diff options
authorJérôme Vouillon <>1996-05-20 16:43:29 +0000
committerJérôme Vouillon <>1996-05-20 16:43:29 +0000
commitd6770a923112fbfd6935e9b08f82051e01c73768 (patch)
parentce301ce8fb46ce57a19a1323c9a6e6959da4d749 (diff)
Amelioration des messages d'erreurs d'unification (expansion des
abbreviations). Typeclass: correction d'un bug de typage. git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
10 files changed, 304 insertions, 214 deletions
diff --git a/toplevel/ b/toplevel/
index 4e4f4a7ba..a319c6304 100644
--- a/toplevel/
+++ b/toplevel/
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ let find_printer_type lid =
Not_found ->
print_string "Unbound value "; Printtyp.longident lid;
print_newline(); raise Exit
- | Ctype.Unify ->
+ | Ctype.Unify _ ->
Printtyp.longident lid;
print_string " has the wrong type for a printing function";
print_newline(); raise Exit
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index fe26b31a3..af9425049 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ open Misc
open Asttypes
open Typedtree
-exception Unify
+exception Unify of (type_expr * type_expr) list
let current_level = ref 0
let global_level = ref 1
@@ -361,6 +361,26 @@ let expand_abbrev env path args abbrev level =
with Not_found ->
raise Cannot_expand
+let rec expand_root env ty =
+ let ty = repr ty in
+ match ty.desc with
+ Tconstr(p, tl, abbrev) ->
+ begin try
+ expand_root env (expand_abbrev env p tl (ref !abbrev) ty.level)
+ with Cannot_expand ->
+ ty
+ end
+ | _ ->
+ ty
+let rec full_expand env ty =
+ let ty = repr (expand_root env ty) in
+ match ty.desc with
+ Tobject (fi, {contents = Some nm}) when opened_object ty ->
+ { desc = Tobject (fi, ref None); level = ty.level }
+ | _ ->
+ ty
let generic_abbrev env path =
let decl = Env.find_type path env in
@@ -380,7 +400,7 @@ let occur env ty0 ty =
Tlink ty' ->
occur_rec ty'
| Tvar ->
- if ty == ty0 then raise Unify else
+ if ty == ty0 then raise (Unify []) else
| Tarrow(t1, t2) ->
occur_rec t1; occur_rec t2
@@ -391,7 +411,7 @@ let occur env ty0 ty =
| Tconstr(p, tl, abbrev) ->
if not (List.memq ty !visited) then begin
visited := ty :: !visited;
- try List.iter occur_rec tl with Unify ->
+ try List.iter occur_rec tl with Unify _ ->
try occur_rec (expand_abbrev env p tl abbrev ty.level)
with Cannot_expand ->
@@ -408,53 +428,59 @@ let rec unify_rec env a1 a2 t1 t2 = (* Variables and abbreviations *)
let t1 = repr2 t1 in
let t2 = repr2 t2 in
if t1 == t2 then () else
- match (t1.desc, t2.desc) with
- (Tvar, _) ->
- update_level t1.level t2;
- begin match a2 with
- None -> occur env t1 t2; t1.desc <- Tlink t2
- | Some l2 -> occur env t1 l2; t1.desc <- Tlink l2
- end
- | (_, Tvar) ->
- update_level t2.level t1;
- begin match a1 with
- None -> occur env t2 t1; t2.desc <- Tlink t1
- | Some l1 -> occur env t2 l1; t2.desc <- Tlink l1
- end
- | (Tconstr (p1, tl1, _), Tconstr (p2, tl2, _)) when Path.same p1 p2 ->
- unify_core env a1 a2 t1 t2
- | (Tconstr (p1, tl1, abbrev1), Tconstr (p2, tl2, abbrev2)) ->
- begin
- try
+ try
+ match (t1.desc, t2.desc) with
+ (Tvar, _) ->
+ update_level t1.level t2;
+ begin match a2 with
+ None -> occur env t1 t2; t1.desc <- Tlink t2
+ | Some l2 -> occur env t1 l2; t1.desc <- Tlink l2
+ end
+ | (_, Tvar) ->
+ update_level t2.level t1;
+ begin match a1 with
+ None -> occur env t2 t1; t2.desc <- Tlink t1
+ | Some l1 -> occur env t2 l1; t2.desc <- Tlink l1
+ end
+ | (Tconstr (p1, tl1, _), Tconstr (p2, tl2, _)) when Path.same p1 p2 ->
+ unify_core env a1 a2 t1 t2
+ | (Tconstr (p1, tl1, abbrev1), Tconstr (p2, tl2, abbrev2)) ->
+ begin
+ try
+ let t3 = expand_abbrev env p1 tl1 abbrev1 t1.level in
+ update_level t2.level t1;
+ unify_rec env (Some t1) a2 t3 t2
+ with Cannot_expand ->
+ try
+ let t3 = expand_abbrev env p2 tl2 abbrev2 t2.level in
+ update_level t1.level t2;
+ unify_rec env a1 (Some t2) t1 t3
+ with Cannot_expand ->
+ raise (Unify [])
+ end
+ | (Tconstr (p1, tl1, abbrev1), _) ->
+ begin try
let t3 = expand_abbrev env p1 tl1 abbrev1 t1.level in
update_level t2.level t1;
