1
+ try List.assoc alias !univars
+ with Not_found ->
+ let v1 = instance ( Tbl.find alias !type_variables) in
+ (* Special case if using indirect variable bindings *)
+ if policy = Delayed then
+ try instance (Tbl.find alias !used_variables)
+ with Not_found ->
+ let v2 = new_global_var () in
+ used_variables := Tbl.add alias v2 !used_variables;
+ bindings := (styp.ptyp_loc, v1, v2)::!bindings;
+ v2
+ else v1
- let ty = transl_type env policy None st in
+ let ty = transl_type env policy st in
begin try unify_var env t ty with Unify trace ->
let trace = swap_list trace in
raise(Error(styp.ptyp_loc, Alias_type_mismatch trace))
@@ -332,28 +301,26 @@ let rec transl_type env policy rowvar styp =
begin_def ();
let t = newvar () in
type_variables := Tbl.add alias t !type_variables;
- if policy = Univars then local_aliases := alias :: !local_aliases;
+ let local = (policy = Univars || !univars <> []) in
+ if local then local_aliases := alias :: !local_aliases;
if policy = Delayed then
used_variables := Tbl.add alias t !used_variables;
- let ty = transl_type env policy None st in
+ let ty = transl_type env policy st in
begin try unify_var env t ty with Unify trace ->
let trace = swap_list trace in
raise(Error(styp.ptyp_loc, Alias_type_mismatch trace))
end_def ();
- if policy = Univars then generalize_structure t
+ if local then generalize_structure t
else generalize_global t;
instance t
| Ptyp_variant(fields, closed, present) ->
- if rowvar <> None && present = None && closed then
- raise (Error(styp.ptyp_loc, No_row_variable "variant "));
let bound = ref [] and name = ref None in
- let fixed = rowvar <> None || policy = Univars in
let mkfield l f =
newty (Tvariant {row_fields=[l,f]; row_more=newvar();
row_bound=[]; row_closed=true;
- row_fixed=fixed; row_name=None}) in
+ row_fixed=false; row_name=None}) in
let add_typed_field loc l f fields =
let f' = List.assoc l fields in
@@ -370,18 +337,18 @@ let rec transl_type env policy rowvar styp =
name := None;
let f = match present with
Some present when not (single || List.mem l present) ->
- let tl = (transl_type env policy None) stl in
+ let tl = (transl_type env policy) stl in
bound := tl @ !bound;
- Reither(c, tl, fixed, ref None)
+ Reither(c, tl, false, ref None)
| _ ->
if List.length stl > 1 || c && stl <> [] then
raise(Error(styp.ptyp_loc, Present_has_conjunction l));
match stl with [] -> Rpresent None
- | st :: _ -> Rpresent (Some(transl_type env policy None st))
+ | st :: _ -> Rpresent (Some(transl_type env policy st))
add_typed_field styp.ptyp_loc l f fields
| Rinherit sty ->
- let ty = transl_type env policy None sty in
+ let ty = transl_type env policy sty in
let nm =
match repr ty with
{desc=Tconstr(p, tl, _)} -> Some(p, tl)
@@ -405,9 +372,9 @@ let rec transl_type env policy rowvar styp =
begin match f with
Rpresent(Some ty) ->
bound := ty :: !bound;
- Reither(false, [ty], fixed, ref None)
+ Reither(false, [ty], false, ref None)
| Rpresent None ->
- Reither(true, [], fixed, ref None)
+ Reither(true, [], false, ref None)
| _ ->
assert false
@@ -439,58 +406,91 @@ let rec transl_type env policy rowvar styp =
let row =
{ row_fields = List.rev fields; row_more = newvar ();
row_bound = !bound; row_closed = closed;
- row_fixed = fixed; row_name = !name } in
+ row_fixed = false; row_name = !name } in
let static = Btype.static_row row in
let row =
if static then row else
- { row with row_more = match rowvar with Some v -> v
- | None ->
- if policy = Univars then new_pre_univar () else
- if policy = Fixed && not static then
- raise(Error(styp.ptyp_loc, Unbound_type_variable "[..]"))
- else row.row_more
+ { row with row_more =
+ if policy = Univars then new_pre_univar () else
+ if policy = Fixed && not static then
+ raise(Error(styp.ptyp_loc, Unbound_type_variable "[..]"))
