path: root/experimental
diff options
authorAlain Frisch <>2013-08-28 17:10:04 +0000
committerAlain Frisch <>2013-08-28 17:10:04 +0000
commit842f6794a956a726f73e9beb63e679cf7a9d679b (patch)
treee7417d4fcd7c56c84858a9e23f2a2228ee8e3462 /experimental
parentb0d5fc28a26e5a35ed8513ce939a5dd8e1a21a0d (diff)
parenta18853fde97e44a7ff21184c77998f94edfa14f7 (diff)
Synchronize with trunk.
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
Diffstat (limited to 'experimental')
-rw-r--r--experimental/garrigue/caml_set_oid.diff (renamed from experimental/garrigue/caml_set_oid.diffs)0
-rw-r--r--experimental/garrigue/coerce.diff (renamed from experimental/garrigue/coerce.diffs)0
-rw-r--r--experimental/garrigue/gadt-escape-check.diff (renamed from experimental/garrigue/gadt-escape-check.diffs)0
-rw-r--r--experimental/garrigue/marshal_objects.diff (renamed from experimental/garrigue/marshal_objects.diffs)0
-rw-r--r--experimental/garrigue/module-errors.diff (renamed from experimental/garrigue/module-errors.diffs)0
-rw-r--r--experimental/garrigue/multimatch.diff (renamed from experimental/garrigue/multimatch.diffs)0
-rw-r--r--experimental/garrigue/objvariant.diff (renamed from experimental/garrigue/objvariant.diffs)0
-rw-r--r--experimental/garrigue/parser-lessminus.diff (renamed from experimental/garrigue/parser-lessminus.diffs)0
-rw-r--r--experimental/garrigue/pattern-local-types.diff (renamed from experimental/garrigue/pattern-local-types.diffs)0
-rw-r--r--experimental/garrigue/valvirt.diff (renamed from experimental/garrigue/valvirt.diffs)0
-rw-r--r--experimental/garrigue/variable-names-Tvar.diff (renamed from experimental/garrigue/variable-names-Tvar.diffs)0
16 files changed, 1377 insertions, 342 deletions
diff --git a/experimental/garrigue/caml_set_oid.diffs b/experimental/garrigue/caml_set_oid.diff
index aaaa160ef..aaaa160ef 100644
--- a/experimental/garrigue/caml_set_oid.diffs
+++ b/experimental/garrigue/caml_set_oid.diff
diff --git a/experimental/garrigue/coerce.diffs b/experimental/garrigue/coerce.diff
index e90e1fc93..e90e1fc93 100644
--- a/experimental/garrigue/coerce.diffs
+++ b/experimental/garrigue/coerce.diff
diff --git a/experimental/garrigue/gadt-escape-check.diffs b/experimental/garrigue/gadt-escape-check.diff
index 3e4a44e2b..3e4a44e2b 100644
--- a/experimental/garrigue/gadt-escape-check.diffs
+++ b/experimental/garrigue/gadt-escape-check.diff
diff --git a/experimental/garrigue/marshal_objects.diffs b/experimental/garrigue/marshal_objects.diff
index bb9b4dd71..bb9b4dd71 100644
--- a/experimental/garrigue/marshal_objects.diffs
+++ b/experimental/garrigue/marshal_objects.diff
diff --git a/experimental/garrigue/module-errors.diffs b/experimental/garrigue/module-errors.diff
index 2f8c2bc28..2f8c2bc28 100644
--- a/experimental/garrigue/module-errors.diffs
+++ b/experimental/garrigue/module-errors.diff
diff --git a/experimental/garrigue/multimatch.diffs b/experimental/garrigue/multimatch.diff
index 6eb34b72e..6eb34b72e 100644
--- a/experimental/garrigue/multimatch.diffs
+++ b/experimental/garrigue/multimatch.diff
diff --git a/experimental/garrigue/nongeneral-let.diff b/experimental/garrigue/nongeneral-let.diff
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bcdc69e84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/experimental/garrigue/nongeneral-let.diff
@@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
+Index: camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/
+--- camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/ (revision 14037)
++++ camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/ (working copy)
+@@ -35,17 +35,17 @@
+ open Structure;
+ value raise_rule_not_found entry symbols =
+- let to_string f x =
++ let to_string : !'a. (_ -> 'a -> _) -> 'a -> _ = fun [f -> fun [x ->
+ let buff = Buffer.create 128 in
+ let ppf = Format.formatter_of_buffer buff in
+ do {
+ f ppf x;
+ Format.pp_print_flush ppf ();
+ Buffer.contents buff
+- } in
+- let entry = to_string Print.entry entry in
+- let symbols = to_string Print.print_rule symbols in
+- raise (Rule_not_found (symbols, entry))
++ }]] in
++ let entry = to_string Print.entry entry in
++ let symbols = to_string Print.print_rule symbols in
++ raise (Rule_not_found (symbols, entry))
+ ;
+ (* Deleting a rule *)
+Index: camlp4/boot/
+--- camlp4/boot/ (revision 14037)
++++ camlp4/boot/ (working copy)
+@@ -18022,7 +18022,7 @@
+ open Structure
+ let raise_rule_not_found entry symbols =
+- let to_string f x =
++ let to_string : 'a. (_ -> 'a -> _) -> 'a -> _ = fun f x ->
+ let buff = Buffer.create 128 in
+ let ppf = Format.formatter_of_buffer buff
+ in
+Index: camlp4/Camlp4Filters/
+--- camlp4/Camlp4Filters/ (revision 14037)
++++ camlp4/Camlp4Filters/ (working copy)
+@@ -547,14 +547,18 @@
+ value processor =
+ let last = ref <:ctyp<>> in
+- let generate_class' generator default c s n =
++ let generate_class'
++ : !'a 'b. (_ -> 'a -> _ -> _ -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a -> _ -> _ -> 'b =
++ fun generator default c s n ->
+ match s with
+ [ "Fold" -> generator Fold c last.val n
+ | "Map" -> generator Map c last.val n
+ | "FoldMap" -> generator Fold_map c last.val n
+ | _ -> default ]
+ in
+- let generate_class_from_module_name generator c default m =
++ let generate_class_from_module_name
++ : !'a 'b. (_ -> 'a -> _ -> _ -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b -> _ -> 'b =
++ fun generator c default m ->
+ try Scanf.sscanf m "Camlp4%[^G]Generator" begin fun m' ->
+ try Scanf.sscanf m' "%[^0-9]%d" (generate_class' generator default c)
+ with [ End_of_file | Scanf.Scan_failure _ -> generate_class' generator default c m' 1 ]
+Index: stdlib/
+--- stdlib/ (revision 14037)
++++ stdlib/ (working copy)
+@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
+ let l = Array.length argv in
+ let b = Buffer.create 200 in
+ let initpos = !current in
+- let stop error =
++ let stop : 'a. _ -> 'a = fun error ->
+ let progname = if initpos < l then argv.(initpos) else "(?)" in
+ begin match error with
+ | Unknown "-help" -> ()
+Index: stdlib/
+--- stdlib/ (revision 14037)
++++ stdlib/ (working copy)
+@@ -492,7 +492,7 @@
+ Don't do this at home, kids. *)
+ let scan_format fmt args n pos cont_s cont_a cont_t cont_f cont_m =
+- let get_arg spec n =
++ let get_arg : 'a. _ -> _ -> 'a = fun spec n ->
+ Obj.magic (args.(Sformat.int_of_index (get_index spec n))) in
+ let rec scan_positional n widths i =
+Index: stdlib/
+--- stdlib/ (revision 14037)
++++ stdlib/ (working copy)
+@@ -349,7 +349,7 @@
+ init_table.env_init <- env_init
+ let dummy_class loc =
+- let undef = fun _ -> raise (Undefined_recursive_module loc) in
++ let undef : 'a 'b.'a -> 'b = fun _ -> raise (Undefined_recursive_module loc) in
+ (Obj.magic undef, undef, undef, Obj.repr 0)
+ (**** Objects ****)
+@@ -527,7 +527,7 @@
+ | Closure of closure
+ let method_impl table i arr =
+- let next () = incr i; magic arr.(!i) in
++ let next : 'a. unit -> 'a = fun () -> incr i; magic arr.(!i) in
+ match next() with
+ GetConst -> let x : t = next() in get_const x
+ | GetVar -> let n = next() in get_var n
+Index: stdlib/
+--- stdlib/ (revision 14037)
++++ stdlib/ (working copy)
+@@ -1324,10 +1324,11 @@
+ let limr = Array.length rv - 1 in
+- let return v = Obj.magic v () in
+- let delay f x () = f x in
+- let stack f = delay (return f) in
+- let no_stack f _x = f in
++ let return : 'a 'b 'c. ('a -> 'b) -> 'c = fun v -> Obj.magic v () in
++ let delay : 'a 'b. ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> unit -> 'b = fun f x () -> f x in
++ let stack : 'a 'b 'd 'e. ('a -> 'b) -> 'd -> unit -> 'e =
++ fun f -> delay (return f) in
++ let no_stack : 'a 'b. 'a -> 'b -> 'a = fun f _x -> f in
+ let rec scan fmt =
+@@ -1380,7 +1381,8 @@
+ scan_conversion skip width_opt prec_opt ir f i
+ and scan_conversion skip width_opt prec_opt ir f i =
+- let stack = if skip then no_stack else stack in
++ let stack : 'b 'd. (unit -> 'b) -> 'd -> unit -> 'b =
++ if skip then no_stack else stack in
+ let width = int_of_width_opt width_opt in
+ let prec = int_of_prec_opt prec_opt in
+ match Sformat.get fmt i with
+Index: typing/
+--- typing/ (revision 14037)
++++ typing/ (working copy)
+@@ -420,7 +420,7 @@
+ (* let signature sg = (fun item -> item.sig_type) sg *)
