path: root/camlp4
diff options
authorDaniel de Rauglaudre <>2002-01-24 13:26:01 +0000
committerDaniel de Rauglaudre <>2002-01-24 13:26:01 +0000
commit5827cbc88ea41170aa5dcf64576ebc81a988824e (patch)
tree74d1c265a33a1b1d3d5193424988eaee1bed61cb /camlp4
parent0032c482a2024b7b3ceb593a494b1a8b10794f2c (diff)
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
Diffstat (limited to 'camlp4')
6 files changed, 300 insertions, 384 deletions
diff --git a/camlp4/meta/ b/camlp4/meta/
index 61ccca877..8c8b12e3f 100644
--- a/camlp4/meta/
+++ b/camlp4/meta/
@@ -590,7 +590,7 @@ value is_global e =
| Some gl -> List.exists (fun n -> n.tvar = gl ]
-value text_of_entry loc gmod gl e =
+value text_of_entry loc gmod e =
let ent =
let x = in
let loc = in
@@ -601,31 +601,6 @@ value text_of_entry loc gmod gl e =
[ Some pos -> <:expr< Some $pos$ >>
| None -> <:expr< None >> ]
- let levels =
- if quotify.val && is_global e gl && e.pos = None then
- loop e.levels where rec loop =
- fun
- [ [] -> []
- | [level] ->
- let level =
- let rule =
- let psymbol =
- let s =
- let n = "a_" ^ in
- let e = mk_name loc <:expr< $lid:n$ >> in
- {used = []; text = TXnterm loc e None;
- styp = STlid loc "ast"}
- in
- {pattern = Some <:patt< a >>; symbol = s}
- in
- {prod = [psymbol]; action = Some <:expr< a >>}
- in
- {(level) with rules = [rule :: level.rules]}
- in
- [level]
- | [level :: levels] -> [level :: loop levels] ]
- else e.levels
- in
let txt =
(fun level txt ->
@@ -645,7 +620,7 @@ value text_of_entry loc gmod gl e =
<:expr< [($lab$, $ass$, $e$) :: $txt$] >>
- levels <:expr< [] >>
+ e.levels <:expr< [] >>
(ent, pos, txt)
@@ -656,11 +631,13 @@ value let_in_of_extend loc gmod functor_version gl el args =
do {
check_use nl el;
let ll =
+ let same_tvar e n = = n.tvar in
(fun e ll ->
match with
[ <:expr< $lid:_$ >> ->
- if List.exists (fun n -> = n.tvar) nl then ll
+ if List.exists (same_tvar e) nl then ll
+ else if List.exists (same_tvar e) ll then ll
else [ :: ll]
| _ -> ll ])
el []
@@ -706,7 +683,7 @@ value text_of_extend loc gmod gl el f =
let args =
(fun e ->
- let (ent, pos, txt) = text_of_entry gmod gl e in
+ let (ent, pos, txt) = text_of_entry gmod e in
let ent = <:expr< $uid:gmod$.Entry.obj $ent$ >> in
let e = <:expr< ($ent$, $pos$, $txt$) >> in
<:expr< let aux () = $f$ [$e$] in aux () >>)
@@ -718,7 +695,7 @@ value text_of_extend loc gmod gl el f =
let args =
(fun e el ->
- let (ent, pos, txt) = text_of_entry gmod gl e in
+ let (ent, pos, txt) = text_of_entry gmod e in
let ent = <:expr< $uid:gmod$.Entry.obj $ent$ >> in
let e = <:expr< ($ent$, $pos$, $txt$) >> in
<:expr< [$e$ :: $el$] >>)
@@ -733,7 +710,7 @@ value text_of_functorial_extend loc gmod gl el =
let el =
(fun e ->
- let (ent, pos, txt) = text_of_entry gmod gl e in
+ let (ent, pos, txt) = text_of_entry gmod e in
let e = <:expr< $uid:gmod$.extend $ent$ $pos$ $txt$ >> in
if split_ext.val then <:expr< let aux () = $e$ in aux () >> else e)
diff --git a/camlp4/meta/ b/camlp4/meta/
index 3066d68c1..a02fdb975 100644
--- a/camlp4/meta/
+++ b/camlp4/meta/
@@ -97,17 +97,8 @@ value mkumin loc f arg =
<:expr< $lid:f$ $arg$ >> ]
-value mkuminpat loc f arg =
- match arg with
- [ <:patt< $int:n$ >> when int_of_string n > 0 ->
- let n = "-" ^ n in
- <:patt< $int:n$ >>
- | <:patt< $flo:n$ >> when float_of_string n > 0.0 ->
- let n = "-" ^ n in
- <:patt< $flo:n$ >>
- | _ ->
- let f = "~" ^ f in
- <:patt< $lid:f$ $arg$ >> ]
+value mkuminpat loc f is_int n =
+ if is_int then <:patt< $int:"-" ^ n$ >> else <:patt< $flo:"-" ^ n$ >>
value mklistexp loc last =
@@ -229,7 +220,8 @@ EXTEND
<:module_expr< struct $list:st$ end >> ]
| [ me1 = SELF; me2 = SELF -> <:module_expr< $me1$ $me2$ >> ]
| [ me1 = SELF; "."; me2 = SELF -> <:module_expr< $me1$ . $me2$ >> ]
- | [ i = UIDENT -> <:module_expr< $uid:i$ >>
+ | "simple"
+ [ i = UIDENT -> <:module_expr< $uid:i$ >>
| "("; me = SELF; ":"; mt = module_type; ")" ->
<:module_expr< ( $me$ : $mt$ ) >>
| "("; me = SELF; ")" -> <:module_expr< $me$ >> ] ]
@@ -275,7 +267,8 @@ EXTEND
<:module_type< sig $list:sg$ end >> ]
| [ m1 = SELF; m2 = SELF -> <:module_type< $m1$ $m2$ >> ]
| [ m1 = SELF; "."; m2 = SELF -> <:module_type< $m1$ . $m2$ >> ]
- | [ i = UIDENT -> <:module_type< $uid:i$ >>
+ | "simple"
+ [ i = UIDENT -> <:module_type< $uid:i$ >>
| i = LIDENT -> <:module_type< $lid:i$ >>
| "("; mt = SELF; ")" -> <:module_type< $mt$ >> ] ]
@@ -409,27 +402,7 @@ EXTEND
| "("; e = SELF; ":"; t = ctyp; ")" -> <:expr< ($e$ : $t$) >>
| "("; e = SELF; ","; el = LIST1 expr SEP ","; ")" ->
<:expr< ( $list:[e::el]$) >>
- | "("; e = SELF; ")" -> <:expr< $e$ >>
- | x = LOCATE ->
- let x =
- try
- let i = String.index x ':' in
- (int_of_string (String.sub x 0 i),
- String.sub x (i + 1) (String.length x - i - 1))
- with
- [ Not_found | Failure _ -> (0, x) ]
- in
- Pcaml.handle_expr_locate loc x
- | x = QUOTATION ->
- let x =
- try
- let i = String.index x ':' in
- (String.sub x 0 i,
- String.sub x (i + 1) (String.length x - i - 1))
- with
- [ Not_found -> ("", x) ]
- in
- Pcaml.handle_expr_quotation loc x ] ]
+ | "("; e = SELF; ")" -> <:expr< $e$ >> ] ]
[ [ -> () ] ]
@@ -486,8 +459,8 @@ EXTEND
| s = FLOAT -> <:patt< $flo:s$ >>
| s = STRING -> <:patt< $str:s$ >>
| s = CHAR -> <:patt< $chr:s$ >>
- | "-"; s = INT -> mkuminpat loc "-" <:patt< $int:s$ >>
- | "-"; s = FLOAT -> mkuminpat loc "-" <:patt< $flo:s$ >>
