path: root/byterun/caml/mlvalues.h
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authorGabriel Scherer <>2014-12-27 14:41:49 +0000
committerGabriel Scherer <>2014-12-27 14:41:49 +0000
commit7ca29ef3f7ada4eefae4f6c58e77c92e6587ce69 (patch)
treee3656320266b1d090e1fed75c498980330768400 /byterun/caml/mlvalues.h
parent65758c08dde5a5e5e379669f82a891f8e7699132 (diff)
PR#5887: move the byterun/*.h headers to byterun/caml/*.h to avoid header name clashes
(Jérôme Vouillon and Adrien Nader and Peter Zotov) git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
Diffstat (limited to 'byterun/caml/mlvalues.h')
1 files changed, 305 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/byterun/caml/mlvalues.h b/byterun/caml/mlvalues.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..96c18aae3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/byterun/caml/mlvalues.h
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+/* */
+/* OCaml */
+/* */
+/* Xavier Leroy and Damien Doligez, INRIA Rocquencourt */
+/* */
+/* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et */
+/* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed */
+/* under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License, with */
+/* the special exception on linking described in file ../LICENSE. */
+/* */
+#include "compatibility.h"
+#include "config.h"
+#include "misc.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/* Definitions
+ word: Four bytes on 32 and 16 bit architectures,
+ eight bytes on 64 bit architectures.
+ long: A C integer having the same number of bytes as a word.
+ val: The ML representation of something. A long or a block or a pointer
+ outside the heap. If it is a block, it is the (encoded) address
+ of an object. If it is a long, it is encoded as well.
+ block: Something allocated. It always has a header and some
+ fields or some number of bytes (a multiple of the word size).
+ field: A word-sized val which is part of a block.
+ bp: Pointer to the first byte of a block. (a char *)
+ op: Pointer to the first field of a block. (a value *)
+ hp: Pointer to the header of a block. (a char *)
+ int32_t: Four bytes on all architectures.
+ int64_t: Eight bytes on all architectures.
+ Remark: A block size is always a multiple of the word size, and at least
+ one word plus the header.
+ bosize: Size (in bytes) of the "bytes" part.
+ wosize: Size (in words) of the "fields" part.
+ bhsize: Size (in bytes) of the block with its header.
+ whsize: Size (in words) of the block with its header.
+ hd: A header.
+ tag: The value of the tag field of the header.
+ color: The value of the color field of the header.
+ This is for use only by the GC.
+typedef intnat value;
+typedef uintnat header_t;
+typedef uintnat mlsize_t;
+typedef unsigned int tag_t; /* Actually, an unsigned char */
+typedef uintnat color_t;
+typedef uintnat mark_t;
+/* Longs vs blocks. */
+#define Is_long(x) (((x) & 1) != 0)
+#define Is_block(x) (((x) & 1) == 0)
+/* Conversion macro names are always of the form "to_from". */
+/* Example: Val_long as in "Val from long" or "Val of long". */
+#define Val_long(x) (((intnat)(x) << 1) + 1)
+#define Long_val(x) ((x) >> 1)
+#define Max_long (((intnat)1 << (8 * sizeof(value) - 2)) - 1)
+#define Min_long (-((intnat)1 << (8 * sizeof(value) - 2)))
+#define Val_int(x) Val_long(x)
+#define Int_val(x) ((int) Long_val(x))
+#define Unsigned_long_val(x) ((uintnat)(x) >> 1)
+#define Unsigned_int_val(x) ((int) Unsigned_long_val(x))
+/* Structure of the header:
+For 16-bit and 32-bit architectures:
+ +--------+-------+-----+
+ | wosize | color | tag |
+ +--------+-------+-----+
+bits 31 10 9 8 7 0
+For 64-bit architectures:
+ +--------+-------+-----+
