path: root/byterun/caml/memory.h
diff options
authorGabriel Scherer <>2014-12-27 14:41:49 +0000
committerGabriel Scherer <>2014-12-27 14:41:49 +0000
commit7ca29ef3f7ada4eefae4f6c58e77c92e6587ce69 (patch)
treee3656320266b1d090e1fed75c498980330768400 /byterun/caml/memory.h
parent65758c08dde5a5e5e379669f82a891f8e7699132 (diff)
PR#5887: move the byterun/*.h headers to byterun/caml/*.h to avoid header name clashes
(Jérôme Vouillon and Adrien Nader and Peter Zotov) git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
Diffstat (limited to 'byterun/caml/memory.h')
1 files changed, 447 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/byterun/caml/memory.h b/byterun/caml/memory.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2aa9c74eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/byterun/caml/memory.h
@@ -0,0 +1,447 @@
+/* */
+/* OCaml */
+/* */
+/* Damien Doligez, projet Para, INRIA Rocquencourt */
+/* */
+/* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et */
+/* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed */
+/* under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License, with */
+/* the special exception on linking described in file ../LICENSE. */
+/* */
+/* Allocation macros and functions */
+#ifndef CAML_MEMORY_H
+#define CAML_MEMORY_H
+#include "compatibility.h"
+#include "config.h"
+/* <private> */
+#include "gc.h"
+#include "major_gc.h"
+#include "minor_gc.h"
+/* </private> */
+#include "misc.h"
+#include "mlvalues.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+CAMLextern value caml_alloc_shr (mlsize_t wosize, tag_t);
+CAMLextern void caml_adjust_gc_speed (mlsize_t, mlsize_t);
+CAMLextern void caml_alloc_dependent_memory (mlsize_t bsz);
+CAMLextern void caml_free_dependent_memory (mlsize_t bsz);
+CAMLextern void caml_modify (value *, value);
+CAMLextern void caml_initialize (value *, value);
+CAMLextern value caml_check_urgent_gc (value);
+CAMLextern void * caml_stat_alloc (asize_t); /* Size in bytes. */
+CAMLextern void caml_stat_free (void *);
+CAMLextern void * caml_stat_resize (void *, asize_t); /* Size in bytes. */
+char *caml_alloc_for_heap (asize_t request); /* Size in bytes. */
+void caml_free_for_heap (char *mem);
+int caml_add_to_heap (char *mem);
+color_t caml_allocation_color (void *hp);
+/* void caml_shrink_heap (char *); Only used in compact.c */
+/* <private> */
+#define Not_in_heap 0
+#define In_heap 1
+#define In_young 2
+#define In_static_data 4
+#define In_code_area 8
+/* 64 bits: Represent page table as a sparse hash table */
+int caml_page_table_lookup(void * addr);
+#define Classify_addr(a) (caml_page_table_lookup((void *)(a)))
+/* 32 bits: Represent page table as a 2-level array */
+#define Pagetable2_log 11
+#define Pagetable2_size (1 << Pagetable2_log)
+#define Pagetable1_log (Page_log + Pagetable2_log)
+#define Pagetable1_size (1 << (32 - Pagetable1_log))
+CAMLextern unsigned char * caml_page_table[Pagetable1_size];
+#define Pagetable_index1(a) (((uintnat)(a)) >> Pagetable1_log)
+#define Pagetable_index2(a) \
+ ((((uintnat)(a)) >> Page_log) & (Pagetable2_size - 1))
+#define Classify_addr(a) \
+ caml_page_table[Pagetable_index1(a)][Pagetable_index2(a)]
+#define Is_in_value_area(a) \
+ (Classify_addr(a) & (In_heap | In_young | In_static_data))
+#define Is_in_heap(a) (Classify_addr(a) & In_heap)
+#define Is_in_heap_or_young(a) (Classify_addr(a) & (In_heap | In_young))
+int caml_page_table_add(int kind, void * start, void * end);
+int caml_page_table_remove(int kind, void * start, void * end);
+int caml_page_table_initialize(mlsize_t bytesize);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+#define DEBUG_clear(result, wosize) do{ \
+ uintnat caml__DEBUG_i; \
+ for (caml__DEBUG_i = 0; caml__DEBUG_i < (wosize); ++ caml__DEBUG_i){ \
+ Field ((result), caml__DEBUG_i) = Debug_uninit_minor; \
+ } \
+#define DEBUG_clear(result, wosize)
+#define Alloc_small(result, wosize, tag) do{ CAMLassert ((wosize) >= 1); \
+ CAMLassert ((tag_t) (tag) < 256); \
+ CAMLassert ((wosize) <= Max_young_wosize); \
+ caml_young_ptr -= Whsize_wosize (wosize); \
+ if (caml_young_ptr < caml_young_start){ \
+ caml_young_ptr += Whsize_wosize (wosize); \
+ Setup_for_gc; \
+ caml_minor_collection (); \
+ Restore_after_gc; \
+ caml_young_ptr -= Whsize_wosize (wosize); \
+ } \
+ Hd_hp (caml_young_ptr) = Make_header ((wosize), (tag), Caml_black); \
+ (result) = Val_hp (caml_young_ptr); \
+ DEBUG_clear ((result), (wosize)); \
+/* Deprecated alias for [caml_modify] */
+#define Modify(fp,val) caml_modify((fp), (val))
+/* </private> */
+struct caml__roots_block {
+ struct caml__roots_block *next;
+ intnat ntables;
+ intnat nitems;
+ value *tables [5];
+CAMLextern struct caml__roots_block *caml_local_roots; /* defined in roots.c */
+/* The following macros are used to declare C local variables and
+ function parameters of type [value].
