diff options
authorJérôme Vouillon <>1996-05-26 13:42:34 +0000
committerJérôme Vouillon <>1996-05-26 13:42:34 +0000
commited1cdeebcffcf17e04390f22e2331e8b96520059 (patch)
parentdc2b931d52466780368caa140c4890dc83e60d82 (diff)
Amelioration de quelques messages d'erreur.
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
13 files changed, 259 insertions, 103 deletions
diff --git a/parsing/parser.mly b/parsing/parser.mly
index d93ec72a5..94c17342c 100644
--- a/parsing/parser.mly
+++ b/parsing/parser.mly
@@ -650,7 +650,7 @@ class_list:
virtual_flag closed_flag
- type_parameters LIDENT simple_pattern_list self self_type EQUAL
+ class_type_parameters LIDENT simple_pattern_list self self_type EQUAL
constraints class_fields
{ { pcl_name = $4; pcl_param = $3; pcl_args = List.rev $5;
pcl_self = $6; pcl_self_ty = $7; pcl_cstr = List.rev $9;
@@ -658,6 +658,10 @@ class_def:
pcl_kind = $1; pcl_closed = $2;
pcl_loc = symbol_loc () } }
+ type_parameters
+ { $1, symbol_loc () }
{ [$1] }
@@ -711,7 +715,8 @@ class_type_list:
{ [$1] }
- virtual_flag closed_flag type_parameters LIDENT type_list self_type
+ virtual_flag closed_flag class_type_parameters LIDENT type_list
+ self_type
constraints class_type_fields
{ { pcty_name = $4; pcty_param = $3; pcty_args = $5;
diff --git a/parsing/parsetree.mli b/parsing/parsetree.mli
index b71163814..87b31c48c 100644
--- a/parsing/parsetree.mli
+++ b/parsing/parsetree.mli
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ type class_type_field =
type class_type =
{ pcty_name: string;
- pcty_param: string list;
+ pcty_param: string list * Location.t;
pcty_args: core_type list;
pcty_self: string option;
pcty_cstr: (string * core_type * Location.t) list;
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ type class_field =
type class_def =
{ pcl_name: string;
- pcl_param: string list;
+ pcl_param: string list * Location.t;
pcl_args: pattern list;
pcl_self: string option;
pcl_self_ty: string option;
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index af9425049..5af5bfb4c 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ open Asttypes
open Typedtree
exception Unify of (type_expr * type_expr) list
+exception Subtype of
+ (type_expr * type_expr) list * (type_expr * type_expr) list
let current_level = ref 0
let global_level = ref 1
@@ -134,7 +136,9 @@ let rec make_nongen ty =
| Tarrow(t1, t2) -> make_nongen t1; make_nongen t2
| Ttuple tl -> List.iter make_nongen tl
| Tconstr(p, tl, _) -> List.iter make_nongen tl
- | Tobject (f, _) -> make_nongen f
+ | Tobject(f, {contents = Some (_, p)})
+ -> make_nongen f; List.iter make_nongen p
+ | Tobject(f, _) -> make_nongen f
| Tfield(_, t1, t2) -> make_nongen t1; make_nongen t2
| Tnil -> ()
| Tlink _ -> fatal_error "Ctype.make_nongen"
@@ -320,6 +324,9 @@ let rec update_level level ty =
| Tarrow(t1,t2) -> update_level level t1; update_level level t2
| Ttuple(ty_list) -> List.iter (update_level level) ty_list
| Tconstr(_, tl, _) -> List.iter (update_level level) tl
+ | Tobject(f, {contents = Some (_, p)})
+ -> update_level level f;
+ List.iter (update_level level) p
| Tobject (f, _) -> update_level level f
| Tfield(_, t1, t2) -> update_level level t1; update_level level t2
| Tnil -> ()
@@ -376,7 +383,7 @@ let rec expand_root env ty =
let rec full_expand env ty =
let ty = repr (expand_root env ty) in
match ty.desc with
- Tobject (fi, {contents = Some nm}) when opened_object ty ->
+ Tobject (fi, {contents = Some (_, v::_)}) when (repr v).desc = Tvar ->
{ desc = Tobject (fi, ref None); level = ty.level }