+ | "-"; s = INT -> mkuminpat loc "-" True s
+ | "-"; s = FLOAT -> mkuminpat loc "-" False s
| "["; "]" -> <:patt< [] >>
| "["; pl = LIST1 patt SEP ";"; last = OPT [ "::"; p = patt -> p ];
"]" ->
@@ -500,27 +473,7 @@ EXTEND
| "("; p = SELF; "as"; p2 = SELF; ")" -> <:patt< ($p$ as $p2$) >>
| "("; p = SELF; ","; pl = LIST1 patt SEP ","; ")" ->
<:patt< ( $list:[p::pl]$) >>
- | "_" -> <:patt< _ >>
- | x = LOCATE ->
- let x =
- try
- let i = String.index x ':' in
- (int_of_string (String.sub x 0 i),
- String.sub x (i + 1) (String.length x - i - 1))
- with
- [ Not_found | Failure _ -> (0, x) ]
- in
- Pcaml.handle_patt_locate loc x
- | x = QUOTATION ->
- let x =
- try
- let i = String.index x ':' in
- (String.sub x 0 i,
- String.sub x (i + 1) (String.length x - i - 1))
- with
- [ Not_found -> ("", x) ]
- in
- Pcaml.handle_patt_quotation loc x ] ]
+ | "_" -> <:patt< _ >> ] ]
[ [ i = patt_label_ident; "="; p = patt -> (i, p) ] ]
@@ -528,7 +481,7 @@ EXTEND
[ p1 = SELF; "."; p2 = SELF -> <:patt< $p1$ . $p2$ >> ]
+ | "simple" RIGHTA
[ i = UIDENT -> <:patt< $uid:i$ >>
| i = LIDENT -> <:patt< $lid:i$ >> ] ]
@@ -610,6 +563,53 @@ EXTEND
+ expr: LEVEL "simple"
+ [ [ x = LOCATE ->
+ let x =
+ try
+ let i = String.index x ':' in
+ (int_of_string (String.sub x 0 i),
+ String.sub x (i + 1) (String.length x - i - 1))
+ with
+ [ Not_found | Failure _ -> (0, x) ]
+ in
+ Pcaml.handle_expr_locate loc x
+ | x = QUOTATION ->
+ let x =
+ try
+ let i = String.index x ':' in
+ (String.sub x 0 i,
+ String.sub x (i + 1) (String.length x - i - 1))
+ with
+ [ Not_found -> ("", x) ]
+ in
+ Pcaml.handle_expr_quotation loc x ] ]
+ ;
+ patt: LEVEL "simple"
+ [ [ x = LOCATE ->
+ let x =
+ try
+ let i = String.index x ':' in
+ (int_of_string (String.sub x 0 i),
+ String.sub x (i + 1) (String.length x - i - 1))
+ with
+ [ Not_found | Failure _ -> (0, x) ]
+ in
+ Pcaml.handle_patt_locate loc x
+ | x = QUOTATION ->
+ let x =
+ try
+ let i = String.index x ':' in
+ (String.sub x 0 i,
+ String.sub x (i + 1) (String.length x - i - 1))
+ with
+ [ Not_found -> ("", x) ]
+ in
+ Pcaml.handle_patt_quotation loc x ] ]
+ ;
(* Objects and Classes *)
diff --git a/camlp4/meta/ b/camlp4/meta/
index 4cedb9bb7..3c2cb6515 100644
--- a/camlp4/meta/
+++ b/camlp4/meta/
@@ -86,17 +86,8 @@ value mkumin _ f arg =
Node "ExApp" [Loc; Node "ExLid" [Loc; Str f]; arg] ]
-value mkuminpat _ f arg =
- match arg with
- [ Node "PaInt" [Loc; Str n] when int_of_string n > 0 ->
- let n = "-" ^ n in
- Node "PaInt" [Loc; Str n]
- | Node "PaFlo" [Loc; Str n] when float_of_string n > 0.0 ->
- let n = "-" ^ n in
- Node "PaFlo" [Loc; Str n]
- | _ ->
- let f = "~" ^ f in
- Node "PaApp" [Loc; Node "PaLid" [Loc; Str f]; arg] ]
+value mkuminpat _ f is_int s =
+ if is_int then Node "PaInt" [Loc; s] else Node "PaFlo" [Loc; s]
value mklistexp _ last =
@@ -179,16 +170,15 @@ EXTEND
Node "MeStr" [Loc; st] ]
| [ me1 = SELF; me2 = SELF -> Node "MeApp" [Loc; me1; me2] ]
| [ me1 = SELF; "."; me2 = SELF -> Node "MeAcc" [Loc; me1; me2] ]
- | [ a = a_module_expr -> a
- | i = a_UIDENT -> Node "MeUid" [Loc; i]
+ | "simple"
+ [ i = a_UIDENT -> Node "MeUid" [Loc; i]
| "("; me = SELF; ":"; mt = module_type; ")" ->
Node "MeTyc" [Loc; me; mt]
| "("; me = SELF; ")" -> me ] ]
[ "top"
- [ a = a_str_item -> a
- | "declare"; st = SLIST0 [ s = str_item; ";" -> s ]; "end" ->
+ [ "declare"; st = SLIST0 [ s = str_item; ";" -> s ]; "end" ->
Node "StDcl" [Loc; st]
| "exception"; ctl = constructor_declaration; b = rebind_exn ->
let (_, c, tl) =
@@ -232,15 +222,14 @@ EXTEND
Node "MtSig" [Loc; sg] ]
| [ m1 = SELF; m2 = SELF -> Node "MtApp" [Loc; m1; m2] ]
| [ m1 = SELF; "."; m2 = SELF -> Node "MtAcc" [Loc; m1; m2] ]
- | [ a = a_module_type -> a
- | i = a_UIDENT -> Node "MtUid" [Loc; i]
+ | "simple"
+ [ i = a_UIDENT -> Node "MtUid" [Loc; i]
| i = a_LIDENT -> Node "MtLid" [Loc; i]
| "("; mt = SELF; ")" -> mt ] ]
[ "top"
- [ a = a_sig_item -> a
- | "declare"; st = SLIST0 [ s = sig_item; ";" -> s ]; "end" ->
+ [ "declare"; st = SLIST0 [ s = sig_item; ";" -> s ]; "end" ->
Node "SgDcl" [Loc; st]
| "exception"; ctl = constructor_declaration ->
let (_, c, tl) =
@@ -412,8 +401,7 @@ EXTEND
| "~-."; e = SELF ->
Node "ExApp" [Loc; Node "ExLid" [Loc; Str "~-."]; e] ]
| "simple"
- [ a = a_expr -> a
- | s = a_INT -> Node "ExInt" [Loc; s]
+ [ s = a_INT -> Node "ExInt" [Loc; s]
| s = a_FLOAT -> Node "ExFlo" [Loc; s]
| s = a_STRING -> Node "ExStr" [Loc; s]
| s = a_CHAR -> Node "ExChr" [Loc; s]
@@ -432,15 +420,13 @@ EXTEND
| "("; e = SELF; ":"; t = ctyp; ")" -> Node "ExTyc" [Loc; e; t]
| "("; e = SELF; ","; el = SLIST1 expr SEP ","; ")" ->
Node "ExTup" [Loc; Cons e el]
- | "("; e = SELF; ")" -> e
- | "("; el = anti_list; ")" -> Node "ExTup" [Loc; el] ] ]
+ | "("; e = SELF; ")" -> e ] ]
[ [ -> () ] ]
- [ [ a = anti_list -> a
- | "let"; o = SOPT "rec"; l = SLIST1 let_binding SEP "and";
+ [ [ "let"; o = SOPT "rec"; l = SLIST1 let_binding SEP "and";
[ "in" | ";" ]; el = SELF ->
List [Node "ExLet" [Loc; o2b o; l; mksequence loc el]]
| e = expr; ";"; el = SELF -> Cons e el
@@ -467,8 +453,7 @@ EXTEND
- [ a = anti_ -> a
- | i = a_LIDENT -> Node "ExLid" [Loc; i]
+ [ i = a_LIDENT -> Node "ExLid" [Loc; i]
| i = a_UIDENT -> Node "ExUid" [Loc; i]
| i = a_UIDENT; "."; j = SELF -> mkexprident loc i j ] ]
@@ -488,15 +473,14 @@ EXTEND
[ p1 = SELF; "."; p2 = SELF -> Node "PaAcc" [Loc; p1; p2] ]
| "simple"
- [ a = a_patt -> a
