diff options
authorJacques Garrigue <garrigue at>2011-10-20 05:49:38 +0000
committerJacques Garrigue <garrigue at>2011-10-20 05:49:38 +0000
commitefa8d8896d259382d19bed1eb82b4670846f7fbf (patch)
parent854afdd4e98b8cd93645926b02aba9e33a98e8c3 (diff)
Shorter error messages for modules
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
4 files changed, 136 insertions, 66 deletions
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 21dd58e10..3f6df0515 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ open Path
open Types
open Typedtree
-type error =
+type symptom =
Missing_field of Ident.t
| Value_descriptions of Ident.t * value_description * value_description
| Type_declarations of Ident.t * type_declaration
@@ -38,6 +38,10 @@ type error =
Ctype.class_match_failure list
| Unbound_modtype_path of Path.t
+type pos =
+ Module of Ident.t | Modtype of Ident.t | Arg of Ident.t | Body of Ident.t
+type error = pos list * symptom
exception Error of error list
(* All functions "blah env x1 x2" check that x1 is included in x2,
@@ -46,51 +50,52 @@ exception Error of error list
(* Inclusion between value descriptions *)
-let value_descriptions env subst id vd1 vd2 =
+let value_descriptions env cxt subst id vd1 vd2 =
let vd2 = Subst.value_description subst vd2 in
Includecore.value_descriptions env vd1 vd2
with Includecore.Dont_match ->
- raise(Error[Value_descriptions(id, vd1, vd2)])
+ raise(Error[cxt, Value_descriptions(id, vd1, vd2)])
(* Inclusion between type declarations *)
-let type_declarations env subst id decl1 decl2 =
+let type_declarations env cxt subst id decl1 decl2 =
let decl2 = Subst.type_declaration subst decl2 in
let err = Includecore.type_declarations env id decl1 decl2 in
- if err <> [] then raise(Error[Type_declarations(id, decl1, decl2, err)])
+ if err <> [] then raise(Error[cxt, Type_declarations(id, decl1, decl2, err)])
(* Inclusion between exception declarations *)
-let exception_declarations env subst id decl1 decl2 =
+let exception_declarations env cxt subst id decl1 decl2 =
let decl2 = Subst.exception_declaration subst decl2 in
if Includecore.exception_declarations env decl1 decl2
then ()
- else raise(Error[Exception_declarations(id, decl1, decl2)])
+ else raise(Error[cxt, Exception_declarations(id, decl1, decl2)])
(* Inclusion between class declarations *)
-let class_type_declarations env subst id decl1 decl2 =
+let class_type_declarations env cxt subst id decl1 decl2 =
let decl2 = Subst.cltype_declaration subst decl2 in
match Includeclass.class_type_declarations env decl1 decl2 with
[] -> ()
- | reason -> raise(Error[Class_type_declarations(id, decl1, decl2, reason)])
+ | reason ->
+ raise(Error[cxt, Class_type_declarations(id, decl1, decl2, reason)])
-let class_declarations env subst id decl1 decl2 =
+let class_declarations env cxt subst id decl1 decl2 =
let decl2 = Subst.class_declaration subst decl2 in
match Includeclass.class_declarations env decl1 decl2 with
[] -> ()
- | reason -> raise(Error[Class_declarations(id, decl1, decl2, reason)])
+ | reason -> raise(Error[cxt, Class_declarations(id, decl1, decl2, reason)])
(* Expand a module type identifier when possible *)
exception Dont_match
-let expand_module_path env path =
+let expand_module_path env cxt path =
Env.find_modtype_expansion path env
with Not_found ->
- raise(Error[Unbound_modtype_path path])
+ raise(Error[cxt, Unbound_modtype_path path])
(* Extract name, kind and ident from a signature item *)
@@ -128,28 +133,29 @@ let simplify_structure_coercion cc =
Return the restriction that transforms a value of the smaller type
into a value of the bigger type. *)
-let rec modtypes env subst mty1 mty2 =
+let rec modtypes env cxt subst mty1 mty2 =
- try_modtypes env subst mty1 mty2
+ try_modtypes env cxt subst mty1 mty2
Dont_match ->
- raise(Error[Module_types(mty1, Subst.modtype subst mty2)])
+ raise(Error[cxt, Module_types(mty1, Subst.modtype subst mty2)])
