path: root/bytecomp
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authorLuc Maranget <>2001-09-21 15:59:16 +0000
committerLuc Maranget <>2001-09-21 15:59:16 +0000
commitbd1a4e00c3d4ddec98cf67efc72b70d9b40d561e (patch)
treeeb6f7969ecbe28cded70bbf62ae580e67187368b /bytecomp
parentcb729b318ec4f59c6c442e2b313995be4ebe4907 (diff)
bug 539
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
Diffstat (limited to 'bytecomp')
3 files changed, 155 insertions, 112 deletions
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index 86c6d7e03..c81d744ef 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -1409,6 +1409,15 @@ open Switch
let lambda_of_int i = Lconst (Const_base (Const_int i))
+let rec last def = function
+| [] -> def
+| [x,_] -> x
+| _::rem -> last def rem
+let get_edges low high l = match l with
+| [] -> low, high
+| (x,_)::_ -> x, last high l
let as_interval_canfail fail low high l =
let store = mk_store equal_action in
@@ -1453,7 +1462,7 @@ let as_interval_canfail fail low high l =
nofail_rec i i index rem in
ignore (store.act_store fail) ; (* fail has action index 0 *)
- let r = init_rec (sort_lambda_list l) in
+ let r = init_rec l in
Array.of_list r, store.act_get ()
let as_interval_nofail l =
@@ -1469,21 +1478,25 @@ let as_interval_nofail l =
(cur_low, cur_high, cur_act)::
i_rec i i act_index rem in
- let inters = match sort_lambda_list l with
+ let inters = match l with
| (i,act)::rem ->
let act_index = store.act_store act in
i_rec i i act_index rem
| _ -> assert false in
Array.of_list inters, store.act_get ()
-let as_interval fail low high l = match fail with
-| None -> as_interval_nofail l
-| Some act -> as_interval_canfail act low high l
+let as_interval fail low high l =
+ let l = sort_lambda_list l in
+ get_edges low high l,
+ (match fail with
+ | None -> as_interval_nofail l
+ | Some act -> as_interval_canfail act low high l)
let call_switcher konst fail arg low high int_lambda_list =
- let cases, actions =
+ let edges, (cases, actions) =
as_interval fail low high int_lambda_list in
- Switcher.zyva konst arg cases actions
+ Switcher.zyva edges konst arg cases actions
let exists_ctx ok ctx =
@@ -1735,7 +1748,7 @@ let combine_constructor arg ex_pat cstr partial ctx def
let make_test_sequence_variant_constant fail arg int_lambda_list =
- let cases, actions =
+ let _, (cases, actions) =
as_interval fail min_int max_int int_lambda_list in
(fun i -> Lconst (Const_base (Const_int i))) arg cases actions
@@ -1745,6 +1758,7 @@ let call_switcher_variant_constant fail arg int_lambda_list =
(fun i -> Lconst (Const_base (Const_int i)))
fail arg min_int max_int int_lambda_list
let call_switcher_variant_constr fail arg int_lambda_list =
let v = Ident.create "variant" in
Llet(Alias, v, Lprim(Pfield 0, [arg]),
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index 7d500c08b..216261b90 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -306,19 +306,36 @@ let make_key cases =
make_one l h act::make_rec (Array.length cases-2) l
-let same_act t =
- let len = Array.length t in
- let a = get_act t (len-1) in
- let rec do_rec i =
- if i < 0 then true
- else
- let b = get_act t i in
- b=a && do_rec (i-1) in
- do_rec (len-2)
+ let same_act t =
+ let len = Array.length t in
+ let a = get_act t (len-1) in
+ let rec do_rec i =
+ if i < 0 then true
+ else
+ let b = get_act t i in
+ b=a && do_rec (i-1) in
+ do_rec (len-2)