+ else row.row_more
} in
newty (Tvariant row)
| Ptyp_poly(vars, st) ->
- (* aliases are stubs, in case one wants to redefine them *)
- let tr_list = (fun _ -> ref (newty Tunivar)) vars in
- let new_univars =
- List.map2 (fun name tr -> name, (!tr, tr)) vars tr_list in
+ begin_def();
+ let new_univars = (fun name -> name, newvar()) vars in
let old_univars = !univars in
univars := new_univars @ !univars;
- let ty = transl_type env policy None st in
+ let ty = transl_type env policy st in
univars := old_univars;
- let ty_list = (!) tr_list in
- let ty_list = List.filter (fun tu -> deep_occur (repr tu) ty) ty_list in
- newty (Tpoly(ty, ty_list))
+ end_def();
+ generalize ty;
+ let ty_list =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun tyl (name, ty1) ->
+ let v = Btype.proxy ty1 in
+ if deep_occur v ty then begin
+ if v.level <> Btype.generic_level || v.desc <> Tvar then
+ raise (Error (styp.ptyp_loc, Cannot_quantify (name, v)));
+ v.desc <- Tunivar;
+ v :: tyl
+ end else tyl)
+ [] new_univars
+ in
+ let ty' = Btype.newgenty (Tpoly(ty, List.rev ty_list)) in
+ unify_var env (newvar()) ty';
+ ty'
-and transl_fields env policy rowvar =
+and transl_fields env policy =
[] ->
newty Tnil
| {pfield_desc = Pfield_var} as field::_ ->
- begin match rowvar with
- None ->
- if policy = Fixed then
- raise(Error(field.pfield_loc, Unbound_type_variable ".."));
- if policy = Univars then new_pre_univar () else newvar ()
- | Some v -> v
- end
+ if policy = Univars then new_pre_univar () else newvar ()
| {pfield_desc = Pfield(s, e)}::l ->
- let ty1 = transl_type env policy None e in
- let ty2 = transl_fields env policy rowvar l in
+ let ty1 = transl_type env policy e in
+ let ty2 = transl_fields env policy l in
newty (Tfield (s, Fpresent, ty1, ty2))
+(* Make the rows "fixed" in this type, to make universal check easier *)
+let rec make_fixed_univars ty =
+ let ty = repr ty in
+ if ty.level >= Btype.lowest_level then begin
+ Btype.mark_type_node ty;
+ match ty.desc with
+ | Tvariant row ->
+ let row = Btype.row_repr row in
+ if (Btype.row_more row).desc = Tunivar then
+ ty.desc <- Tvariant
+ {row with row_fixed=true;
+ row_fields =
+ (fun (s,f as p) -> match Btype.row_field_repr f with
+ Reither (c, tl, m, r) -> s, Reither (c, tl, true, r)
+ | _ -> p)
+ row.row_fields};
+ Btype.iter_row make_fixed_univars row
+ | _ ->
+ Btype.iter_type_expr make_fixed_univars ty
+ end
+let make_fixed_univars ty =
+ make_fixed_univars ty;
+ Btype.unmark_type ty
let transl_simple_type env fixed styp =
- univars := [];
- let typ = transl_type env (if fixed then Fixed else Extensible) None styp in
+ univars := []; local_aliases := [];
+ let typ = transl_type env (if fixed then Fixed else Extensible) styp in
+ type_variables := List.fold_right Tbl.remove !local_aliases !type_variables;
+ make_fixed_univars typ;
let transl_simple_type_univars env styp =
univars := [];
reset_pre_univars ();
begin_def ();
- let typ = transl_type env Univars None styp in
+ let typ = transl_type env Univars styp in
end_def ();
generalize typ;
let univs =
@@ -503,13 +503,14 @@ let transl_simple_type_univars env styp =
type_variables := List.fold_right Tbl.remove !local_aliases !type_variables;
reset_pre_univars ();
+ make_fixed_univars typ;
instance (Btype.newgenty (Tpoly (typ, univs)))
let transl_simple_type_delayed env styp =
univars := [];
used_variables := Tbl.empty;
bindings := [];
- let typ = transl_type env Delayed None styp in
+ let typ = transl_type env Delayed styp in
let b = !bindings in
used_variables := Tbl.empty;
bindings := [];
@@ -588,11 +589,10 @@ let report_error ppf = function
fprintf ppf
"Variant tags `%s@ and `%s have same hash value.@ Change one of them."
lab1 lab2
- | No_row_variable s ->
- fprintf ppf "This %stype has no row variable" s
- | Bad_alias name ->
- fprintf ppf
- "The alias %s cannot be used here. It captures universal variables."
- name
| Invalid_variable_name name ->
fprintf ppf "The type variable name %s is not allowed in programs" name
+ | Cannot_quantify (name, v) ->
+ fprintf ppf "This type scheme cannot quantify '%s :@ %s." name
+ (if v.desc = Tvar then "it escapes this scope" else
+ if v.desc = Tunivar then "it is aliased to another variable"
+ else "it is not a variable")
diff --git a/typing/typetexp.mli b/typing/typetexp.mli
index 300ebe5ac..ba3abaa41 100644
--- a/typing/typetexp.mli
+++ b/typing/typetexp.mli
@@ -52,9 +52,8 @@ type error =
| Constructor_mismatch of Types.type_expr * Types.type_expr
| Not_a_variant of Types.type_expr
| Variant_tags of string * string
- | No_row_variable of string
- | Bad_alias of string
| Invalid_variable_name of string
+ | Cannot_quantify of string * Types.type_expr
exception Error of Location.t * error