+-let rec transl_modtype env smty =
++let rec transl_modtype env smty : Typedtree.module_type =
+ let loc = smty.pmty_loc in
+ match smty.pmty_desc with
+ Pmty_ident lid ->
+@@ -609,7 +609,7 @@
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun env (id, _, mty) -> Env.add_module id mty.mty_type env)
+ env curr in
+- let transition env_c curr =
++ let transition : 'a. _ -> (_ * _ * 'a) list -> _ = fun env_c curr ->
+ List.map2
+ (fun (_,smty) (id,id_loc,mty) -> (id, id_loc, transl_modtype env_c smty))
+ sdecls curr in
+Index: typing/
+--- typing/ (revision 14037)
++++ typing/ (working copy)
+@@ -1373,9 +1373,9 @@
+ let ty_arrow gty ty = newty (Tarrow ("", instance_def gty, ty, Cok)) in
+- let bad_conversion fmt i c =
++ let bad_conversion : 'a. string -> int -> char -> 'a = fun fmt i c ->
+ raise (Error (loc, Env.empty, Bad_conversion (fmt, i, c))) in
+- let incomplete_format fmt =
++ let incomplete_format : 'a. string -> 'a = fun fmt ->
+ raise (Error (loc, Env.empty, Incomplete_format fmt)) in
+ let rec type_in_format fmt =
+@@ -3238,7 +3238,7 @@
+ (* Typing of let bindings *)
+-and type_let ?(check = fun s -> Warnings.Unused_var s)
++and type_let ?(global=false) ?(check = fun s -> Warnings.Unused_var s)
+ ?(check_strict = fun s -> Warnings.Unused_var_strict s)
+ env rec_flag spat_sexp_list scope allow =
+ begin_def();
+@@ -3368,7 +3368,7 @@
+ )
+ pat_list
+ in
+- let exp_list =
++ let exp_gen_list =
+ List.map2
+ (fun (spat, sexp) (pat, slot) ->
+ let sexp =
+@@ -3386,9 +3386,12 @@
+ let exp = type_expect exp_env sexp ty' in
+ end_def ();
+ check_univars env true "definition" exp pat.pat_type vars;
+- {exp with exp_type = instance env exp.exp_type}
+- | _ -> type_expect exp_env sexp pat.pat_type)
++ {exp with exp_type = instance env exp.exp_type}, true
++ | _ ->
++ type_expect exp_env sexp pat.pat_type,
++ match sexp.pexp_desc with Pexp_ident _ -> true | _ -> false)
+ spat_sexp_list pat_slot_list in
++ let exp_list, gen_list = List.split exp_gen_list in
+ current_slot := None;
+ if is_recursive && not !rec_needed
+ && Warnings.is_active Warnings.Unused_rec_flag then
+@@ -3399,10 +3402,12 @@
+ pat_list exp_list;
+ end_def();
+ List.iter2
+- (fun pat exp ->
+- if not (is_nonexpansive exp) then
++ (fun pat (exp, gen) ->
++ if not (global || gen) then
++ iter_pattern (fun pat -> generalize_structure pat.pat_type) pat
++ else if not (is_nonexpansive exp) then
+ iter_pattern (fun pat -> generalize_expansive env pat.pat_type) pat)
+- pat_list exp_list;
++ pat_list exp_gen_list;
+ List.iter
+ (fun pat -> iter_pattern (fun pat -> generalize pat.pat_type) pat)
+ pat_list;
+@@ -3413,7 +3418,7 @@
+ let type_binding env rec_flag spat_sexp_list scope =
+ Typetexp.reset_type_variables();
+ let (pat_exp_list, new_env, unpacks) =
+- type_let
++ type_let ~global:true
+ ~check:(fun s -> Warnings.Unused_value_declaration s)
+ ~check_strict:(fun s -> Warnings.Unused_value_declaration s)
+ env rec_flag spat_sexp_list scope false
+Index: typing/
+--- typing/ (revision 14037)
++++ typing/ (working copy)
+@@ -123,7 +123,8 @@
+ | Record_representation of bool
+ let report_type_mismatch0 first second decl ppf err =
+- let pr fmt = Format.fprintf ppf fmt in
++ let pr : 'a. ('a, Format.formatter, unit) format -> 'a
++ = fun fmt -> Format.fprintf ppf fmt in
+ match err with
+ Arity -> pr "They have different arities"
+ | Privacy -> pr "A private type would be revealed"
+Index: ocamldoc/
+--- ocamldoc/ (revision 14037)
++++ ocamldoc/ (working copy)
+@@ -508,7 +508,7 @@
+ bs b "</table>\n"
+ method html_of_Index_list b =
+- let index_if_not_empty l url m =
++ let index_if_not_empty : 'a. 'a list -> _ = fun l url m ->
+ match l with
+ [] -> ()
+ | _ -> bp b "<li><a href=\"%s\">%s</a></li>\n" url m
+@@ -977,7 +977,7 @@
+ (** A function to build the header of pages. *)
+ method prepare_header module_list =
+ let f b ?(nav=None) ?(comments=[]) t =
+- let link_if_not_empty l m url =
++ let link_if_not_empty : 'a. 'a list -> _ = fun l m url ->
+ match l with
+ [] -> ()
+ | _ ->
+Index: bytecomp/
+--- bytecomp/ (revision 14037)
++++ bytecomp/ (working copy)
+@@ -773,7 +773,8 @@
+ Lprim(Psetglobal target_name, [Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Immutable), components)])
+ let transl_store_package component_names target_name coercion =
+- let rec make_sequence fn pos arg =
++ let rec make_sequence : 'a. (int -> 'a -> _) -> int -> 'a list -> _ =
++ fun fn pos arg ->
+ match arg with
+ [] -> lambda_unit
+ | hd :: tl -> Lsequence(fn pos hd, make_sequence fn (pos + 1) tl) in
+Index: otherlibs/labltk/jpf/
+--- otherlibs/labltk/jpf/ (revision 14037)
++++ otherlibs/labltk/jpf/ (working copy)
+@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
+ }
+ let string_of_pattern =
+- let pat f = function
++ let pat : 'a. ('a -> string) -> 'a option -> string = fun f -> function
+ Some x -> f x
+ | None -> "*"
+ in
+Index: otherlibs/labltk/browser/
+--- otherlibs/labltk/browser/ (revision 14037)
++++ otherlibs/labltk/browser/ (working copy)
+@@ -396,7 +396,7 @@
+ let search_string_symbol text =
+ if text = "" then [] else
+ let lid = snd (longident_of_string text) [] in
+- let try_lookup f k =
++ let try_lookup : 'a. _ -> 'a -> (_ * 'a) list = fun f k ->
+ try let _ = f lid Env.initial in [lid, k]
+ with Not_found | Env.Error _ -> []
+ in
+Index: otherlibs/labltk/browser/
+--- otherlibs/labltk/browser/ (revision 14037)
++++ otherlibs/labltk/browser/ (working copy)
+@@ -117,12 +117,12 @@
+ bind_space_toggle dirbox;
+ bind_space_toggle pathbox;
+- let add_paths _ =
++ let add_paths : 'a. 'a -> unit = fun _ ->
+ add_to_path pathbox ~base:!current_dir
+ ~dirs:( (Listbox.curselection dirbox)
+ ~f:(fun x -> Listbox.get dirbox ~index:x));
+ Listbox.selection_clear dirbox ~first:(`Num 0) ~last:`End
+- and remove_paths _ =
++ and remove_paths : 'a. 'a -> unit = fun _ ->
+ remove_path pathbox
+ ~dirs:( (Listbox.curselection pathbox)
+ ~f:(fun x -> Listbox.get pathbox ~index:x))
+Index: otherlibs/labltk/browser/
+--- otherlibs/labltk/browser/ (revision 14037)
++++ otherlibs/labltk/browser/ (working copy)
+@@ -507,7 +507,8 @@
+ if i < 3 then Listbox.delete box ~first:(`Num 0) ~last:`End
+ else destroy fm
+ done;
+- let rec firsts n = function [] -> []
++ let rec firsts : 'a. int -> 'a list -> 'a list = fun n -> function
++ [] -> []
+ | a :: l -> if n > 0 then a :: firsts (pred n) l else [] in
+ shown_paths <- firsts (n-1) shown_paths;
+ boxes <- firsts (max 3 n) boxes
+Index: otherlibs/labltk/frx/
+--- otherlibs/labltk/frx/ (revision 14037)
++++ otherlibs/labltk/frx/ (working copy)
+@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
+ let e =
+ Entry.create t [Relief Sunken; TextVariable memory; TextWidth len] in
+- let activate _ =
++ let activate : 'a. 'a -> unit = fun _ ->
+ let v = Entry.get e in
+ Grab.release t; (* because of wm *)
+ destroy t; (* so action can call open_simple *)
+@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
+ let waiting = Textvariable.create_temporary t in
+- let activate _ =
++ let activate : 'a. 'a -> unit = fun _ ->
+ Grab.release t; (* because of wm *)
+ destroy t; (* so action can call open_simple *)
+ Textvariable.set waiting "1" in
+@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@
+ Listbox.insert lb End elements;
+ (* activation: we have to break() because we destroy the requester *)
+- let activate _ =
++ let activate : 'a. 'a -> unit = fun _ ->
+ let l = (Listbox.get lb) (Listbox.curselection lb) in
+ Grab.release t;
+ destroy t;
+Index: otherlibs/labltk/support/
+--- otherlibs/labltk/support/ (revision 14037)
++++ otherlibs/labltk/support/ (working copy)
+@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
+ (* This one is always created by opentk *)
+ let default_toplevel =
+ let wname = "." in
+- let w = Typed (wname, "toplevel") in
++ let w : 'a. 'a raw_widget = Typed (wname, "toplevel") in
+ Hashtbl.add table wname w;
+ w
+@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@
+ then "." ^ name
+ else parentpath ^ "." ^ name
+ in
+- let w = Typed(path,clas) in
++ let w :'a. 'a raw_widget = Typed(path,clas) in
+ Hashtbl.add table path w;
+ w
+Index: ocamlbuild/
+--- ocamlbuild/ (revision 14037)
++++ ocamlbuild/ (working copy)
+@@ -260,7 +260,8 @@
+ which is deprecated and ignored."
