path: root/camlp4/meta
diff options
authorDaniel de Rauglaudre <>2002-01-19 22:57:08 +0000
committerDaniel de Rauglaudre <>2002-01-19 22:57:08 +0000
commitac0e0513624bfd8205cec226c9b8a95f6721e16c (patch)
treea4e40a529892c2aa748b6dcbe897f7a3612da61d /camlp4/meta
parent082f49bc4cadf5639749fc9f1b82bdae9fe068af (diff)
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
Diffstat (limited to 'camlp4/meta')
2 files changed, 229 insertions, 245 deletions
diff --git a/camlp4/meta/ b/camlp4/meta/
index b22a48243..7d587e2a0 100644
--- a/camlp4/meta/
+++ b/camlp4/meta/
@@ -664,7 +664,7 @@ EXTEND
<:class_expr< $list:ci$ [ $list:ctcl$ ] >>
| ci = class_longident -> <:class_expr< $list:ci$ >>
| "object"; cspo = OPT class_self_patt; cf = class_structure; "end" ->
- <:class_expr< object $cspo$ $list:cf$ end >>
+ <:class_expr< object $opt:cspo$ $list:cf$ end >>
| "("; ce = SELF; ":"; ct = class_type; ")" ->
<:class_expr< ($ce$ : $ct$) >>
| "("; ce = SELF; ")" -> ce ] ]
@@ -714,7 +714,7 @@ EXTEND
| id = clty_longident -> <:class_type< $list:id$ >>
| "object"; cst = OPT class_self_type;
csf = LIST0 [ csf = class_sig_item; ";" -> csf ]; "end" ->
- <:class_type< object $cst$ $list:csf$ end >> ] ]
+ <:class_type< object $opt:cst$ $list:csf$ end >> ] ]
[ [ "("; t = ctyp; ")" -> t ] ]
diff --git a/camlp4/meta/ b/camlp4/meta/
index 68ba7fa3f..5149ee5b0 100644
--- a/camlp4/meta/
+++ b/camlp4/meta/
@@ -560,9 +560,12 @@ EXTEND
[ [ i = patt_label_ident; "="; p = ipatt -> Tuple [i; p] ] ]
- [ [ n = lident; tpl = SLIST0 type_parameter; "="; tk = ctyp;
+ [ [ n = type_patt; tpl = SLIST0 type_parameter; "="; tk = ctyp;
cl = SLIST0 constrain ->
- Tuple [Tuple [Loc; n]; tpl; tk; cl] ] ]
+ Tuple [n; tpl; tk; cl] ] ]
+ ;
+ type_patt:
+ [ [ n = a_LIDENT -> Tuple [Loc; n] ] ]
[ [ "constraint"; t1 = ctyp; "="; t2 = ctyp -> Tuple [t1; t2] ] ]
@@ -577,24 +580,18 @@ EXTEND
[ t1 = SELF; "=="; t2 = SELF -> Node "TyMan" [Loc; t1; t2] ]
[ t1 = SELF; "as"; t2 = SELF -> Node "TyAli" [Loc; t1; t2] ]
+ | "arrow" RIGHTA
[ t1 = SELF; "->"; t2 = SELF -> Node "TyArr" [Loc; t1; t2] ]
- | NONA
- [ a = TILDEIDENTCOLON; ":"; t = SELF -> Node "TyLab" [Loc; Str a; t]
- | "~"; a = anti_; ":"; t = SELF -> Node "TyLab" [Loc; a; t]
- | "?"; a = lident; ":"; t = SELF -> Node "TyOlb" [Loc; a; t] ]
[ t1 = SELF; t2 = SELF -> Node "TyApp" [Loc; t1; t2] ]
[ t1 = SELF; "."; t2 = SELF -> Node "TyAcc" [Loc; t1; t2] ]
| "simple"
- [ "'"; a = lident -> Node "TyQuo" [Loc; a]
+ [ a = a_ctyp -> a
+ | "'"; i = ident -> Node "TyQuo" [Loc; i]
| "_" -> Node "TyAny" [Loc]
- | a = LIDENT -> Node "TyLid" [Loc; Str a]