- | s = a_LIDENT -> Node "PaLid" [Loc; s]
+ [ s = a_LIDENT -> Node "PaLid" [Loc; s]
| s = a_UIDENT -> Node "PaUid" [Loc; s]
| s = a_INT -> Node "PaInt" [Loc; s]
| s = a_FLOAT -> Node "PaFlo" [Loc; s]
| s = a_STRING -> Node "PaStr" [Loc; s]
| s = a_CHAR -> Node "PaChr" [Loc; s]
- | "-"; s = a_INT -> mkuminpat loc "-" (Node "PaInt" [Loc; s])
- | "-"; s = a_FLOAT -> mkuminpat loc "-" (Node "PaFlo" [Loc; s])
+ | "-"; s = a_INT -> mkuminpat loc "-" True s
+ | "-"; s = a_FLOAT -> mkuminpat loc "-" False s
| "["; "]" -> Node "PaUid" [Loc; Str "[]"]
| "["; pl = SLIST1 patt SEP ";"; last = SOPT [ "::"; p = patt -> p ];
"]" ->
@@ -509,7 +493,6 @@ EXTEND
| "("; p = SELF; "as"; p2 = SELF; ")" -> Node "PaAli" [Loc; p; p2]
| "("; p = SELF; ","; pl = SLIST1 patt SEP ","; ")" ->
Node "PaTup" [Loc; Cons p pl]
- | "("; pl = anti_list; ")" -> Node "PaTup" [Loc; pl]
| "_" -> Node "PaAny" [Loc] ] ]
@@ -518,21 +501,18 @@ EXTEND
[ p1 = SELF; "."; p2 = SELF -> Node "PaAcc" [Loc; p1; p2] ]
- [ a = anti_ -> a
- | i = a_UIDENT -> Node "PaUid" [Loc; i]
+ | "simple" RIGHTA
+ [ i = a_UIDENT -> Node "PaUid" [Loc; i]
| i = a_LIDENT -> Node "PaLid" [Loc; i] ] ]
- [ [ a = a_ipatt -> a
- | "{"; lpl = SLIST1 label_ipatt SEP ";"; "}" -> Node "PaRec" [Loc; lpl]
+ [ [ "{"; lpl = SLIST1 label_ipatt SEP ";"; "}" -> Node "PaRec" [Loc; lpl]
| "("; ")" -> Node "PaUid" [Loc; Str "()"]
| "("; p = SELF; ")" -> p
| "("; p = SELF; ":"; t = ctyp; ")" -> Node "PaTyc" [Loc; p; t]
| "("; p = SELF; "as"; p2 = SELF; ")" -> Node "PaAli" [Loc; p; p2]
| "("; p = SELF; ","; pl = SLIST1 ipatt SEP ","; ")" ->
Node "PaTup" [Loc; Cons p pl]
- | "("; pl = anti_list; ")" -> Node "PaTup" [Loc; pl]
| s = a_LIDENT -> Node "PaLid" [Loc; s]
| "_" -> Node "PaAny" [Loc] ] ]
@@ -567,14 +547,12 @@ EXTEND
[ t1 = SELF; "."; t2 = SELF -> Node "TyAcc" [Loc; t1; t2] ]
| "simple"
- [ a = a_ctyp -> a
- | "'"; i = ident -> Node "TyQuo" [Loc; i]
+ [ "'"; i = ident -> Node "TyQuo" [Loc; i]
| "_" -> Node "TyAny" [Loc]
| i = a_LIDENT -> Node "TyLid" [Loc; i]
| i = a_UIDENT -> Node "TyUid" [Loc; i]
| "("; t = SELF; "*"; tl = SLIST1 ctyp SEP "*"; ")" ->
Node "TyTup" [Loc; Cons t tl]
- | "("; tl = anti_list; ")" -> Node "TyTup" [Loc; tl]
| "("; t = SELF; ")" -> t
| "["; cdl = SLIST0 constructor_declaration SEP "|"; "]" ->
Node "TySum" [Loc; cdl]
@@ -872,40 +850,53 @@ EXTEND
| e = expr -> Option (Some e)
| -> Option None ] ]
- a_module_expr:
+ module_expr: LEVEL "simple"
[ [ a = ANTIQUOT "mexp" -> antiquot "mexp" loc a
| a = ANTIQUOT "" -> antiquot "" loc a ] ]
- a_str_item:
+ str_item: LEVEL "top"
[ [ a = ANTIQUOT "stri" -> antiquot "stri" loc a
| a = ANTIQUOT "" -> antiquot "" loc a ] ]
- a_module_type:
+ module_type: LEVEL "simple"
[ [ a = ANTIQUOT "mtyp" -> antiquot "mtyp" loc a
| a = ANTIQUOT "" -> antiquot "" loc a ] ]
- a_sig_item:
+ sig_item: LEVEL "top"
[ [ a = ANTIQUOT "sigi" -> antiquot "sigi" loc a
| a = ANTIQUOT "" -> antiquot "" loc a ] ]
- a_expr:
+ expr: LEVEL "simple"
[ [ a = ANTIQUOT "exp" -> antiquot "exp" loc a
| a = ANTIQUOT "" -> antiquot "" loc a
- | a = ANTIQUOT "anti" -> Node "ExAnt" [Loc; antiquot "anti" loc a] ] ]
+ | a = ANTIQUOT "anti" -> Node "ExAnt" [Loc; antiquot "anti" loc a]
+ | "("; el = anti_list; ")" -> Node "ExTup" [Loc; el] ] ]
- a_patt:
+ sequence:
+ [ [ a = ANTIQUOT "list" -> antiquot "list" loc a ] ]
+ ;
+ expr_ident:
+ [ [ a = ANTIQUOT -> antiquot "" loc a ] ]
+ ;
+ patt: LEVEL "simple"
[ [ a = ANTIQUOT "pat" -> antiquot "pat" loc a
| a = ANTIQUOT "" -> antiquot "" loc a
- | a = ANTIQUOT "anti" -> Node "PaAnt" [Loc; antiquot "anti" loc a] ] ]
+ | a = ANTIQUOT "anti" -> Node "PaAnt" [Loc; antiquot "anti" loc a]
+ | "("; pl = anti_list; ")" -> Node "PaTup" [Loc; pl] ] ]
- a_ipatt:
+ patt_label_ident: LEVEL "simple"
+ [ [ a = ANTIQUOT -> antiquot "" loc a ] ]
+ ;
+ ipatt:
[ [ a = ANTIQUOT "pat" -> antiquot "pat" loc a
| a = ANTIQUOT "" -> antiquot "" loc a
- | a = ANTIQUOT "anti" -> Node "PaAnt" [Loc; antiquot "anti" loc a] ] ]
+ | a = ANTIQUOT "anti" -> Node "PaAnt" [Loc; antiquot "anti" loc a]
+ | "("; pl = anti_list; ")" -> Node "PaTup" [Loc; pl] ] ]
- a_ctyp:
+ ctyp: LEVEL "simple"
[ [ a = ANTIQUOT "typ" -> antiquot "typ" loc a
- | a = ANTIQUOT "" -> antiquot "" loc a ] ]
+ | a = ANTIQUOT "" -> antiquot "" loc a
+ | "("; tl = anti_list; ")" -> Node "TyTup" [Loc; tl] ] ]
[ [ a = ANTIQUOT -> antiquot "" loc a ] ]
diff --git a/camlp4/ocaml_src/meta/ b/camlp4/ocaml_src/meta/
index 91a1b7e24..650e4ac71 100644
--- a/camlp4/ocaml_src/meta/
+++ b/camlp4/ocaml_src/meta/
@@ -1105,7 +1105,7 @@ let is_global e =
| Some gl -> List.exists (fun n -> n.tvar = gl
-let text_of_entry loc gmod gl e =
+let text_of_entry loc gmod e =
let ent =
let x = in
let loc = in
@@ -1125,33 +1125,6 @@ let text_of_entry loc gmod gl e =
Some pos -> MLast.ExApp (loc, MLast.ExUid (loc, "Some"), pos)
| None -> MLast.ExUid (loc, "None")
- let levels =
- if !quotify && is_global e gl && e.pos = None then
- let rec loop =
- function
- [] -> []
- | [level] ->
- let level =
- let rule =
- let psymbol =
- let s =
- let n = "a_" ^ in
- let e = mk_name loc (MLast.ExLid (loc, n)) in
- {used = []; text = TXnterm (loc, e, None);
- styp = STlid (loc, "ast")}
- in
- {pattern = Some (MLast.PaLid (loc, "a")); symbol = s}
- in
- {prod = [psymbol]; action = Some (MLast.ExLid (loc, "a"))}
- in
- {level with rules = rule :: level.rules}
- in