+ name
+ in
+- let res_add import xs xopt =
++ let res_add : 'b. ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'a option -> 'b list =
++ fun import xs xopt ->
+ let init =
+ match xopt with
+ | None -> []
+Index: ocamlbuild/
+--- ocamlbuild/ (revision 14037)
++++ ocamlbuild/ (working copy)
+@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
+ let show_documentation () =
+ let rules = Rule.get_rules () in
+ let flags = Flags.get_flags () in
+- let pp fmt = Log.raw_dprintf (-1) fmt in
++ let pp : 'a. ('a,_,_) format -> 'a = fun fmt -> Log.raw_dprintf (-1) fmt in
+ List.iter begin fun rule ->
+ pp "%a@\n@\n" (Rule.pretty_print Resource.print_pattern) rule
+ end rules;
diff --git a/experimental/garrigue/objvariant.diffs b/experimental/garrigue/objvariant.diff
index 75deb24cd..75deb24cd 100644
--- a/experimental/garrigue/objvariant.diffs
+++ b/experimental/garrigue/objvariant.diff
diff --git a/experimental/garrigue/parser-lessminus.diffs b/experimental/garrigue/parser-lessminus.diff
index 7b535307c..7b535307c 100644
--- a/experimental/garrigue/parser-lessminus.diffs
+++ b/experimental/garrigue/parser-lessminus.diff
diff --git a/experimental/garrigue/pattern-local-types.diffs b/experimental/garrigue/pattern-local-types.diff
index 0e6f00a2e..0e6f00a2e 100644
--- a/experimental/garrigue/pattern-local-types.diffs
+++ b/experimental/garrigue/pattern-local-types.diff
diff --git a/experimental/garrigue/show_types.diff b/experimental/garrigue/show_types.diff
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f59105ee9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/experimental/garrigue/show_types.diff
@@ -0,0 +1,419 @@
+Index: parsing/printast.mli
+--- parsing/printast.mli (revision 13955)
++++ parsing/printast.mli (working copy)
+@@ -16,3 +16,4 @@
+ val interface : formatter -> signature_item list -> unit;;
+ val implementation : formatter -> structure_item list -> unit;;
+ val top_phrase : formatter -> toplevel_phrase -> unit;;
++val string_of_kind : ident_kind -> string;;
+Index: parsing/
+--- parsing/ (revision 13955)
++++ parsing/ (working copy)
+@@ -1192,8 +1192,10 @@
+ | Pdir_none -> ()
+ | Pdir_string (s) -> pp f "@ %S" s
+ | Pdir_int (i) -> pp f "@ %d" i
+- | Pdir_ident (li) -> pp f "@ %a" self#longident li
+- | Pdir_bool (b) -> pp f "@ %s" (string_of_bool b))
++ | Pdir_ident {txt=li} -> pp f "@ %a" self#longident li
++ | Pdir_bool (b) -> pp f "@ %s" (string_of_bool b)
++ | Pdir_show (k, {txt=li}) ->
++ pp f "@ %s %a" (Printast.string_of_kind k) self#longident li)
+ method toplevel_phrase f x =
+ match x with
+Index: parsing/parser.mly
+--- parsing/parser.mly (revision 13955)
++++ parsing/parser.mly (working copy)
+@@ -516,9 +516,9 @@
+ | SEMISEMI EOF { [] }
+ | SEMISEMI seq_expr use_file_tail { Ptop_def[mkstrexp $2] :: $3 }
+ | SEMISEMI structure_item use_file_tail { Ptop_def[$2] :: $3 }
+- | SEMISEMI toplevel_directive use_file_tail { $2 :: $3 }
+ | structure_item use_file_tail { Ptop_def[$1] :: $2 }
+- | toplevel_directive use_file_tail { $1 :: $2 }
++ | SEMISEMI toplevel_directive SEMISEMI use_file_tail { $2 :: $4 }
++ | toplevel_directive SEMISEMI use_file_tail { $1 :: $3 }
+ ;
+ /* Module expressions */
+@@ -1779,16 +1779,26 @@
+ | FALSE { Lident "false" }
+ | TRUE { Lident "true" }
+ ;
++ VAL { Pkind_val }
++ | TYPE { Pkind_type }
++ | EXCEPTION { Pkind_exception }
++ | MODULE { Pkind_module }
++ | MODULE TYPE { Pkind_modtype }
++ | CLASS { Pkind_class }
++ | CLASS TYPE { Pkind_cltype }
+ /* Toplevel directives */
+ toplevel_directive:
+- SHARP ident { Ptop_dir($2, Pdir_none) }
+- | SHARP ident STRING { Ptop_dir($2, Pdir_string $3) }
+- | SHARP ident INT { Ptop_dir($2, Pdir_int $3) }
+- | SHARP ident val_longident { Ptop_dir($2, Pdir_ident $3) }
+- | SHARP ident FALSE { Ptop_dir($2, Pdir_bool false) }
+- | SHARP ident TRUE { Ptop_dir($2, Pdir_bool true) }
++ SHARP ident { Ptop_dir($2, Pdir_none) }
++ | SHARP ident STRING { Ptop_dir($2, Pdir_string $3) }
++ | SHARP ident INT { Ptop_dir($2, Pdir_int $3) }
++ | SHARP ident val_longident { Ptop_dir($2, Pdir_ident (mkrhs $3 3)) }
++ | SHARP ident ident_kind any_longident { Ptop_dir($2, Pdir_show ($3, mkrhs $4 4)) }
++ | SHARP ident FALSE { Ptop_dir($2, Pdir_bool false) }
++ | SHARP ident TRUE { Ptop_dir($2, Pdir_bool true) }
+ ;
+ /* Miscellaneous */
+Index: parsing/parsetree.mli
+--- parsing/parsetree.mli (revision 13955)
++++ parsing/parsetree.mli (working copy)
+@@ -294,6 +294,15 @@
+ (* Toplevel phrases *)
++type ident_kind =
++ Pkind_val
++ | Pkind_type
++ | Pkind_exception
++ | Pkind_module
++ | Pkind_modtype
++ | Pkind_class
++ | Pkind_cltype
+ type toplevel_phrase =
+ Ptop_def of structure
+ | Ptop_dir of string * directive_argument
+@@ -302,5 +311,6 @@
+ Pdir_none
+ | Pdir_string of string
+ | Pdir_int of int
+- | Pdir_ident of Longident.t
++ | Pdir_ident of Longident.t Location.loc
++ | Pdir_show of ident_kind * Longident.t Location.loc
+ | Pdir_bool of bool
+Index: parsing/
+--- parsing/ (revision 13955)
++++ parsing/ (working copy)
+@@ -737,6 +737,16 @@
+ core_type (i+1) ppf ct
+ ;;
++let string_of_kind = function
++ Pkind_val -> "val"
++ | Pkind_type -> "type"
++ | Pkind_exception -> "exception"
++ | Pkind_module -> "module"
++ | Pkind_modtype -> "module type"
++ | Pkind_class -> "class"
++ | Pkind_cltype -> "class type"
+ let rec toplevel_phrase i ppf x =
+ match x with
+ | Ptop_def (s) ->
+@@ -751,7 +761,9 @@
+ | Pdir_none -> line i ppf "Pdir_none\n"
+ | Pdir_string (s) -> line i ppf "Pdir_string \"%s\"\n" s;
+ | Pdir_int (i) -> line i ppf "Pdir_int %d\n" i;
+- | Pdir_ident (li) -> line i ppf "Pdir_ident %a\n" fmt_longident li;
++ | Pdir_ident {txt=li} -> line i ppf "Pdir_ident %a\n" fmt_longident li;
++ | Pdir_show (kind,{txt=li}) ->
++ line i ppf "Pdir_show %s %a\n" (string_of_kind kind) fmt_longident li;
+ | Pdir_bool (b) -> line i ppf "Pdir_bool %s\n" (string_of_bool b);
+ ;;
+Index: toplevel/
+--- toplevel/ (revision 13955)
++++ toplevel/ (working copy)
+@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@
+ | Directive_string of (string -> unit)
+ | Directive_int of (int -> unit)
+ | Directive_ident of (Longident.t -> unit)
++ | Directive_show of (ident_kind -> Longident.t -> unit)
+ | Directive_bool of (bool -> unit)
+@@ -270,6 +271,7 @@
+ | (Directive_string f, Pdir_string s) -> f s; true
+ | (Directive_int f, Pdir_int n) -> f n; true
+ | (Directive_ident f, Pdir_ident lid) -> f lid; true
++ | (Directive_show f, Pdir_show (kind,lid)) -> f kind lid; true
+ | (Directive_bool f, Pdir_bool b) -> f b; true
+ | (_, _) ->
+ fprintf ppf "Wrong type of argument for directive `%s'.@." dir_name;
+Index: toplevel/
+--- toplevel/ (revision 13955)
++++ toplevel/ (working copy)
+@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
+ open Format
+ open Misc
+ open Longident
++open Parsetree
+ open Types
+ open Cmo_format
+ open Trace
+@@ -191,9 +192,9 @@
+ Ctype.generalize ty_arg;
+ ty_arg
+-let find_printer_type ppf lid =
++let find_printer_type ppf {Location.loc; txt=lid} =
+ try
+- let (path, desc) = Env.lookup_value lid !toplevel_env in
++ let (path, desc) = Typetexp.find_value !toplevel_env loc lid in
+ let (ty_arg, is_old_style) =
+ try
+ (match_printer_type ppf desc "printer_type_new", false)
+@@ -201,12 +202,12 @@
+ (match_printer_type ppf desc "printer_type_old", true) in
+ (ty_arg, path, is_old_style)
+ with
+- | Not_found ->
+- fprintf ppf "Unbound value %a.@." Printtyp.longident lid;
++ Typetexp.Error _ as exn ->
++ Errors.report_error ppf exn;
+ raise Exit
+ | Ctype.Unify _ ->
+ fprintf ppf "%a has a wrong type for a printing function.@."