| _ ->
@@ -559,9 +566,6 @@ and unify_fields env ty1 ty2 =
List.iter (fun (t1, t2) -> unify_rec env None None t1 t2) pairs
-let expand_types env (ty1, ty2) =
- (ty1, full_expand env ty1), (ty2, full_expand env ty2)
let expand_trace env trace =
(fun (t1, t2) rem ->
@@ -968,52 +972,84 @@ let known_subtype t1 t2 =
let rec subtype_rec env vars t1 t2 =
if t1 == t2 then () else
- if List.memq t1 vars or List.memq t2 vars then unify env t1 t2 else
+ if List.memq t1 vars or List.memq t2 vars then begin
+ try unify env t1 t2 with Unify trace ->
+ raise (Subtype ([List.hd trace], trace))
+ end else
+ try
match (t1.desc, t2.desc) with
(Tlink t1', _) ->
- subtype_rec env vars t1' t2
+ begin try subtype_rec env vars t1' t2 with Subtype (tr1, tr2) ->
+ raise (Subtype ( tr1, tr2))
+ end
| (_, Tlink t2') ->
- subtype_rec env vars t1 t2'
+ begin try subtype_rec env vars t1 t2' with Subtype (tr1, tr2) ->
+ raise (Subtype ( tr1, tr2))
+ end
| (Tvar, _) | (_, Tvar) ->
- unify env t1 t2
+ begin try unify env t1 t2 with Unify trace ->
+ raise (Subtype ([List.hd trace], trace))
+ end
| (Tarrow(t1, u1), Tarrow(t2, u2)) ->
subtype_rec env vars t2 t1; subtype_rec env vars u1 u2
| (Ttuple tl1, Ttuple tl2) ->
subtype_list env vars tl1 tl2
| (Tconstr(p1, tl1, abbrev1), Tconstr(p2, tl2, abbrev2)) ->
- if generic_abbrev env p1 then
- subtype_rec env vars (expand_abbrev env p1 tl1 abbrev1 t1.level) t2
- else if generic_abbrev env p2 then
- subtype_rec env vars t1 (expand_abbrev env p2 tl2 abbrev2 t2.level)
- else
- unify env t1 t2
+ if generic_abbrev env p1 then begin
+ try
+ subtype_rec env vars (expand_abbrev env p1 tl1 abbrev1 t1.level) t2
+ with Subtype (tr1, tr2) ->
+ raise (Subtype ( tr1, tr2))
+ end else if generic_abbrev env p2 then begin
+ try
+ subtype_rec env vars t1 (expand_abbrev env p2 tl2 abbrev2 t2.level)
+ with Subtype (tr1, tr2) ->
+ raise (Subtype ( tr1, tr2))
+ end else begin
+ try unify env t1 t2 with Unify trace ->
+ raise (Subtype ([List.hd trace], trace))
+ end
+ | (Tconstr(p1, tl1, abbrev1), _) ->
+ if generic_abbrev env p1 then begin
+ try
+ subtype_rec env vars (expand_abbrev env p1 tl1 abbrev1 t1.level) t2
+ with Subtype (tr1, tr2) ->
+ raise (Subtype ( tr1, tr2))
+ end else begin
+ try unify env t1 t2 with Unify trace ->
+ raise (Subtype ([List.hd trace], trace))
+ end
+ | (_, Tconstr(p2, tl2, abbrev2)) ->
+ if generic_abbrev env p2 then begin
+ try
+ subtype_rec env vars t1 (expand_abbrev env p2 tl2 abbrev2 t2.level)
+ with Subtype (tr1, tr2) ->
+ raise (Subtype ( tr1, tr2))
+ end else begin
+ try unify env t1 t2 with Unify trace ->
+ raise (Subtype ([List.hd trace], trace))
+ end
| (Tobject (f1, _), Tobject (f2, _)) ->
if not (known_subtype t1 t2) then begin
- if opened f1 & opened f2 then
- unify env t1 t2
- else begin
+ if opened f1 & opened f2 then begin
+ try unify env t1 t2 with Unify trace ->
+ raise (Subtype ([List.hd trace], trace))
+ end else begin
subtypes := (t1, t2) :: !subtypes;
subtype_fields env vars f1 f2
- | (Tconstr(p1, tl1, abbrev1), _) ->
- if generic_abbrev env p1 then
- subtype_rec env vars (expand_abbrev env p1 tl1 abbrev1 t1.level) t2
- else
- unify env t1 t2
- | (_, Tconstr(p2, tl2, abbrev2)) ->
- if generic_abbrev env p2 then
- subtype_rec env vars t1 (expand_abbrev env p2 tl2 abbrev2 t2.level)
- else
- unify env t1 t2
| (_, _) ->
- raise (Unify [])
+ raise (Subtype ([], []))
+ with
+ Subtype (tr1, tr2) ->
+ raise (Subtype ((t1, t2)::tr1, tr2))
and subtype_list env vars tl1 tl2 =
List.iter2 (subtype_rec env vars) tl1 tl2
