diff options
authorXavier Leroy <>1995-07-11 18:03:29 +0000
committerXavier Leroy <>1995-07-11 18:03:29 +0000
commiteb0dbcb9038013d55b0fb3788610b2b7c5941edc (patch)
parent9a1b27b1a96da4e72e421fce141446e424873993 (diff)
Ajout de asmlibrarian, MAJ de asmlink.
clambda, closure: meilleure detection des fonctions closes. selection: correction de storechunk. spill: spill retarde dans les conditionnelles. git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
15 files changed, 240 insertions, 62 deletions
diff --git a/asmcomp/ b/asmcomp/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..012e270ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asmcomp/
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+(* Build libraries of .cmx files *)
+open Misc
+open Config
+open Compilenv
+type error =
+ File_not_found of string
+ | Archiver_error
+exception Error of error
+let read_info name =
+ let filename =
+ try
+ find_in_path !load_path name
+ with Not_found ->
+ raise(Error(File_not_found name)) in
+ (Filename.chop_suffix filename ".cmx" ^ ".o",
+ Compilenv.read_unit_info filename)
+let create_archive file_list lib_name =
+ let archive_name = Filename.chop_suffix lib_name ".cmxa" ^ ".a" in
+ let outchan = open_out_bin lib_name in
+ try
+ output_string outchan cmxa_magic_number;
+ let (objfile_list, descr_list) =
+ List.split ( read_info file_list) in
+ output_value outchan descr_list;
+ if Proc.create_archive archive_name objfile_list <> 0
+ then raise(Error(Archiver_error));
+ close_out outchan
+ with x ->
+ close_out outchan;
+ remove_file lib_name;
+ remove_file archive_name;
+ raise x
+open Format
+let report_error = function
+ File_not_found name ->
+ print_string "Cannot find file "; print_string name
+ | Archiver_error ->
+ print_string "Error while writing the .a file"
diff --git a/asmcomp/asmlibrarian.mli b/asmcomp/asmlibrarian.mli
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d82e0d8cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asmcomp/asmlibrarian.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+(* Build libraries of .cmx files *)
+val create_archive: string list -> string -> unit
+type error =
+ File_not_found of string
+ | Archiver_error
+exception Error of error
+val report_error: error -> unit
diff --git a/asmcomp/ b/asmcomp/
index e5fdf5b3d..486aff116 100644
--- a/asmcomp/
+++ b/asmcomp/
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ open Compilenv
type error =
File_not_found of string
| Not_an_object_file of string
+ | Missing_implementations of string list
| Inconsistent_interface of string * string * string
| Inconsistent_implementation of string * string * string
| Assembler_error of string
@@ -65,40 +66,37 @@ let scan_file tolink obj_name =
find_in_path !load_path obj_name
with Not_found ->
raise(Error(File_not_found obj_name)) in
- let ic = open_in_bin file_name in
- try
- let buffer = String.create (String.length cmx_magic_number) in
- really_input ic buffer 0 (String.length cmx_magic_number);
- if buffer = cmx_magic_number then begin
- (* This is a .cmx file. It must be linked in any case.
- Read the infos to see which modules it
- requires. *)
- let info = (input_value ic : unit_infos) in
- let crc = input_binary_int ic in
- close_in ic;
- check_consistency file_name info crc;
- List.iter add_required info.ui_imports;
- info :: tolink
- end
- else if buffer = cmxa_magic_number then begin
- (* This is an archive file. Each unit contained in it will be linked
- in only if needed. *)
- let info_crc_list = (input_value ic : (unit_infos * int) list) in
- close_in ic;
- List.fold_left
- (fun reqd (info, crc) ->
- if is_required info.ui_name then begin
- check_consistency file_name info crc;
- remove_required info.ui_name;
- List.iter add_required info.ui_imports;
- info :: reqd
- end else
- reqd)
- tolink info_crc_list
- end
- else raise(Error(Not_an_object_file file_name))
- with x ->
- close_in ic; raise x
+ if Filename.check_suffix file_name ".cmx" then begin
+ (* This is a .cmx file. It must be linked in any case.