unify_rec env (Some t1) a2 t3 t2
with Cannot_expand ->
- try
+ unify_core env a1 a2 t1 t2
+ end
+ | (_, Tconstr (p2, tl2, abbrev2)) ->
+ begin try
let t3 = expand_abbrev env p2 tl2 abbrev2 t2.level in
update_level t1.level t2;
unify_rec env a1 (Some t2) t1 t3
with Cannot_expand ->
- raise Unify
- end
- | (Tconstr (p1, tl1, abbrev1), _) ->
- begin try
- let t3 = expand_abbrev env p1 tl1 abbrev1 t1.level in
- update_level t2.level t1;
- unify_rec env (Some t1) a2 t3 t2
- with Cannot_expand ->
- unify_core env a1 a2 t1 t2
- end
- | (_, Tconstr (p2, tl2, abbrev2)) ->
- begin try
- let t3 = expand_abbrev env p2 tl2 abbrev2 t2.level in
- update_level t1.level t2;
- unify_rec env a1 (Some t2) t1 t3
- with Cannot_expand ->
+ unify_core env a1 a2 t1 t2
+ end
+ | (_, _) ->
unify_core env a1 a2 t1 t2
- end
- | (_, _) ->
- unify_core env a1 a2 t1 t2
+ with
+ Unify [] ->
+ raise (Unify [(t1, t2)])
+ | Unify (_::l) ->
+ raise (Unify ((t1, t2)::l))
and unify_core env a1 a2 t1 t2 = (* Other cases *)
let d1 = t1.desc and d2 = t2.desc in
@@ -487,17 +513,22 @@ and unify_core env a1 a2 t1 t2 = (* Other cases *)
raise exn
| (_, _) ->
- raise Unify
- with exn ->
- t1.desc <- d1;
- t2.desc <- d2;
- raise exn
+ raise (Unify [])
+ with
+ Unify l ->
+ t1.desc <- d1;
+ t2.desc <- d2;
+ raise (Unify ((t1, t2)::l))
+ | exn ->
+ t1.desc <- d1;
+ t2.desc <- d2;
+ raise exn
and unify_list env tl1 tl2 =
List.iter2 (unify_rec env None None) tl1 tl2
with Invalid_argument _ ->
- raise Unify
+ raise (Unify [])
and unify_fields env ty1 ty2 =
let (fields1, rest1) = flatten_fields ty1
@@ -510,7 +541,7 @@ and unify_fields env ty1 ty2 =
update_level rest1.level nr;
rest1.desc <- Tlink nr
| Tnil ->
- if miss2 <> [] then raise Unify;
+ if miss2 <> [] then raise (Unify []);
va.desc <- Tlink {desc = Tnil; level = va.level}
| _ ->
fatal_error "Ctype.unify_fields (1)"
@@ -521,15 +552,43 @@ and unify_fields env ty1 ty2 =
update_level rest2.level nr;
rest2.desc <- Tlink nr
| Tnil ->
- if miss1 <> [] then raise Unify;
+ if miss1 <> [] then raise (Unify []);
va.desc <- Tlink {desc = Tnil; level = va.level}
| _ ->
fatal_error "Ctype.unify_fields (2)"
List.iter (fun (t1, t2) -> unify_rec env None None t1 t2) pairs
+let expand_types env (ty1, ty2) =
+ (ty1, full_expand env ty1), (ty2, full_expand env ty2)
+let expand_trace env trace =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun (t1, t2) rem ->
+ (t1, full_expand env t1)::(t2, full_expand env t2)::rem)
+ trace []
+let rec filter_trace =
+ function
+ (t1, t1')::(t2, t2')::rem ->
+ let rem' = filter_trace rem in
+ if (t1 == t1') & (t2 == t2') then
+ rem'
+ else
+ (t1, t1')::(t2, t2')::rem
+ | _ ->
+ []
let unify env ty1 ty2 =
- unify_rec env None None ty1 ty2
+ try
+ unify_rec env None None ty1 ty2
+ with Unify trace ->
+ let trace = expand_trace env trace in
+ match trace with
+ t1::t2::rem ->
+ raise (Unify (t1::t2::filter_trace rem))
+ | _ ->
+ fatal_error "Ctype.unify"
let rec filter_arrow env t =
let t = repr t in
@@ -546,10 +605,10 @@ let rec filter_arrow env t =
begin try
filter_arrow env (expand_abbrev env p tl abbrev t.level)
with Cannot_expand ->
- raise Unify
+ raise (Unify [])
| _ ->
- raise Unify
+ raise (Unify [])
let rec filter_method_field name ty =
let ty = repr ty in
@@ -566,7 +625,7 @@ let rec filter_method_field name ty =
filter_method_field name ty2
| _ ->
- raise Unify
+ raise (Unify [])
let rec filter_method env name ty =
let ty = repr ty in
@@ -583,10 +642,10 @@ let rec filter_method env name ty =
begin try
filter_method env name (expand_abbrev env p tl abbrev ty.level)
with Cannot_expand ->
- raise Unify
+ raise (Unify [])
| _ ->
- raise Unify
+ raise (Unify [])
(* Matching between type schemes *)
@@ -602,7 +661,7 @@ let rec moregen_occur ty0 ty =
and cannot be instantiated by a type that contains
generic variables. *)
if ty.level = generic_level & ty0.level < !current_level
- then raise Unify
+ then raise (Unify [])
| Tarrow(t1, t2) ->
occur_rec t1; occur_rec t2
| Ttuple tl ->
@@ -635,7 +694,7 @@ let rec moregen env t1 t2 =
begin match (t1.desc, t2.desc) with