with Invalid_argument _ ->
- raise (Unify [])
+ raise (Subtype ([], []))
and subtype_fields env vars ty1 ty2 =
let (fields1, rest1) = flatten_fields ty1 in
@@ -1024,7 +1060,7 @@ and subtype_fields env vars ty1 ty2 =
let nr = build_fields miss2 (newvar ()) in
update_level rest1.level nr;
rest1.desc <- Tlink nr
- | Tnil -> if miss2 <> [] then raise (Unify [])
+ | Tnil -> if miss2 <> [] then raise (Subtype ([], []))
| _ -> fatal_error "Ctype.subtype_fields (1)"
begin match rest2.desc with
@@ -1039,7 +1075,11 @@ and subtype_fields env vars ty1 ty2 =
let subtype env vars ty1 ty2 =
subtypes := [];
- subtype_rec env vars ty1 ty2;
+ begin try
+ subtype_rec env vars ty1 ty2
+ with Subtype (tr1, tr2) ->
+ raise (Subtype (expand_trace env tr1, filter_trace (expand_trace env tr2)))
+ end;
subtypes := []
(* Remove dependencies *)
@@ -1358,6 +1398,68 @@ let closed_schema ty =
visited := [];
+type closed_schema_result = Var of type_expr | Row_var of type_expr
+exception Failed of closed_schema_result
+let rec closed_schema_rec ty =
+ let ty = repr ty in
+ match ty.desc with
+ Tvar -> if ty.level != generic_level then raise (Failed (Var ty))
+ | Tarrow(t1, t2) -> closed_schema_rec t1; closed_schema_rec t2
+ | Ttuple tl -> List.iter closed_schema_rec tl
+ | Tconstr(p, tl, _) ->
+ if not (List.memq ty !visited) then begin
+ visited := ty::!visited;
+ List.iter closed_schema_rec tl
+ end
+ | Tobject(f, {contents = Some (_, p)}) ->
+ if not (List.memq ty !visited) then begin
+ visited := ty::!visited;
+ begin try closed_schema_rec f with
+ Failed (Row_var v) -> raise (Failed (Var v))
+ | Failed (Var v) -> raise (Failed (Row_var v))
+ end;
+ List.iter closed_schema_rec p
+ end
+ | Tobject(f, _) ->
+ if not (List.memq ty !visited) then begin
+ visited := ty::!visited;
+ try closed_schema_rec f with
+ Failed (Row_var v) -> raise (Failed (Var v))
+ | Failed (Var v) -> raise (Failed (Row_var v))
+ end
+ | Tfield(_, t1, t2) ->
+ begin try
+ closed_schema_rec t1
+ with
+ Failed (Row_var v) -> raise (Failed (Var v))
+ | Failed (Var v) -> raise (Failed (Row_var v))
+ end;
+ closed_schema_rec t2
+ | Tnil ->
+ ()
+ | Tlink _ -> fatal_error "Ctype.closed_schema"
+let closed_schema ty =
+ visited := [];
+ try
+ closed_schema_rec ty;
+ visited := [];
+ true
+ with Failed _ ->
+ visited := [];
+ false
+let closed_schema_verbose ty =
+ visited := [];
+ try
+ closed_schema_rec ty;
+ visited := [];
+ None
+ with Failed status ->
+ visited := [];
+ Some status
let is_generic ty =
let ty = repr ty in
match ty.desc with
diff --git a/typing/ctype.mli b/typing/ctype.mli
index e0d3299e7..12f80e98f 100644
--- a/typing/ctype.mli
+++ b/typing/ctype.mli
@@ -54,11 +54,13 @@ val instance_class:
class_type ->
type_expr list * type_expr list *
(mutable_flag * type_expr) Vars.t * type_expr
-val expand_abbrev :
+val expand_abbrev:
Env.t -> Path.t -> type_expr list -> (Path.t * type_expr) list ref ->
int -> type_expr
(* Expand an abbreviation *)
-val occur : Env.t -> type_expr -> type_expr -> unit
+val full_expand: Env.t -> type_expr -> type_expr
+val expand_root: Env.t -> type_expr -> type_expr
+val occur: Env.t -> type_expr -> type_expr -> unit
(* [occur env var ty] Raise [Unify] if [var] occurs in [ty] *)
val unify: Env.t -> type_expr -> type_expr -> unit
(* Unify the two types given. Raise [Unify] if not possible. *)
@@ -79,6 +81,8 @@ val enlarge_type: Env.t -> type_expr list -> type_expr -> type_expr
(* Make a type larger *)
val subtype : Env.t -> type_expr list -> type_expr -> type_expr -> unit
val closed_schema: type_expr -> bool