+ Read the infos to see which modules it requires. *)
+ let (info, crc) = Compilenv.read_unit_info file_name in
+ check_consistency file_name info crc;
+ remove_required info.ui_name;
+ List.iter add_required info.ui_imports;
+ info :: tolink
+ end
+ else if Filename.check_suffix file_name ".cmxa" then begin
+ (* This is an archive file. Each unit contained in it will be linked
+ in only if needed. *)
+ let ic = open_in_bin file_name in
+ let buffer = String.create (String.length cmxa_magic_number) in
+ really_input ic buffer 0 (String.length cmxa_magic_number);
+ if buffer <> cmxa_magic_number then
+ raise(Error(Not_an_object_file file_name));
+ let info_crc_list = (input_value ic : (unit_infos * int) list) in
+ close_in ic;
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun (info, crc) reqd ->
+ if is_required info.ui_name then begin
+ check_consistency file_name info crc;
+ remove_required info.ui_name;
+ List.iter add_required info.ui_imports;
+ info :: reqd
+ end else
+ reqd)
+ info_crc_list tolink
+ end
+ else raise(Error(Not_an_object_file file_name))
(* Second pass: generate the startup file and link it with everything else *)
@@ -138,9 +136,14 @@ let make_startup_file filename info_list =
close_out oc
let call_linker file_list startup_file =
+ let runtime_lib =
+ try
+ find_in_path !load_path "libasmrun.a"
+ with Not_found ->
+ raise(Error(File_not_found "libasmrun.a")) in
if Sys.command
- "%s -I%s -o %s %s %s %s -L%s %s %s"
+ "%s -I%s -o %s %s %s %s -L%s %s %s %s"
@@ -149,22 +152,30 @@ let call_linker file_list startup_file =
(String.concat " " (List.rev !Clflags.ccobjs))
+ runtime_lib
Config.c_libraries) <> 0
then raise(Error Linking_error)
let object_file_name name =
- if Filename.check_suffix name ".cmx" then
- Filename.chop_suffix name ".cmx" ^ ".o"
- else if Filename.check_suffix name ".cmxa" then
- Filename.chop_suffix name ".cmxa" ^ ".a"
+ let file_name =
+ try
+ find_in_path !load_path name
+ with Not_found ->
+ fatal_error "Asmlink.object_file_name: not found" in
+ if Filename.check_suffix file_name ".cmx" then
+ Filename.chop_suffix file_name ".cmx" ^ ".o"
+ else if Filename.check_suffix file_name ".cmxa" then
+ Filename.chop_suffix file_name ".cmxa" ^ ".a"
- fatal_error "Asmlink.object_file_name"
+ fatal_error "Asmlink.object_file_name: bad ext"
(* Main entry point *)
let link objfiles =
-(** let objfiles = "stdlib.cmxa" :: objfiles in **)
+ let objfiles = "stdlib.cmxa" :: objfiles in
let units_tolink = List.fold_left scan_file [] (List.rev objfiles) in
+ if not (StringSet.is_empty !missing_globals) then
+ raise(Error(Missing_implementations(StringSet.elements !missing_globals)));
let startup = temp_file "camlstartup" ".s" in
make_startup_file startup units_tolink;
let startup_obj = temp_file "camlstartup" ".o" in
@@ -188,6 +199,12 @@ let report_error = function
| Not_an_object_file name ->
print_string "The file "; print_string name;
print_string " is not a compilation unit description"
+ | Missing_implementations l ->
+ open_hovbox 0;
+ print_string
+ "No implementation(s) provided for the following module(s):";
+ List.iter (fun s -> print_space(); print_string s) l;
+ close_box()
| Inconsistent_interface(intf, file1, file2) ->
open_hvbox 0;
print_string "Files "; print_string file1; print_string " and ";
diff --git a/asmcomp/asmlink.mli b/asmcomp/asmlink.mli
index 2f7ef5cc5..2a7bc2f13 100644
--- a/asmcomp/asmlink.mli
+++ b/asmcomp/asmlink.mli
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ val link: string list -> unit
type error =
File_not_found of string
| Not_an_object_file of string
+ | Missing_implementations of string list
| Inconsistent_interface of string * string * string
| Inconsistent_implementation of string * string * string
| Assembler_error of string
diff --git a/asmcomp/ b/asmcomp/
index 5938c035d..73edc25f4 100644
--- a/asmcomp/
+++ b/asmcomp/
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ type ulambda =