(Tvar, _) ->
- if t1.level = generic_level then raise Unify;
+ if t1.level = generic_level then raise (Unify []);
occur env t1 t2;
moregen_occur t1 t2;
t1.desc <- Tlink t2
@@ -655,7 +714,7 @@ let rec moregen env t1 t2 =
moregen env t1 (expand_abbrev env p2 tl2 abbrev2 t2.level)
with Cannot_expand ->
- raise Unify
+ raise (Unify [])
| (Tobject(f1, _), Tobject(f2, _)) ->
t1.desc <- Tlink t2;
@@ -665,16 +724,16 @@ let rec moregen env t1 t2 =
begin try
moregen env (expand_abbrev env p1 tl1 abbrev1 t1.level) t2
with Cannot_expand ->
- raise Unify
+ raise (Unify [])
| (_, Tconstr(p2, tl2, abbrev2)) ->
begin try
moregen env t1 (expand_abbrev env p2 tl2 abbrev2 t2.level)
with Cannot_expand ->
- raise Unify
+ raise (Unify [])
| (_, _) ->
- raise Unify
+ raise (Unify [])
with exn ->
t1.desc <- d1;
@@ -684,21 +743,21 @@ and moregen_list env tl1 tl2 =
List.iter2 (moregen env) tl1 tl2
with Invalid_argument _ ->
- raise Unify
+ raise (Unify [])
and moregen_fields env ty1 ty2 =
let (fields1, rest1) = flatten_fields ty1
and (fields2, rest2) = flatten_fields ty2 in
let (pairs, miss1, miss2) = associate_fields fields1 fields2 in
- if miss1 <> [] then raise Unify;
+ if miss1 <> [] then raise (Unify []);
begin match rest1.desc with
Tvar ->
- if rest1.level = generic_level then raise Unify;
+ if rest1.level = generic_level then raise (Unify []);
let fi = build_fields miss2 rest2 in
moregen_occur rest1 fi
| Tnil ->
- if miss2 <> [] then raise Unify;
- if rest2.desc <> Tnil then raise Unify
+ if miss2 <> [] then raise (Unify []);
+ if rest2.desc <> Tnil then raise (Unify [])
| _ ->
fatal_error "moregen_fields"
@@ -711,7 +770,7 @@ let moregeneral env sch1 sch2 =
remove_abbrev sch2;
- with Unify ->
+ with Unify _ ->
remove_abbrev sch2;
@@ -948,13 +1007,13 @@ let rec subtype_rec env vars t1 t2 =
unify env t1 t2
| (_, _) ->
- raise Unify
+ raise (Unify [])
and subtype_list env vars tl1 tl2 =
List.iter2 (subtype_rec env vars) tl1 tl2
with Invalid_argument _ ->
- raise Unify
+ raise (Unify [])
and subtype_fields env vars ty1 ty2 =
let (fields1, rest1) = flatten_fields ty1 in
@@ -965,7 +1024,7 @@ and subtype_fields env vars ty1 ty2 =
let nr = build_fields miss2 (newvar ()) in
update_level rest1.level nr;
rest1.desc <- Tlink nr
- | Tnil -> if miss2 <> [] then raise Unify
+ | Tnil -> if miss2 <> [] then raise (Unify [])
| _ -> fatal_error "Ctype.subtype_fields (1)"
begin match rest2.desc with
@@ -1186,18 +1245,6 @@ let remove_object_name ty =
| Tconstr (_, _, _) -> ()
| _ -> fatal_error "Ctype.remove_object_name"
-let rec expand_root env ty =
- let ty = repr ty in
- match ty.desc with
- Tconstr(p, tl, abbrev) ->
- begin try
- expand_root env (expand_abbrev env p tl (ref !abbrev) ty.level)
- with Cannot_expand ->
- ty
- end
- | _ ->
- ty
(* Abbreviation correctness *)
exception Nonlinear_abbrev
diff --git a/typing/ctype.mli b/typing/ctype.mli
index dc3750d0b..e0d3299e7 100644
--- a/typing/ctype.mli
+++ b/typing/ctype.mli
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ val arity: type_expr -> int
val none: type_expr
(* A dummy type expression *)
-exception Unify
+exception Unify of (type_expr * type_expr) list
exception Cannot_expand
exception Nonlinear_abbrev
exception Recursive_abbrev
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 9f90bbab6..5597855d5 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -522,3 +522,45 @@ let signature sg =
open_vbox 0;
signature_body false sg;
+(* Print an unification error *)
+let type_expansion t t' =
+ if t == t' then
+ type_expr t
+ else begin
+ open_hovbox 2;
+ type_expr t;
+ print_space (); print_string "="; print_space ();
+ type_expr t';
+ close_box ()
+ end
+let rec unification_trace =
+ function
+ (t1, t1')::(t2, t2')::rem ->
+ print_cut ();
+ open_hovbox 0;
+ print_string "Type"; print_break 1 2;
+ type_expansion t1 t1'; print_space ();
+ print_string "is not compatible with type"; print_break 1 2;
+ type_expansion t2 t2';
+ close_box ();
+ unification_trace rem
+ | _ ->
+ ()
+let unification_error trace txt1 txt2 =