+type closed_schema_result = Var of type_expr | Row_var of type_expr
+val closed_schema_verbose: type_expr -> closed_schema_result option
(* Check whether the given type scheme contains no non-generic
type variables *)
val nondep_type: Env.t -> Ident.t -> type_expr -> type_expr
@@ -103,7 +107,6 @@ val close_object: type_expr -> unit
val set_object_name:
type_expr -> type_expr list -> Ident.t -> unit
val remove_object_name: type_expr -> unit
-val expand_root: Env.t -> type_expr -> type_expr
val correct_abbrev: Env.t -> Ident.t -> type_expr list -> type_expr -> unit
val unroll_abbrev: Ident.t -> type_expr list -> type_expr -> type_expr
val is_generic: type_expr -> bool
@@ -114,6 +117,8 @@ val none: type_expr
(* A dummy type expression *)
exception Unify of (type_expr * type_expr) list
+exception Subtype of
+ (type_expr * type_expr) list * (type_expr * type_expr) list
exception Cannot_expand
exception Nonlinear_abbrev
exception Recursive_abbrev
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 5597855d5..c356c6889 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -536,31 +536,33 @@ let type_expansion t t' =
close_box ()
-let rec unification_trace =
+let rec trace fst txt =
(t1, t1')::(t2, t2')::rem ->
- print_cut ();
+ if not fst then
+ print_cut ();
open_hovbox 0;
print_string "Type"; print_break 1 2;
type_expansion t1 t1'; print_space ();
- print_string "is not compatible with type"; print_break 1 2;
+ txt (); print_break 1 2;
type_expansion t2 t2';
close_box ();
- unification_trace rem
+ trace false txt rem
| _ ->
-let unification_error trace txt1 txt2 =
+let unification_error tr txt1 txt2 =
reset ();
(function (t, t') -> mark_loops t; if t != t' then mark_loops t')
- trace;
+ tr;
open_hovbox 0;
- let (t1, t1') = List.hd trace in
- let (t2, t2') = List.hd ( trace) in
+ let (t1, t1') = List.hd tr in
+ let (t2, t2') = List.hd ( tr) in
txt1 (); print_break 1 2;
type_expansion t1 t1'; print_space();
txt2 (); print_break 1 2;
type_expansion t2 t2';
- unification_trace ( ( trace))
+ trace false (fun _ -> print_string "is not compatible with type")
+ ( ( tr))
diff --git a/typing/printtyp.mli b/typing/printtyp.mli
index c1e7e08b0..638f0ea86 100644
--- a/typing/printtyp.mli
+++ b/typing/printtyp.mli
@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ val signature: signature -> unit
val signature_body: bool -> signature -> unit
val modtype_declaration: Ident.t -> modtype_declaration -> unit
val class_type: Ident.t -> class_type -> unit
+val type_expansion: type_expr -> type_expr -> unit
+val trace: bool -> (unit -> unit) -> (type_expr * type_expr) list -> unit
val unification_error:
(type_expr * type_expr) list -> (unit -> unit) -> (unit -> unit) ->
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index d773b8ceb..915906886 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -26,7 +26,8 @@ type error =
| Virtual_class of string * string
| Closed_class of string
| Closed_ancestor of string * Path.t * string
- | Non_closed of Ident.t * type_expr list * type_expr
+ | Non_closed of Ident.t * type_expr list * type_expr *
+ Ctype.closed_schema_result
| Mutable_var of string
| Undefined_var of string
| Variable_type_mismatch of string * (type_expr * type_expr) list
@@ -118,7 +119,9 @@ let make_stub env cl =
Ctype.generalize concr;
(* Temporary object type *)
- let temp_obj_params = (fun _ -> Ctype.newvar ()) cl.pcl_param in
+ let temp_obj_params =
+ (fun _ -> Ctype.newvar ()) (fst cl.pcl_param)
+ in
let temp_obj = Ctype.instance self in
let obj_temp_abbrev =
