path: root/bytecomp/
diff options
authorJacques Garrigue <garrigue at>2005-04-04 04:09:12 +0000
committerJacques Garrigue <garrigue at>2005-04-04 04:09:12 +0000
commitf30c72cb084926eb6e78c60a9dfcaaefaf08c321 (patch)
tree3a4d212454d9ec63306a2b8a9ccd5ab627796d8b /bytecomp/
parent15aad8cbb615c3c42625ef020f19cda1ac6d57fa (diff)
fix PR#3576 (put free methods in environment)
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
Diffstat (limited to 'bytecomp/')
1 files changed, 62 insertions, 37 deletions
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index e1e3c0f55..7dbb60356 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -236,63 +236,88 @@ let name_lambda_list args fn =
Llet(Strict, id, arg, name_list (Lvar id :: names) rem) in
name_list [] args
-module IdentSet =
- Set.Make(struct
- type t = Ident.t
- let compare = compare
- end)
-let free_variables l =
- let fv = ref IdentSet.empty in
- let rec freevars = function
- Lvar id ->
- fv := IdentSet.add id !fv
- | Lconst sc -> ()
+let rec iter f = function
+ Lvar _
+ | Lconst _ -> ()
| Lapply(fn, args) ->
- freevars fn; List.iter freevars args
+ f fn; List.iter f args
| Lfunction(kind, params, body) ->
- freevars body;
- List.iter (fun param -> fv := IdentSet.remove param !fv) params
+ f body
| Llet(str, id, arg, body) ->
- freevars arg; freevars body; fv := IdentSet.remove id !fv
+ f arg; f body
| Lletrec(decl, body) ->
- freevars body;
- List.iter (fun (id, exp) -> freevars exp) decl;
- List.iter (fun (id, exp) -> fv := IdentSet.remove id !fv) decl
+ f body;
+ List.iter (fun (id, exp) -> f exp) decl
| Lprim(p, args) ->
- List.iter freevars args
+ List.iter f args
| Lswitch(arg, sw) ->
- freevars arg;
- List.iter (fun (key, case) -> freevars case) sw.sw_consts;
- List.iter (fun (key, case) -> freevars case) sw.sw_blocks;
+ f arg;
+ List.iter (fun (key, case) -> f case) sw.sw_consts;
+ List.iter (fun (key, case) -> f case) sw.sw_blocks;
begin match sw.sw_failaction with
| None -> ()
- | Some l -> freevars l
+ | Some l -> f l
| Lstaticraise (_,args) ->
- List.iter freevars args
+ List.iter f args
| Lstaticcatch(e1, (_,vars), e2) ->
- freevars e1; freevars e2 ;
- List.iter (fun id -> fv := IdentSet.remove id !fv) vars
+ f e1; f e2
| Ltrywith(e1, exn, e2) ->
- freevars e1; freevars e2; fv := IdentSet.remove exn !fv
+ f e1; f e2
| Lifthenelse(e1, e2, e3) ->
- freevars e1; freevars e2; freevars e3
+ f e1; f e2; f e3
| Lsequence(e1, e2) ->
- freevars e1; freevars e2
+ f e1; f e2
| Lwhile(e1, e2) ->
- freevars e1; freevars e2
+ f e1; f e2
| Lfor(v, e1, e2, dir, e3) ->
- freevars e1; freevars e2; freevars e3; fv := IdentSet.remove v !fv
+ f e1; f e2; f e3
| Lassign(id, e) ->
- fv := IdentSet.add id !fv; freevars e
+ f e
| Lsend (k, met, obj, args) ->
- List.iter freevars (met::obj::args)
+ List.iter f (met::obj::args)
| Levent (lam, evt) ->
- freevars lam
+ f lam
| Lifused (v, e) ->
- freevars e
- in freevars l; !fv
+ f e
+module IdentSet =
+ Set.Make(struct
+ type t = Ident.t
+ let compare = compare
+ end)
+let free_ids get l =
+ let fv = ref IdentSet.empty in
+ let rec free l =
+ iter free l;
+ fv := List.fold_right IdentSet.add (get l) !fv;
+ match l with
+ Lfunction(kind, params, body) ->
+ List.iter (fun param -> fv := IdentSet.remove param !fv) params
+ | Llet(str, id, arg, body) ->
+ fv := IdentSet.remove id !fv
+ | Lletrec(decl, body) ->
+ List.iter (fun (id, exp) -> fv := IdentSet.remove id !fv) decl
+ | Lstaticcatch(e1, (_,vars), e2) ->
+ List.iter (fun id -> fv := IdentSet.remove id !fv) vars
+ | Ltrywith(e1, exn, e2) ->
+ fv := IdentSet.remove exn !fv
+ | Lfor(v, e1, e2, dir, e3) ->
+ fv := IdentSet.remove v !fv
+ | Lassign(id, e) ->
+ fv := IdentSet.add id !fv
+ | Lvar _ | Lconst _ | Lapply _
+ | Lprim _ | Lswitch _ | Lstaticraise _
+ | Lifthenelse _ | Lsequence _ | Lwhile _
+ | Lsend _ | Levent _ | Lifused _ -> ()
+ in free l; !fv
+let free_variables l =
+ free_ids (function Lvar id -> [id] | _ -> []) l
+let free_methods l =
+ free_ids (function Lsend(Self, Lvar meth, obj, _) -> [meth] | _ -> []) l
(* Check if an action has a "when" guard *)
let raise_count = ref 0