| Error reasons ->
- raise(Error(Module_types(mty1, Subst.modtype subst mty2) :: reasons))
+ raise(Error((cxt, Module_types(mty1, Subst.modtype subst mty2))
+ :: reasons))
-and try_modtypes env subst mty1 mty2 =
+and try_modtypes env cxt subst mty1 mty2 =
match (mty1, mty2) with
(_, Tmty_ident p2) ->
- try_modtypes2 env mty1 (Subst.modtype subst mty2)
+ try_modtypes2 env cxt mty1 (Subst.modtype subst mty2)
| (Tmty_ident p1, _) ->
- try_modtypes env subst (expand_module_path env p1) mty2
+ try_modtypes env cxt subst (expand_module_path env cxt p1) mty2
| (Tmty_signature sig1, Tmty_signature sig2) ->
- signatures env subst sig1 sig2
+ signatures env cxt subst sig1 sig2
| (Tmty_functor(param1, arg1, res1), Tmty_functor(param2, arg2, res2)) ->
let arg2' = Subst.modtype subst arg2 in
- let cc_arg = modtypes env Subst.identity arg2' arg1 in
+ let cc_arg = modtypes env (Arg param1::cxt) Subst.identity arg2' arg1 in
let cc_res =
- modtypes (Env.add_module param1 arg2' env)
+ modtypes (Env.add_module param1 arg2' env) (Body param1::cxt)
(Subst.add_module param2 (Pident param1) subst) res1 res2 in
begin match (cc_arg, cc_res) with
(Tcoerce_none, Tcoerce_none) -> Tcoerce_none
@@ -158,19 +164,19 @@ and try_modtypes env subst mty1 mty2 =
| (_, _) ->
raise Dont_match
-and try_modtypes2 env mty1 mty2 =
+and try_modtypes2 env cxt mty1 mty2 =
(* mty2 is an identifier *)
match (mty1, mty2) with
(Tmty_ident p1, Tmty_ident p2) when Path.same p1 p2 ->
| (_, Tmty_ident p2) ->
- try_modtypes env Subst.identity mty1 (expand_module_path env p2)
+ try_modtypes env cxt Subst.identity mty1 (expand_module_path env cxt p2)
| (_, _) ->
assert false
(* Inclusion between signatures *)
-and signatures env subst sig1 sig2 =
+and signatures env cxt subst sig1 sig2 =
(* Environment used to check inclusion of components *)
let new_env =
Env.add_signature sig1 env in
@@ -202,7 +208,7 @@ and signatures env subst sig1 sig2 =
let rec pair_components subst paired unpaired = function
[] ->
begin match unpaired with
- [] -> signature_components new_env subst (List.rev paired)
+ [] -> signature_components new_env cxt subst (List.rev paired)
| _ -> raise(Error unpaired)
| item2 :: rem ->
@@ -234,7 +240,7 @@ and signatures env subst sig1 sig2 =
((item1, item2, pos1) :: paired) unpaired rem
with Not_found ->
let unpaired =
- if report then Missing_field id2 :: unpaired else unpaired in
+ if report then (cxt, Missing_field id2) :: unpaired else unpaired in
pair_components subst paired unpaired rem
end in
(* Do the pairing and checking, and return the final coercion *)
@@ -242,65 +248,67 @@ and signatures env subst sig1 sig2 =
(* Inclusion between signature components *)
-and signature_components env subst = function
+and signature_components env cxt subst = function
[] -> []
| (Tsig_value(id1, valdecl1), Tsig_value(id2, valdecl2), pos) :: rem ->
- let cc = value_descriptions env subst id1 valdecl1 valdecl2 in
+ let cc = value_descriptions env cxt subst id1 valdecl1 valdecl2 in
begin match valdecl2.val_kind with
- Val_prim p -> signature_components env subst rem
- | _ -> (pos, cc) :: signature_components env subst rem
+ Val_prim p -> signature_components env cxt subst rem
+ | _ -> (pos, cc) :: signature_components env cxt subst rem
| (Tsig_type(id1, tydecl1, _), Tsig_type(id2, tydecl2, _), pos) :: rem ->
- type_declarations env subst id1 tydecl1 tydecl2;
- signature_components env subst rem
+ type_declarations env cxt subst id1 tydecl1 tydecl2;
+ signature_components env cxt subst rem
| (Tsig_exception(id1, excdecl1), Tsig_exception(id2, excdecl2), pos)
:: rem ->
- exception_declarations env subst id1 excdecl1 excdecl2;
- (pos, Tcoerce_none) :: signature_components env subst rem
+ exception_declarations env cxt subst id1 excdecl1 excdecl2;
+ (pos, Tcoerce_none) :: signature_components env cxt subst rem