{ type_params = temp_obj_params;
@@ -136,7 +139,7 @@ let make_stub env cl =
Ctype.newty (Tconstr(Path.Pident obj_id, temp_obj_params, ref [])))
else begin
- let params = (fun _ -> Ctype.newvar ()) cl.pcl_param in
+ let params = (fun _ -> Ctype.newvar ()) (fst cl.pcl_param) in
let ty = Ctype.instance self in
Ctype.set_object_name ty params obj_id;
(params, ty)
@@ -378,16 +381,16 @@ let transl_class temp_env env
(* Introduce parameters *)
let params =
- try enter_type_variable cl.pcl_param with Already_bound ->
- raise(Error(cl.pcl_loc, Repeated_parameter)) in
+ try
+ (enter_type_variable true) (fst cl.pcl_param)
+ with Already_bound ->
+ raise(Error(snd cl.pcl_param, Repeated_parameter))
+ in
(* Bind self type variable *)
- begin try
- match cl.pcl_self_ty with
- Some v -> Ctype.unify temp_env self (enter_type_variable v)
+ begin match cl.pcl_self_ty with
+ Some v -> Ctype.unify temp_env self (enter_type_variable false v)
| None -> ()
- with Already_bound ->
- raise(Error(cl.pcl_loc, Repeated_parameter))
(* Add constraints *)
@@ -557,9 +560,12 @@ let make_abbrev env
Ctype.close_object obj_ty;
Ctype.end_def ();
List.iter Ctype.generalize obj_ty_params;
- if not (Ctype.closed_schema obj_ty) then
- raise(Error(cl.pcl_loc,
- Non_closed(obj_id, obj_ty_params, obj_ty)));
+ begin match Ctype.closed_schema_verbose obj_ty with
+ None -> ()
+ | Some v ->
+ raise(Error(cl.pcl_loc,
+ Non_closed(obj_id, obj_ty_params, obj_ty, v)))
+ end;
Ctype.generalize obj_ty;
let obj_abbrev =
{ type_params = obj_ty_params;
@@ -596,7 +602,7 @@ let transl_classes env cl =
let enter_class env cl =
let abstr_type =
{ type_params = [];
- type_arity = List.length cl.pcty_param;
+ type_arity = List.length (fst cl.pcty_param);
type_kind = Type_abstract;
type_manifest = None }
@@ -745,17 +751,16 @@ let build_abbrevs temp_env env (cl, obj_id) =
(* Introduce parameters *)
let params =
- try enter_type_variable cl.pcty_param with Already_bound ->
- raise(Error(cl.pcty_loc, Repeated_parameter))
+ try
+ (enter_type_variable true) (fst cl.pcty_param)
+ with Already_bound ->
+ raise(Error(snd cl.pcty_param, Repeated_parameter))
(* Bind self type variable *)
- begin try
- match cl.pcty_self with
- Some v -> Ctype.unify temp_env self (enter_type_variable v)
+ begin match cl.pcty_self with
+ Some v -> Ctype.unify temp_env self (enter_type_variable false v)
| None -> ()
- with Already_bound ->
- raise(Error(cl.pcty_loc, Repeated_parameter))
(* Translate argument types *)
@@ -794,9 +799,12 @@ let build_abbrevs temp_env env (cl, obj_id) =
Ctype.close_object obj_ty;
Ctype.end_def ();
List.iter Ctype.generalize obj_params;
- if not (Ctype.closed_schema obj_ty) then
- raise(Error(cl.pcty_loc,
- Non_closed(obj_id, obj_params, obj_ty)));
+ begin match Ctype.closed_schema_verbose obj_ty with
+ None -> ()
+ | Some v ->
+ raise(Error(cl.pcty_loc,
+ Non_closed(obj_id, obj_params, obj_ty, v)))
+ end;
Ctype.generalize obj_ty;
let obj_abbrev =
{ type_params = obj_params;
@@ -872,10 +880,10 @@ let build_class_type env
(* Re-introduce parameters and bind self type variable *)
- (fun v ty -> Ctype.unify env (enter_type_variable v) ty)
- cl.pcty_param params;
+ (fun v ty -> Ctype.unify env (enter_type_variable true v) ty)
+ (fst cl.pcty_param) params;
begin match cl.pcty_self with
- Some v -> Ctype.unify env (enter_type_variable v) self
+ Some v -> Ctype.unify env (enter_type_variable false v) self
| None -> ()
@@ -976,12 +984,18 @@ let report_error = function
Printtyp.path anc; print_space ();
print_string "which has no method"; print_space ();