type function_description =
{ fun_label: function_label; (* Label of direct entry point *)
fun_arity: int; (* Number of arguments *)
- fun_closed: bool } (* True if environment not used *)
+ mutable fun_closed: bool } (* True if environment not used *)
(* Approximation of values *)
diff --git a/asmcomp/clambda.mli b/asmcomp/clambda.mli
index 5938c035d..73edc25f4 100644
--- a/asmcomp/clambda.mli
+++ b/asmcomp/clambda.mli
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ type ulambda =
type function_description =
{ fun_label: function_label; (* Label of direct entry point *)
fun_arity: int; (* Number of arguments *)
- fun_closed: bool } (* True if environment not used *)
+ mutable fun_closed: bool } (* True if environment not used *)
(* Approximation of values *)
diff --git a/asmcomp/ b/asmcomp/
index a103c22e2..2f5abbe99 100644
--- a/asmcomp/
+++ b/asmcomp/
@@ -25,6 +25,40 @@ let rec build_closure_env env_param pos = function
Tbl.add id (Uprim(Pfield pos, [Uvar env_param]))
(build_closure_env env_param (pos+1) rem)
+(* Check if a variable occurs in a [clambda] term. *)
+let occurs_var var u =
+ let rec occurs = function
+ Uvar v -> v = var
+ | Uconst cst -> false
+ | Udirect_apply(lbl, args) -> List.exists occurs args
+ | Ugeneric_apply(funct, args) -> occurs funct or List.exists occurs args
+ | Uclosure(fundecls, clos) -> List.exists occurs clos
+ | Uoffset(u, ofs) -> occurs u
+ | Ulet(id, def, body) -> occurs def or occurs body
+ | Uletrec(decls, body) ->
+ List.exists (fun (id, u) -> occurs u) decls or occurs body
+ | Uprim(p, args) -> List.exists occurs args
+ | Uswitch(arg, const_index, const_cases, block_index, block_cases) ->
+ occurs arg or occurs_array const_cases or occurs_array block_cases
+ | Ustaticfail -> false
+ | Ucatch(body, hdlr) -> occurs body or occurs hdlr
+ | Utrywith(body, exn, hdlr) -> occurs body or occurs hdlr
+ | Uifthenelse(cond, ifso, ifnot) ->
+ occurs cond or occurs ifso or occurs ifnot
+ | Usequence(u1, u2) -> occurs u1 or occurs u2
+ | Uwhile(cond, body) -> occurs cond or occurs body
+ | Ufor(id, lo, hi, dir, body) -> occurs lo or occurs hi or occurs body
+ and occurs_array a =
+ try
+ for i = 0 to Array.length a - 1 do
+ if occurs a.(i) then raise Exit
+ done;
+ false
+ with Exit ->
+ true
+ in occurs u
(* Uncurry an expression and explicitate closures.
Also return the approximation of the expression.
The approximation environment [fenv] maps idents to approximations.
@@ -175,6 +209,8 @@ and close_functions fenv cenv fun_defs =
let fv =
IdentSet.elements (free_variables (Lletrec(fun_defs, lambda_unit))) in
(* Uncurry the definitions and build their fundesc *)
+ (* Initially all functions are assumed not to need their environment
+ parameter. *)
let uncurried_defs =
(fun (id, def) ->
@@ -185,7 +221,7 @@ and close_functions fenv cenv fun_defs =
{fun_label = Compilenv.current_unit_name() ^ "_" ^
Ident.unique_name id;
fun_arity = List.length params;
- fun_closed = IdentSet.is_empty(free_variables def)} in
+ fun_closed = true } in
(id, params, body, fundesc))
fun_defs in
(* Build an approximate fenv for compiling the functions *)
@@ -204,6 +240,9 @@ and close_functions fenv cenv fun_defs =
uncurried_defs in
let fv_pos = !env_pos in
+ (* This reference will be set to false if the hypothesis that a function
+ does not use its environment parameter is invalidated. *)
+ let useless_env = ref true in
(* Translate each function definition *)
let clos_fundef (id, params, body, fundesc) env_pos =
let env_param = "env" in
@@ -215,12 +254,24 @@ and close_functions fenv cenv fun_defs =
Tbl.add id (Uoffset(Uvar env_param, pos - env_pos)) env)
uncurried_defs clos_offsets cenv_fv in
let (ubody, approx) = close fenv_rec cenv_body body in
+ if !useless_env & occurs_var env_param ubody then useless_env := false;
((fundesc.fun_label, fundesc.fun_arity, params @ [env_param], ubody),
(id, env_pos, Value_closure(fundesc, approx))) in