| (Tsig_module(id1, mty1, _), Tsig_module(id2, mty2, _), pos) :: rem ->
let cc =
- modtypes env subst (Mtype.strengthen env mty1 (Pident id1)) mty2 in
- (pos, cc) :: signature_components env subst rem
+ modtypes env (Module id1::cxt) subst
+ (Mtype.strengthen env mty1 (Pident id1)) mty2 in
+ (pos, cc) :: signature_components env cxt subst rem
| (Tsig_modtype(id1, info1), Tsig_modtype(id2, info2), pos) :: rem ->
- modtype_infos env subst id1 info1 info2;
- signature_components env subst rem
+ modtype_infos env cxt subst id1 info1 info2;
+ signature_components env cxt subst rem
| (Tsig_class(id1, decl1, _), Tsig_class(id2, decl2, _), pos) :: rem ->
- class_declarations env subst id1 decl1 decl2;
- (pos, Tcoerce_none) :: signature_components env subst rem
+ class_declarations env cxt subst id1 decl1 decl2;
+ (pos, Tcoerce_none) :: signature_components env cxt subst rem
| (Tsig_cltype(id1, info1, _), Tsig_cltype(id2, info2, _), pos) :: rem ->
- class_type_declarations env subst id1 info1 info2;
- signature_components env subst rem
+ class_type_declarations env cxt subst id1 info1 info2;
+ signature_components env cxt subst rem
| _ ->
assert false
(* Inclusion between module type specifications *)
-and modtype_infos env subst id info1 info2 =
+and modtype_infos env cxt subst id info1 info2 =
let info2 = Subst.modtype_declaration subst info2 in
+ let cxt' = Modtype id :: cxt in
match (info1, info2) with
(Tmodtype_abstract, Tmodtype_abstract) -> ()
| (Tmodtype_manifest mty1, Tmodtype_abstract) -> ()
| (Tmodtype_manifest mty1, Tmodtype_manifest mty2) ->
- check_modtype_equiv env mty1 mty2
+ check_modtype_equiv env cxt' mty1 mty2
| (Tmodtype_abstract, Tmodtype_manifest mty2) ->
- check_modtype_equiv env (Tmty_ident(Pident id)) mty2
+ check_modtype_equiv env cxt' (Tmty_ident(Pident id)) mty2
with Error reasons ->
- raise(Error(Modtype_infos(id, info1, info2) :: reasons))
+ raise(Error((cxt, Modtype_infos(id, info1, info2)) :: reasons))
-and check_modtype_equiv env mty1 mty2 =
+and check_modtype_equiv env cxt mty1 mty2 =
- (modtypes env Subst.identity mty1 mty2,
- modtypes env Subst.identity mty2 mty1)
+ (modtypes env cxt Subst.identity mty1 mty2,
+ modtypes env cxt Subst.identity mty2 mty1)
(Tcoerce_none, Tcoerce_none) -> ()
- | (_, _) -> raise(Error [Modtype_permutation])
+ | (_, _) -> raise(Error [cxt, Modtype_permutation])
(* Simplified inclusion check between module types (for Env) *)
let check_modtype_inclusion env mty1 path1 mty2 =
- ignore(modtypes env Subst.identity
+ ignore(modtypes env [] Subst.identity
(Mtype.strengthen env mty1 path1) mty2)
with Error reasons ->
raise Not_found
@@ -312,16 +320,16 @@ let _ = Env.check_modtype_inclusion := check_modtype_inclusion
let compunit impl_name impl_sig intf_name intf_sig =
- signatures Env.initial Subst.identity impl_sig intf_sig
+ signatures Env.initial [] Subst.identity impl_sig intf_sig
with Error reasons ->
- raise(Error(Interface_mismatch(impl_name, intf_name) :: reasons))
+ raise(Error(([], Interface_mismatch(impl_name, intf_name)) :: reasons))
-(* Hide the substitution parameter to the outside world *)
+(* Hide the context and substitution parameters to the outside world *)
-let modtypes env mty1 mty2 = modtypes env Subst.identity mty1 mty2
-let signatures env sig1 sig2 = signatures env Subst.identity sig1 sig2
+let modtypes env mty1 mty2 = modtypes env [] Subst.identity mty1 mty2
+let signatures env sig1 sig2 = signatures env [] Subst.identity sig1 sig2
let type_declarations env id decl1 decl2 =
- type_declarations env Subst.identity id decl1 decl2
+ type_declarations env [] Subst.identity id decl1 decl2
(* Error report *)
@@ -384,9 +392,65 @@ let include_err ppf = function
| Unbound_modtype_path path ->
fprintf ppf "Unbound module type %a" Printtyp.path path
-let report_error ppf = function
- | [] -> ()
- | err :: errs ->
- let print_errs ppf errs =
- List.iter (fun err -> fprintf ppf "@ %a" include_err err) errs in