- [level]
- | level :: levels -> level :: loop levels
- in
- loop e.levels
- else e.levels
- in
let txt =
(fun level txt ->
@@ -1178,7 +1151,7 @@ let text_of_entry loc gmod gl e =
- levels (MLast.ExUid (loc, "[]"))
+ e.levels (MLast.ExUid (loc, "[]"))
ent, pos, txt
@@ -1188,11 +1161,13 @@ let let_in_of_extend loc gmod functor_version gl el args =
Some (n1 :: _ as nl) ->
check_use nl el;
let ll =
+ let same_tvar e n = = n.tvar in
(fun e ll ->
match with
MLast.ExLid (_, _) ->
- if List.exists (fun n -> = n.tvar) nl then ll
+ if List.exists (same_tvar e) nl then ll
+ else if List.exists (same_tvar e) ll then ll
else :: ll
| _ -> ll)
el []
@@ -1286,7 +1261,7 @@ let text_of_extend loc gmod gl el f =
let args =
(fun e ->
- let (ent, pos, txt) = text_of_entry gmod gl e in
+ let (ent, pos, txt) = text_of_entry gmod e in
let ent =
@@ -1320,7 +1295,7 @@ let text_of_extend loc gmod gl el f =
let args =
(fun e el ->
- let (ent, pos, txt) = text_of_entry gmod gl e in
+ let (ent, pos, txt) = text_of_entry gmod e in
let ent =
@@ -1346,7 +1321,7 @@ let text_of_functorial_extend loc gmod gl el =
let el =
(fun e ->
- let (ent, pos, txt) = text_of_entry gmod gl e in
+ let (ent, pos, txt) = text_of_entry gmod e in
let e =
diff --git a/camlp4/ocaml_src/meta/ b/camlp4/ocaml_src/meta/
index 86e7f0ef2..980f0f786 100644
--- a/camlp4/ocaml_src/meta/
+++ b/camlp4/ocaml_src/meta/
@@ -89,13 +89,9 @@ let mkumin loc f arg =
| _ -> let f = "~" ^ f in MLast.ExApp (loc, MLast.ExLid (loc, f), arg)
-let mkuminpat loc f arg =
- match arg with
- MLast.PaInt (_, n) when int_of_string n > 0 ->
- let n = "-" ^ n in MLast.PaInt (loc, n)
- | MLast.PaFlo (_, n) when float_of_string n > 0.0 ->
- let n = "-" ^ n in MLast.PaFlo (loc, n)
- | _ -> let f = "~" ^ f in MLast.PaApp (loc, MLast.PaLid (loc, f), arg)
+let mkuminpat loc f is_int n =
+ if is_int then MLast.PaInt (loc, ("-" ^ n))
+ else MLast.PaFlo (loc, ("-" ^ n))
let mklistexp loc last =
@@ -368,7 +364,7 @@ Grammar.extend
(fun (me2 : 'module_expr) _ (me1 : 'module_expr) (loc : int * int) ->
(MLast.MeAcc (loc, me1, me2) : 'module_expr))];
- None, None,
+ Some "simple", None,
[[Gramext.Stoken ("", "("); Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", ")")],
(fun _ (me : 'module_expr) _ (loc : int * int) ->
@@ -545,7 +541,7 @@ Grammar.extend
(fun (m2 : 'module_type) _ (m1 : 'module_type) (loc : int * int) ->
(MLast.MtAcc (loc, m1, m2) : 'module_type))];
- None, None,
+ Some "simple", None,
[[Gramext.Stoken ("", "("); Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", ")")],
(fun _ (mt : 'module_type) _ (loc : int * int) ->
@@ -1011,33 +1007,7 @@ Grammar.extend
(fun (e : 'expr) _ (loc : int * int) ->
(MLast.ExApp (loc, MLast.ExLid (loc, "~-"), e) : 'expr))];
Some "simple", None,
- [[Gramext.Stoken ("QUOTATION", "")],
- Gramext.action
- (fun (x : string) (loc : int * int) ->
- (let x =
- try
- let i = String.index x ':' in
- String.sub x 0 i,
- String.sub x (i + 1) (String.length x - i - 1)
- with
- Not_found -> "", x
- in
- Pcaml.handle_expr_quotation loc x :
- 'expr));
- [Gramext.Stoken ("LOCATE", "")],
- Gramext.action
- (fun (x : string) (loc : int * int) ->
- (let x =
- try
- let i = String.index x ':' in
- int_of_string (String.sub x 0 i),
- String.sub x (i + 1) (String.length x - i - 1)
- with
- Not_found | Failure _ -> 0, x
- in
- Pcaml.handle_expr_locate loc x :
- 'expr));
- [Gramext.Stoken ("", "("); Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", ")")],
+ [[Gramext.Stoken ("", "("); Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", ")")],
Gramext.action (fun _ (e : 'expr) _ (loc : int * int) -> (e : 'expr));
[Gramext.Stoken ("", "("); Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", ",");
@@ -1258,33 +1228,7 @@ Grammar.extend
(fun (p2 : 'patt) _ (p1 : 'patt) (loc : int * int) ->
(MLast.PaAcc (loc, p1, p2) : 'patt))];
Some "simple", None,
- [[Gramext.Stoken ("QUOTATION", "")],
- Gramext.action
- (fun (x : string) (loc : int * int) ->
- (let x =
- try
- let i = String.index x ':' in
- String.sub x 0 i,
- String.sub x (i + 1) (String.length x - i - 1)
- with
- Not_found -> "", x
- in
- Pcaml.handle_patt_quotation loc x :
- 'patt));
- [Gramext.Stoken ("LOCATE", "")],
- Gramext.action
- (fun (x : string) (loc : int * int) ->
- (let x =
- try
- let i = String.index x ':' in
- int_of_string (String.sub x 0 i),
- String.sub x (i + 1) (String.length x - i - 1)
- with
- Not_found | Failure _ -> 0, x
- in
- Pcaml.handle_patt_locate loc x :
- 'patt));
- [Gramext.Stoken ("", "_")],
+ [[Gramext.Stoken ("", "_")],
Gramext.action (fun _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.PaAny loc : 'patt));
[Gramext.Stoken ("", "("); Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", ",");
@@ -1348,11 +1292,11 @@ Grammar.extend
[Gramext.Stoken ("", "-"); Gramext.Stoken ("FLOAT", "")],
(fun (s : string) _ (loc : int * int) ->
- (mkuminpat loc "-" (MLast.PaFlo (loc, s)) : 'patt));
+ (mkuminpat loc "-" false s : 'patt));
[Gramext.Stoken ("", "-"); Gramext.Stoken ("INT", "")],
(fun (s : string) _ (loc : int * int) ->
- (mkuminpat loc "-" (MLast.PaInt (loc, s)) : 'patt));
+ (mkuminpat loc "-" true s : 'patt));
[Gramext.Stoken ("CHAR", "")],
(fun (s : string) (loc : int * int) ->
@@ -1395,7 +1339,7 @@ Grammar.extend
(fun (p2 : 'patt_label_ident) _ (p1 : 'patt_label_ident)
(loc : int * int) ->
(MLast.PaAcc (loc, p1, p2) : 'patt_label_ident))];