- | a = UIDENT -> Node "TyUid" [Loc; Str a]
- | a = anti_lid -> Node "TyLid" [Loc; a]
- | a = anti_uid -> Node "TyUid" [Loc; a]
- | a = anti_ -> a
+ | i = a_LIDENT -> Node "TyLid" [Loc; i]
+ | i = a_UIDENT -> Node "TyUid" [Loc; i]
| "("; t = SELF; "*"; tl = SLIST1 ctyp SEP "*"; ")" ->
Node "TyTup" [Loc; Cons t tl]
| "("; tl = anti_list; ")" -> Node "TyTup" [Loc; tl]
@@ -602,22 +599,7 @@ EXTEND
| "["; cdl = SLIST0 constructor_declaration SEP "|"; "]" ->
Node "TySum" [Loc; cdl]
| "{"; ldl = SLIST1 label_declaration SEP ";"; "}" ->
- Node "TyRec" [Loc; ldl]
- | "[|"; rfl = SLIST0 row_field SEP "|"; "|]" ->
- Node "TyVrn" [Loc; rfl; Option None]
- | "[|"; ">"; rfl = SLIST1 row_field SEP "|"; "|]" ->
- Node "TyVrn" [Loc; rfl; Option (Some (Option None))]
- | "[|"; "<"; rfl = SLIST1 row_field SEP "|"; sl = opt_tag_list; "|]" ->
- Node "TyVrn" [Loc; rfl; Option (Some (Option (Some sl)))] ] ]
- ;
- row_field:
- [ [ "`"; i = lident -> Tuple [i; Bool True; List []]
- | "`"; i = lident; "of"; oa = OPT "&"; l = SLIST1 ctyp SEP "&" ->
- Tuple [i; Bool (oa <> None); l] ] ]
- ;
- opt_tag_list:
- [ [ ">"; sl = SLIST1 lident -> sl
- | -> List [] ] ]
+ Node "TyRec" [Loc; ldl] ] ]
[ [ ci = a_UIDENT; "of"; cal = SLIST1 ctyp SEP "and" ->
@@ -625,192 +607,25 @@ EXTEND
| ci = a_UIDENT -> Tuple [Loc; ci; List []] ] ]
- [ [ i = lident; ":"; mf = mutable_flag; t = ctyp ->
+ [ [ i = a_LIDENT; ":"; mf = mutable_flag; t = ctyp ->
Tuple [Loc; i; mf; t] ] ]
- [ [ i = LIDENT -> Str i
- | i = UIDENT -> Str i
- | a = anti_ -> a ] ]
- ;
- lident:
- [ [ i = LIDENT -> Str i
- | a = anti_ -> a ] ]
+ [ [ i = a_LIDENT -> i
+ | i = a_UIDENT -> i ] ]
- [ i = UIDENT -> List [Str i]
- | i = LIDENT -> List [Str i]
- | i = anti_ -> i
- | m = anti_lid -> List [m]
- | m = anti_uid; "."; i = SELF -> Cons m i
- | m = UIDENT; "."; i = SELF -> Cons (Str m) i ] ]
+ [ i = anti_ -> i
+ | i = a_UIDENT -> List [i]
+ | i = a_LIDENT -> List [i]
+ | i = a_UIDENT; "."; j = SELF -> Cons i j ] ]
[ [ "to" -> Bool True
| "downto" -> Bool False
| a = anti_to -> a ] ]
- rec_flag:
- [ [ a = anti_rec -> a
- | "rec" -> Bool True
- | -> Bool False ] ]
- ;
- mutable_flag:
- [ [ a = anti_mut -> a
- | "mutable" -> Bool True
- | -> Bool False ] ]
- ;
- str_item:
- [ [ "#"; n = lident; dp = dir_param -> Node "StDir" [Loc; n; dp] ] ]
- ;
- sig_item:
- [ [ "#"; n = lident; dp = dir_param -> Node "SgDir" [Loc; n; dp] ] ]
- ;
- dir_param:
- [ [ a = anti_opt -> a
- | e = expr -> Option (Some e)
- | -> Option None ] ]
- ;
- a_module_expr:
- [ [ a = ANTIQUOT "mexp" -> antiquot "mexp" loc a
- | a = ANTIQUOT "" -> antiquot "" loc a ] ]
- ;