+- Printtyp.longident lid;
++ Printtyp.longident lid;
+ raise Exit
+ let dir_install_printer ppf lid =
+@@ -227,7 +228,7 @@
+ begin try
+ remove_printer path
+ with Not_found ->
+- fprintf ppf "No printer named %a.@." Printtyp.longident lid
++ fprintf ppf "No printer named %a.@." Printtyp.longident lid.Location.txt
+ end
+ with Exit -> ()
+@@ -244,9 +245,9 @@
+ get_code_pointer
+ (Obj.repr (fun arg -> Trace.print_trace (current_environment()) arg))
+-let dir_trace ppf lid =
++let dir_trace ppf {Location.loc; txt=lid} =
+ try
+- let (path, desc) = Env.lookup_value lid !toplevel_env in
++ let (path, desc) = Typetexp.find_value !toplevel_env loc lid in
+ (* Check if this is a primitive *)
+ match desc.val_kind with
+ | Val_prim p ->
+@@ -278,11 +279,11 @@
+ fprintf ppf "%a is now traced.@." Printtyp.longident lid
+ end else fprintf ppf "%a is not a function.@." Printtyp.longident lid
+ with
+- | Not_found -> fprintf ppf "Unbound value %a.@." Printtyp.longident lid
++ Typetexp.Error _ as exn -> Errors.report_error ppf exn
+-let dir_untrace ppf lid =
++let dir_untrace ppf {Location.loc; txt=lid} =
+ try
+- let (path, desc) = Env.lookup_value lid !toplevel_env in
++ let (path, desc) = Typetexp.find_value !toplevel_env loc lid in
+ let rec remove = function
+ | [] ->
+ fprintf ppf "%a was not traced.@." Printtyp.longident lid;
+@@ -295,7 +296,7 @@
+ end else f :: remove rem in
+ traced_functions := remove !traced_functions
+ with
+- | Not_found -> fprintf ppf "Unbound value %a.@." Printtyp.longident lid
++ Typetexp.Error _ as exn -> Errors.report_error ppf exn
+ let dir_untrace_all ppf () =
+ List.iter
+@@ -305,10 +306,74 @@
+ !traced_functions;
+ traced_functions := []
++(* Warnings *)
+ let parse_warnings ppf iserr s =
+ try Warnings.parse_options iserr s
+ with Arg.Bad err -> fprintf ppf "%s.@." err
++(* Typing information *)
++let rec trim_modtype = function
++ Mty_signature _ -> Mty_signature []
++ | Mty_functor (id, mty, mty') ->
++ Mty_functor (id, mty, trim_modtype mty')
++ | Mty_ident _ as mty -> mty
++let trim_signature = function
++ Mty_signature sg ->
++ Mty_signature
++ (
++ (function
++ Sig_module (id, mty, rs) ->
++ Sig_module (id, trim_modtype mty, rs)
++ (*| Sig_modtype (id, Modtype_manifest mty) ->
++ Sig_modtype (id, Modtype_manifest (trim_modtype mty))*)
++ | item -> item)
++ sg)
++ | mty -> mty
++let dir_show ppf kind {Location.loc; txt=lid} =
++ let env = !Toploop.toplevel_env in
++ try
++ let id =
++ let s = match lid with
++ Longident.Lident s -> s
++ | Longident.Ldot (_,s) -> s
++ | Longident.Lapply _ -> failwith "invalid"
++ in Ident.create_persistent s
++ in
++ let item =
++ match kind with
++ Pkind_val ->
++ let path, desc = Typetexp.find_value env loc lid in
++ Sig_value (id, desc)
++ | Pkind_type ->
++ let path, desc = Typetexp.find_type env loc lid in
++ Sig_type (id, desc, Trec_not)
++ | Pkind_exception ->
++ let desc = Typetexp.find_constructor env loc lid in
++ Sig_exception (id, {exn_args=desc.cstr_args; exn_loc=Location.none})
++ | Pkind_module ->
++ let path, desc = Typetexp.find_module env loc lid in
++ Sig_module (id, trim_signature desc, Trec_not)
++ | Pkind_modtype ->
++ let path, desc = Typetexp.find_modtype env loc lid in
++ Sig_modtype (id, desc)
++ | Pkind_class ->
++ let path, desc = Typetexp.find_class env loc lid in
++ Sig_class (id, desc, Trec_not)
++ | Pkind_cltype ->
++ let path, desc = Typetexp.find_class_type env loc lid in
++ Sig_class_type (id, desc, Trec_not)
++ in
++ fprintf ppf "%a@." Printtyp.signature [item]
++ with
++ Not_found ->
++ fprintf ppf "Unknown %s.@." (Printast.string_of_kind kind)
++ | Failure "invalid" ->
++ fprintf ppf "Invalid path %a@." Printtyp.longident lid
+ let _ =
+ Hashtbl.add directive_table "trace" (Directive_ident (dir_trace std_out));
+ Hashtbl.add directive_table "untrace" (Directive_ident (dir_untrace std_out));
+@@ -337,4 +402,7 @@
+ (Directive_string (parse_warnings std_out false));
+ Hashtbl.add directive_table "warn_error"
+- (Directive_string (parse_warnings std_out true))
++ (Directive_string (parse_warnings std_out true));
++ Hashtbl.add directive_table "show"
++ (Directive_show (dir_show std_out))
+Index: toplevel/
+--- toplevel/ (revision 13955)
++++ toplevel/ (working copy)
+@@ -25,7 +25,8 @@
+ | Directive_none of (unit -> unit)
+ | Directive_string of (string -> unit)
+ | Directive_int of (int -> unit)
+- | Directive_ident of (Longident.t -> unit)
++ | Directive_ident of (Longident.t Location.loc -> unit)
++ | Directive_show of (ident_kind -> Longident.t Location.loc -> unit)
+ | Directive_bool of (bool -> unit)
+ (* The table of toplevel value bindings and its accessors *)
+@@ -280,6 +281,7 @@
+ | (Directive_string f, Pdir_string s) -> f s; true
+ | (Directive_int f, Pdir_int n) -> f n; true
+ | (Directive_ident f, Pdir_ident lid) -> f lid; true
++ | (Directive_show f, Pdir_show (kind,lid)) -> f kind lid; true
+ | (Directive_bool f, Pdir_bool b) -> f b; true
+ | (_, _) ->
+ fprintf ppf "Wrong type of argument for directive `%s'.@." dir_name;
+Index: toplevel/topdirs.mli
+--- toplevel/topdirs.mli (revision 13955)
++++ toplevel/topdirs.mli (working copy)
+@@ -20,11 +20,12 @@
+ val dir_cd : string -> unit
+ val dir_load : formatter -> string -> unit
+ val dir_use : formatter -> string -> unit
+-val dir_install_printer : formatter -> Longident.t -> unit
+-val dir_remove_printer : formatter -> Longident.t -> unit
+-val dir_trace : formatter -> Longident.t -> unit
+-val dir_untrace : formatter -> Longident.t -> unit
++val dir_install_printer : formatter -> Longident.t Location.loc -> unit
++val dir_remove_printer : formatter -> Longident.t Location.loc -> unit
++val dir_trace : formatter -> Longident.t Location.loc -> unit
++val dir_untrace : formatter -> Longident.t Location.loc -> unit
+ val dir_untrace_all : formatter -> unit -> unit
++val dir_show : formatter -> Parsetree.ident_kind -> Longident.t Location.loc -> unit
+ type 'a printer_type_new = Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit
+ type 'a printer_type_old = 'a -> unit
+Index: toplevel/toploop.mli
+--- toplevel/toploop.mli (revision 13955)
++++ toplevel/toploop.mli (working copy)
+@@ -37,7 +37,8 @@
+ | Directive_none of (unit -> unit)
+ | Directive_string of (string -> unit)
+ | Directive_int of (int -> unit)
+- | Directive_ident of (Longident.t -> unit)
++ | Directive_ident of (Longident.t Location.loc -> unit)
++ | Directive_show of (Parsetree.ident_kind -> Longident.t Location.loc -> unit)
+ | Directive_bool of (bool -> unit)
+ val directive_table : (string, directive_fun) Hashtbl.t
+Index: tools/Makefile.shared
+--- tools/Makefile.shared (revision 13955)
++++ tools/Makefile.shared (working copy)
+@@ -210,6 +210,7 @@
+ ../parsing/location.cmo \
+ ../parsing/longident.cmo \
+ ../parsing/lexer.cmo \
++ ../parsing/printast.cmo \
+ ../parsing/pprintast.cmo \
+ ../typing/ident.cmo \
+ ../typing/path.cmo \
+Index: camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/
+--- camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/ (revision 13955)
++++ camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/ (working copy)
+@@ -1229,7 +1229,7 @@
+ | ExInt _ i -> Pdir_int (int_of_string i)
+ | <:expr< True >> -> Pdir_bool True
+ | <:expr< False >> -> Pdir_bool False
+- | e -> Pdir_ident (ident_noloc (ident_of_expr e)) ]
++ | e -> Pdir_ident (ident (ident_of_expr e)) ]
+ ;
+ value phrase =
+Index: camlp4/boot/
+--- camlp4/boot/ (revision 13955)
++++ camlp4/boot/ (working copy)
+@@ -15686,7 +15686,7 @@
+ | ExInt (_, i) -> Pdir_int (int_of_string i)
+ | Ast.ExId (_, (Ast.IdUid (_, "True"))) -> Pdir_bool true
