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authorXavier Leroy <>1998-10-19 17:21:45 +0000
committerXavier Leroy <>1998-10-19 17:21:45 +0000
commitfc77f415d8b9a43840f35a26c3f5a34fb901f177 (patch)
parentb7bf7cf69d483d856bba307ebd299d6ccc2cffd3 (diff)
Scheduler les checkbound avant les load correspondants
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
2 files changed, 40 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/asmcomp/ b/asmcomp/
index f306255d2..a42bb4901 100644
--- a/asmcomp/
+++ b/asmcomp/
@@ -37,19 +37,24 @@ let dummy_node =
(* The code dag itself is represented by two tables from registers to nodes:
- "results" maps registers to the instructions that produced them;
- "uses" maps registers to the instructions that use them.
- In addition, code_stores contains the latest store nodes emitted so far
- and code_loads contains all load nodes emitted since the last store. *)
+ In addition:
+ - code_stores contains the latest store nodes emitted so far
+ - code_loads contains all load nodes emitted since the last store
+ - code_checkbounds contains the latest checkbound node not matched
+ by a subsequent load or store. *)
let code_results = (Hashtbl.create 31 : (location, code_dag_node) Hashtbl.t)
let code_uses = (Hashtbl.create 31 : (location, code_dag_node) Hashtbl.t)
let code_stores = ref ([] : code_dag_node list)
let code_loads = ref ([] : code_dag_node list)
+let code_checkbounds = ref ([] : code_dag_node list)
let clear_code_dag () =
Hashtbl.clear code_results;
Hashtbl.clear code_uses;
code_stores := [];
- code_loads := []
+ code_loads := [];
+ code_checkbounds := []
(* Add an edge to the code DAG *)
@@ -57,6 +62,8 @@ let add_edge ancestor son delay =
ancestor.sons <- (son, delay) :: ancestor.sons;
son.ancestors <- son.ancestors + 1
+let add_edge_after son ancestor = add_edge ancestor son 0
(* Compute length of longest path to a result.
For leafs of the DAG, see whether their result is used in the instruction
immediately following the basic block (a "critical" output). *)
@@ -140,6 +147,11 @@ method is_load = function
Iload(_, _) -> true
| _ -> false
+method is_checkbound = function
+ Iintop Icheckbound -> true
+ | Iintop_imm(Icheckbound, _) -> true
+ | _ -> false
method private instr_is_store instr =
match instr.desc with
Lop op -> self#is_store op
@@ -150,6 +162,11 @@ method private instr_is_load instr =
Lop op -> self#is_load op
| _ -> false
+method private instr_is_checkbound instr =
+ match instr.desc with
+ Lop op -> self#is_checkbound op
+ | _ -> false
(* Estimate the latency of an operation. *)
method virtual oper_latency : Mach.operation -> int
@@ -207,7 +224,7 @@ method private add_instruction ready_queue instr =
of this instruction (WAR dependencies). *)
for i = 0 to Array.length instr.res - 1 do
let ancestors = Hashtbl.find_all code_uses instr.res.(i).loc in
- List.iter (fun ancestor -> add_edge ancestor node 0) ancestors
+ List.iter (add_edge_after node) ancestors
(* Also add edges from all instructions that have already defined one
of the results of this instruction (WAW dependencies). *)
@@ -219,21 +236,29 @@ method private add_instruction ready_queue instr =
(* If this is a load, add edges from the most recent store viewed so
- far (if any) and remember the load *)
+ far (if any) and remember the load. Also add edges from the most
+ recent checkbound and forget that checkbound. *)
if self#instr_is_load instr then begin
- List.iter (fun store -> add_edge store node 0) !code_stores;
- code_loads := node :: !code_loads
+ List.iter (add_edge_after node) !code_stores;
+ code_loads := node :: !code_loads;
+ List.iter (add_edge_after node) !code_checkbounds;
+ code_checkbounds := []
(* If this is a store, add edges from the most recent store,
- as well as all loads viewed since then. Remember the store,
- discarding the previous store and loads. *)
+ as well as all loads viewed since then, and also the most recent
+ checkbound. Remember the store,
+ discarding the previous stores, loads and checkbounds. *)
else if self#instr_is_store instr then begin
- List.iter (fun store -> add_edge store node 0) !code_stores;
- List.iter (fun load -> add_edge load node 0) !code_loads;
+ List.iter (add_edge_after node) !code_stores;
+ List.iter (add_edge_after node) !code_loads;
+ List.iter (add_edge_after node) !code_checkbounds;
code_stores := [node];
- code_loads := []
+ code_loads := [];
+ code_checkbounds := []
+ end
+ else if self#instr_is_checkbound instr then begin
+ code_checkbounds := [node]
(* Remember the registers used and produced by this instruction *)
for i = 0 to Array.length instr.res - 1 do
Hashtbl.add code_results instr.res.(i).loc node
diff --git a/asmcomp/schedgen.mli b/asmcomp/schedgen.mli
index e32f35317..8f02467d4 100644
--- a/asmcomp/schedgen.mli
+++ b/asmcomp/schedgen.mli
@@ -38,6 +38,8 @@ class virtual scheduler_generic : object
(* Says whether the given operation is a memory store *)
method is_load : Mach.operation -> bool
(* Says whether the given operation is a memory load *)
+ method is_checkbound : Mach.operation -> bool
+ (* Says whether the given operation is a checkbound *)
(* Entry point *)
method schedule_fundecl : Linearize.fundecl -> Linearize.fundecl