print_string met
- | Non_closed (id, args, typ) ->
+ | Non_closed (id, args, typ, var) ->
open_hovbox 0;
Printtyp.reset ();
Printtyp.mark_loops typ;
- print_string
- "Some type variables are not bound in implicit type definition";
+ begin match var with
+ Ctype.Var v ->
+ print_string "The type variable"; print_space ();
+ Printtyp.type_expr v; print_space ();
+ print_string "is not bound in implicit type definition"
+ | _ ->
+ print_string "Unbound row variable in implicit type definition"
+ end;
print_break 1 2;
open_hovbox 0;
Printtyp.type_expr (Ctype.newty (Tconstr(Path.Pident id, args, ref [])));
@@ -990,7 +1004,7 @@ let report_error = function
close_box ();
close_box ();
print_space ();
- print_string "They should all be captured by a class type parameter."
+ print_string "It should be captured by a class type parameter"
| Mutable_var v ->
print_string "The variable"; print_space ();
print_string v; print_space ();
diff --git a/typing/typeclass.mli b/typing/typeclass.mli
index 163e01dbe..90ee2f32a 100644
--- a/typing/typeclass.mli
+++ b/typing/typeclass.mli
@@ -33,7 +33,8 @@ type error =
| Virtual_class of string * string
| Closed_class of string
| Closed_ancestor of string * Path.t * string
- | Non_closed of Ident.t * type_expr list * type_expr
+ | Non_closed of Ident.t * type_expr list * type_expr *
+ Ctype.closed_schema_result
| Mutable_var of string
| Undefined_var of string
| Variable_type_mismatch of string * (type_expr * type_expr) list
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index d01f440f4..1f56c9493 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -40,9 +40,10 @@ type error =
| Virtual_class of Longident.t
| Unbound_instance_variable of string
| Instance_variable_not_mutable of string
- | Not_subtype of type_expr * type_expr
+ | Not_subtype of (type_expr * type_expr) list * (type_expr * type_expr) list
| Outside_class
| Value_multiply_overridden of string
+ | Coercion_failure of type_expr * type_expr * (type_expr * type_expr) list
exception Error of Location.t * error
@@ -454,25 +455,32 @@ let rec type_exp env sexp =
exp_loc = sexp.pexp_loc;
exp_type = instance Predef.type_unit }
| Pexp_constraint(sarg, sty, sty') ->
- let (ty, ty') =
+ let (arg, ty') =
match (sty, sty') with
- (None, None) ->
- none, none
+ (None, None) -> (* Case actually unused *)
+ let arg = type_exp env sarg in
+ (arg, arg.exp_type)
| (Some sty, None) ->
let ty = Typetexp.transl_simple_type env false sty in
- (ty, ty)
+ (type_expect env sarg ty, ty)
| (None, Some sty') ->
let ty' = Typetexp.transl_simple_type env false sty' in
- (enlarge_type env (Typetexp.type_variable_list ()) ty', ty')
+ let ty = enlarge_type env (Typetexp.type_variable_list ()) ty' in
+ let arg = type_exp env sarg in
+ begin try Ctype.unify env arg.exp_type ty with Unify trace ->
+ raise(Error(sarg.pexp_loc,
+ Coercion_failure(ty', full_expand env ty', trace)))
+ end;
+ (arg, ty')
| (Some sty, Some sty') ->
let ty = Typetexp.transl_simple_type env false sty in
let ty' = Typetexp.transl_simple_type env false sty' in
begin try subtype env (Typetexp.type_variable_list ()) ty ty' with
- Unify _ ->
- raise(Error(sexp.pexp_loc, Not_subtype(ty, ty')))
+ Subtype (tr1, tr2) ->
+ raise(Error(sexp.pexp_loc, Not_subtype(tr1, tr2)))
- (ty, ty')
- in let arg = type_expect env sarg ty in
+ (type_expect env sarg ty, ty')
+ in
{ exp_desc = arg.exp_desc;
exp_loc = arg.exp_loc;
exp_type = ty' }
@@ -783,16 +791,30 @@ let report_error = function
| Instance_variable_not_mutable v ->
