path: root/debugger/
diff options
authorPierre Weis <>2000-03-06 22:12:09 +0000
committerPierre Weis <>2000-03-06 22:12:09 +0000
commitb96208b7a247cbb6d9d162fbfaf54448af33589c (patch)
treea63fb52f6e36ca47129637586cf6d0fd3d576733 /debugger/
parenta56ae9a35f7cb4b5ccd128c2b9610b4913d71331 (diff)
Revu les impressions du compilateur
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
Diffstat (limited to 'debugger/')
1 files changed, 33 insertions, 29 deletions
diff --git a/debugger/ b/debugger/
index dfa1557f5..5024cf5af 100644
--- a/debugger/
+++ b/debugger/
@@ -160,44 +160,48 @@ and find_label lbl env ty path tydesc pos = function
(* Error report *)
-open Formatmsg
+open Format
-let report_error error =
- open_box 0;
- begin match error with
- Unbound_identifier id ->
- printf "Unbound identifier %s" ( id)
+let report_error ppf = function
+ | Unbound_identifier id ->
+ fprintf ppf "@[Unbound identifier %s@]@." ( id)
| Not_initialized_yet path ->
- print_string "The module path "; Printtyp.path path;
- printf " is not yet initialized.@ ";
- print_string "Please run program forward until its initialization code is executed."
+ fprintf ppf
+ "@[The module path %a is not yet initialized.@ \
+ Please run program forward@ \
+ until its initialization code is executed.@]@."
+ Printtyp.path path
| Unbound_long_identifier lid ->
- print_string "Unbound identifier "; Printtyp.longident lid
+ fprintf ppf "@[Unbound identifier %a@]@." Printtyp.longident lid
| Unknown_name n ->
- printf "Unknown value name $%i" n
+ fprintf ppf "@[Unknown value name $%i@]@." n
| Tuple_index(ty, len, pos) ->
- printf "Cannot extract field number %i from a %i" pos len;
- print_string "-components tuple of type ";
- Printtyp.reset (); Printtyp.mark_loops ty;
- print_space(); Printtyp.type_expr ty
+ Printtyp.reset_and_mark_loops ty;
+ fprintf ppf
+ "@[Cannot extract field number %i from a %i-components \
+ tuple of type@ %a@]@."
+ pos len Printtyp.type_expr ty
| Array_index(len, pos) ->
- printf "Cannot extract element number %i from array of length %i" pos len
+ fprintf ppf
+ "@[Cannot extract element number %i from array of length %i@]@." pos len
| List_index(len, pos) ->
- printf "Cannot extract element number %i from list of length %i" pos len
+ fprintf ppf
+ "@[Cannot extract element number %i from list of length %i@]@." pos len
| String_index(s, len, pos) ->
- printf "Cannot extract character number %i" pos;
- printf " from the following string of length %i:@ \"%s\""
- len (String.escaped s)
+ fprintf ppf
+ "@[Cannot extract character number %i@ \
+ from the following string of length %i:@ \"%s\"@]@."
+ pos len (String.escaped s)
| Wrong_item_type(ty, pos) ->
- printf "Cannot extract item number %i from a value of type@ " pos;
- Printtyp.type_expr ty
+ fprintf ppf
+ "@[Cannot extract item number %i from a value of type@ %a@]@."
+ pos Printtyp.type_expr ty
| Wrong_label(ty, lbl) ->
- printf "The record type@ "; Printtyp.type_expr ty;
- printf "@ has no label named %s" lbl
+ fprintf ppf
+ "@[The record type@ %a@ has no label named %s@]@."
+ Printtyp.type_expr ty lbl
| Not_a_record ty ->
- printf "The type@ "; Printtyp.type_expr ty;
- print_string "@ is not a record type"
+ fprintf ppf
+ "@[The type@ %a@ is not a record type@]@." Printtyp.type_expr ty
| No_result ->
- print_string "No result available at current program event"
- end;
- close_box(); print_newline()
+ fprintf ppf "@[No result available at current program event@]@."