+ reset ();
+ List.iter
+ (function (t, t') -> mark_loops t; if t != t' then mark_loops t')
+ trace;
+ open_hovbox 0;
+ let (t1, t1') = List.hd trace in
+ let (t2, t2') = List.hd ( trace) in
+ txt1 (); print_break 1 2;
+ type_expansion t1 t1'; print_space();
+ txt2 (); print_break 1 2;
+ type_expansion t2 t2';
+ close_box();
+ unification_trace ( ( trace))
diff --git a/typing/printtyp.mli b/typing/printtyp.mli
index eddf841aa..c1e7e08b0 100644
--- a/typing/printtyp.mli
+++ b/typing/printtyp.mli
@@ -30,3 +30,6 @@ val signature: signature -> unit
val signature_body: bool -> signature -> unit
val modtype_declaration: Ident.t -> modtype_declaration -> unit
val class_type: Ident.t -> class_type -> unit
+val unification_error:
+ (type_expr * type_expr) list -> (unit -> unit) -> (unit -> unit) ->
+ unit
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index d57cecd76..d773b8ceb 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -29,17 +29,17 @@ type error =
| Non_closed of Ident.t * type_expr list * type_expr
| Mutable_var of string
| Undefined_var of string
- | Variable_type_mismatch of string * type_expr * type_expr
- | Method_type_mismatch of string * type_expr * type_expr
+ | Variable_type_mismatch of string * (type_expr * type_expr) list
+ | Method_type_mismatch of string * (type_expr * type_expr) list
| Unconsistent_constraint
| Unbound_class of Longident.t
- | Argument_type_mismatch of type_expr * type_expr
+ | Argument_type_mismatch of (type_expr * type_expr) list
| Abbrev_type_clash of type_expr * type_expr * type_expr
| Bad_parameters of Ident.t * type_expr * type_expr
| Illdefined_class of string
| Argument_arity_mismatch of Path.t * int * int
| Parameter_arity_mismatch of Path.t * int * int
- | Parameter_mismatch of type_expr * type_expr
+ | Parameter_mismatch of (type_expr * type_expr) list
exception Error of Location.t * error
@@ -60,6 +60,21 @@ let rec add_methods env self concr concr_lst t =
| _ ->
+let equalize_methods env self obj =
+ match (Ctype.expand_root env obj).desc with
+ Tobject (ty, _) ->
+ let rec equalize_methods_rec t =
+ match (Ctype.repr t).desc with
+ Tfield (lab, _, t') ->
+ Ctype.filter_method env lab self;
+ equalize_methods_rec t'
+ | _ ->
+ ()
+ in
+ equalize_methods_rec ty
+ | _ ->
+ fatal_error "Typeclass.equalize_methods"
let make_stub env cl =
Ctype.begin_def ();
@@ -163,9 +178,9 @@ let rec type_meth env loc self ty =
Tfield (lab, ty, ty') ->
let ty0 = Ctype.filter_method env lab self in
begin try
- Ctype.unify env ty0 ty
- with Ctype.Unify ->
- raise(Error(loc, Method_type_mismatch (lab, ty, ty0)))
+ Ctype.unify env ty ty0
+ with Ctype.Unify trace ->
+ raise(Error(loc, Method_type_mismatch (lab, trace)))
type_meth env loc self ty'
| _ ->
@@ -178,7 +193,7 @@ let missing_method env ty ty' =
begin try
Ctype.filter_method env lab ty;
missing_method_rec met'
- with Ctype.Unify ->
+ with Ctype.Unify _ ->
| _ ->
@@ -207,8 +222,8 @@ let insert_value env lab priv mut ty loc vals =
begin try
let (mut', ty') = Vars.find lab vals in
check_mutable loc lab mut mut';
- try Ctype.unify env ty ty' with Ctype.Unify ->
- raise(Error(loc, Variable_type_mismatch(lab, ty, ty')))
+ try Ctype.unify env ty ty' with Ctype.Unify trace ->
+ raise(Error(loc, Variable_type_mismatch(lab, trace)))
with Not_found -> () end;
if priv = Private then
vals_remove lab vals
@@ -245,8 +260,8 @@ let type_class_field env var_env self cl (met_env, fields, vars_sig) =
(fun sty ty ->
let ty' = Typetexp.transl_simple_type var_env false sty in
- try Ctype.unify var_env ty ty' with Ctype.Unify ->
- raise(Error(sty.ptyp_loc, Parameter_mismatch(ty', ty))))
+ try Ctype.unify var_env ty' ty with Ctype.Unify trace ->
+ raise(Error(sty.ptyp_loc, Parameter_mismatch trace)))
params params';
(* Type arguments *)
@@ -278,7 +293,7 @@ let type_class_field env var_env self cl (met_env, fields, vars_sig) =
begin try
Ctype.unify var_env self
(Ctype.newobj (closed_scheme fi))
- with Ctype.Unify ->
+ with Ctype.Unify _ ->
let lab = missing_method var_env self' self in
raise(Error(loc, Closed_ancestor
