path: root/ocamldoc/
diff options
authorDamien Doligez <>2004-08-20 17:04:35 +0000
committerDamien Doligez <>2004-08-20 17:04:35 +0000
commitc3a39fc8c84698aa4985c779e16493c2409a0285 (patch)
tree0454ddf1543d0f6a78f9b6d6fff79ae8080f48e1 /ocamldoc/
parent8030a20089b6ed8a7b654c189f00a6f3693f8bce (diff)
Fusion des modifs de la branche release308 entre 3.08.0 et 3.08.1
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
Diffstat (limited to 'ocamldoc/')
1 files changed, 39 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
index 0ef95ee9b..0bdf74ce3 100644
--- a/ocamldoc/
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ open Misc
open Format
open Typedtree
(** Initialize the search path.
The current directory is always searched first,
then the directories specified with the -I option (in command-line order),
@@ -194,45 +195,49 @@ let process_error exn =
let process_file ppf sourcefile =
if !Odoc_args.verbose then
- print_string (Odoc_messages.analysing sourcefile) ;
+ let f = match sourcefile with Odoc_args.Impl_file f | Odoc_args.Intf_file f -> f in
+ print_string (Odoc_messages.analysing f) ;
print_newline ();
- if Filename.check_suffix sourcefile "ml" then
- (
- try
- let (parsetree_typedtree_opt, input_file) = process_implementation_file ppf sourcefile in
- match parsetree_typedtree_opt with
- None ->
+ match sourcefile with
+ Odoc_args.Impl_file file ->
+ (
+ try
+ let (parsetree_typedtree_opt, input_file) = process_implementation_file ppf file in
+ match parsetree_typedtree_opt with
+ None ->
+ None
+ | Some (parsetree, typedtree) ->
+ let file_module = Ast_analyser.analyse_typed_tree file
+ !Location.input_name parsetree typedtree
+ in
+ file_module.Odoc_module.m_top_deps <- Odoc_dep.impl_dependencies parsetree ;
+ if !Odoc_args.verbose then
+ (
+ print_string Odoc_messages.ok;
+ print_newline ()
+ );
+ remove_preprocessed input_file;
+ Some file_module
+ with
+ | Sys_error s
+ | Failure s ->
+ prerr_endline s ;
+ incr Odoc_global.errors ;
- | Some (parsetree, typedtree) ->
- let file_module = Ast_analyser.analyse_typed_tree sourcefile !Location.input_name parsetree typedtree in
- file_module.Odoc_module.m_top_deps <- Odoc_dep.impl_dependencies parsetree ;
- if !Odoc_args.verbose then
- (
- print_string Odoc_messages.ok;
- print_newline ()
- );
- remove_preprocessed input_file;
- Some file_module
- with
- | Sys_error s
- | Failure s ->
- prerr_endline s ;
- incr Odoc_global.errors ;
- None
- | e ->
- process_error e ;
- incr Odoc_global.errors ;
- None
- )
- else
- if Filename.check_suffix sourcefile "mli" then
+ | e ->
+ process_error e ;
+ incr Odoc_global.errors ;
+ None
+ )
+ | Odoc_args.Intf_file file ->
- let (ast, signat, input_file) = process_interface_file ppf sourcefile in
- let file_module = Sig_analyser.analyse_signature sourcefile !Location.input_name ast signat in
+ let (ast, signat, input_file) = process_interface_file ppf file in
+ let file_module = Sig_analyser.analyse_signature file
+ !Location.input_name ast signat
+ in
file_module.Odoc_module.m_top_deps <- Odoc_dep.intf_dependencies ast ;
@@ -254,10 +259,6 @@ let process_file ppf sourcefile =
incr Odoc_global.errors ;
- else
- (
- raise (Failure (Odoc_messages.unknown_extension sourcefile))
- )
(** Remove the class elements after the stop special comment. *)
let rec remove_class_elements_after_stop eles =