+ Intervall test x in [l,h] works by checking x-l in [0,h-l]
+ * This may be false for arithmetic modulo 2^31
+ * Subtracting l may change the relative ordering of values
+ and invalid the invariant that matched values are given in
+ increasing order
+ To avoid this, interval check is allowed only when the
+ integers indeed present in the whole case interval are
+ in [-2^16 ; 2^16]
+ This condition is checked by zyva
- let rec opt_count top cases =
+let inter_limit = 1 lsl 16
+let ok_inter = ref false
+let rec opt_count top cases =
let key = make_key cases in
let r = Hashtbl.find t key in
@@ -340,58 +357,10 @@ let same_act t =
Hashtbl.add t key r ;
-and divide top cases =
- let lcases = Array.length cases in
- let m = lcases/2 in
- let _,left,right = coupe cases m in
- let ci = {n=1 ; ni=0}
- and cm = {n=1 ; ni=0}
- and _,(cml,cleft) = opt_count false left
- and _,(cmr,cright) = opt_count false right in
- add_test ci cleft ;
- add_test ci cright ;
- if less_tests cml cmr then
- add_test cm cmr
- else
- add_test cm cml ;
- Sep m,(cm, ci)
-and heuristic top cases =
- let lcases = Array.length cases in
- let sep,csep = divide false cases
- and inter,cinter =
- let _,_,act0 = cases.(0)
- and _,_,act1 = cases.(lcases-1) in
- if act0 = act1 then begin
- let low, high, inside, outside = coupe_inter 1 (lcases-2) cases in
- let _,(cmi,cinside) = opt_count false inside
- and _,(cmo,coutside) = opt_count false outside
- and cmij = {n=1 ; ni=(if low=high then 0 else 1)}
- and cij = {n=1 ; ni=(if low=high then 0 else 1)} in
- add_test cij cinside ;
- add_test cij coutside ;
- if less_tests cmi cmo then
- add_test cmij cmo
- else
- add_test cmij cmi ;
- Inter (1,lcases-2),(cmij,cij)
- end else
- Inter (-1,-1),(too_much, too_much) in
- if less2tests csep cinter then
- sep,csep
- else
- inter,cinter
-and enum top cases =
- let lcases = Array.length cases in
- let lim, with_sep =
- let best = ref (-1) and best_cost = ref (too_much,too_much) in
- for i = 1 to lcases-(1) do
- let _,left,right = coupe cases i in
+ and divide top cases =
+ let lcases = Array.length cases in
+ let m = lcases/2 in
+ let _,left,right = coupe cases m in
let ci = {n=1 ; ni=0}
and cm = {n=1 ; ni=0}
and _,(cml,cleft) = opt_count false left
@@ -402,49 +371,100 @@ and enum top cases =
add_test cm cmr
add_test cm cml ;
- if
- less2tests (cm,ci) !best_cost
- then begin
- if top then
- Printf.fprintf stderr "Get it: %d\n" i ;
- best := i ;
- best_cost := (cm,ci)
- end
- done ;
- !best, !best_cost in
- let ilow, ihigh, with_inter =
- if lcases <= 2 then
- -1,-1,(too_much,too_much)
- else
- let rlow = ref (-1) and rhigh = ref (-1)
- and best_cost= ref (too_much,too_much) in
- for i=1 to lcases-2 do
- for j=i to lcases-2 do
- let low, high, inside, outside = coupe_inter i j cases in
- let _,(cmi,cinside) = opt_count false inside
- and _,(cmo,coutside) = opt_count false outside
- and cmij = {n=1 ; ni=(if low=high then 0 else 1)}
- and cij = {n=1 ; ni=(if low=high then 0 else 1)} in
- add_test cij cinside ;
- add_test cij coutside ;
- if less_tests cmi cmo then
- add_test cmij cmo
+ Sep m,(cm, ci)
+ and heuristic top cases =
+ let lcases = Array.length cases in
+ let sep,csep = divide false cases
+ and inter,cinter =
+ if !ok_inter then begin
+ let _,_,act0 = cases.(0)
+ and _,_,act1 = cases.(lcases-1) in
+ if act0 = act1 then begin
+ let low, high, inside, outside = coupe_inter 1 (lcases-2) cases in