- a_str_item:
- [ [ a = ANTIQUOT "stri" -> antiquot "stri" loc a
- | a = ANTIQUOT "" -> antiquot "" loc a ] ]
- ;
- a_module_type:
- [ [ a = ANTIQUOT "mtyp" -> antiquot "mtyp" loc a
- | a = ANTIQUOT "" -> antiquot "" loc a ] ]
- ;
- a_sig_item:
- [ [ a = ANTIQUOT "sigi" -> antiquot "sigi" loc a
- | a = ANTIQUOT "" -> antiquot "" loc a ] ]
- ;
- a_expr:
- [ [ a = ANTIQUOT "exp" -> antiquot "exp" loc a
- | a = ANTIQUOT "" -> antiquot "" loc a ] ]
- ;
- a_patt:
- [ [ a = ANTIQUOT "pat" -> antiquot "pat" loc a
- | a = ANTIQUOT "" -> antiquot "" loc a ] ]
- ;
- a_ipatt:
- [ [ a = ANTIQUOT "pat" -> antiquot "pat" loc a
- | a = ANTIQUOT "" -> antiquot "" loc a ] ]
- ;
- [ [ a = ANTIQUOT "uid" -> antiquot "uid" loc a
- | a = ANTIQUOT "" -> antiquot "" loc a
- | i = UIDENT -> Str i ] ]
- ;
- [ [ a = ANTIQUOT "lid" -> antiquot "lid" loc a
- | a = ANTIQUOT "" -> antiquot "" loc a
- | i = LIDENT -> Str i ] ]
- ;
- a_INT:
- [ [ a = ANTIQUOT "int" -> antiquot "int" loc a
- | a = ANTIQUOT "" -> antiquot "" loc a
- | s = INT -> Str s ] ]
- ;
- a_FLOAT:
- [ [ a = ANTIQUOT "flo" -> antiquot "flo" loc a
- | a = ANTIQUOT "" -> antiquot "" loc a
- | s = FLOAT -> Str s ] ]
- ;
- [ [ a = ANTIQUOT "str" -> antiquot "str" loc a
- | a = ANTIQUOT "" -> antiquot "" loc a
- | s = STRING -> Str s ] ]
- ;
- a_CHAR:
- [ [ a = ANTIQUOT "chr" -> antiquot "chr" loc a
- | a = ANTIQUOT "" -> antiquot "" loc a
- | s = CHAR -> Str s ] ]
- ;
- anti_:
- [ [ a = ANTIQUOT -> antiquot "" loc a ] ]
- ;
- anti_anti:
- [ [ a = ANTIQUOT "anti" -> antiquot "anti" loc a ] ]
- ;
- anti_as:
- [ [ a = ANTIQUOT "as" -> antiquot "as" loc a ] ]
- ;
- anti_lid:
- [ [ a = ANTIQUOT "lid" -> antiquot "lid" loc a ] ]
- ;
- anti_list:
- [ [ a = ANTIQUOT "list" -> antiquot "list" loc a ] ]
- ;
- anti_mut:
- [ [ a = ANTIQUOT "mut" -> antiquot "mut" loc a ] ]
- ;
- anti_opt:
- [ [ a = ANTIQUOT "opt" -> antiquot "opt" loc a ] ]
- ;
- anti_rec:
- [ [ a = ANTIQUOT "rec" -> antiquot "rec" loc a ] ]
- ;
- anti_to:
- [ [ a = ANTIQUOT "to" -> antiquot "to" loc a ] ]
- ;
- anti_uid:
- [ [ a = ANTIQUOT "uid" -> antiquot "uid" loc a ] ]
- ;
- (* Compatibility old syntax of sequences *)
- expr: LEVEL "top"
- [ [ "do"; seq = SLIST0 [ e = expr; ";" -> e ]; "return"; e = SELF ->
- let _ = warning_seq () in
- Node "ExSeq" [Loc; Append seq e]
- | "for"; i = a_LIDENT; "="; e1 = SELF; df = direction_flag; e2 = SELF;
- "do"; seq = SLIST0 [ e = expr; ";" -> e ]; "done" ->
- let _ = warning_seq () in
- Node "ExFor" [Loc; i; e1; e2; df; seq]
- | "while"; e = SELF; "do"; seq = SLIST0 [ e = expr; ";" -> e ];
- "done" ->
- let _ = warning_seq () in