(cl.pcl_name, path, lab)))
@@ -338,16 +353,16 @@ let type_class_field env var_env self cl (met_env, fields, vars_sig) =
| Pcf_virt (lab, ty, loc) ->
let ty = transl_simple_type met_env false ty in
let ty' = Ctype.filter_method met_env lab self in
- begin try Ctype.unify met_env ty ty' with Ctype.Unify ->
- raise(Error(loc, Method_type_mismatch (lab, ty, ty')))
+ begin try Ctype.unify met_env ty ty' with Ctype.Unify trace ->
+ raise(Error(loc, Method_type_mismatch (lab, trace)))
(met_env, fields, vars_sig)
| Pcf_meth (lab, expr, loc) ->
let (texp, ty) = type_method met_env self cl.pcl_self expr in
let ty' = Ctype.filter_method met_env lab self in
- begin try Ctype.unify met_env ty ty' with Ctype.Unify ->
- raise(Error(loc, Method_type_mismatch (lab, ty, ty')))
+ begin try Ctype.unify met_env ty ty' with Ctype.Unify trace ->
+ raise(Error(loc, Method_type_mismatch (lab, trace)))
(met_env, Cf_meth (lab, texp)::fields, vars_sig)
@@ -381,7 +396,7 @@ let transl_class temp_env env
Ctype.unify temp_env
(type_variable loc v) (transl_simple_type temp_env false ty)
- with Ctype.Unify ->
+ with Ctype.Unify _ ->
raise(Error(loc, Unconsistent_constraint)))
@@ -407,13 +422,13 @@ let transl_class temp_env env
(* Temporary class abbreviation *)
let (cl_params, cl_ty) = Ctype.instance_parameterized_type params self in
- begin try Ctype.unify temp_env temp_cl cl_ty with Ctype.Unify ->
+ begin try Ctype.unify temp_env temp_cl cl_ty with Ctype.Unify _ ->
Ctype.remove_object_name temp_cl;
raise(Error(cl.pcl_loc, Abbrev_type_clash (cl_abbrev, cl_ty, temp_cl)))
begin try
List.iter2 (Ctype.unify temp_env) temp_cl_params cl_params
- with Ctype.Unify ->
+ with Ctype.Unify _ ->
Bad_parameters (cl_id, cl_abbrev,
Ctype.newty (Tconstr (Path.Pident cl_id, cl_params,
@@ -424,12 +439,12 @@ let transl_class temp_env env
let (obj_params, arg_sig', obj_ty) =
Ctype.instance_parameterized_type_2 params arg_sig self
- begin try Ctype.unify temp_env abbrev obj_ty with Ctype.Unify ->
+ begin try Ctype.unify temp_env abbrev obj_ty with Ctype.Unify _ ->
raise(Error(cl.pcl_loc, Abbrev_type_clash (abbrev, obj_ty, temp_obj)))
begin try
List.iter2 (Ctype.unify temp_env) temp_obj_params obj_params
- with Ctype.Unify ->
+ with Ctype.Unify _ ->
Bad_parameters (obj_id, abbrev,
Ctype.newty (Tconstr (Path.Pident obj_id, obj_params,
@@ -439,9 +454,9 @@ let transl_class temp_env env
(fun ty (exp, ty') ->
begin try
- Ctype.unify temp_env ty ty'
- with Ctype.Unify ->
- raise(Error(exp.pat_loc, Argument_type_mismatch(ty', ty)))
+ Ctype.unify temp_env ty' ty
+ with Ctype.Unify trace ->
+ raise(Error(exp.pat_loc, Argument_type_mismatch trace))
new_args (List.combine args arg_sig');
@@ -480,12 +495,14 @@ let build_new_type temp_env env
let concr = Ctype.instance concr in
Ctype.unify temp_env concr temp_obj
- with Ctype.Unify ->
- let lab = missing_method temp_env concr temp_obj in
+ with Ctype.Unify _ ->
+ let lab = missing_method temp_env concr temp_obj in
Virtual_class (cl.pcl_name, lab)))
+ equalize_methods temp_env self temp_obj;
(* self should not be an abbreviation (printtyp) *)
let exp_self = Ctype.expand_root temp_env self in
@@ -654,7 +671,7 @@ let type_class_type_field env temp_env cl self
if not (Ctype.opened_object super) then
begin try
Ctype.unify temp_env self (Ctype.newobj (closed_scheme fi))
- with Ctype.Unify ->
+ with Ctype.Unify _ ->
let lab = missing_method temp_env super self in
Closed_ancestor (cl.pcty_name, path, lab)))
@@ -840,10 +857,12 @@ let build_class_type env
(* Check variable and method redefining *)
- (check_field_redef env (fun l t t' -> Variable_type_mismatch(l, t', t)))
+ (check_field_redef env
+ (fun l t t' -> Variable_type_mismatch(l, [(t', t'); (t, t)])))
- (check_field_redef env (fun l t t' -> Method_type_mismatch(l, t', t)))
+ (check_field_redef env
+ (fun l t t' -> Method_type_mismatch(l, [(t', t'); (t, t)])))
(* Class type skeleton *)
@@ -866,7 +885,7 @@ let build_class_type env
Ctype.unify env
(type_variable loc v) (transl_simple_type env false ty)
- with Ctype.Unify ->