+ | Ast.ExId (_, (Ast.IdUid (_, "False"))) -> Pdir_bool false
+- | e -> Pdir_ident (ident_noloc (ident_of_expr e))
++ | e -> Pdir_ident (ident (ident_of_expr e))
+ let phrase =
+ function
diff --git a/experimental/garrigue/show_types.diffs b/experimental/garrigue/show_types.diffs
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c2919550..000000000
--- a/experimental/garrigue/show_types.diffs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
-Index: typing/
---- typing/ (revision 11316)
-+++ typing/ (working copy)
-@@ -894,8 +894,10 @@
- tree_of_class_declaration id decl rs :: tree_of_signature rem
- | Tsig_cltype(id, decl, rs) :: tydecl1 :: tydecl2 :: rem ->
- tree_of_cltype_declaration id decl rs :: tree_of_signature rem
-- | _ ->
-- assert false
-+ | Tsig_class(id, decl, rs) :: _ ->
-+ tree_of_class_declaration id decl rs :: []
-+ | Tsig_cltype(id, decl, rs) :: _ ->
-+ tree_of_cltype_declaration id decl rs :: []
- and tree_of_modtype_declaration id decl =
- let mty =
-Index: toplevel/
---- toplevel/ (revision 11316)
-+++ toplevel/ (working copy)
-@@ -297,10 +297,92 @@
- !traced_functions;
- traced_functions := []
-+(* Warnings *)
- let parse_warnings ppf iserr s =
- try Warnings.parse_options iserr s
- with Arg.Bad err -> fprintf ppf "%s.@." err
-+(* Typing information *)
-+type pkind =
-+ Pvalue
-+ | Ptype
-+ | Pexception
-+ | Pmodule
-+ | Pmodtype
-+ | Pclass
-+ | Pcltype
-+let name_of_kind = function
-+ Pvalue -> "value"
-+ | Ptype -> "type"
-+ | Pexception -> "exception"
-+ | Pmodule -> "module"
-+ | Pmodtype -> "module type"
-+ | Pclass -> "class"
-+ | Pcltype -> "class type"
-+let rec trim_modtype = function
-+ Tmty_signature _ -> Tmty_signature []
-+ | Tmty_functor (id, mty, mty') ->
-+ Tmty_functor (id, mty, trim_modtype mty')
-+ | Tmty_ident _ as mty -> mty
-+let trim_signature = function
-+ Tmty_signature sg ->
-+ Tmty_signature
-+ (
-+ (function
-+ Tsig_module (id, mty, rs) ->
-+ Tsig_module (id, trim_modtype mty, rs)
-+ (*| Tsig_modtype (id, Tmodtype_manifest mty) ->
-+ Tsig_modtype (id, Tmodtype_manifest (trim_modtype mty))*)
-+ | item -> item)
-+ sg)
-+ | mty -> mty
-+let show_type ppf kind lid =
-+ let env = !Toploop.toplevel_env in
-+ try
-+ let id =
-+ let s = match lid with
-+ Longident.Lident s -> s
-+ | Longident.Ldot (_,s) -> s
-+ | Longident.Lapply _ -> failwith "invalid"
-+ in Ident.create_persistent s
-+ in
-+ let item =
-+ match kind with
-+ Pvalue ->
-+ let path, desc = Env.lookup_value lid env in
-+ Tsig_value (id, desc)
-+ | Ptype ->
-+ let path, desc = Env.lookup_type lid env in
-+ Tsig_type (id, desc, Trec_not)
-+ | Pexception ->
-+ let desc = Env.lookup_constructor lid env in
-+ Tsig_exception (id, desc.cstr_args)
-+ | Pmodule ->
-+ let path, desc = Env.lookup_module lid env in
-+ Tsig_module (id, trim_signature desc, Trec_not)
-+ | Pmodtype ->
-+ let path, desc = Env.lookup_modtype lid env in
-+ Tsig_modtype (id, desc)
-+ | Pclass ->
-+ let path, desc = Env.lookup_class lid env in
-+ Tsig_class (id, desc, Trec_not)
-+ | Pcltype ->
-+ let path, desc = Env.lookup_cltype lid env in
-+ Tsig_cltype (id, desc, Trec_not)
-+ in
-+ fprintf ppf "%a@." Printtyp.signature [item]
-+ with
-+ Not_found ->
-+ fprintf ppf "Unknown %s.@." (name_of_kind kind)
-+ | Failure "invalid" ->
-+ fprintf ppf "Invalid path %a@." Printtyp.longident lid
- let _ =
- Hashtbl.add directive_table "trace" (Directive_ident (dir_trace std_out));
- Hashtbl.add directive_table "untrace" (Directive_ident (dir_untrace std_out));
-@@ -329,4 +411,19 @@
- (Directive_string (parse_warnings std_out false));
- Hashtbl.add directive_table "warn_error"
-- (Directive_string (parse_warnings std_out true))
-+ (Directive_string (parse_warnings std_out true));
-+ Hashtbl.add directive_table "show_value"
-+ (Directive_ident (show_type std_out Pvalue));
-+ Hashtbl.add directive_table "show_type"
-+ (Directive_ident (show_type std_out Ptype));
-+ Hashtbl.add directive_table "show_exception"
-+ (Directive_ident (show_type std_out Pexception));
-+ Hashtbl.add directive_table "show_module"
-+ (Directive_ident (show_type std_out Pmodule));
-+ Hashtbl.add directive_table "show_module_type"
-+ (Directive_ident (show_type std_out Pmodtype));
-+ Hashtbl.add directive_table "show_class"
-+ (Directive_ident (show_type std_out Pclass));
-+ Hashtbl.add directive_table "show_class_type"
-+ (Directive_ident (show_type std_out Pcltype))
-Index: parsing/parser.mly
---- parsing/parser.mly (revision 11316)
-+++ parsing/parser.mly (working copy)
-@@ -1769,6 +1769,11 @@
- LIDENT { Lident $1 }
- | mod_longident DOT LIDENT { Ldot($1, $3) }
- ;
-+ val_ident { Lident $1 }
-+ | mod_longident DOT val_ident { Ldot($1, $3) }
-+ | mod_longident { $1 }
- /* Toplevel directives */
-@@ -1776,7 +1781,7 @@
- SHARP ident { Ptop_dir($2, Pdir_none) }
- | SHARP ident STRING { Ptop_dir($2, Pdir_string $3) }
- | SHARP ident INT { Ptop_dir($2, Pdir_int $3) }
-- | SHARP ident val_longident { Ptop_dir($2, Pdir_ident $3) }
-+ | SHARP ident any_longident { Ptop_dir($2, Pdir_ident $3) }
- | SHARP ident FALSE { Ptop_dir($2, Pdir_bool false) }
- | SHARP ident TRUE { Ptop_dir($2, Pdir_bool true) }
- ;
diff --git a/experimental/garrigue/valvirt.diffs b/experimental/garrigue/valvirt.diff
index 2cf55742b..2cf55742b 100644
--- a/experimental/garrigue/valvirt.diffs
+++ b/experimental/garrigue/valvirt.diff
diff --git a/experimental/garrigue/variable-names-Tvar.diffs b/experimental/garrigue/variable-names-Tvar.diff
index 99ff6a247..99ff6a247 100644
--- a/experimental/garrigue/variable-names-Tvar.diffs
+++ b/experimental/garrigue/variable-names-Tvar.diff
diff --git a/experimental/garrigue/with-module-type.diff b/experimental/garrigue/with-module-type.diff
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2b99c1f9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/experimental/garrigue/with-module-type.diff
@@ -0,0 +1,530 @@
+Index: typing/
+--- typing/ (revision 13947)
++++ typing/ (working copy)
+@@ -80,6 +80,9 @@
+ Typedtree.module_expr * Types.module_type) ref
+ = ref (fun env m -> assert false)
++let transl_modtype_fwd =
++ ref (fun env m -> (assert false : Typedtree.module_type))
+ (* Merge one "with" constraint in a signature *)
+ let rec add_rec_types env = function
+@@ -191,6 +194,21 @@
+ merge env (extract_sig env loc mty) namelist None in
+ (path_concat id path, lid, tcstr),
+ Sig_module(id, Mty_signature newsg, rs) :: rem
++ | (Sig_modtype(id, mtd) :: rem, [s], Pwith_modtype pmty)
++ when id = s ->
++ let mty = !transl_modtype_fwd initial_env pmty in
++ let mtd' = Modtype_manifest mty.mty_type in
++ Includemod.modtype_declarations env id mtd' mtd;
++ (Pident id, lid, Twith_modtype (Tmodtype_manifest mty)),
++ Sig_modtype(id, mtd') :: rem
++ | (Sig_modtype(id, mtd) :: rem, [s], Pwith_modtypesubst pmty)
++ when id = s ->
++ let mty = !transl_modtype_fwd initial_env pmty in
++ let mtd' = Modtype_manifest mty.mty_type in
++ Includemod.modtype_declarations env id mtd' mtd;
++ real_id := Some id;
++ (Pident id, lid, Twith_modtypesubst (Tmodtype_manifest mty)),
++ rem
+ | (item :: rem, _, _) ->
+ let (cstr, items) = merge (Env.add_item item env) rem namelist row_id
+ in
+@@ -233,6 +251,12 @@
+ let (path, _) = Typetexp.find_module initial_env loc lid.txt in
+ let sub = Subst.add_module id path Subst.identity in
+ Subst.signature sub sg
++ | [s], Pwith_modtypesubst pmty ->
++ let id =
++ match !real_id with None -> assert false | Some id -> id in
++ let mty = !transl_modtype_fwd initial_env pmty in
++ let sub = Subst.add_modtype id mty.mty_type Subst.identity in
++ Subst.signature sub sg
+ | _ ->
+ sg
+ in
+@@ -649,6 +673,8 @@
+ check_recmod_typedecls env2 sdecls dcl2;