- Node "ExWhi" [Loc; e; seq] ] ]
- ;
- (* Labels and variants *)
- expr: AFTER "apply"
- [ "label" NONA
- [ lab = TILDEIDENTCOLON; e = SELF -> Node "ExLab" [Loc; Str lab; e]
- | lab = TILDEIDENT ->
- Node "ExLab" [Loc; Str lab; Node "ExLid" [Loc; Str lab]]
- | lab = QUESTIONIDENTCOLON; e = SELF -> Node "ExOlb" [Loc; Str lab; e]
- | lab = QUESTIONIDENT ->
- Node "ExOlb" [Loc; Str lab; Node "ExLid" [Loc; Str lab]]
- | "~"; a = anti_; ":"; e = SELF -> Node "ExLab" [Loc; a; e]
- | "~"; a = anti_ -> Node "ExLab" [Loc; a; Node "ExLid" [Loc; a]]
- | "?"; a = anti_; ":"; e = SELF -> Node "ExOlb" [Loc; a; e]
- | "?"; a = anti_ -> Node "ExOlb" [Loc; a; Node "ExLid" [Loc; a]] ] ]
- ;
- expr: LEVEL "simple"
- [ [ "`"; s = ident -> Node "ExVrn" [Loc; s] ] ]
- ;
- patt: BEFORE "simple"
- [ NONA
- [ "~"; i = lident; ":"; p = SELF -> Node "PaLab" [Loc; i; p]
- | "~"; i = lident -> Node "PaLab" [Loc; i; Node "PaLid" [Loc; i]]
- | "?"; i = lident; ":"; "("; p = SELF; e = OPT [ "="; e = expr -> e ];
- ")" ->
- Node "PaOlb" [Loc; i; p; Option e]
- | "?"; i = lident; ":"; "("; p = SELF; ":"; t = ctyp;
- e = OPT [ "="; e = expr -> e ]; ")" ->
- let p = Node "PaTyc" [Loc; p; t] in
- Node "PaOlb" [Loc; i; p; Option e]
- | "?"; i = lident ->
- Node "PaOlb" [Loc; i; Node "PaLid" [Loc; i]; Option None]
- | "?"; "("; i = lident; "="; e = expr; ")" ->
- Node "PaOlb" [Loc; i; Node "PaLid" [Loc; i]; Option (Some e)]
- | "?"; "("; i = lident; ":"; t = ctyp; "="; e = expr; ")" ->
- let p = Node "PaTyc" [Loc; Node "PaLid" [Loc; i]; t] in
- Node "PaOlb" [Loc; i; p; Option (Some e)]
- | "`"; s = ident -> Node "PaVrn" [Loc; s] ] ]
- ;
(* Objects and Classes *)
[ [ "class"; cd = SLIST1 class_declaration SEP "and" ->
@@ -824,9 +639,8 @@ EXTEND
| "class"; "type"; ctd = SLIST1 class_type_declaration SEP "and" ->
Node "SgClt" [Loc; ctd] ] ]
- (* Class expressions *)
- [ [ vf = virtual_flag; i = lident; ctp = class_type_parameters;
+ [ [ vf = virtual_flag; i = a_LIDENT; ctp = class_type_parameters;
cfb = class_fun_binding ->
[("ciLoc", Loc); ("ciVir", vf); ("ciPrm", ctp); ("ciNam", i);
@@ -836,7 +650,7 @@ EXTEND
[ [ "="; ce = class_expr -> ce
| ":"; ct = class_type; "="; ce = class_expr ->
Node "CeTyc" [Loc; ce; ct]
- | p = patt LEVEL "simple"; cfb = SELF -> Node "CeFun" [Loc; p; cfb] ] ]
+ | p = ipatt; cfb = SELF -> Node "CeFun" [Loc; p; cfb] ] ]
[ [ -> Tuple [Loc; List []]
@@ -850,18 +664,18 @@ EXTEND
[ "top"
[ "fun"; cfd = class_fun_def -> cfd
- | "let"; rf = rec_flag; lb = SLIST1 let_binding SEP "and"; "in";
+ | "let"; rf = SOPT "rec"; lb = SLIST1 let_binding SEP "and"; "in";