+ with Ctype.Unify _ ->
raise(Error(loc, Unconsistent_constraint)))
@@ -893,7 +912,7 @@ let build_class_type env
let temp_obj = Ctype.instance obj_ty in
begin try
Ctype.unify env concr temp_obj
- with Ctype.Unify ->
+ with Ctype.Unify _ ->
let lab = missing_method env concr temp_obj in
Virtual_class (cl.pcty_name, lab)))
@@ -963,13 +982,15 @@ let report_error = function
Printtyp.mark_loops typ;
"Some type variables are not bound in implicit type definition";
- print_space ();
+ print_break 1 2;
open_hovbox 0;
Printtyp.type_expr (Ctype.newty (Tconstr(Path.Pident id, args, ref [])));
print_space (); print_string "="; print_space ();
Printtyp.type_expr typ;
close_box ();
- close_box ()
+ close_box ();
+ print_space ();
+ print_string "They should all be captured by a class type parameter."
| Mutable_var v ->
print_string "The variable"; print_space ();
print_string v; print_space ();
@@ -978,45 +999,33 @@ let report_error = function
print_string "The variable"; print_space ();
print_string v; print_space ();
print_string "is undefined"
- | Variable_type_mismatch (v, actual, expected) ->
- open_hovbox 0;
- Printtyp.reset ();
- Printtyp.mark_loops actual; Printtyp.mark_loops expected;
- print_string "The variable ";
- print_string v; print_space ();
- print_string "has type"; print_space ();
- Printtyp.type_expr actual;
- print_space ();
- print_string "but is expected to have type"; print_space ();
- Printtyp.type_expr expected;
- close_box ()
- | Method_type_mismatch (m, actual, expected) ->
- open_hovbox 0;
- Printtyp.reset ();
- Printtyp.mark_loops actual; Printtyp.mark_loops expected;
- print_string "The method ";
- print_string m; print_space ();
- print_string "has type"; print_space ();
- Printtyp.type_expr actual;
- print_space ();
- print_string "but is expected to have type"; print_space ();
- Printtyp.type_expr expected;
- close_box ()
+ | Variable_type_mismatch (v, trace) ->
+ Printtyp.unification_error trace
+ (function () ->
+ print_string "The variable ";
+ print_string v; print_space ();
+ print_string "has type")
+ (function () ->
+ print_string "but is expected to have type")
+ | Method_type_mismatch (m, trace) ->
+ Printtyp.unification_error trace
+ (function () ->
+ print_string "The method ";
+ print_string m; print_space ();
+ print_string "has type")
+ (function () ->
+ print_string "but is expected to have type")
| Unconsistent_constraint ->
print_string "The class constraints are not consistent"
| Unbound_class cl ->
print_string "Unbound class"; print_space ();
Printtyp.longident cl
- | Argument_type_mismatch (actual, expected) ->
- open_hovbox 0;
- Printtyp.reset ();
- Printtyp.mark_loops actual; Printtyp.mark_loops expected;
- print_string "This argument has type"; print_space ();
- Printtyp.type_expr actual;
- print_space ();
- print_string "but is expected to have type"; print_space ();
- Printtyp.type_expr expected;
- close_box ()
+ | Argument_type_mismatch trace ->
+ Printtyp.unification_error trace
+ (function () ->
+ print_string "This argument has type")
+ (function () ->
+ print_string "but is expected to have type")
| Abbrev_type_clash (abbrev, actual, expected) ->
open_hovbox 0;
Printtyp.reset ();
@@ -1043,15 +1052,12 @@ let report_error = function
| Illdefined_class s ->
print_string "The class "; print_string s;
print_string " is ill-defined"
- | Parameter_mismatch(actual, expected) ->
- Printtyp.reset ();
- Printtyp.mark_loops actual; Printtyp.mark_loops expected;
- open_hovbox 0;
- print_string "The type parameter"; print_space ();
- Printtyp.type_expr actual; print_space ();
- print_string "does not meet its constraint: it should be";
- print_space ();
- Printtyp.type_expr expected
+ | Parameter_mismatch trace ->
+ Printtyp.unification_error trace
+ (function () ->
+ print_string "The type parameter")
+ (function () ->
+ print_string "does not meet its constraint: it should be")
| Argument_arity_mismatch(p, expected, provided) ->
open_hovbox 0;
print_string "The class "; Printtyp.path p;
diff --git a/typing/typeclass.mli b/typing/typeclass.mli