- (* Translate all function definitions. Return the Uclosure node and
- the list of all identifiers defined, with offsets and approximations. *)
- let (clos, infos) =
- List.split (List.map2 clos_fundef uncurried_defs clos_offsets) in
+ (* Translate all function definitions. *)
+ let clos_info_list =
+ let cl = List.map2 clos_fundef uncurried_defs clos_offsets in
+ (* If the hypothesis that the environment parameters are useless has been
+ invalidated, then set [fun_closed] to false in all descriptions and
+ recompile *)
+ if !useless_env then cl else begin
+ List.iter
+ (fun (id, params, body, fundesc) -> fundesc.fun_closed <- false)
+ uncurried_defs;
+ List.map2 clos_fundef uncurried_defs clos_offsets
+ end in
+ (* Return the Uclosure node and the list of all identifiers defined,
+ with offsets and approximations. *)
+ let (clos, infos) = List.split clos_info_list in
(Uclosure(clos, (close_var cenv) fv), infos)
(* Same, for one function *)
diff --git a/asmcomp/ b/asmcomp/
index 045f8408d..7e005705f 100644
--- a/asmcomp/
+++ b/asmcomp/
@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ let rec transl = function
| Uprim(Psetstringchar, [arg1; arg2; arg3]) ->
return_unit(Cop(Cstorechunk Byte_unsigned,
[add_int (transl arg1) (untag_int(transl arg2));
- transl arg3]))
+ untag_int(transl arg3)]))
| Uprim(Psafegetstringchar, [arg1; arg2]) ->
(bind "str" (transl arg1) (fun str ->
@@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ let rec transl = function
Cop(Ccheckbound, [string_length str; idx]),
Cop(Cstorechunk Byte_unsigned,
- [add_int str idx; transl arg3])))))
+ [add_int str idx; untag_int(transl arg3)])))))
| Uprim(Pvectlength, [arg]) ->
Cop(Cor, [Cop(Clsr, [get_field (transl arg) (-1); Cconst_int 9]);
Cconst_int 1])
diff --git a/asmcomp/ b/asmcomp/
index 804601189..ecbd650e7 100644
--- a/asmcomp/
+++ b/asmcomp/
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ let reset name crc_intf =
let current_unit_name () =
-let read_unit_info modname filename =
+let read_unit_info filename =
let ic = open_in_bin filename in
let buffer = String.create (String.length cmx_magic_number) in
@@ -63,10 +63,7 @@ let read_unit_info modname filename =
let ui = (input_value ic : unit_infos) in
let crc = input_binary_int ic in
close_in ic;
- if ui.ui_name <> modname then
- raise(Error(Illegal_renaming(modname, filename)));
- current_unit.ui_imports <- (modname, crc) :: current_unit.ui_imports;
- ui
+ (ui, crc)
with End_of_file | Failure _ ->
close_in ic;
@@ -80,10 +77,16 @@ let global_approx global_ident =
with Not_found ->
let approx =
- let ui = read_unit_info modname
- (find_in_path !load_path (lowercase modname ^ ".cmx")) in
+ let filename =
+ find_in_path !load_path (lowercase modname ^ ".cmx") in
+ let (ui, crc) = read_unit_info filename in
+ if ui.ui_name <> modname then
+ raise(Error(Illegal_renaming(modname, filename)));
+ current_unit.ui_imports <-
+ (modname, crc) :: current_unit.ui_imports;
- with Not_found -> Value_unknown in
+ with Not_found ->
+ Value_unknown in
Hashtbl.add global_approx_table modname approx;
diff --git a/asmcomp/compilenv.mli b/asmcomp/compilenv.mli
index 24b687a41..0b4212370 100644
--- a/asmcomp/compilenv.mli
+++ b/asmcomp/compilenv.mli
@@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ val need_apply_fun: int -> unit
(* Record the need of a currying (resp. application) function
with the given arity *)
+val read_unit_info: string -> unit_infos * int
+ (* Read infos and CRC from a [.cmx] file. *)
val save_unit_info: string -> unit
(* Save the infos for the current unit in the given file *)
diff --git a/asmcomp/proc.mli b/asmcomp/proc.mli
index 0066794dc..62250dcf1 100644
--- a/asmcomp/proc.mli
+++ b/asmcomp/proc.mli
@@ -53,5 +53,6 @@ val reload_operation:
val num_stack_slots: int array
val contains_calls: bool ref
-(* Calling the assembler *)
+(* Calling the assembler and the archiver *)
val assemble_file: string -> string -> int