ce = SELF ->
- Node "CeLet" [Loc; rf; lb; ce] ]
+ Node "CeLet" [Loc; o2b rf; lb; ce] ]
| "apply" NONA
[ ce = SELF; e = expr LEVEL "simple" -> Node "CeApp" [Loc; ce; e] ]
| "simple"
[ a = anti_ -> a
- | ci = class_longident; "["; ctcl = SLIST1 ctyp SEP ","; "]" ->
+ | ci = class_longident; "["; ctcl = SLIST0 ctyp SEP ","; "]" ->
Node "CeCon" [Loc; ci; ctcl]
| ci = class_longident -> Node "CeCon" [Loc; ci; List []]
- | "object"; csp = class_self_patt_opt; cf = class_structure; "end" ->
- Node "CeStr" [Loc; csp; cf]
+ | "object"; cspo = SOPT class_self_patt; cf = class_structure; "end" ->
+ Node "CeStr" [Loc; cspo; cf]
| "("; ce = SELF; ":"; ct = class_type; ")" ->
Node "CeTyc" [Loc; ce; ct]
| "("; ce = SELF; ")" -> ce ] ]
@@ -869,16 +683,15 @@ EXTEND
[ [ cf = SLIST0 [ cf = class_str_item; ";" -> cf ] -> cf ] ]
- class_self_patt_opt:
- [ [ a = anti_ -> a
- | "("; p = patt; ")" -> Option (Some p)
- | "("; p = patt; ":"; t = ctyp; ")" ->
- Option (Some (Node "PaTyc" [Loc; p; t])) ] ]
+ class_self_patt:
+ [ [ "("; p = patt; ")" -> p
+ | "("; p = patt; ":"; t = ctyp; ")" -> Node "PaTyc" [Loc; p; t] ] ]
- [ [ "declare"; st = SLIST0 [ s = class_str_item; ";" -> s ]; "end" ->
+ [ [ a = a_class_str_item -> a
+ | "declare"; st = SLIST0 [ s = class_str_item; ";" -> s ]; "end" ->
Node "CrDcl" [Loc; st]
- | "inherit"; ce = class_expr; pb = as_ident_opt ->
+ | "inherit"; ce = class_expr; pb = SOPT [ "as"; i = a_LIDENT -> i ] ->
Node "CrInh" [Loc; ce; pb]
| "value"; (lab, mf, e) = cvalue -> Node "CrVal" [Loc; lab; mf; e]
| "method"; "virtual"; "private"; l = label; ":"; t = ctyp ->
@@ -903,25 +716,24 @@ EXTEND
(l, mf, Node "ExCoe" [Loc; e; Option None; t]) ] ]
- [ [ i = lident -> i ] ]
+ [ [ i = a_LIDENT -> i ] ]
- (* Class types *)
- [ [ a = anti_ -> a
+ [ [ a = a_class_type -> a
| "["; t = ctyp; "]"; "->"; ct = SELF -> Node "CtFun" [Loc; t; ct]
| id = clty_longident; "["; tl = SLIST1 ctyp SEP ","; "]" ->
Node "CtCon" [Loc; id; tl]
| id = clty_longident -> Node "CtCon" [Loc; id; List []]
- | "object"; cst = class_self_type_opt;
+ | "object"; cst = SOPT class_self_type;
csf = SLIST0 [ csf = class_sig_item; ";" -> csf ]; "end" ->
Node "CtSig" [Loc; cst; csf] ] ]
- class_self_type_opt:
- [ [ a = anti_ -> a
- | "("; t = ctyp; ")" -> Option (Some t) ] ]
+ class_self_type:
+ [ [ "("; t = ctyp; ")" -> t ] ]
- [ [ "declare"; st = SLIST0 [ s = class_sig_item; ";" -> s ]; "end" ->
+ [ [ a = a_class_sig_item -> a
+ | "declare"; st = SLIST0 [ s = class_sig_item; ";" -> s ]; "end" ->
Node "CgDcl" [Loc; st]
| "inherit"; cs = class_type -> Node "CgInh" [Loc; cs]