+ (dcl2, env2)
++let () = transl_modtype_fwd := transl_modtype
+ (* Try to convert a module expression to a module path. *)
+ exception Not_a_path
+Index: typing/
+--- typing/ (revision 13947)
++++ typing/ (working copy)
+@@ -457,6 +457,9 @@
+ | Twith_typesubst decl -> Twith_typesubst (map_type_declaration decl)
+ | Twith_module (path, lid) -> cstr
+ | Twith_modsubst (path, lid) -> cstr
++ | Twith_modtype decl -> Twith_modtype (map_modtype_declaration decl)
++ | Twith_modtypesubst decl ->
++ Twith_modtypesubst (map_modtype_declaration decl)
+ in
+ Map.leave_with_constraint cstr
+Index: typing/
+--- typing/ (revision 13947)
++++ typing/ (working copy)
+@@ -255,6 +255,8 @@
+ | Twith_module of Path.t * Longident.t loc
+ | Twith_typesubst of type_declaration
+ | Twith_modsubst of Path.t * Longident.t loc
++ | Twith_modtype of modtype_declaration
++ | Twith_modtypesubst of modtype_declaration
+ and core_type =
+ (* mutable because of [Typeclass.declare_method] *)
+Index: typing/typedtree.mli
+--- typing/typedtree.mli (revision 13947)
++++ typing/typedtree.mli (working copy)
+@@ -254,6 +254,8 @@
+ | Twith_module of Path.t * Longident.t loc
+ | Twith_typesubst of type_declaration
+ | Twith_modsubst of Path.t * Longident.t loc
++ | Twith_modtype of modtype_declaration
++ | Twith_modtypesubst of modtype_declaration
+ and core_type =
+ (* mutable because of [Typeclass.declare_method] *)
+Index: typing/
+--- typing/ (revision 13947)
++++ typing/ (working copy)
+@@ -346,10 +346,10 @@
+ (* Hide the context and substitution parameters to the outside world *)
+-let modtypes env mty1 mty2 = modtypes env [] Subst.identity mty1 mty2
+-let signatures env sig1 sig2 = signatures env [] Subst.identity sig1 sig2
+-let type_declarations env id decl1 decl2 =
+- type_declarations env [] Subst.identity id decl1 decl2
++let modtypes env = modtypes env [] Subst.identity
++let signatures env = signatures env [] Subst.identity
++let type_declarations env = type_declarations env [] Subst.identity
++let modtype_declarations env = modtype_infos env [] Subst.identity
+ (* Error report *)
+Index: typing/
+--- typing/ (revision 13947)
++++ typing/ (working copy)
+@@ -408,6 +408,8 @@
+ | Twith_module _ -> ()
+ | Twith_typesubst decl -> iter_type_declaration decl
+ | Twith_modsubst _ -> ()
++ | Twith_modtype decl -> iter_modtype_declaration decl
++ | Twith_modtypesubst decl -> iter_modtype_declaration decl
+ end;
+ Iter.leave_with_constraint cstr;
+Index: typing/includemod.mli
+--- typing/includemod.mli (revision 13947)
++++ typing/includemod.mli (working copy)
+@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@
+ val compunit: string -> signature -> string -> signature -> module_coercion
+ val type_declarations:
+ Env.t -> Ident.t -> type_declaration -> type_declaration -> unit
++val modtype_declarations:
++ Env.t -> Ident.t -> modtype_declaration -> modtype_declaration -> unit
+ type symptom =
+ Missing_field of Ident.t
+Index: typing/
+--- typing/ (revision 13947)
++++ typing/ (working copy)
+@@ -608,6 +608,12 @@
+ type_declaration (i+1) ppf td;
+ | Twith_module (li,_) -> line i ppf "Pwith_module %a\n" fmt_path li;
+ | Twith_modsubst (li,_) -> line i ppf "Pwith_modsubst %a\n" fmt_path li;
++ | Twith_modtype (td) ->
++ line i ppf "Pwith_modtype\n";
++ modtype_declaration (i+1) ppf td;
++ | Twith_modtypesubst (td) ->
++ line i ppf "Pwith_modtypesubst\n";
++ modtype_declaration (i+1) ppf td;
+ and module_expr i ppf x =
+ line i ppf "module_expr %a\n" fmt_location x.mod_loc;
+Index: experimental/garrigue/with-module-type.diffs
+--- experimental/garrigue/with-module-type.diffs (revision 13947)
++++ experimental/garrigue/with-module-type.diffs (working copy)
+@@ -1,95 +1,53 @@
+-Index: parsing/parser.mly
+---- parsing/parser.mly (revision 12005)
+-+++ parsing/parser.mly (working copy)
+-@@ -1504,6 +1504,10 @@
+- { ($2, Pwith_module $4) }
+- | MODULE mod_longident COLONEQUAL mod_ext_longident
+- { ($2, Pwith_modsubst $4) }
+-+ | MODULE TYPE mod_longident EQUAL module_type
+-+ { ($3, Pwith_modtype $5) }
+-+ | MODULE TYPE mod_longident COLONEQUAL module_type
+-+ { ($3, Pwith_modtypesubst $5) }
+- ;
+- with_type_binder:
+- EQUAL { Public }
+-Index: parsing/parsetree.mli
+---- parsing/parsetree.mli (revision 12005)
+-+++ parsing/parsetree.mli (working copy)
+-@@ -239,6 +239,8 @@
+- | Pwith_module of Longident.t
+- | Pwith_typesubst of type_declaration
+- | Pwith_modsubst of Longident.t
+-+ | Pwith_modtype of module_type
+-+ | Pwith_modtypesubst of module_type
+- (* Value expressions for the module language *)
+-Index: parsing/
+---- parsing/ (revision 12005)
+-+++ parsing/ (working copy)
+-@@ -575,6 +575,12 @@
+- type_declaration (i+1) ppf td;
+- | Pwith_module (li) -> line i ppf "Pwith_module %a\n" fmt_longident li;
+- | Pwith_modsubst (li) -> line i ppf "Pwith_modsubst %a\n" fmt_longident li;
+-+ | Pwith_modtype (mty) ->
+-+ line i ppf "Pwith_modtype\n";
+-+ module_type (i+1) ppf mty;
+-+ | Pwith_modtypesubst (mty) ->
+-+ line i ppf "Pwith_modtype\n";
+-+ module_type (i+1) ppf mty;
+- and module_expr i ppf x =
+- line i ppf "module_expr %a\n" fmt_location x.pmod_loc;
+ Index: typing/
+ ===================================================================
+---- typing/ (revision 12005)
++--- typing/ (revision 13947)
+ +++ typing/ (working copy)
+-@@ -74,6 +74,8 @@
+- : (Env.t -> Parsetree.module_expr -> module_type) ref
++@@ -80,6 +80,9 @@
++ Typedtree.module_expr * Types.module_type) ref
+ = ref (fun env m -> assert false)
+-+let transl_modtype_fwd = ref (fun env m -> assert false)
+++let transl_modtype_fwd =
+++ ref (fun env m -> (assert false : Typedtree.module_type))
+ +
+ (* Merge one "with" constraint in a signature *)
+ let rec add_rec_types env = function
+-@@ -163,6 +165,19 @@
+- ignore(Includemod.modtypes env newmty mty);
+- real_id := Some id;
+- make_next_first rs rem
+-+ | (Tsig_modtype(id, mtd) :: rem, [s], Pwith_modtype pmty)
++@@ -191,6 +194,21 @@
++ merge env (extract_sig env loc mty) namelist None in
++ (path_concat id path, lid, tcstr),
++ Sig_module(id, Mty_signature newsg, rs) :: rem
+++ | (Sig_modtype(id, mtd) :: rem, [s], Pwith_modtype pmty)
+ + when id = s ->
+ + let mty = !transl_modtype_fwd initial_env pmty in
+-+ let mtd' = Tmodtype_manifest mty in
+++ let mtd' = Modtype_manifest mty.mty_type in
+ + Includemod.modtype_declarations env id mtd' mtd;
+-+ Tsig_modtype(id, mtd') :: rem
+-+ | (Tsig_modtype(id, mtd) :: rem, [s], Pwith_modtypesubst pmty)
+++ (Pident id, lid, Twith_modtype (Tmodtype_manifest mty)),
+++ Sig_modtype(id, mtd') :: rem
+++ | (Sig_modtype(id, mtd) :: rem, [s], Pwith_modtypesubst pmty)
+ + when id = s ->
+ + let mty = !transl_modtype_fwd initial_env pmty in
+-+ let mtd' = Tmodtype_manifest mty in
+++ let mtd' = Modtype_manifest mty.mty_type in
+ + Includemod.modtype_declarations env id mtd' mtd;
+ + real_id := Some id;
+++ (Pident id, lid, Twith_modtypesubst (Tmodtype_manifest mty)),
+ + rem
+- | (Tsig_module(id, mty, rs) :: rem, s :: namelist, _)
+- when id = s ->
+- let newsg = merge env (extract_sig env loc mty) namelist None in
+-@@ -200,6 +215,12 @@
+- let (path, _) = Typetexp.find_module initial_env loc lid in
++ | (item :: rem, _, _) ->
++ let (cstr, items) = merge (Env.add_item item env) rem namelist row_id
++ in
++@@ -233,6 +251,12 @@
++ let (path, _) = Typetexp.find_module initial_env loc lid.txt in
+ let sub = Subst.add_module id path Subst.identity in
+ Subst.signature sub sg
+ + | [s], Pwith_modtypesubst pmty ->
+ + let id =
+ + match !real_id with None -> assert false | Some id -> id in
+ + let mty = !transl_modtype_fwd initial_env pmty in
+-+ let sub = Subst.add_modtype id mty Subst.identity in
