path: root/camlp4/meta/
diff options
authorDaniel de Rauglaudre <>2002-01-26 04:24:54 +0000
committerDaniel de Rauglaudre <>2002-01-26 04:24:54 +0000
commitea6450290e34fa4b76c0c919310ee5a22da24329 (patch)
tree2b598d7e531c1f1a42fd0adcb37553150a56f0db /camlp4/meta/
parent2862f1e2a2bd67b055b4fc129f5fc2507f40700c (diff)
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
Diffstat (limited to 'camlp4/meta/')
1 files changed, 40 insertions, 48 deletions
diff --git a/camlp4/meta/ b/camlp4/meta/
index 47edd970c..903de0f7b 100644
--- a/camlp4/meta/
+++ b/camlp4/meta/
@@ -150,6 +150,8 @@ value mkassert loc e =
else <:expr< if $e$ then () else $raiser$ >> ]
+value append_elem el e = el @ [e];
(* ...suppose to flush the input in case of syntax error to avoid multiple
errors in case of cut-and-paste in the xterm, but work bad: for example
the input "for x = 1;" waits for another line before displaying the
@@ -166,11 +168,22 @@ and sync_semi cs =
Pcaml.sync.val := sync;
-value type_parameter = Grammar.Entry.create gram "type_parameter";
-value fun_binding = Grammar.Entry.create gram "fun_binding";
value ipatt = Grammar.Entry.create gram "ipatt";
-value direction_flag = Grammar.Entry.create gram "direction_flag";
-value mod_ident = Grammar.Entry.create gram "mod_ident";
+value not_yet_warned = ref True;
+value warning_seq () =
+ if not_yet_warned.val then do {
+ not_yet_warned.val := False;
+ Printf.eprintf "\
+*** warning: use of old syntax
+*** type \"camlp4r -help_seq\" in a shell for explanations
+ flush stderr
+ }
+ else ()
+Pcaml.add_option "-no_warn_seq" (Arg.Clear not_yet_warned)
+ " No warning when using old syntax for sequences.";
GLOBAL: interf implem use_file top_phrase;
@@ -211,8 +224,7 @@ END;
GLOBAL: sig_item str_item ctyp patt expr module_type module_expr class_type
- class_expr class_sig_item class_str_item
- let_binding type_parameter fun_binding ipatt direction_flag mod_ident;
+ class_expr class_sig_item class_str_item let_binding ipatt;
[ [ "functor"; "("; i = UIDENT; ":"; t = module_type; ")"; "->";
me = SELF ->
@@ -619,7 +631,7 @@ EXTEND
[ ci = class_longident; "["; ctcl = LIST0 ctyp SEP ","; "]" ->
<:class_expr< $list:ci$ [ $list:ctcl$ ] >>
| ci = class_longident -> <:class_expr< $list:ci$ >>
- | "object"; cspo = class_self_patt_opt; cf = class_structure; "end" ->
+ | "object"; cspo = OPT class_self_patt; cf = class_structure; "end" ->
<:class_expr< object $opt:cspo$ $list:cf$ end >>
| "("; ce = SELF; ":"; ct = class_type; ")" ->
<:class_expr< ($ce$ : $ct$) >>
@@ -628,10 +640,9 @@ EXTEND
[ [ cf = LIST0 [ cf = class_str_item; ";" -> cf ] -> cf ] ]
- class_self_patt_opt:
- [ [ "("; p = patt; ")" -> Some p
- | "("; p = patt; ":"; t = ctyp; ")" -> Some <:patt< ($p$ : $t$) >>
- | -> None ] ]
+ class_self_patt:
+ [ [ "("; p = patt; ")" -> p
+ | "("; p = patt; ":"; t = ctyp; ")" -> <:patt< ($p$ : $t$) >> ] ]
[ [ "declare"; st = LIST0 [ s= class_str_item; ";" -> s ]; "end" ->
@@ -675,13 +686,12 @@ EXTEND
| id = clty_longident; "["; tl = LIST1 ctyp SEP ","; "]" ->
<:class_type< $list:id$ [ $list:tl$ ] >>
| id = clty_longident -> <:class_type< $list:id$ >>
- | "object"; cst = class_self_type_opt;
+ | "object"; cst = OPT class_self_type;
csf = LIST0 [ csf = class_sig_item; ";" -> csf ]; "end" ->
<:class_type< object $opt:cst$ $list:csf$ end >> ] ]
- class_self_type_opt:
- [ [ "("; t = ctyp; ")" -> Some t
- | -> None ] ]
+ class_self_type:
+ [ [ "("; t = ctyp; ")" -> t ] ]
[ [ "declare"; st = LIST0 [ s = class_sig_item; ";" -> s ]; "end" ->
@@ -855,6 +865,21 @@ EXTEND
[ [ "&" -> True
| -> False ] ]
+ (* Compatibility old syntax of sequences *)
+ expr: LEVEL "top"
+ [ [ "do"; seq = LIST0 [ e = expr; ";" -> e ]; "return"; warning_sequence;
+ e = SELF ->
+ <:expr< do { $list:append_elem seq e$ } >>
+ | "for"; i = LIDENT; "="; e1 = SELF; df = direction_flag; e2 = SELF;
+ "do"; seq = LIST0 [ e = expr; ";" -> e ]; warning_sequence; "done" ->
+ <:expr< for $i$ = $e1$ $to:df$ $e2$ do { $list:seq$ } >>
+ | "while"; e = SELF; "do"; seq = LIST0 [ e = expr; ";" -> e ];
+ warning_sequence; "done" ->
+ <:expr< while $e$ do { $list:seq$ } >> ] ]
+ ;
+ warning_sequence:
+ [ [ -> warning_seq () ] ]
+ ;
@@ -903,36 +928,3 @@ EXTEND
Pcaml.handle_patt_quotation loc x ] ]
-(* Old syntax for sequences *)
-value not_yet_warned = ref True;
-value warning_seq () =
- if not_yet_warned.val then do {
- not_yet_warned.val := False;
- Printf.eprintf "\
-*** warning: use of old syntax
-*** type \"camlp4r -help_seq\" in a shell for explanations
- flush stderr
- }
- else ()
-Pcaml.add_option "-no_warn_seq" (Arg.Clear not_yet_warned)
- " No warning when using old syntax for sequences.";
- GLOBAL: expr direction_flag;
- expr: LEVEL "top"
- [ [ "do"; seq = LIST0 [ e = expr; ";" -> e ]; "return"; e = SELF ->
- do { warning_seq (); <:expr< do { $list:seq @ [e]$ } >> }
- | "for"; i = LIDENT; "="; e1 = SELF; df = direction_flag; e2 = SELF;
- "do"; seq = LIST0 [ e = expr; ";" -> e ]; "done" ->
- do {
- warning_seq ();
- <:expr< for $i$ = $e1$ $to:df$ $e2$ do { $list:seq$ } >>
- }
- | "while"; e = SELF; "do"; seq = LIST0 [ e = expr; ";" -> e ]; "done" ->
- do { warning_seq (); <:expr< while $e$ do { $list:seq$ } >> } ] ]
- ;