index b5e72e3c5..163e01dbe 100644
--- a/typing/typeclass.mli
+++ b/typing/typeclass.mli
@@ -36,17 +36,17 @@ type error =
| Non_closed of Ident.t * type_expr list * type_expr
| Mutable_var of string
| Undefined_var of string
- | Variable_type_mismatch of string * type_expr * type_expr
- | Method_type_mismatch of string * type_expr * type_expr
+ | Variable_type_mismatch of string * (type_expr * type_expr) list
+ | Method_type_mismatch of string * (type_expr * type_expr) list
| Unconsistent_constraint
| Unbound_class of Longident.t
- | Argument_type_mismatch of type_expr * type_expr
+ | Argument_type_mismatch of (type_expr * type_expr) list
| Abbrev_type_clash of type_expr * type_expr * type_expr
| Bad_parameters of Ident.t * type_expr * type_expr
| Illdefined_class of string
| Argument_arity_mismatch of Path.t * int * int
| Parameter_arity_mismatch of Path.t * int * int
- | Parameter_mismatch of type_expr * type_expr
+ | Parameter_mismatch of (type_expr * type_expr) list
exception Error of Location.t * error
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 620611e08..660bb0b59 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -25,11 +25,11 @@ type error =
| Unbound_constructor of Longident.t
| Unbound_label of Longident.t
| Constructor_arity_mismatch of Longident.t * int * int
- | Label_mismatch of Longident.t * type_expr * type_expr
- | Pattern_type_clash of type_expr * type_expr
+ | Label_mismatch of Longident.t * (type_expr * type_expr) list
+ | Pattern_type_clash of (type_expr * type_expr) list
| Multiply_bound_variable
| Orpat_not_closed
- | Expr_type_clash of type_expr * type_expr
+ | Expr_type_clash of (type_expr * type_expr) list
| Apply_non_function of type_expr
| Label_multiply_defined of Longident.t
| Label_missing
@@ -59,8 +59,8 @@ let type_constant = function
let unify_pat env pat expected_ty =
unify env pat.pat_type expected_ty
- with Unify ->
- raise(Error(pat.pat_loc, Pattern_type_clash(pat.pat_type, expected_ty)))
+ with Unify trace ->
+ raise(Error(pat.pat_loc, Pattern_type_clash(trace)))
let pattern_variables = ref ([]: (Ident.t * type_expr) list)
@@ -131,8 +131,8 @@ let rec type_pat env sp =
let (ty_arg, ty_res) = instance_label label in
begin try
unify env ty_res ty
- with Unify ->
- raise(Error(sp.ppat_loc, Label_mismatch(lid, ty_res, ty)))
+ with Unify trace ->
+ raise(Error(sp.ppat_loc, Label_mismatch(lid, trace)))
let arg = type_pat env sarg in
unify_pat env arg ty_arg;
@@ -250,8 +250,8 @@ let type_format loc fmt =
let unify_exp env exp expected_ty =
unify env exp.exp_type expected_ty
- with Unify ->
- raise(Error(exp.exp_loc, Expr_type_clash(exp.exp_type, expected_ty)))
+ with Unify trace ->
+ raise(Error(exp.exp_loc, Expr_type_clash(trace)))
let rec type_exp env sexp =
match sexp.pexp_desc with
@@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ let rec type_exp env sexp =
let (ty1, ty2) =
filter_arrow env ty_fun
- with Unify ->
+ with Unify _ ->
Apply_non_function funct.exp_type)) in
let arg1 = type_expect env sarg1 ty1 in
@@ -363,8 +363,8 @@ let rec type_exp env sexp =
let (ty_arg, ty_res) = instance_label label in
begin try
unify env ty_res ty
- with Unify ->
- raise(Error(sexp.pexp_loc, Label_mismatch(lid, ty_res, ty)))
+ with Unify trace ->
+ raise(Error(sexp.pexp_loc, Label_mismatch(lid, trace)))
let arg = type_expect env sarg ty_arg in
num_fields := Array.length label.lbl_all;
@@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ let rec type_exp env sexp =
let ty = Typetexp.transl_simple_type env false sty in
let ty' = Typetexp.transl_simple_type env false sty' in
begin try subtype env (Typetexp.type_variable_list ()) ty ty' with
- Unify ->
+ Unify _ ->
raise(Error(sexp.pexp_loc, Not_subtype(ty, ty')))
(ty, ty')
@@ -508,7 +508,7 @@ let rec type_exp env sexp =
Texp_send(object, met)
{ exp_desc = exp; exp_loc = sexp.pexp_loc; exp_type = typ}
- with Unify ->
+ with Unify _ ->
raise(Error(e.pexp_loc, Undefined_method_err met))
| Pexp_new cl ->
@@ -727,44 +727,36 @@ let report_error = function