| "value"; mf = mutable_flag; l = label; ":"; t = ctyp ->
@@ -937,20 +749,19 @@ EXTEND
| "type"; t1 = ctyp; "="; t2 = ctyp -> Node "CgCtr" [Loc; t1; t2] ] ]
- [ [ vf = virtual_flag; n = lident; ctp = class_type_parameters; ":";
+ [ [ vf = virtual_flag; n = a_LIDENT; ctp = class_type_parameters; ":";
ct = class_type ->
[("ciLoc", Loc); ("ciVir", vf); ("ciPrm", ctp); ("ciNam", n);
("ciExp", ct)] ] ]
- [ [ vf = virtual_flag; n = lident; ctp = class_type_parameters; "=";
+ [ [ vf = virtual_flag; n = a_LIDENT; ctp = class_type_parameters; "=";
cs = class_type ->
[("ciLoc", Loc); ("ciVir", vf); ("ciPrm", ctp); ("ciNam", n);
("ciExp", cs)] ] ]
- (* Expressions *)
expr: LEVEL "apply"
[ "new"; i = class_longident -> Node "ExNew" [Loc; i] ] ]
@@ -959,8 +770,8 @@ EXTEND
[ [ e = SELF; "#"; lab = label -> Node "ExSnd" [Loc; e; lab] ] ]
expr: LEVEL "simple"
- [ [ "("; e = SELF; ":"; t1 = ctyp; ":>"; t2 = ctyp; ")" ->
- Node "ExCoe" [Loc; e; Option (Some t1); t2]
+ [ [ "("; e = SELF; ":"; t = ctyp; ":>"; t2 = ctyp; ")" ->
+ Node "ExCoe" [Loc; e; Option (Some t); t2]
| "("; e = SELF; ":>"; t = ctyp; ")" ->
Node "ExCoe" [Loc; e; Option None; t]
| "{<"; ">}" -> Node "ExOvr" [Loc; List []]
@@ -972,7 +783,6 @@ EXTEND
| l = label; "="; e = expr; ";" -> [Tuple [l; e]]
| l = label; "="; e = expr -> [Tuple [l; e]] ] ]
- (* Core types *)
ctyp: LEVEL "simple"
[ [ "#"; id = class_longident -> Node "TyCls" [Loc; id]
| "<"; (ml, v) = meth_list; ">" -> Node "TyObj" [Loc; ml; v]
@@ -987,12 +797,7 @@ EXTEND
| ".." -> (List [], Bool True) ] ]
- [ [ lab = lident; ":"; t = ctyp -> Tuple [lab; t] ] ]
- ;
- (* Identifiers *)
- longid:
- [ [ m = a_UIDENT; "."; l = SELF -> [m :: l]
- | i = lident -> [i] ] ]
+ [ [ lab = a_LIDENT; ":"; t = ctyp -> Tuple [lab; t] ] ]
[ [ l = longid -> List l
@@ -1002,16 +807,195 @@ EXTEND
[ [ l = longid -> List l
| a = anti_list -> a ] ]
+ longid:
+ [ [ m = a_UIDENT; "."; l = SELF -> [m :: l]
+ | i = a_LIDENT -> [i] ] ]
+ ;
+ (* Labels *)
+ ctyp: AFTER "arrow"
+ [ NONA
+ [ a = TILDEIDENTCOLON; ":"; t = SELF -> Node "TyLab" [Loc; Str a; t]
+ | "~"; a = anti_; ":"; t = SELF -> Node "TyLab" [Loc; a; t]
+ | "?"; a = a_LIDENT; ":"; t = SELF -> Node "TyOlb" [Loc; a; t] ] ]
+ ;
+ ctyp: LEVEL "simple"
+ [ [ "[|"; rfl = SLIST0 row_field SEP "|"; "|]" ->
+ Node "TyVrn" [Loc; rfl; Option None]
+ | "[|"; ">"; rfl = SLIST1 row_field SEP "|"; "|]" ->
+ Node "TyVrn" [Loc; rfl; Option (Some (Option None))]
+ | "[|"; "<"; rfl = SLIST1 row_field SEP "|"; sl = opt_tag_list; "|]" ->
+ Node "TyVrn" [Loc; rfl; Option (Some (Option (Some sl)))] ] ]
+ ;
+ opt_tag_list:
+ [ [ ">"; sl = SLIST1 a_LIDENT -> sl