+++ let sub = Subst.add_modtype id mty.mty_type Subst.identity in
+ + Subst.signature sub sg
+ | _ ->
+- sg
+- with Includemod.Error explanation ->
+-@@ -499,6 +520,8 @@
++ sg
++ in
++@@ -649,6 +673,8 @@
+ check_recmod_typedecls env2 sdecls dcl2;
+ (dcl2, env2)
+@@ -98,11 +56,51 @@
+ (* Try to convert a module expression to a module path. *)
+ exception Not_a_path
++Index: typing/
++--- typing/ (revision 13947)
+++++ typing/ (working copy)
++@@ -457,6 +457,9 @@
++ | Twith_typesubst decl -> Twith_typesubst (map_type_declaration decl)
++ | Twith_module (path, lid) -> cstr
++ | Twith_modsubst (path, lid) -> cstr
+++ | Twith_modtype decl -> Twith_modtype (map_modtype_declaration decl)
+++ | Twith_modtypesubst decl ->
+++ Twith_modtypesubst (map_modtype_declaration decl)
++ in
++ Map.leave_with_constraint cstr
++Index: typing/
++--- typing/ (revision 13947)
+++++ typing/ (working copy)
++@@ -255,6 +255,8 @@
++ | Twith_module of Path.t * Longident.t loc
++ | Twith_typesubst of type_declaration
++ | Twith_modsubst of Path.t * Longident.t loc
+++ | Twith_modtype of modtype_declaration
+++ | Twith_modtypesubst of modtype_declaration
++ and core_type =
++ (* mutable because of [Typeclass.declare_method] *)
++Index: typing/typedtree.mli
++--- typing/typedtree.mli (revision 13947)
+++++ typing/typedtree.mli (working copy)
++@@ -254,6 +254,8 @@
++ | Twith_module of Path.t * Longident.t loc
++ | Twith_typesubst of type_declaration
++ | Twith_modsubst of Path.t * Longident.t loc
+++ | Twith_modtype of modtype_declaration
+++ | Twith_modtypesubst of modtype_declaration
++ and core_type =
++ (* mutable because of [Typeclass.declare_method] *)
+ Index: typing/
+ ===================================================================
+---- typing/ (revision 12005)
++--- typing/ (revision 13947)
+ +++ typing/ (working copy)
+-@@ -326,10 +326,10 @@
++@@ -346,10 +346,10 @@
+ (* Hide the context and substitution parameters to the outside world *)
+@@ -117,11 +115,24 @@
+ (* Error report *)
++Index: typing/
++--- typing/ (revision 13947)
+++++ typing/ (working copy)
++@@ -408,6 +408,8 @@
++ | Twith_module _ -> ()
++ | Twith_typesubst decl -> iter_type_declaration decl
++ | Twith_modsubst _ -> ()
+++ | Twith_modtype decl -> iter_modtype_declaration decl
+++ | Twith_modtypesubst decl -> iter_modtype_declaration decl
++ end;
++ Iter.leave_with_constraint cstr;
+ Index: typing/includemod.mli
+ ===================================================================
+---- typing/includemod.mli (revision 12005)
++--- typing/includemod.mli (revision 13947)
+ +++ typing/includemod.mli (working copy)
+-@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@
++@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@
+ val compunit: string -> signature -> string -> signature -> module_coercion
+ val type_declarations:
+ Env.t -> Ident.t -> type_declaration -> type_declaration -> unit
+@@ -130,53 +141,20 @@
+ type symptom =
+ Missing_field of Ident.t
+-Index: testsuite/tests/typing-modules/
++Index: typing/
+ ===================================================================
+---- testsuite/tests/typing-modules/ (revision 12005)
+-+++ testsuite/tests/typing-modules/ (working copy)
+-@@ -6,4 +6,12 @@
+- # type -'a t
+- class type c = object method m : [ `A ] t end
+- # module M : sig val v : (#c as 'a) -> 'a end
+-+# module type S = sig module type T module F : functor (X : T) -> T end
+-+# module type T0 = sig type t end
+-+# module type S1 = sig module type T = T0 module F : functor (X : T) -> T end
+-+# module type S2 = sig module F : functor (X : T0) -> T0 end
+-+# module type S3 =
+-+ sig
+-+ module F : functor (X : sig type t = int end) -> sig type t = int end
+-+ end
+- #
+-Index: testsuite/tests/typing-modules/
+---- testsuite/tests/typing-modules/ (revision 12005)
+-+++ testsuite/tests/typing-modules/ (working copy)
+-@@ -6,4 +6,12 @@
+- # type -'a t
+- class type c = object method m : [ `A ] t end
+- # module M : sig val v : (#c as 'a) -> 'a end
+-+# module type S = sig module type T module F : functor (X : T) -> T end
+-+# module type T0 = sig type t end
+-+# module type S1 = sig module type T = T0 module F : functor (X : T) -> T end
+-+# module type S2 = sig module F : functor (X : T0) -> T0 end
+-+# module type S3 =
+-+ sig
+-+ module F : functor (X : sig type t = int end) -> sig type t = int end
+-+ end
+- #
+-Index: testsuite/tests/typing-modules/
+---- testsuite/tests/typing-modules/ (revision 12005)
+-+++ testsuite/tests/typing-modules/ (working copy)
+-@@ -9,3 +9,11 @@
+- class type c = object method m : [ `A ] t end;;
+- module M : sig val v : (#c as 'a) -> 'a end =
+- struct let v x = ignore (x :> c); x end;;
+-+(* with module type *)
+-+module type S = sig module type T module F(X:T) : T end;;
+-+module type T0 = sig type t end;;
+-+module type S1 = S with module type T = T0;;
+-+module type S2 = S with module type T := T0;;
+-+module type S3 = S with module type T := sig type t = int end;;
++--- typing/ (revision 13947)
+++++ typing/ (working copy)
++@@ -608,6 +608,12 @@
++ type_declaration (i+1) ppf td;
++ | Twith_module (li,_) -> line i ppf "Pwith_module %a\n" fmt_path li;
++ | Twith_modsubst (li,_) -> line i ppf "Pwith_modsubst %a\n" fmt_path li;
+++ | Twith_modtype (td) ->
+++ line i ppf "Pwith_modtype\n";
+++ modtype_declaration (i+1) ppf td;
+++ | Twith_modtypesubst (td) ->
+++ line i ppf "Pwith_modtypesubst\n";
+++ modtype_declaration (i+1) ppf td;
++ and module_expr i ppf x =
++ line i ppf "module_expr %a\n" fmt_location x.mod_loc;
+Index: parsing/
+--- parsing/ (revision 13947)
++++ parsing/ (working copy)
+@@ -847,18 +847,28 @@
+ (self#list self#type_var_option ~sep:"," ~first:"(" ~last:")")
+ ls self#longident_loc li self#type_declaration td
+ | Pwith_module (li2) ->
+- pp f "module %a =@ %a" self#longident_loc li self#longident_loc li2;
++ pp f "module %a =@ %a"
++ self#longident_loc li self#longident_loc li2
+ | Pwith_typesubst ({ptype_params=ls;_} as td) ->
+ pp f "type@ %a %a :=@ %a"
+ (self#list self#type_var_option ~sep:"," ~first:"(" ~last:")")
+ ls self#longident_loc li
+ self#type_declaration td
+ | Pwith_modsubst (li2) ->
+- pp f "module %a :=@ %a" self#longident_loc li self#longident_loc li2 in
++ pp f "module %a :=@ %a"
++ self#longident_loc li self#longident_loc li2
++ | Pwith_modtype mty ->
++ pp f "module type %a =@ %a"
++ self#longident_loc li self#module_type mty
++ | Pwith_modtypesubst mty ->
++ pp f "module type %a :=@ %a"
++ self#longident_loc li self#module_type mty
++ in
+ (match l with
+ | [] -> pp f "@[<hov2>%a@]" self#module_type mt
+ | _ -> pp f "@[<hov2>(%a@ with@ %a)@]"
+- self#module_type mt (self#list longident_x_with_constraint ~sep:"@ and@ ") l )
++ self#module_type mt
++ (self#list longident_x_with_constraint ~sep:"@ and@ ") l )
+ | Pmty_typeof me ->
+ pp f "@[<hov2>module@ type@ of@ %a@]"
+ self#module_expr me
+Index: parsing/parser.mly
+--- parsing/parser.mly (revision 13947)
++++ parsing/parser.mly (working copy)
+@@ -1506,6 +1506,10 @@
+ { (mkrhs $2 2, Pwith_module (mkrhs $4 4)) }
+ | MODULE UIDENT COLONEQUAL mod_ext_longident
+ { (mkrhs (Lident $2) 2, Pwith_modsubst (mkrhs $4 4)) }
++ | MODULE TYPE mty_longident EQUAL module_type
++ { (mkrhs $3 3, Pwith_modtype $5) }
++ | MODULE TYPE ident COLONEQUAL module_type
++ { (mkrhs (Lident $3) 3, Pwith_modtypesubst $5) }
+ ;
+ with_type_binder:
+ EQUAL { Public }
+Index: parsing/
+--- parsing/ (revision 13947)
++++ parsing/ (working copy)
+@@ -164,6 +164,8 @@
+ | Pwith_module s -> Pwith_module (map_loc sub s)
+ | Pwith_typesubst d -> Pwith_typesubst (sub # type_declaration d)