+ The function body must start with one of the [CAMLparam] macros.
+ If the function has no parameter of type [value], use [CAMLparam0].
+ If the function has 1 to 5 [value] parameters, use the corresponding
+ [CAMLparam] with the parameters as arguments.
+ If the function has more than 5 [value] parameters, use [CAMLparam5]
+ for the first 5 parameters, and one or more calls to the [CAMLxparam]
+ macros for the others.
+ If the function takes an array of [value]s as argument, use
+ [CAMLparamN] to declare it (or [CAMLxparamN] if you already have a
+ call to [CAMLparam] for some other arguments).
+ If you need local variables of type [value], declare them with one
+ or more calls to the [CAMLlocal] macros at the beginning of the
+ function, after the call to CAMLparam. Use [CAMLlocalN] (at the
+ beginning of the function) to declare an array of [value]s.
+ Your function may raise an exception or return a [value] with the
+ [CAMLreturn] macro. Its argument is simply the [value] returned by
+ your function. Do NOT directly return a [value] with the [return]
+ keyword. If your function returns void, use [CAMLreturn0].
+ All the identifiers beginning with "caml__" are reserved by OCaml.
+ Do not use them for anything (local or global variables, struct or
+ union tags, macros, etc.)
+#define CAMLparam0() \
+ struct caml__roots_block *caml__frame = caml_local_roots
+#define CAMLparam1(x) \
+ CAMLparam0 (); \
+ CAMLxparam1 (x)
+#define CAMLparam2(x, y) \
+ CAMLparam0 (); \
+ CAMLxparam2 (x, y)
+#define CAMLparam3(x, y, z) \
+ CAMLparam0 (); \
+ CAMLxparam3 (x, y, z)
+#define CAMLparam4(x, y, z, t) \
+ CAMLparam0 (); \
+ CAMLxparam4 (x, y, z, t)
+#define CAMLparam5(x, y, z, t, u) \
+ CAMLparam0 (); \
+ CAMLxparam5 (x, y, z, t, u)
+#define CAMLparamN(x, size) \
+ CAMLparam0 (); \
+ CAMLxparamN (x, (size))
+#if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ > 2 || (__GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ > 7))
+ #define CAMLunused __attribute__ ((unused))
+ #define CAMLunused
+#define CAMLxparam1(x) \
+ struct caml__roots_block caml__roots_##x; \
+ CAMLunused int caml__dummy_##x = ( \
+ ( = caml_local_roots), \
+ (caml_local_roots = &caml__roots_##x), \
+ (caml__roots_##x.nitems = 1), \
+ (caml__roots_##x.ntables = 1), \
+ (caml__roots_##x.tables [0] = &x), \
+ 0)
+#define CAMLxparam2(x, y) \
+ struct caml__roots_block caml__roots_##x; \
+ CAMLunused int caml__dummy_##x = ( \
+ ( = caml_local_roots), \
+ (caml_local_roots = &caml__roots_##x), \
+ (caml__roots_##x.nitems = 1), \
+ (caml__roots_##x.ntables = 2), \
+ (caml__roots_##x.tables [0] = &x), \
+ (caml__roots_##x.tables [1] = &y), \
+ 0)
+#define CAMLxparam3(x, y, z) \
+ struct caml__roots_block caml__roots_##x; \
+ CAMLunused int caml__dummy_##x = ( \
+ ( = caml_local_roots), \
+ (caml_local_roots = &caml__roots_##x), \
+ (caml__roots_##x.nitems = 1), \
+ (caml__roots_##x.ntables = 3), \
+ (caml__roots_##x.tables [0] = &x), \
+ (caml__roots_##x.tables [1] = &y), \
+ (caml__roots_##x.tables [2] = &z), \
+ 0)
+#define CAMLxparam4(x, y, z, t) \