+ | wosize | color | tag |
+ +--------+-------+-----+
+bits 63 10 9 8 7 0
+#define Tag_hd(hd) ((tag_t) ((hd) & 0xFF))
+#define Wosize_hd(hd) ((mlsize_t) ((hd) >> 10))
+#define Hd_val(val) (((header_t *) (val)) [-1]) /* Also an l-value. */
+#define Hd_op(op) (Hd_val (op)) /* Also an l-value. */
+#define Hd_bp(bp) (Hd_val (bp)) /* Also an l-value. */
+#define Hd_hp(hp) (* ((header_t *) (hp))) /* Also an l-value. */
+#define Hp_val(val) (((header_t *) (val)) - 1)
+#define Hp_op(op) (Hp_val (op))
+#define Hp_bp(bp) (Hp_val (bp))
+#define Val_op(op) ((value) (op))
+#define Val_hp(hp) ((value) (((header_t *) (hp)) + 1))
+#define Op_hp(hp) ((value *) Val_hp (hp))
+#define Bp_hp(hp) ((char *) Val_hp (hp))
+#define Num_tags (1 << 8)
+#define Max_wosize (((intnat)1 << 54) - 1)
+#define Max_wosize ((1 << 22) - 1)
+#define Wosize_val(val) (Wosize_hd (Hd_val (val)))
+#define Wosize_op(op) (Wosize_val (op))
+#define Wosize_bp(bp) (Wosize_val (bp))
+#define Wosize_hp(hp) (Wosize_hd (Hd_hp (hp)))
+#define Whsize_wosize(sz) ((sz) + 1)
+#define Wosize_whsize(sz) ((sz) - 1)
+#define Wosize_bhsize(sz) ((sz) / sizeof (value) - 1)
+#define Bsize_wsize(sz) ((sz) * sizeof (value))
+#define Wsize_bsize(sz) ((sz) / sizeof (value))
+#define Bhsize_wosize(sz) (Bsize_wsize (Whsize_wosize (sz)))
+#define Bhsize_bosize(sz) ((sz) + sizeof (header_t))
+#define Bosize_val(val) (Bsize_wsize (Wosize_val (val)))
+#define Bosize_op(op) (Bosize_val (Val_op (op)))
+#define Bosize_bp(bp) (Bosize_val (Val_bp (bp)))
+#define Bosize_hd(hd) (Bsize_wsize (Wosize_hd (hd)))
+#define Whsize_hp(hp) (Whsize_wosize (Wosize_hp (hp)))
+#define Whsize_val(val) (Whsize_hp (Hp_val (val)))
+#define Whsize_bp(bp) (Whsize_val (Val_bp (bp)))
+#define Whsize_hd(hd) (Whsize_wosize (Wosize_hd (hd)))
+#define Bhsize_hp(hp) (Bsize_wsize (Whsize_hp (hp)))
+#define Bhsize_hd(hd) (Bsize_wsize (Whsize_hd (hd)))
+#define Tag_val(val) (((unsigned char *) (val)) [-1])
+ /* Also an l-value. */
+#define Tag_hp(hp) (((unsigned char *) (hp)) [sizeof(value)-1])
+ /* Also an l-value. */
+#define Tag_val(val) (((unsigned char *) (val)) [-sizeof(value)])
+ /* Also an l-value. */
+#define Tag_hp(hp) (((unsigned char *) (hp)) [0])
+ /* Also an l-value. */
+/* The lowest tag for blocks containing no value. */
+#define No_scan_tag 251
+/* 1- If tag < No_scan_tag : a tuple of fields. */
+/* Pointer to the first field. */
+#define Op_val(x) ((value *) (x))
+/* Fields are numbered from 0. */
+#define Field(x, i) (((value *)(x)) [i]) /* Also an l-value. */
+typedef int32_t opcode_t;
+typedef opcode_t * code_t;
+/* NOTE: [Forward_tag] and [Infix_tag] must be just under
+ [No_scan_tag], with [Infix_tag] the lower one.
+ See [caml_oldify_one] in minor_gc.c for more details.
+ NOTE: Update stdlib/ whenever you change the tags.
+ */
+/* Forward_tag: forwarding pointer that the GC may silently shortcut.
+ See stdlib/ */
+#define Forward_tag 250
+#define Forward_val(v) Field(v, 0)
+/* If tag == Infix_tag : an infix header inside a closure */
+/* Infix_tag must be odd so that the infix header is scanned as an integer */
+/* Infix_tag must be 1 modulo 4 and infix headers can only occur in blocks
+ with tag Closure_tag (see compact.c). */
+#define Infix_tag 249
+#define Infix_offset_hd(hd) (Bosize_hd(hd))
+#define Infix_offset_val(v) Infix_offset_hd(Hd_val(v))
+/* Another special case: objects */
+#define Object_tag 248
+#define Class_val(val) Field((val), 0)
+#define Oid_val(val) Long_val(Field((val), 1))
+CAMLextern value caml_get_public_method (value obj, value tag);
+/* Called as:
+ caml_callback(caml_get_public_method(obj, caml_hash_variant(name)), obj) */
+/* caml_get_public_method returns 0 if tag not in the table.