+ | -> List [] ] ]
+ ;
+ row_field:
+ [ [ "`"; i = a_LIDENT -> Tuple [i; Bool True; List []]
+ | "`"; i = a_LIDENT; "of"; oa = OPT "&"; l = SLIST1 ctyp SEP "&" ->
+ Tuple [i; Bool (oa <> None); l] ] ]
+ ;
+ patt: BEFORE "simple"
+ [ NONA
+ [ "~"; i = a_LIDENT; ":"; p = SELF -> Node "PaLab" [Loc; i; p]
+ | "~"; i = a_LIDENT -> Node "PaLab" [Loc; i; Node "PaLid" [Loc; i]]
+ | "?"; i = a_LIDENT; ":"; "("; p = SELF; e = OPT [ "="; e = expr -> e ];
+ ")" ->
+ Node "PaOlb" [Loc; i; p; Option e]
+ | "?"; i = a_LIDENT; ":"; "("; p = SELF; ":"; t = ctyp;
+ e = OPT [ "="; e = expr -> e ]; ")" ->
+ let p = Node "PaTyc" [Loc; p; t] in
+ Node "PaOlb" [Loc; i; p; Option e]
+ | "?"; i = a_LIDENT ->
+ Node "PaOlb" [Loc; i; Node "PaLid" [Loc; i]; Option None]
+ | "?"; "("; i = a_LIDENT; "="; e = expr; ")" ->
+ Node "PaOlb" [Loc; i; Node "PaLid" [Loc; i]; Option (Some e)]
+ | "?"; "("; i = a_LIDENT; ":"; t = ctyp; "="; e = expr; ")" ->
+ let p = Node "PaTyc" [Loc; Node "PaLid" [Loc; i]; t] in
+ Node "PaOlb" [Loc; i; p; Option (Some e)]
+ | "`"; s = ident -> Node "PaVrn" [Loc; s] ] ]
+ ;
+ expr: AFTER "apply"
+ [ "label" NONA
+ [ lab = TILDEIDENTCOLON; e = SELF -> Node "ExLab" [Loc; Str lab; e]
+ | lab = TILDEIDENT ->
+ Node "ExLab" [Loc; Str lab; Node "ExLid" [Loc; Str lab]]
+ | lab = QUESTIONIDENTCOLON; e = SELF -> Node "ExOlb" [Loc; Str lab; e]
+ | lab = QUESTIONIDENT ->
+ Node "ExOlb" [Loc; Str lab; Node "ExLid" [Loc; Str lab]]
+ | "~"; a = anti_; ":"; e = SELF -> Node "ExLab" [Loc; a; e]
+ | "~"; a = anti_ -> Node "ExLab" [Loc; a; Node "ExLid" [Loc; a]]
+ | "?"; a = anti_; ":"; e = SELF -> Node "ExOlb" [Loc; a; e]
+ | "?"; a = anti_ -> Node "ExOlb" [Loc; a; Node "ExLid" [Loc; a]] ] ]
+ ;
+ expr: LEVEL "simple"
+ [ [ "`"; s = ident -> Node "ExVrn" [Loc; s] ] ]
+ ;
+ mutable_flag:
+ [ [ a = anti_mut -> a
+ | "mutable" -> Bool True
+ | -> Bool False ] ]
+ ;
+ str_item:
+ [ [ "#"; n = a_LIDENT; dp = dir_param -> Node "StDir" [Loc; n; dp] ] ]
+ ;
+ sig_item:
+ [ [ "#"; n = a_LIDENT; dp = dir_param -> Node "SgDir" [Loc; n; dp] ] ]
+ ;
+ dir_param:
+ [ [ a = anti_opt -> a
+ | e = expr -> Option (Some e)
+ | -> Option None ] ]
+ ;
+ a_module_expr:
+ [ [ a = ANTIQUOT "mexp" -> antiquot "mexp" loc a
+ | a = ANTIQUOT "" -> antiquot "" loc a ] ]
+ ;
+ a_str_item:
+ [ [ a = ANTIQUOT "stri" -> antiquot "stri" loc a
+ | a = ANTIQUOT "" -> antiquot "" loc a ] ]
+ ;
+ a_module_type:
+ [ [ a = ANTIQUOT "mtyp" -> antiquot "mtyp" loc a
+ | a = ANTIQUOT "" -> antiquot "" loc a ] ]
+ ;
+ a_sig_item:
+ [ [ a = ANTIQUOT "sigi" -> antiquot "sigi" loc a
+ | a = ANTIQUOT "" -> antiquot "" loc a ] ]