print_string " The instance variable "; print_string v;
print_string " is not mutable"
- | Not_subtype(ty, ty') ->
+ | Not_subtype(tr1, tr2) ->
reset ();
- mark_loops ty; mark_loops ty';
- open_hovbox 0;
- type_expr ty; print_space();
- print_string "is not a subtype of"; print_space ();
- type_expr ty';
- close_box()
+ List.iter
+ (function (t, t') -> mark_loops t; if t != t' then mark_loops t')
+ tr1;
+ List.iter
+ (function (t, t') -> mark_loops t; if t != t' then mark_loops t')
+ tr2;
+ trace true (fun _ -> print_string "is not a subtype of") tr1;
+ trace false (fun _ -> print_string "is not compatible with type") tr2
| Outside_class ->
print_string "Object duplication outside a class definition."
| Value_multiply_overridden v ->
print_string "The instance variable "; print_string v;
print_string " is overridden several times"
+ | Coercion_failure (ty, ty', trace) ->
+ unification_error trace
+ (function () ->
+ mark_loops ty; if ty' != ty then mark_loops ty';
+ print_string "This expression cannot be coerced to type";
+ print_break 1 2;
+ type_expansion ty ty';
+ print_string ";";
+ print_space ();
+ print_string "it has type")
+ (function () ->
+ print_string "but is here used with type")
diff --git a/typing/typecore.mli b/typing/typecore.mli
index c16507f8f..8ef6bcbfb 100644
--- a/typing/typecore.mli
+++ b/typing/typecore.mli
@@ -53,9 +53,10 @@ type error =
| Virtual_class of Longident.t
| Unbound_instance_variable of string
| Instance_variable_not_mutable of string
- | Not_subtype of type_expr * type_expr
+ | Not_subtype of (type_expr * type_expr) list * (type_expr * type_expr) list
| Outside_class
| Value_multiply_overridden of string
+ | Coercion_failure of type_expr * type_expr * (type_expr * type_expr) list
exception Error of Location.t * error
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index f87df145d..e4bad3f52 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ let transl_declaration env (name, sdecl) id =
let params =
- enter_type_variable sdecl.ptype_params
+ (enter_type_variable true) sdecl.ptype_params
with Already_bound ->
raise(Error(sdecl.ptype_loc, Repeated_parameter)) in
let decl =
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ let transl_with_constraint env sdecl =
let params =
- enter_type_variable sdecl.ptype_params
+ (enter_type_variable true) sdecl.ptype_params
with Already_bound ->
raise(Error(sdecl.ptype_loc, Repeated_parameter)) in
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 374ce183a..e3c46a902 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -40,9 +40,11 @@ let reset_type_variables () =
reset_global_level ();
type_variables := Tbl.empty
-let enter_type_variable name =
+let enter_type_variable strict name =
- Tbl.find name !type_variables; raise Already_bound
+ let v = Tbl.find name !type_variables in
+ if strict then raise Already_bound;
+ v
with Not_found ->
let v = new_global_var() in
type_variables := Tbl.add name v !type_variables;
diff --git a/typing/typetexp.mli b/typing/typetexp.mli
index cf48b57b4..05cbb6eb2 100644
--- a/typing/typetexp.mli
+++ b/typing/typetexp.mli
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ val transl_simple_type:
val transl_type_scheme:
Env.t -> Parsetree.core_type -> Typedtree.type_expr
val reset_type_variables: unit -> unit
-val enter_type_variable: string -> Typedtree.type_expr
+val enter_type_variable: bool -> string -> Typedtree.type_expr
val type_variable : Location.t -> string -> Typedtree.type_expr
val type_variable_list : unit -> Typedtree.type_expr list