- None, Some Gramext.RightA,
+ Some "simple", Some Gramext.RightA,
[[Gramext.Stoken ("LIDENT", "")],
(fun (i : string) (loc : int * int) ->
@@ -1632,6 +1576,66 @@ Grammar.extend
(fun _ (loc : int * int) -> (true : 'direction_flag))]]]);;
+ [Grammar.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Grammar.Entry.e),
+ Some (Gramext.Level "simple"),
+ [None, None,
+ [[Gramext.Stoken ("QUOTATION", "")],
+ Gramext.action
+ (fun (x : string) (loc : int * int) ->
+ (let x =
+ try
+ let i = String.index x ':' in
+ String.sub x 0 i,
+ String.sub x (i + 1) (String.length x - i - 1)
+ with
+ Not_found -> "", x
+ in
+ Pcaml.handle_expr_quotation loc x :
+ 'expr));
+ [Gramext.Stoken ("LOCATE", "")],
+ Gramext.action
+ (fun (x : string) (loc : int * int) ->
+ (let x =
+ try
+ let i = String.index x ':' in
+ int_of_string (String.sub x 0 i),
+ String.sub x (i + 1) (String.length x - i - 1)
+ with
+ Not_found | Failure _ -> 0, x
+ in
+ Pcaml.handle_expr_locate loc x :
+ 'expr))]];
+ Grammar.Entry.obj (patt : 'patt Grammar.Entry.e),
+ Some (Gramext.Level "simple"),
+ [None, None,
+ [[Gramext.Stoken ("QUOTATION", "")],
+ Gramext.action
+ (fun (x : string) (loc : int * int) ->
+ (let x =
+ try
+ let i = String.index x ':' in
+ String.sub x 0 i,
+ String.sub x (i + 1) (String.length x - i - 1)
+ with
+ Not_found -> "", x
+ in
+ Pcaml.handle_patt_quotation loc x :
+ 'patt));
+ [Gramext.Stoken ("LOCATE", "")],
+ Gramext.action
+ (fun (x : string) (loc : int * int) ->
+ (let x =
+ try
+ let i = String.index x ':' in
+ int_of_string (String.sub x 0 i),
+ String.sub x (i + 1) (String.length x - i - 1)
+ with
+ Not_found | Failure _ -> 0, x
+ in
+ Pcaml.handle_patt_locate loc x :
+ 'patt))]]];;
(* Objects and Classes *)
diff --git a/camlp4/ocaml_src/meta/ b/camlp4/ocaml_src/meta/
index 1c031b8fa..519fad246 100644
--- a/camlp4/ocaml_src/meta/
+++ b/camlp4/ocaml_src/meta/
@@ -84,15 +84,8 @@ let mkumin _ f arg =
Node ("ExApp", [Loc; Node ("ExLid", [Loc; Str f]); arg])
-let mkuminpat _ f arg =
- match arg with
- Node ("PaInt", [Loc; Str n]) when int_of_string n > 0 ->
- let n = "-" ^ n in Node ("PaInt", [Loc; Str n])
- | Node ("PaFlo", [Loc; Str n]) when float_of_string n > 0.0 ->
- let n = "-" ^ n in Node ("PaFlo", [Loc; Str n])
- | _ ->
- let f = "~" ^ f in
- Node ("PaApp", [Loc; Node ("PaLid", [Loc; Str f]); arg])
+let mkuminpat _ f is_int s =
+ if is_int then Node ("PaInt", [Loc; s]) else Node ("PaFlo", [Loc; s])
let mklistexp _ last =
@@ -198,7 +191,6 @@ Grammar.extend
and with_constr : 'with_constr Grammar.Entry.e =
grammar_entry_create "with_constr"
and dummy : 'dummy Grammar.Entry.e = grammar_entry_create "dummy"
- and sequence : 'sequence Grammar.Entry.e = grammar_entry_create "sequence"
and let_binding : 'let_binding Grammar.Entry.e =
grammar_entry_create "let_binding"
and fun_binding : 'fun_binding Grammar.Entry.e =
@@ -207,14 +199,9 @@ Grammar.extend
grammar_entry_create "match_case"
and label_expr : 'label_expr Grammar.Entry.e =
grammar_entry_create "label_expr"
- and expr_ident : 'expr_ident Grammar.Entry.e =
- grammar_entry_create "expr_ident"
and fun_def : 'fun_def Grammar.Entry.e = grammar_entry_create "fun_def"
and label_patt : 'label_patt Grammar.Entry.e =
grammar_entry_create "label_patt"
- and patt_label_ident : 'patt_label_ident Grammar.Entry.e =
- grammar_entry_create "patt_label_ident"
- and ipatt : 'ipatt Grammar.Entry.e = grammar_entry_create "ipatt"
and label_ipatt : 'label_ipatt Grammar.Entry.e =
grammar_entry_create "label_ipatt"
and type_declaration : 'type_declaration Grammar.Entry.e =
@@ -272,18 +259,12 @@ Grammar.extend
grammar_entry_create "mutable_flag"
and dir_param : 'dir_param Grammar.Entry.e =
grammar_entry_create "dir_param"
- and a_module_expr : 'a_module_expr Grammar.Entry.e =
- grammar_entry_create "a_module_expr"
- and a_str_item : 'a_str_item Grammar.Entry.e =
- grammar_entry_create "a_str_item"
- and a_module_type : 'a_module_type Grammar.Entry.e =
- grammar_entry_create "a_module_type"
- and a_sig_item : 'a_sig_item Grammar.Entry.e =
- grammar_entry_create "a_sig_item"
- and a_expr : 'a_expr Grammar.Entry.e = grammar_entry_create "a_expr"
- and a_patt : 'a_patt Grammar.Entry.e = grammar_entry_create "a_patt"
- and a_ipatt : 'a_ipatt Grammar.Entry.e = grammar_entry_create "a_ipatt"
- and a_ctyp : 'a_ctyp Grammar.Entry.e = grammar_entry_create "a_ctyp"
+ and sequence : 'sequence Grammar.Entry.e = grammar_entry_create "sequence"
+ and expr_ident : 'expr_ident Grammar.Entry.e =
+ grammar_entry_create "expr_ident"
+ and patt_label_ident : 'patt_label_ident Grammar.Entry.e =
+ grammar_entry_create "patt_label_ident"
+ and ipatt : 'ipatt Grammar.Entry.e = grammar_entry_create "ipatt"
and a_mod_ident : 'a_mod_ident Grammar.Entry.e =
grammar_entry_create "a_mod_ident"
and a_direction_flag : 'a_direction_flag Grammar.Entry.e =
@@ -354,7 +335,7 @@ Grammar.extend
(fun (me2 : 'module_expr) _ (me1 : 'module_expr) (loc : int * int) ->
(Node ("MeAcc", [Loc; me1; me2]) : 'module_expr))];
- None, None,
+ Some "simple", None,
[[Gramext.Stoken ("", "("); Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", ")")],
(fun _ (me : 'module_expr) _ (loc : int * int) ->
@@ -371,12 +352,7 @@ Grammar.extend
(Grammar.Entry.obj (a_UIDENT : 'a_UIDENT Grammar.Entry.e))],
(fun (i : 'a_UIDENT) (loc : int * int) ->