print_string "but is here applied to "; print_int provided;
print_string " argument(s)";
- | Label_mismatch(lid, actual, expected) ->
- reset ();
- mark_loops actual; mark_loops expected;
- open_hovbox 0;
- print_string "The label "; longident lid;
- print_space(); print_string "belongs to the type"; print_space();
- type_expr actual; print_space();
- print_string "but is here mixed with labels of type"; print_space();
- type_expr expected;
- close_box()
- | Pattern_type_clash(inferred, expected) ->
- reset ();
- mark_loops inferred; mark_loops expected;
- open_hovbox 0;
- print_string "This pattern matches values of type"; print_space();
- type_expr inferred; print_space();
- print_string "but is here used to match values of type"; print_space();
- type_expr expected;
- close_box()
+ | Label_mismatch(lid, trace) ->
+ unification_error trace
+ (function () ->
+ print_string "The label "; longident lid;
+ print_space(); print_string "belongs to the type")
+ (function () ->
+ print_string "but is here mixed with labels of type")
+ | Pattern_type_clash trace ->
+ unification_error trace
+ (function () ->
+ print_string "This pattern matches values of type")
+ (function () ->
+ print_string "but is here used to match values of type")
| Multiply_bound_variable ->
print_string "This variable is bound several times in this matching"
| Orpat_not_closed ->
print_string "A pattern with | must not bind variables"
- | Expr_type_clash(inferred, expected) ->
- reset ();
- mark_loops inferred; mark_loops expected;
- open_hovbox 0;
- print_string "This expression has type"; print_space();
- type_expr inferred; print_space();
- print_string "but is here used with type"; print_space();
- type_expr expected;
- close_box()
+ | Expr_type_clash trace ->
+ unification_error trace
+ (function () ->
+ print_string "This expression has type")
+ (function () ->
+ print_string "but is here used with type")
| Apply_non_function typ ->
begin match (repr typ).desc with
Tarrow(_, _) ->
print_string "This function is applied to too many arguments"
| _ ->
- print_string "This expression is not a function, it cannot be applied"
+ print_string
+ "This expression is not a function, it cannot be applied"
| Label_multiply_defined lid ->
print_string "The label "; longident lid;
diff --git a/typing/typecore.mli b/typing/typecore.mli
index 73760ef67..c16507f8f 100644
--- a/typing/typecore.mli
+++ b/typing/typecore.mli
@@ -38,11 +38,11 @@ type error =
| Unbound_constructor of Longident.t
| Unbound_label of Longident.t
| Constructor_arity_mismatch of Longident.t * int * int
- | Label_mismatch of Longident.t * type_expr * type_expr
- | Pattern_type_clash of type_expr * type_expr
+ | Label_mismatch of Longident.t * (type_expr * type_expr) list
+ | Pattern_type_clash of (type_expr * type_expr) list
| Multiply_bound_variable
| Orpat_not_closed
- | Expr_type_clash of type_expr * type_expr
+ | Expr_type_clash of (type_expr * type_expr) list
| Apply_non_function of type_expr
| Label_multiply_defined of Longident.t
| Label_missing
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index b76fea2c1..374ce183a 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ let rec transl_simple_type env fixed styp =
occur env cstr
(Ctype.expand_abbrev env path tl (ref []) cstr.level)
- Unify -> raise(Error(styp.ptyp_loc, Recursive_type))
+ Unify _ -> raise(Error(styp.ptyp_loc, Recursive_type))
| Cannot_expand -> ()
cstr.desc <- Tconstr(path, tl, ref []);
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ let rec transl_simple_type env fixed styp =
(fun ty (sty, ty') ->
try Ctype.unify env (Ctype.instance ty) ty' with
- Unify ->
+ Unify _ ->
raise (Error(sty.ptyp_loc, Type_mismatch(ty, ty'))))
decl.type_params (List.combine stl params)
| _ ->
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ let rec transl_simple_type env fixed styp =
(fun ty (sty, ty') ->
try Ctype.unify env (Ctype.instance ty) ty' with
- Unify ->
+ Unify _ ->
raise (Error(sty.ptyp_loc, Type_mismatch(ty, ty'))))
decl.type_params (List.combine stl params)
| _ ->