- fprintf ppf "@[<v>%a%a@]" include_err err print_errs errs
+let rec context ppf = function
+ Module id :: rem ->
+ fprintf ppf "@[<2>module %a%a@]" ident id args rem
+ | Modtype id :: rem ->
+ fprintf ppf "@[<2>module type %a =@ %a@]" ident id context_mty rem
+ | Body x :: rem ->
+ fprintf ppf "functor (%a) ->@ %a" ident x context_mty rem
+ | Arg x :: rem ->
+ fprintf ppf "functor (%a : %a) -> ..." ident x context_mty rem
+ | [] ->
+ fprintf ppf "<here>"
+and context_mty ppf = function
+ (Module _ | Modtype _) :: _ as rem ->
+ fprintf ppf "@[<2>sig@ %a@;<1 -2>end@]" context rem
+ | cxt -> context ppf cxt
+and args ppf = function
+ Body x :: rem ->
+ fprintf ppf "(%a)%a" ident x args rem
+ | Arg x :: rem ->
+ fprintf ppf "(%a :@ %a) : ..." ident x context_mty rem
+ | cxt ->
+ fprintf ppf " :@ %a" context_mty cxt
+let path_of_context = function
+ Module id :: rem ->
+ let rec subm path = function
+ [] -> path
+ | Module id :: rem -> subm (Pdot (path, id, -1)) rem
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in subm (Pident id) rem
+ | _ -> assert false
+let context ppf cxt =
+ if cxt = [] then () else
+ if List.for_all (function Module _ -> true | _ -> false) cxt then
+ fprintf ppf "In module %a:@ " path (path_of_context cxt)
+ else
+ fprintf ppf "@[<hv 2>At position@ %a@]@ " context cxt
+let include_err ppf (cxt, err) =
+ fprintf ppf "@[<v>%a%a@]" context (List.rev cxt) include_err err
+let buffer = ref ""
+let is_big obj =
+ let size = !Clflags.error_size in
+ size > 0 &&
+ begin
+ if String.length !buffer < size then buffer := String.create size;
+ try ignore (Marshal.to_buffer !buffer 0 size obj []); false
+ with _ -> true
+ end
+let report_error ppf errs =
+ if errs = [] then () else
+ let (errs , err) = split_last errs in
+ let pe = ref true in
+ let include_err' ppf err =
+ if not (is_big err) then fprintf ppf "%a@ " include_err err
+ else if !pe then (fprintf ppf "...@ "; pe := false)
+ in
+ let print_errs ppf = List.iter (include_err' ppf) in
+ fprintf ppf "@[<v>%a%a@]" print_errs errs include_err err
diff --git a/typing/includemod.mli b/typing/includemod.mli
index 35e8dfb7e..c1c9c1f0c 100644
--- a/typing/includemod.mli
+++ b/typing/includemod.mli
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ val compunit: string -> signature -> string -> signature -> module_coercion
val type_declarations:
Env.t -> Ident.t -> type_declaration -> type_declaration -> unit
-type error =
+type symptom =
Missing_field of Ident.t
| Value_descriptions of Ident.t * value_description * value_description
| Type_declarations of Ident.t * type_declaration
@@ -43,6 +43,10 @@ type error =
Ctype.class_match_failure list
| Unbound_modtype_path of Path.t
+type pos =
+ Module of Ident.t | Modtype of Ident.t | Arg of Ident.t | Body of Ident.t
+type error = pos list * symptom
exception Error of error list
val report_error: formatter -> error list -> unit
diff --git a/utils/ b/utils/
index 0f7187d8a..ccf75b00e 100644
--- a/utils/
+++ b/utils/
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ and no_auto_link = ref false (* -noautolink *)
and dllpaths = ref ([] : string list) (* -dllpath *)
and make_package = ref false (* -pack *)
and for_package = ref (None: string option) (* -for-pack *)
+and error_size = ref 500 (* -error-size *)
let dump_parsetree = ref false (* -dparsetree *)
and dump_rawlambda = ref false (* -drawlambda *)
and dump_lambda = ref false (* -dlambda *)
diff --git a/utils/clflags.mli b/utils/clflags.mli
index 7bbd32694..b08901715 100644
--- a/utils/clflags.mli
+++ b/utils/clflags.mli
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ val no_auto_link : bool ref
val dllpaths : string list ref
val make_package : bool ref
val for_package : string option ref
+val error_size : int ref
val dump_parsetree : bool ref
val dump_rawlambda : bool ref
val dump_lambda : bool ref