- (Node ("MeUid", [Loc; i]) : 'module_expr));
- [Gramext.Snterm
- (Grammar.Entry.obj
- (a_module_expr : 'a_module_expr Grammar.Entry.e))],
- Gramext.action
- (fun (a : 'a_module_expr) (loc : int * int) -> (a : 'module_expr))]];
+ (Node ("MeUid", [Loc; i]) : 'module_expr))]];
Grammar.Entry.obj (str_item : 'str_item Grammar.Entry.e), None,
[Some "top", None,
[[Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Grammar.Entry.e))],
@@ -493,7 +469,7 @@ Grammar.extend
Tuple [xx1; xx2; xx3] -> xx1, xx2, xx3
| _ ->
match () with
- _ -> raise (Match_failure ("", 6092, 6108))
+ _ -> raise (Match_failure ("", 5775, 5791))
Node ("StExc", [Loc; c; tl; b]) :
@@ -517,11 +493,7 @@ Grammar.extend
Gramext.Stoken ("", "end")],
(fun _ (st : ast) _ (loc : int * int) ->
- (Node ("StDcl", [Loc; st]) : 'str_item));
- [Gramext.Snterm
- (Grammar.Entry.obj (a_str_item : 'a_str_item Grammar.Entry.e))],
- Gramext.action
- (fun (a : 'a_str_item) (loc : int * int) -> (a : 'str_item))]];
+ (Node ("StDcl", [Loc; st]) : 'str_item))]];
Grammar.Entry.obj (rebind_exn : 'rebind_exn Grammar.Entry.e), None,
[None, None,
[[], Gramext.action (fun (loc : int * int) -> (List [] : 'rebind_exn));
@@ -620,7 +592,7 @@ Grammar.extend
(fun (m2 : 'module_type) _ (m1 : 'module_type) (loc : int * int) ->
(Node ("MtAcc", [Loc; m1; m2]) : 'module_type))];
- None, None,
+ Some "simple", None,
[[Gramext.Stoken ("", "("); Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", ")")],
(fun _ (mt : 'module_type) _ (loc : int * int) ->
@@ -634,12 +606,7 @@ Grammar.extend
(Grammar.Entry.obj (a_UIDENT : 'a_UIDENT Grammar.Entry.e))],
(fun (i : 'a_UIDENT) (loc : int * int) ->
- (Node ("MtUid", [Loc; i]) : 'module_type));
- [Gramext.Snterm
- (Grammar.Entry.obj
- (a_module_type : 'a_module_type Grammar.Entry.e))],
- Gramext.action
- (fun (a : 'a_module_type) (loc : int * int) -> (a : 'module_type))]];
+ (Node ("MtUid", [Loc; i]) : 'module_type))]];
Grammar.Entry.obj (sig_item : 'sig_item Grammar.Entry.e), None,
[Some "top", None,
[[Gramext.Stoken ("", "value");
@@ -728,7 +695,7 @@ Grammar.extend
Tuple [xx1; xx2; xx3] -> xx1, xx2, xx3
| _ ->
match () with
- _ -> raise (Match_failure ("", 8155, 8171))
+ _ -> raise (Match_failure ("", 7794, 7810))
Node ("SgExc", [Loc; c; tl]) :
@@ -752,11 +719,7 @@ Grammar.extend
Gramext.Stoken ("", "end")],
(fun _ (st : ast) _ (loc : int * int) ->
- (Node ("SgDcl", [Loc; st]) : 'sig_item));
- [Gramext.Snterm
- (Grammar.Entry.obj (a_sig_item : 'a_sig_item Grammar.Entry.e))],
- Gramext.action
- (fun (a : 'a_sig_item) (loc : int * int) -> (a : 'sig_item))]];
+ (Node ("SgDcl", [Loc; st]) : 'sig_item))]];
(module_declaration : 'module_declaration Grammar.Entry.e),
@@ -1295,14 +1258,7 @@ Grammar.extend
(Node ("ExApp", [Loc; Node ("ExLid", [Loc; Str "~-"]); e]) :
Some "simple", None,
- [[Gramext.Stoken ("", "(");
- Gramext.Snterm
- (Grammar.Entry.obj (anti_list : 'anti_list Grammar.Entry.e));
- Gramext.Stoken ("", ")")],
- Gramext.action
- (fun _ (el : 'anti_list) _ (loc : int * int) ->
- (Node ("ExTup", [Loc; el]) : 'expr));
- [Gramext.Stoken ("", "("); Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", ")")],
+ [[Gramext.Stoken ("", "("); Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", ")")],
Gramext.action (fun _ (e : 'expr) _ (loc : int * int) -> (e : 'expr));
[Gramext.Stoken ("", "("); Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", ",");
@@ -1437,9 +1393,7 @@ Grammar.extend
[Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (a_INT : 'a_INT Grammar.Entry.e))],
(fun (s : 'a_INT) (loc : int * int) ->
- (Node ("ExInt", [Loc; s]) : 'expr));
- [Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (a_expr : 'a_expr Grammar.Entry.e))],
- Gramext.action (fun (a : 'a_expr) (loc : int * int) -> (a : 'expr))]];
+ (Node ("ExInt", [Loc; s]) : 'expr))]];
Grammar.Entry.obj (dummy : 'dummy Grammar.Entry.e), None,
[None, None,
[[], Gramext.action (fun (loc : int * int) -> (() : 'dummy))]];
@@ -1492,11 +1446,7 @@ Grammar.extend
(fun (el : 'sequence) _ (l : ast) (o : ast) _ (loc : int * int) ->
(List [Node ("ExLet", [Loc; o2b o; l; mksequence loc el])] :
- 'sequence));
- [Gramext.Snterm
- (Grammar.Entry.obj (anti_list : 'anti_list Grammar.Entry.e))],
- Gramext.action
- (fun (a : 'anti_list) (loc : int * int) -> (a : 'sequence))]];
+ 'sequence))]];
Grammar.Entry.obj (let_binding : 'let_binding Grammar.Entry.e), None,
[None, None,
[[Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (ipatt : 'ipatt Grammar.Entry.e));
@@ -1588,10 +1538,7 @@ Grammar.extend
(Grammar.Entry.obj (a_LIDENT : 'a_LIDENT Grammar.Entry.e))],
(fun (i : 'a_LIDENT) (loc : int * int) ->
- (Node ("ExLid", [Loc; i]) : 'expr_ident));
- [Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (anti_ : 'anti_ Grammar.Entry.e))],
- Gramext.action
- (fun (a : 'anti_) (loc : int * int) -> (a : 'expr_ident))]];
+ (Node ("ExLid", [Loc; i]) : 'expr_ident))]];
Grammar.Entry.obj (fun_def : 'fun_def Grammar.Entry.e), None,
[None, Some Gramext.RightA,
[[Gramext.Stoken ("", "->");
@@ -1628,13 +1575,6 @@ Grammar.extend
[[Gramext.Stoken ("", "_")],
(fun _ (loc : int * int) -> (Node ("PaAny", [Loc]) : 'patt));
- [Gramext.Stoken ("", "(");
- Gramext.Snterm
- (Grammar.Entry.obj (anti_list : 'anti_list Grammar.Entry.e));
- Gramext.Stoken ("", ")")],
- Gramext.action
- (fun _ (pl : 'anti_list) _ (loc : int * int) ->
- (Node ("PaTup", [Loc; pl]) : 'patt));