+ struct caml__roots_block caml__roots_##x; \
+ CAMLunused int caml__dummy_##x = ( \
+ ( = caml_local_roots), \
+ (caml_local_roots = &caml__roots_##x), \
+ (caml__roots_##x.nitems = 1), \
+ (caml__roots_##x.ntables = 4), \
+ (caml__roots_##x.tables [0] = &x), \
+ (caml__roots_##x.tables [1] = &y), \
+ (caml__roots_##x.tables [2] = &z), \
+ (caml__roots_##x.tables [3] = &t), \
+ 0)
+#define CAMLxparam5(x, y, z, t, u) \
+ struct caml__roots_block caml__roots_##x; \
+ CAMLunused int caml__dummy_##x = ( \
+ ( = caml_local_roots), \
+ (caml_local_roots = &caml__roots_##x), \
+ (caml__roots_##x.nitems = 1), \
+ (caml__roots_##x.ntables = 5), \
+ (caml__roots_##x.tables [0] = &x), \
+ (caml__roots_##x.tables [1] = &y), \
+ (caml__roots_##x.tables [2] = &z), \
+ (caml__roots_##x.tables [3] = &t), \
+ (caml__roots_##x.tables [4] = &u), \
+ 0)
+#define CAMLxparamN(x, size) \
+ struct caml__roots_block caml__roots_##x; \
+ CAMLunused int caml__dummy_##x = ( \
+ ( = caml_local_roots), \
+ (caml_local_roots = &caml__roots_##x), \
+ (caml__roots_##x.nitems = (size)), \
+ (caml__roots_##x.ntables = 1), \
+ (caml__roots_##x.tables[0] = &(x[0])), \
+ 0)
+#define CAMLlocal1(x) \
+ value x = Val_unit; \
+ CAMLxparam1 (x)
+#define CAMLlocal2(x, y) \
+ value x = Val_unit, y = Val_unit; \
+ CAMLxparam2 (x, y)
+#define CAMLlocal3(x, y, z) \
+ value x = Val_unit, y = Val_unit, z = Val_unit; \
+ CAMLxparam3 (x, y, z)
+#define CAMLlocal4(x, y, z, t) \
+ value x = Val_unit, y = Val_unit, z = Val_unit, t = Val_unit; \
+ CAMLxparam4 (x, y, z, t)
+#define CAMLlocal5(x, y, z, t, u) \
+ value x = Val_unit, y = Val_unit, z = Val_unit, t = Val_unit, u = Val_unit; \
+ CAMLxparam5 (x, y, z, t, u)
+#define CAMLlocalN(x, size) \
+ value x [(size)]; \
+ int caml__i_##x; \
+ for (caml__i_##x = 0; caml__i_##x < size; caml__i_##x ++) { \
+ x[caml__i_##x] = Val_unit; \
+ } \
+ CAMLxparamN (x, (size))
+#define CAMLreturn0 do{ \
+ caml_local_roots = caml__frame; \
+ return; \
+}while (0)
+#define CAMLreturnT(type, result) do{ \
+ type caml__temp_result = (result); \
+ caml_local_roots = caml__frame; \
+ return (caml__temp_result); \
+#define CAMLreturn(result) CAMLreturnT(value, result)
+#define CAMLnoreturn ((void) caml__frame)
+/* convenience macro */
+#define Store_field(block, offset, val) do{ \
+ mlsize_t caml__temp_offset = (offset); \
+ value caml__temp_val = (val); \
+ caml_modify (&Field ((block), caml__temp_offset), caml__temp_val); \
+ NOTE: [Begin_roots] and [End_roots] are superseded by [CAMLparam]*,
+ [CAMLxparam]*, [CAMLlocal]*, [CAMLreturn].
+ [Begin_roots] and [End_roots] are used for C variables that are GC roots.
+ It must contain all values in C local variables and function parameters
+ at the time the minor GC is called.
+ Usage:
+ After initialising your local variables to legal OCaml values, but before
+ calling allocation functions, insert [Begin_roots_n(v1, ... vn)], where
+ v1 ... vn are your variables of type [value] that you want to be updated
+ across allocations.
+ At the end, insert [End_roots()].