+ let _,(cmi,cinside) = opt_count false inside
+ and _,(cmo,coutside) = opt_count false outside
+ and cmij = {n=1 ; ni=(if low=high then 0 else 1)}
+ and cij = {n=1 ; ni=(if low=high then 0 else 1)} in
+ add_test cij cinside ;
+ add_test cij coutside ;
+ if less_tests cmi cmo then
+ add_test cmij cmo
+ else
+ add_test cmij cmi ;
+ Inter (1,lcases-2),(cmij,cij)
+ end else
+ Inter (-1,-1),(too_much, too_much)
+ end else
+ Inter (-1,-1),(too_much, too_much) in
+ if less2tests csep cinter then
+ sep,csep
+ else
+ inter,cinter
+ and enum top cases =
+ let lcases = Array.length cases in
+ let lim, with_sep =
+ let best = ref (-1) and best_cost = ref (too_much,too_much) in
+ for i = 1 to lcases-(1) do
+ let _,left,right = coupe cases i in
+ let ci = {n=1 ; ni=0}
+ and cm = {n=1 ; ni=0}
+ and _,(cml,cleft) = opt_count false left
+ and _,(cmr,cright) = opt_count false right in
+ add_test ci cleft ;
+ add_test ci cright ;
+ if less_tests cml cmr then
+ add_test cm cmr
- add_test cmij cmi ;
- if less2tests (cmij,cij) !best_cost then begin
- rlow := i ;
- rhigh := j ;
- best_cost := (cmij,cij)
+ add_test cm cml ;
+ if
+ less2tests (cm,ci) !best_cost
+ then begin
+ if top then
+ Printf.fprintf stderr "Get it: %d\n" i ;
+ best := i ;
+ best_cost := (cm,ci)
- done
- done ;
- !rlow, !rhigh, !best_cost in
- let r = ref (Inter (ilow,ihigh)) and rc = ref with_inter in
- if less2tests with_sep !rc then begin
- r := Sep lim ; rc := with_sep
- end ;
- !r, !rc
+ done ;
+ !best, !best_cost in
+ let ilow, ihigh, with_inter =
+ if not !ok_inter then
+ -1,-1,(too_much,too_much)
+ else
+ let rlow = ref (-1) and rhigh = ref (-1)
+ and best_cost= ref (too_much,too_much) in
+ for i=1 to lcases-2 do
+ for j=i to lcases-2 do
+ let low, high, inside, outside = coupe_inter i j cases in
+ let _,(cmi,cinside) = opt_count false inside
+ and _,(cmo,coutside) = opt_count false outside
+ and cmij = {n=1 ; ni=(if low=high then 0 else 1)}
+ and cij = {n=1 ; ni=(if low=high then 0 else 1)} in
+ add_test cij cinside ;
+ add_test cij coutside ;
+ if less_tests cmi cmo then
+ add_test cmij cmo
+ else
+ add_test cmij cmi ;
+ if less2tests (cmij,cij) !best_cost then begin
+ rlow := i ;
+ rhigh := j ;
+ best_cost := (cmij,cij)
+ end
+ done
+ done ;
+ !rlow, !rhigh, !best_cost in
+ let r = ref (Inter (ilow,ihigh)) and rc = ref with_inter in
+ if less2tests with_sep !rc then begin
+ r := Sep lim ; rc := with_sep
+ end ;
+ !r, !rc
let make_if_test konst test arg i ifso ifnot =
@@ -731,13 +751,21 @@ let make_clusters ({cases=cases ; actions=actions} as s) n_clusters k =
-let zyva konst arg cases actions =
+let zyva (low,high) konst arg cases actions =
+ let lcases = Array.length cases in
+ ok_inter := (abs low <= inter_limit && abs high <= inter_limit) ;
let s = {cases=cases ; actions=actions} in
+ pcases stderr cases ;
+ prerr_endline "" ;
let n_clusters,k = comp_clusters s in
let clusters = make_clusters s n_clusters k in
c_test konst {arg=arg ; off=0} clusters
and test_sequence konst arg cases actions =
+ ok_inter := false ;
let s =
{cases=cases ; (fun act -> (fun _ -> act)) actions} in
diff --git a/bytecomp/switch.mli b/bytecomp/switch.mli
index a0b34a87a..73799daa0 100644
--- a/bytecomp/switch.mli
+++ b/bytecomp/switch.mli
@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ module Make :
functor (Arg : S) ->
val zyva :
+ (int * int) ->
(int -> Arg.act) ->
Arg.act ->
(int * int * int) array ->