[Gramext.Stoken ("", "("); Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", ",");
@@ -1741,12 +1681,12 @@ Grammar.extend
(Grammar.Entry.obj (a_FLOAT : 'a_FLOAT Grammar.Entry.e))],
(fun (s : 'a_FLOAT) _ (loc : int * int) ->
- (mkuminpat loc "-" (Node ("PaFlo", [Loc; s])) : 'patt));
+ (mkuminpat loc "-" false s : 'patt));
[Gramext.Stoken ("", "-");
Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (a_INT : 'a_INT Grammar.Entry.e))],
(fun (s : 'a_INT) _ (loc : int * int) ->
- (mkuminpat loc "-" (Node ("PaInt", [Loc; s])) : 'patt));
+ (mkuminpat loc "-" true s : 'patt));
[Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (a_CHAR : 'a_CHAR Grammar.Entry.e))],
(fun (s : 'a_CHAR) (loc : int * int) ->
@@ -1774,9 +1714,7 @@ Grammar.extend
(Grammar.Entry.obj (a_LIDENT : 'a_LIDENT Grammar.Entry.e))],
(fun (s : 'a_LIDENT) (loc : int * int) ->
- (Node ("PaLid", [Loc; s]) : 'patt));
- [Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (a_patt : 'a_patt Grammar.Entry.e))],
- Gramext.action (fun (a : 'a_patt) (loc : int * int) -> (a : 'patt))]];
+ (Node ("PaLid", [Loc; s]) : 'patt))]];
Grammar.Entry.obj (label_patt : 'label_patt Grammar.Entry.e), None,
[None, None,
@@ -1795,7 +1733,7 @@ Grammar.extend
(fun (p2 : 'patt_label_ident) _ (p1 : 'patt_label_ident)
(loc : int * int) ->
(Node ("PaAcc", [Loc; p1; p2]) : 'patt_label_ident))];
- None, Some Gramext.RightA,
+ Some "simple", Some Gramext.RightA,
(Grammar.Entry.obj (a_LIDENT : 'a_LIDENT Grammar.Entry.e))],
@@ -1805,10 +1743,7 @@ Grammar.extend
(Grammar.Entry.obj (a_UIDENT : 'a_UIDENT Grammar.Entry.e))],
(fun (i : 'a_UIDENT) (loc : int * int) ->
- (Node ("PaUid", [Loc; i]) : 'patt_label_ident));
- [Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (anti_ : 'anti_ Grammar.Entry.e))],
- Gramext.action
- (fun (a : 'anti_) (loc : int * int) -> (a : 'patt_label_ident))]];
+ (Node ("PaUid", [Loc; i]) : 'patt_label_ident))]];
Grammar.Entry.obj (ipatt : 'ipatt Grammar.Entry.e), None,
[None, None,
[[Gramext.Stoken ("", "_")],
@@ -1819,13 +1754,6 @@ Grammar.extend
(fun (s : 'a_LIDENT) (loc : int * int) ->
(Node ("PaLid", [Loc; s]) : 'ipatt));
- [Gramext.Stoken ("", "(");
- Gramext.Snterm
- (Grammar.Entry.obj (anti_list : 'anti_list Grammar.Entry.e));
- Gramext.Stoken ("", ")")],
- Gramext.action
- (fun _ (pl : 'anti_list) _ (loc : int * int) ->
- (Node ("PaTup", [Loc; pl]) : 'ipatt));
[Gramext.Stoken ("", "("); Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", ",");
@@ -1876,10 +1804,7 @@ Grammar.extend
Gramext.Stoken ("", "}")],
(fun _ (lpl : ast) _ (loc : int * int) ->
- (Node ("PaRec", [Loc; lpl]) : 'ipatt));
- [Gramext.Snterm
- (Grammar.Entry.obj (a_ipatt : 'a_ipatt Grammar.Entry.e))],
- Gramext.action (fun (a : 'a_ipatt) (loc : int * int) -> (a : 'ipatt))]];
+ (Node ("PaRec", [Loc; lpl]) : 'ipatt))]];
Grammar.Entry.obj (label_ipatt : 'label_ipatt Grammar.Entry.e), None,
[None, None,
@@ -2024,13 +1949,6 @@ Grammar.extend
(Node ("TySum", [Loc; cdl]) : 'ctyp));
[Gramext.Stoken ("", "("); Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", ")")],
Gramext.action (fun _ (t : 'ctyp) _ (loc : int * int) -> (t : 'ctyp));
- [Gramext.Stoken ("", "(");
- Gramext.Snterm
- (Grammar.Entry.obj (anti_list : 'anti_list Grammar.Entry.e));
- Gramext.Stoken ("", ")")],
- Gramext.action
- (fun _ (tl : 'anti_list) _ (loc : int * int) ->
- (Node ("TyTup", [Loc; tl]) : 'ctyp));
[Gramext.Stoken ("", "("); Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", "*");
@@ -2064,9 +1982,7 @@ Grammar.extend
Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (ident : 'ident Grammar.Entry.e))],
(fun (i : 'ident) _ (loc : int * int) ->
- (Node ("TyQuo", [Loc; i]) : 'ctyp));
- [Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (a_ctyp : 'a_ctyp Grammar.Entry.e))],
- Gramext.action (fun (a : 'a_ctyp) (loc : int * int) -> (a : 'ctyp))]];
+ (Node ("TyQuo", [Loc; i]) : 'ctyp))]];
(constructor_declaration : 'constructor_declaration Grammar.Entry.e),
@@ -3291,95 +3207,148 @@ Grammar.extend
(Grammar.Entry.obj (anti_opt : 'anti_opt Grammar.Entry.e))],
(fun (a : 'anti_opt) (loc : int * int) -> (a : 'dir_param))]];
- Grammar.Entry.obj (a_module_expr : 'a_module_expr Grammar.Entry.e), None,
+ Grammar.Entry.obj (module_expr : 'module_expr Grammar.Entry.e),
+ Some (Gramext.Level "simple"),
[None, None,
[[Gramext.Stoken ("ANTIQUOT", "")],
(fun (a : string) (loc : int * int) ->
- (antiquot "" loc a : 'a_module_expr));
+ (antiquot "" loc a : 'module_expr));
[Gramext.Stoken ("ANTIQUOT", "mexp")],
(fun (a : string) (loc : int * int) ->
- (antiquot "mexp" loc a : 'a_module_expr))]];
- Grammar.Entry.obj (a_str_item : 'a_str_item Grammar.Entry.e), None,
+ (antiquot "mexp" loc a : 'module_expr))]];
+ Grammar.Entry.obj (str_item : 'str_item Grammar.Entry.e),
+ Some (Gramext.Level "top"),
[None, None,
[[Gramext.Stoken ("ANTIQUOT", "")],
(fun (a : string) (loc : int * int) ->
- (antiquot "" loc a : 'a_str_item));
+ (antiquot "" loc a : 'str_item));
[Gramext.Stoken ("ANTIQUOT", "stri")],
(fun (a : string) (loc : int * int) ->
- (antiquot "stri" loc a : 'a_str_item))]];
- Grammar.Entry.obj (a_module_type : 'a_module_type Grammar.Entry.e), None,
+ (antiquot "stri" loc a : 'str_item))]];
+ Grammar.Entry.obj (module_type : 'module_type Grammar.Entry.e),
+ Some (Gramext.Level "simple"),
[None, None,
[[Gramext.Stoken ("ANTIQUOT", "")],