+ Note however that tags being hashed, same tag does not necessarily mean
+ same method name. */
+/* Special case of tuples of fields: closures */
+#define Closure_tag 247
+#define Code_val(val) (((code_t *) (val)) [0]) /* Also an l-value. */
+/* This tag is used (with Forward_tag) to implement lazy values.
+ See major_gc.c and stdlib/ */
+#define Lazy_tag 246
+/* Another special case: variants */
+CAMLextern value caml_hash_variant(char const * tag);
+/* 2- If tag >= No_scan_tag : a sequence of bytes. */
+/* Pointer to the first byte */
+#define Bp_val(v) ((char *) (v))
+#define Val_bp(p) ((value) (p))
+/* Bytes are numbered from 0. */
+#define Byte(x, i) (((char *) (x)) [i]) /* Also an l-value. */
+#define Byte_u(x, i) (((unsigned char *) (x)) [i]) /* Also an l-value. */
+/* Abstract things. Their contents is not traced by the GC; therefore they
+ must not contain any [value].
+#define Abstract_tag 251
+/* Strings. */
+#define String_tag 252
+#define String_val(x) ((char *) Bp_val(x))
+CAMLextern mlsize_t caml_string_length (value); /* size in bytes */
+/* Floating-point numbers. */
+#define Double_tag 253
+#define Double_wosize ((sizeof(double) / sizeof(value)))
+#define Double_val(v) (* (double *)(v))
+#define Store_double_val(v,d) (* (double *)(v) = (d))
+CAMLextern double caml_Double_val (value);
+CAMLextern void caml_Store_double_val (value,double);
+#define Double_val(v) caml_Double_val(v)
+#define Store_double_val(v,d) caml_Store_double_val(v,d)
+/* Arrays of floating-point numbers. */
+#define Double_array_tag 254
+#define Double_field(v,i) Double_val((value)((double *)(v) + (i)))
+#define Store_double_field(v,i,d) do{ \
+ mlsize_t caml__temp_i = (i); \
+ double caml__temp_d = (d); \
+ Store_double_val((value)((double *) (v) + caml__temp_i), caml__temp_d); \
+CAMLextern mlsize_t caml_array_length (value); /* size in items */
+CAMLextern int caml_is_double_array (value); /* 0 is false, 1 is true */
+/* Custom blocks. They contain a pointer to a "method suite"
+ of functions (for finalization, comparison, hashing, etc)
+ followed by raw data. The contents of custom blocks is not traced by
+ the GC; therefore, they must not contain any [value].
+ See [custom.h] for operations on method suites. */
+#define Custom_tag 255
+#define Data_custom_val(v) ((void *) &Field((v), 1))
+struct custom_operations; /* defined in [custom.h] */
+/* Int32.t, Int64.t and Nativeint.t are represented as custom blocks. */
+#define Int32_val(v) (*((int32_t *) Data_custom_val(v)))
+#define Nativeint_val(v) (*((intnat *) Data_custom_val(v)))
+#ifndef ARCH_ALIGN_INT64
+#define Int64_val(v) (*((int64_t *) Data_custom_val(v)))
+CAMLextern int64_t caml_Int64_val(value v);
+#define Int64_val(v) caml_Int64_val(v)
+/* 3- Atoms are 0-tuples. They are statically allocated once and for all. */
+CAMLextern header_t caml_atom_table[];
+#define Atom(tag) (Val_hp (&(caml_atom_table [(tag)])))
+/* Booleans are integers 0 or 1 */
+#define Val_bool(x) Val_int((x) != 0)
+#define Bool_val(x) Int_val(x)
+#define Val_false Val_int(0)
+#define Val_true Val_int(1)
+#define Val_not(x) (Val_false + Val_true - (x))
+/* The unit value is 0 (tagged) */
+#define Val_unit Val_int(0)
+/* List constructors */
+#define Val_emptylist Val_int(0)
+#define Tag_cons 0
+/* The table of global identifiers */
+extern value caml_global_data;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+CAMLextern value caml_set_oo_id(value obj);
+#endif /* CAML_MLVALUES_H */