+ ;
+ a_expr:
+ [ [ a = ANTIQUOT "exp" -> antiquot "exp" loc a
+ | a = ANTIQUOT "" -> antiquot "" loc a ] ]
+ ;
+ a_patt:
+ [ [ a = ANTIQUOT "pat" -> antiquot "pat" loc a
+ | a = ANTIQUOT "" -> antiquot "" loc a ] ]
+ ;
+ a_ipatt:
+ [ [ a = ANTIQUOT "pat" -> antiquot "pat" loc a
+ | a = ANTIQUOT "" -> antiquot "" loc a ] ]
+ ;
+ a_ctyp:
+ [ [ a = ANTIQUOT "typ" -> antiquot "typ" loc a
+ | a = ANTIQUOT "" -> antiquot "" loc a ] ]
+ ;
+ a_class_str_item:
+ [ [ a = ANTIQUOT "" -> antiquot "" loc a ] ]
+ ;
+ a_class_sig_item:
+ [ [ a = ANTIQUOT "" -> antiquot "" loc a ] ]
+ ;
+ a_class_type:
+ [ [ a = ANTIQUOT "" -> antiquot "" loc a ] ]
+ ;
+ [ [ a = ANTIQUOT "uid" -> antiquot "uid" loc a
+ | a = ANTIQUOT "" -> antiquot "" loc a
+ | i = UIDENT -> Str i ] ]
+ ;
+ [ [ a = ANTIQUOT "lid" -> antiquot "lid" loc a
+ | a = ANTIQUOT "" -> antiquot "" loc a
+ | i = LIDENT -> Str i ] ]
+ ;
+ a_INT:
+ [ [ a = ANTIQUOT "int" -> antiquot "int" loc a
+ | a = ANTIQUOT "" -> antiquot "" loc a
+ | s = INT -> Str s ] ]
+ ;
+ a_FLOAT:
+ [ [ a = ANTIQUOT "flo" -> antiquot "flo" loc a
+ | a = ANTIQUOT "" -> antiquot "" loc a
+ | s = FLOAT -> Str s ] ]
+ ;
+ [ [ a = ANTIQUOT "str" -> antiquot "str" loc a
+ | a = ANTIQUOT "" -> antiquot "" loc a
+ | s = STRING -> Str s ] ]
+ ;
+ a_CHAR:
+ [ [ a = ANTIQUOT "chr" -> antiquot "chr" loc a
+ | a = ANTIQUOT "" -> antiquot "" loc a
+ | s = CHAR -> Str s ] ]
+ ;
+ anti_:
+ [ [ a = ANTIQUOT -> antiquot "" loc a ] ]
+ ;
+ anti_anti:
+ [ [ a = ANTIQUOT "anti" -> antiquot "anti" loc a ] ]
+ ;
+ anti_list:
+ [ [ a = ANTIQUOT "list" -> antiquot "list" loc a ] ]
+ ;
+ anti_mut:
+ [ [ a = ANTIQUOT "mut" -> antiquot "mut" loc a ] ]
+ ;
+ anti_opt:
+ [ [ a = ANTIQUOT "opt" -> antiquot "opt" loc a ] ]
+ ;
+ anti_to:
+ [ [ a = ANTIQUOT "to" -> antiquot "to" loc a ] ]
+ ;
+ (* Compatibility old syntax of sequences *)
+ expr: LEVEL "top"
+ [ [ "do"; seq = SLIST0 [ e = expr; ";" -> e ]; "return"; e = SELF ->
+ let _ = warning_seq () in
+ Node "ExSeq" [Loc; Append seq e]
+ | "for"; i = a_LIDENT; "="; e1 = SELF; df = direction_flag; e2 = SELF;
+ "do"; seq = SLIST0 [ e = expr; ";" -> e ]; "done" ->
+ let _ = warning_seq () in
+ Node "ExFor" [Loc; i; e1; e2; df; seq]
+ | "while"; e = SELF; "do"; seq = SLIST0 [ e = expr; ";" -> e ];
+ "done" ->
+ let _ = warning_seq () in
+ Node "ExWhi" [Loc; e; seq] ] ]
+ ;
[ [ a = anti_virt -> a
| "virtual" -> Bool True
| -> Bool False ] ]
- as_ident_opt:
- [ [ "as"; p = lident -> Option (Some p)
- | a = anti_as -> a
- | -> Option None ] ]
- ;
[ [ a = ANTIQUOT "virt" -> antiquot "virt" loc a ] ]