+val create_archive: string -> string list -> int
diff --git a/asmcomp/ b/asmcomp/
index 1fd47742a..4edbcc43d 100644
--- a/asmcomp/
+++ b/asmcomp/
@@ -248,3 +248,9 @@ let slot_offset loc class =
let assemble_file infile outfile =
Sys.command ("as -O2 -o " ^ outfile ^ " " ^ infile)
+(* Calling the archiver *)
+let create_archive archive file_list =
+ Misc.remove_file archive;
+ Sys.command ("ar rcs " ^ archive ^ " " ^ String.concat " " file_list)
diff --git a/asmcomp/ b/asmcomp/
index b05a37c0c..0f908d6eb 100644
--- a/asmcomp/
+++ b/asmcomp/
@@ -323,3 +323,10 @@ let contains_calls = ref false
let assemble_file infile outfile =
Sys.command ("as -o " ^ outfile ^ " " ^ infile)
+(* Calling the archiver *)
+let create_archive archive file_list =
+ Misc.remove_file archive;
+ Sys.command ("ar rc " ^ archive ^ " " ^ String.concat " " file_list ^
+ " && ranlib " ^ archive)
diff --git a/asmcomp/ b/asmcomp/
index b2c4a4f9b..62a91b014 100644
--- a/asmcomp/
+++ b/asmcomp/
@@ -316,6 +316,8 @@ let rec emit_expr env exp seq =
insert (Iop Imove) r1 rd seq;
insert Iraise rd [||] seq;
+ | Cop(Ccmpf comp, args) ->
+ emit_expr env (Cifthenelse(exp, Cconst_int 1, Cconst_int 0)) seq
| Cop(op, args) ->
let (simple_args, env) = emit_parts_list env args seq in
let ty = oper_result_type op in
@@ -373,6 +375,15 @@ let rec emit_expr env exp seq =
emit_stores env args_data seq ra addr;
+ | Istore(chunk, addr) ->
+ begin match new_args with
+ [arg_addr; arg_data] ->
+ let ra = emit_expr env arg_addr seq in
+ let rd = emit_expr env arg_data seq in
+ insert (Iop(Istore(chunk, addr))) (Array.append rd ra) [||] seq;
+ [||]
+ | _ -> fatal_error "Selection.Istorechunk"
+ end
| Ialloc _ ->
Proc.contains_calls := true;
let rd = Reg.newv typ_addr in
diff --git a/asmcomp/ b/asmcomp/
index ff5126f8d..5f4a057d5 100644
--- a/asmcomp/
+++ b/asmcomp/
@@ -212,8 +212,15 @@ let rec reload i before =
That is, any register that may be reloaded in the future must be spilled
just after its definition. *)
+(* As an optimization, if a register needs to be spilled in one branch of
+ a conditional but not in the other, then we spill it late on entrance
+ in the branch that needs it spilled.
+ This strategy is turned off in loops, as it may prevent a spill from
+ being lifted up all the way out of the loop. *)
let spill_at_exit = ref Reg.Set.empty
let spill_at_raise = ref Reg.Set.empty
+let inside_loop = ref false
let add_spills regset i =
@@ -247,10 +254,22 @@ let rec spill i finally =
let (new_next, at_join) = spill finally in
let (new_ifso, before_ifso) = spill ifso at_join in
let (new_ifnot, before_ifnot) = spill ifnot at_join in
- (instr_cons (Iifthenelse(test, new_ifso, new_ifnot))
- i.arg i.res new_next,
- Reg.Set.union before_ifso before_ifnot)
+ if !inside_loop then
+ (instr_cons (Iifthenelse(test, new_ifso, new_ifnot))
+ i.arg i.res new_next,
+ Reg.Set.union before_ifso before_ifnot)
+ else
+ (instr_cons
+ (Iifthenelse(test,
+ add_spills (Reg.Set.diff before_ifso before_ifnot) new_ifso,
+ add_spills (Reg.Set.diff before_ifnot before_ifso) new_ifnot))
+ i.arg i.res new_next,
+ Reg.Set.inter before_ifso before_ifnot)
| Iswitch(index, cases) ->
+ (* Could spill early as for ifthenelse, but then it's less clear
+ when to do it (e.g. if all cases except one require a register
+ to be spilled, it's a bit wasteful to do the spill in all cases
+ minus one). *)
let (new_next, at_join) = spill finally in
let before = ref Reg.Set.empty in
let new_cases =
@@ -263,6 +282,8 @@ let rec spill i finally =
(instr_cons (Iswitch(index, new_cases)) i.arg i.res new_next,
| Iloop(body) ->
+ let saved_inside_loop = !inside_loop in
+ inside_loop := true;
let (new_next, _) = spill finally in
let at_head = ref Reg.Set.empty in
let final_body = ref body in
@@ -277,6 +298,7 @@ let rec spill i finally =
with Exit -> ()
+ inside_loop := saved_inside_loop;
(instr_cons (Iloop(!final_body)) i.arg i.res new_next,
| Icatch(body, handler) ->