+ Note that [Begin_roots] opens a new block, and [End_roots] closes it.
+ Thus they must occur in matching pairs at the same brace nesting level.
+ You can use [Val_unit] as a dummy initial value for your variables.
+#define Begin_root Begin_roots1
+#define Begin_roots1(r0) { \
+ struct caml__roots_block caml__roots_block; \
+ = caml_local_roots; \
+ caml_local_roots = &caml__roots_block; \
+ caml__roots_block.nitems = 1; \
+ caml__roots_block.ntables = 1; \
+ caml__roots_block.tables[0] = &(r0);
+#define Begin_roots2(r0, r1) { \
+ struct caml__roots_block caml__roots_block; \
+ = caml_local_roots; \
+ caml_local_roots = &caml__roots_block; \
+ caml__roots_block.nitems = 1; \
+ caml__roots_block.ntables = 2; \
+ caml__roots_block.tables[0] = &(r0); \
+ caml__roots_block.tables[1] = &(r1);
+#define Begin_roots3(r0, r1, r2) { \
+ struct caml__roots_block caml__roots_block; \
+ = caml_local_roots; \
+ caml_local_roots = &caml__roots_block; \
+ caml__roots_block.nitems = 1; \
+ caml__roots_block.ntables = 3; \
+ caml__roots_block.tables[0] = &(r0); \
+ caml__roots_block.tables[1] = &(r1); \
+ caml__roots_block.tables[2] = &(r2);
+#define Begin_roots4(r0, r1, r2, r3) { \
+ struct caml__roots_block caml__roots_block; \
+ = caml_local_roots; \
+ caml_local_roots = &caml__roots_block; \
+ caml__roots_block.nitems = 1; \
+ caml__roots_block.ntables = 4; \
+ caml__roots_block.tables[0] = &(r0); \
+ caml__roots_block.tables[1] = &(r1); \
+ caml__roots_block.tables[2] = &(r2); \
+ caml__roots_block.tables[3] = &(r3);
+#define Begin_roots5(r0, r1, r2, r3, r4) { \
+ struct caml__roots_block caml__roots_block; \
+ = caml_local_roots; \
+ caml_local_roots = &caml__roots_block; \
+ caml__roots_block.nitems = 1; \
+ caml__roots_block.ntables = 5; \
+ caml__roots_block.tables[0] = &(r0); \
+ caml__roots_block.tables[1] = &(r1); \
+ caml__roots_block.tables[2] = &(r2); \
+ caml__roots_block.tables[3] = &(r3); \
+ caml__roots_block.tables[4] = &(r4);
+#define Begin_roots_block(table, size) { \
+ struct caml__roots_block caml__roots_block; \
+ = caml_local_roots; \
+ caml_local_roots = &caml__roots_block; \
+ caml__roots_block.nitems = (size); \
+ caml__roots_block.ntables = 1; \
+ caml__roots_block.tables[0] = (table);
+#define End_roots() caml_local_roots =; }
+/* [caml_register_global_root] registers a global C variable as a memory root
+ for the duration of the program, or until [caml_remove_global_root] is
+ called. */
+CAMLextern void caml_register_global_root (value *);
+/* [caml_remove_global_root] removes a memory root registered on a global C
+ variable with [caml_register_global_root]. */
+CAMLextern void caml_remove_global_root (value *);
+/* [caml_register_generational_global_root] registers a global C
+ variable as a memory root for the duration of the program, or until
+ [caml_remove_generational_global_root] is called.
+ The program guarantees that the value contained in this variable
+ will not be assigned directly. If the program needs to change
+ the value of this variable, it must do so by calling
+ [caml_modify_generational_global_root]. The [value *] pointer
+ passed to [caml_register_generational_global_root] must contain
+ a valid OCaml value before the call.
+ In return for these constraints, scanning of memory roots during
+ minor collection is made more efficient. */
+CAMLextern void caml_register_generational_global_root (value *);
+/* [caml_remove_generational_global_root] removes a memory root
+ registered on a global C variable with
+ [caml_register_generational_global_root]. */
+CAMLextern void caml_remove_generational_global_root (value *);
+/* [caml_modify_generational_global_root(r, newval)]
+ modifies the value contained in [r], storing [newval] inside.
+ In other words, the assignment [*r = newval] is performed,
+ but in a way that is compatible with the optimized scanning of
+ generational global roots. [r] must be a global memory root
+ previously registered with [caml_register_generational_global_root]. */
+CAMLextern void caml_modify_generational_global_root(value *r, value newval);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* CAML_MEMORY_H */