+ | Pwith_modsubst s -> Pwith_modsubst (map_loc sub s)
++ | Pwith_modtype m -> Pwith_modtype (sub # module_type m)
++ | Pwith_modtypesubst m -> Pwith_modtypesubst (sub # module_type m)
+ let mk_item ?(loc = Location.none) x = {psig_desc = x; psig_loc = loc}
+Index: parsing/parsetree.mli
+--- parsing/parsetree.mli (revision 13947)
++++ parsing/parsetree.mli (working copy)
+@@ -256,6 +256,8 @@
+ | Pwith_module of Longident.t loc
+ | Pwith_typesubst of type_declaration
+ | Pwith_modsubst of Longident.t loc
++ | Pwith_modtype of module_type
++ | Pwith_modtypesubst of module_type
+ (* Value expressions for the module language *)
+Index: parsing/
+--- parsing/ (revision 13947)
++++ parsing/ (working copy)
+@@ -590,6 +590,12 @@
+ type_declaration (i+1) ppf td;
+ | Pwith_module li -> line i ppf "Pwith_module %a\n" fmt_longident_loc li;
+ | Pwith_modsubst li -> line i ppf "Pwith_modsubst %a\n" fmt_longident_loc li;
++ | Pwith_modtype (mty) ->
++ line i ppf "Pwith_modtype\n";
++ module_type (i+1) ppf mty;
++ | Pwith_modtypesubst (mty) ->
++ line i ppf "Pwith_modtype\n";
++ module_type (i+1) ppf mty;
+ and module_expr i ppf x =
+ line i ppf "module_expr %a\n" fmt_location x.pmod_loc;
diff --git a/experimental/garrigue/with-module-type.diffs b/experimental/garrigue/with-module-type.diffs
deleted file mode 100644
index c955b1f86..000000000
--- a/experimental/garrigue/with-module-type.diffs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
-Index: parsing/parser.mly
---- parsing/parser.mly (revision 12005)
-+++ parsing/parser.mly (working copy)
-@@ -1504,6 +1504,10 @@
- { ($2, Pwith_module $4) }
- | MODULE mod_longident COLONEQUAL mod_ext_longident
- { ($2, Pwith_modsubst $4) }
-+ | MODULE TYPE mod_longident EQUAL module_type
-+ { ($3, Pwith_modtype $5) }
-+ | MODULE TYPE mod_longident COLONEQUAL module_type
-+ { ($3, Pwith_modtypesubst $5) }
- ;
- with_type_binder:
- EQUAL { Public }
-Index: parsing/parsetree.mli
---- parsing/parsetree.mli (revision 12005)
-+++ parsing/parsetree.mli (working copy)
-@@ -239,6 +239,8 @@
- | Pwith_module of Longident.t
- | Pwith_typesubst of type_declaration
- | Pwith_modsubst of Longident.t
-+ | Pwith_modtype of module_type
-+ | Pwith_modtypesubst of module_type
- (* Value expressions for the module language *)
-Index: parsing/
---- parsing/ (revision 12005)
-+++ parsing/ (working copy)
-@@ -575,6 +575,12 @@
- type_declaration (i+1) ppf td;
- | Pwith_module (li) -> line i ppf "Pwith_module %a\n" fmt_longident li;
- | Pwith_modsubst (li) -> line i ppf "Pwith_modsubst %a\n" fmt_longident li;
-+ | Pwith_modtype (mty) ->
-+ line i ppf "Pwith_modtype\n";
-+ module_type (i+1) ppf mty;
-+ | Pwith_modtypesubst (mty) ->
-+ line i ppf "Pwith_modtype\n";
-+ module_type (i+1) ppf mty;
- and module_expr i ppf x =
- line i ppf "module_expr %a\n" fmt_location x.pmod_loc;
-Index: typing/
---- typing/ (revision 12005)
-+++ typing/ (working copy)
-@@ -74,6 +74,8 @@
- : (Env.t -> Parsetree.module_expr -> module_type) ref
- = ref (fun env m -> assert false)
-+let transl_modtype_fwd = ref (fun env m -> assert false)
- (* Merge one "with" constraint in a signature *)
- let rec add_rec_types env = function
-@@ -163,6 +165,19 @@
- ignore(Includemod.modtypes env newmty mty);
- real_id := Some id;
- make_next_first rs rem
-+ | (Tsig_modtype(id, mtd) :: rem, [s], Pwith_modtype pmty)
-+ when id = s ->
-+ let mty = !transl_modtype_fwd initial_env pmty in
-+ let mtd' = Tmodtype_manifest mty in
-+ Includemod.modtype_declarations env id mtd' mtd;
-+ Tsig_modtype(id, mtd') :: rem
-+ | (Tsig_modtype(id, mtd) :: rem, [s], Pwith_modtypesubst pmty)
-+ when id = s ->
-+ let mty = !transl_modtype_fwd initial_env pmty in
-+ let mtd' = Tmodtype_manifest mty in
-+ Includemod.modtype_declarations env id mtd' mtd;
-+ real_id := Some id;
-+ rem
- | (Tsig_module(id, mty, rs) :: rem, s :: namelist, _)
- when id = s ->
- let newsg = merge env (extract_sig env loc mty) namelist None in
-@@ -200,6 +215,12 @@
- let (path, _) = Typetexp.find_module initial_env loc lid in
- let sub = Subst.add_module id path Subst.identity in
- Subst.signature sub sg
-+ | [s], Pwith_modtypesubst pmty ->
-+ let id =
-+ match !real_id with None -> assert false | Some id -> id in
-+ let mty = !transl_modtype_fwd initial_env pmty in
-+ let sub = Subst.add_modtype id mty Subst.identity in
-+ Subst.signature sub sg
- | _ ->
- sg
- with Includemod.Error explanation ->
-@@ -499,6 +520,8 @@
- check_recmod_typedecls env2 sdecls dcl2;
- (dcl2, env2)
-+let () = transl_modtype_fwd := transl_modtype
- (* Try to convert a module expression to a module path. *)
- exception Not_a_path
-Index: typing/
---- typing/ (revision 12005)
-+++ typing/ (working copy)
-@@ -326,10 +326,10 @@
- (* Hide the context and substitution parameters to the outside world *)
--let modtypes env mty1 mty2 = modtypes env [] Subst.identity mty1 mty2
--let signatures env sig1 sig2 = signatures env [] Subst.identity sig1 sig2
--let type_declarations env id decl1 decl2 =
-- type_declarations env [] Subst.identity id decl1 decl2
-+let modtypes env = modtypes env [] Subst.identity
-+let signatures env = signatures env [] Subst.identity
-+let type_declarations env = type_declarations env [] Subst.identity
-+let modtype_declarations env = modtype_infos env [] Subst.identity
- (* Error report *)
-Index: typing/includemod.mli
---- typing/includemod.mli (revision 12005)
-+++ typing/includemod.mli (working copy)
-@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@
- val compunit: string -> signature -> string -> signature -> module_coercion
- val type_declarations:
- Env.t -> Ident.t -> type_declaration -> type_declaration -> unit
-+val modtype_declarations:
-+ Env.t -> Ident.t -> modtype_declaration -> modtype_declaration -> unit
- type symptom =
- Missing_field of Ident.t
-Index: testsuite/tests/typing-modules/
---- testsuite/tests/typing-modules/ (revision 12005)
-+++ testsuite/tests/typing-modules/ (working copy)
-@@ -6,4 +6,12 @@
- # type -'a t
- class type c = object method m : [ `A ] t end
- # module M : sig val v : (#c as 'a) -> 'a end
-+# module type S = sig module type T module F : functor (X : T) -> T end
-+# module type T0 = sig type t end
-+# module type S1 = sig module type T = T0 module F : functor (X : T) -> T end
-+# module type S2 = sig module F : functor (X : T0) -> T0 end
-+# module type S3 =
-+ sig
-+ module F : functor (X : sig type t = int end) -> sig type t = int end
-+ end
- #
-Index: testsuite/tests/typing-modules/
---- testsuite/tests/typing-modules/ (revision 12005)
-+++ testsuite/tests/typing-modules/ (working copy)
-@@ -6,4 +6,12 @@
- # type -'a t
- class type c = object method m : [ `A ] t end
- # module M : sig val v : (#c as 'a) -> 'a end
-+# module type S = sig module type T module F : functor (X : T) -> T end
-+# module type T0 = sig type t end
-+# module type S1 = sig module type T = T0 module F : functor (X : T) -> T end
-+# module type S2 = sig module F : functor (X : T0) -> T0 end
-+# module type S3 =
-+ sig
-+ module F : functor (X : sig type t = int end) -> sig type t = int end
-+ end
- #
-Index: testsuite/tests/typing-modules/
---- testsuite/tests/typing-modules/ (revision 12005)
-+++ testsuite/tests/typing-modules/ (working copy)
-@@ -9,3 +9,11 @@
- class type c = object method m : [ `A ] t end;;
- module M : sig val v : (#c as 'a) -> 'a end =
- struct let v x = ignore (x :> c); x end;;
-+(* with module type *)
-+module type S = sig module type T module F(X:T) : T end;;
-+module type T0 = sig type t end;;
-+module type S1 = S with module type T = T0;;
-+module type S2 = S with module type T := T0;;
-+module type S3 = S with module type T := sig type t = int end;;