path: root/bytecomp/
diff options
authorLuc Maranget <>2000-10-02 14:18:05 +0000
committerLuc Maranget <>2000-10-02 14:18:05 +0000
commitab97fd0dccd4f1761b209ca7ed8e6f9f9a2763b1 (patch)
treeb5c98d572fd196ee68a160e177c9b9785fb40e80 /bytecomp/
parent89f252d93e85bbbfe2ed06c0cc2c256c1ddb49b7 (diff)
or-pat avec variables et compil du switch
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
Diffstat (limited to 'bytecomp/')
1 files changed, 16 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index 6c62e3778..dd0098b1d 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -144,6 +144,7 @@ let primitive ppf = function
| Parrayrefs _ -> fprintf ppf "array.get"
| Parraysets _ -> fprintf ppf "array.set"
| Pisint -> fprintf ppf "isint"
+ | Pisout -> fprintf ppf "isout"
| Pbittest -> fprintf ppf "testbit"
| Pbintofint bi -> print_boxed_integer "of_int" ppf bi
| Pintofbint bi -> print_boxed_integer "to_int" ppf bi
@@ -236,13 +237,23 @@ let rec lam ppf = function
lam larg switch sw
| Lstaticfail ->
fprintf ppf "exit"
- | Lstaticraise i ->
- fprintf ppf "exit(%d)" i
+ | Lstaticraise (i, ls) ->
+ let lams ppf largs =
+ List.iter (fun l -> fprintf ppf "@ %a" lam l) largs in
+ fprintf ppf "@[<2>(exit@ %d%a)@]" i lams ls;
| Lcatch(lbody, lhandler) ->
fprintf ppf "@[<2>(catch@ %a@;<1 -1>with@ %a)@]" lam lbody lam lhandler
- | Lstaticcatch(lbody, i, lhandler) ->
- fprintf ppf "@[<2>(catch@ %a@;<1 -1>with(%d)@ %a)@]"
- lam lbody i lam lhandler
+ | Lstaticcatch(lbody, (i, vars), lhandler) ->
+ fprintf ppf "@[<2>(catch@ %a@;<1 -1>with (%d%a)@ %a)@]"
+ lam lbody i
+ (fun ppf vars -> match vars with
+ | [] -> ()
+ | _ ->
+ List.iter
+ (fun x -> fprintf ppf " %a" Ident.print x)
+ vars)
+ vars
+ lam lhandler
| Ltrywith(lbody, param, lhandler) ->
fprintf ppf "@[<2>(try@ %a@;<1 -1>with %a@ %a)@]"
lam lbody Ident.print param lam lhandler