(fun (a : string) (loc : int * int) ->
- (antiquot "" loc a : 'a_module_type));
+ (antiquot "" loc a : 'module_type));
[Gramext.Stoken ("ANTIQUOT", "mtyp")],
(fun (a : string) (loc : int * int) ->
- (antiquot "mtyp" loc a : 'a_module_type))]];
- Grammar.Entry.obj (a_sig_item : 'a_sig_item Grammar.Entry.e), None,
+ (antiquot "mtyp" loc a : 'module_type))]];
+ Grammar.Entry.obj (sig_item : 'sig_item Grammar.Entry.e),
+ Some (Gramext.Level "top"),
[None, None,
[[Gramext.Stoken ("ANTIQUOT", "")],
(fun (a : string) (loc : int * int) ->
- (antiquot "" loc a : 'a_sig_item));
+ (antiquot "" loc a : 'sig_item));
[Gramext.Stoken ("ANTIQUOT", "sigi")],
(fun (a : string) (loc : int * int) ->
- (antiquot "sigi" loc a : 'a_sig_item))]];
- Grammar.Entry.obj (a_expr : 'a_expr Grammar.Entry.e), None,
+ (antiquot "sigi" loc a : 'sig_item))]];
+ Grammar.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Grammar.Entry.e),
+ Some (Gramext.Level "simple"),
[None, None,
- [[Gramext.Stoken ("ANTIQUOT", "anti")],
+ [[Gramext.Stoken ("", "(");
+ Gramext.Snterm
+ (Grammar.Entry.obj (anti_list : 'anti_list Grammar.Entry.e));
+ Gramext.Stoken ("", ")")],
+ Gramext.action
+ (fun _ (el : 'anti_list) _ (loc : int * int) ->
+ (Node ("ExTup", [Loc; el]) : 'expr));
+ [Gramext.Stoken ("ANTIQUOT", "anti")],
(fun (a : string) (loc : int * int) ->
- (Node ("ExAnt", [Loc; antiquot "anti" loc a]) : 'a_expr));
+ (Node ("ExAnt", [Loc; antiquot "anti" loc a]) : 'expr));
[Gramext.Stoken ("ANTIQUOT", "")],
- (fun (a : string) (loc : int * int) -> (antiquot "" loc a : 'a_expr));
+ (fun (a : string) (loc : int * int) -> (antiquot "" loc a : 'expr));
[Gramext.Stoken ("ANTIQUOT", "exp")],
(fun (a : string) (loc : int * int) ->
- (antiquot "exp" loc a : 'a_expr))]];
- Grammar.Entry.obj (a_patt : 'a_patt Grammar.Entry.e), None,
+ (antiquot "exp" loc a : 'expr))]];
+ Grammar.Entry.obj (sequence : 'sequence Grammar.Entry.e), None,
+ [None, None,
+ [[Gramext.Stoken ("ANTIQUOT", "list")],
+ Gramext.action
+ (fun (a : string) (loc : int * int) ->
+ (antiquot "list" loc a : 'sequence))]];
+ Grammar.Entry.obj (expr_ident : 'expr_ident Grammar.Entry.e), None,
[None, None,
- [[Gramext.Stoken ("ANTIQUOT", "anti")],
+ [[Gramext.Stoken ("ANTIQUOT", "")],
+ Gramext.action
+ (fun (a : string) (loc : int * int) ->
+ (antiquot "" loc a : 'expr_ident))]];
+ Grammar.Entry.obj (patt : 'patt Grammar.Entry.e),
+ Some (Gramext.Level "simple"),
+ [None, None,
+ [[Gramext.Stoken ("", "(");
+ Gramext.Snterm
+ (Grammar.Entry.obj (anti_list : 'anti_list Grammar.Entry.e));
+ Gramext.Stoken ("", ")")],
+ Gramext.action
+ (fun _ (pl : 'anti_list) _ (loc : int * int) ->
+ (Node ("PaTup", [Loc; pl]) : 'patt));
+ [Gramext.Stoken ("ANTIQUOT", "anti")],
(fun (a : string) (loc : int * int) ->
- (Node ("PaAnt", [Loc; antiquot "anti" loc a]) : 'a_patt));
+ (Node ("PaAnt", [Loc; antiquot "anti" loc a]) : 'patt));
[Gramext.Stoken ("ANTIQUOT", "")],
- (fun (a : string) (loc : int * int) -> (antiquot "" loc a : 'a_patt));
+ (fun (a : string) (loc : int * int) -> (antiquot "" loc a : 'patt));
[Gramext.Stoken ("ANTIQUOT", "pat")],
(fun (a : string) (loc : int * int) ->
- (antiquot "pat" loc a : 'a_patt))]];
- Grammar.Entry.obj (a_ipatt : 'a_ipatt Grammar.Entry.e), None,
+ (antiquot "pat" loc a : 'patt))]];
+ Grammar.Entry.obj (patt_label_ident : 'patt_label_ident Grammar.Entry.e),
+ Some (Gramext.Level "simple"),
[None, None,
- [[Gramext.Stoken ("ANTIQUOT", "anti")],
+ [[Gramext.Stoken ("ANTIQUOT", "")],
(fun (a : string) (loc : int * int) ->
- (Node ("PaAnt", [Loc; antiquot "anti" loc a]) : 'a_ipatt));
- [Gramext.Stoken ("ANTIQUOT", "")],
+ (antiquot "" loc a : 'patt_label_ident))]];
+ Grammar.Entry.obj (ipatt : 'ipatt Grammar.Entry.e), None,
+ [None, None,
+ [[Gramext.Stoken ("", "(");
+ Gramext.Snterm
+ (Grammar.Entry.obj (anti_list : 'anti_list Grammar.Entry.e));
+ Gramext.Stoken ("", ")")],
+ Gramext.action
+ (fun _ (pl : 'anti_list) _ (loc : int * int) ->
+ (Node ("PaTup", [Loc; pl]) : 'ipatt));
+ [Gramext.Stoken ("ANTIQUOT", "anti")],
(fun (a : string) (loc : int * int) ->
- (antiquot "" loc a : 'a_ipatt));
+ (Node ("PaAnt", [Loc; antiquot "anti" loc a]) : 'ipatt));
+ [Gramext.Stoken ("ANTIQUOT", "")],
+ Gramext.action
+ (fun (a : string) (loc : int * int) -> (antiquot "" loc a : 'ipatt));
[Gramext.Stoken ("ANTIQUOT", "pat")],
(fun (a : string) (loc : int * int) ->
- (antiquot "pat" loc a : 'a_ipatt))]];
- Grammar.Entry.obj (a_ctyp : 'a_ctyp Grammar.Entry.e), None,
+ (antiquot "pat" loc a : 'ipatt))]];
+ Grammar.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Grammar.Entry.e),
+ Some (Gramext.Level "simple"),
[None, None,
- [[Gramext.Stoken ("ANTIQUOT", "")],
+ [[Gramext.Stoken ("", "(");
+ Gramext.Snterm
+ (Grammar.Entry.obj (anti_list : 'anti_list Grammar.Entry.e));
+ Gramext.Stoken ("", ")")],
+ Gramext.action
+ (fun _ (tl : 'anti_list) _ (loc : int * int) ->
+ (Node ("TyTup", [Loc; tl]) : 'ctyp));
+ [Gramext.Stoken ("ANTIQUOT", "")],
- (fun (a : string) (loc : int * int) -> (antiquot "" loc a : 'a_ctyp));
+ (fun (a : string) (loc : int * int) -> (antiquot "" loc a : 'ctyp));
[Gramext.Stoken ("ANTIQUOT", "typ")],
(fun (a : string) (loc : int * int) ->
- (antiquot "typ" loc a : 'a_ctyp))]];
+ (antiquot "typ" loc a : 'ctyp))]];
Grammar.Entry.obj (a_mod_ident : 'a_mod_ident Grammar.Entry.e), None,
[None, None,
[[Gramext.Stoken ("ANTIQUOT", "")],