path: root/otherlibs/graph
diff options
authorXavier Leroy <>1995-05-08 17:04:35 +0000
committerXavier Leroy <>1995-05-08 17:04:35 +0000
commite22a62afc8cb34a5a491b9da3a777e42d95f351d (patch)
tree916924829b31dc561121fec288b042e6dfe81aa6 /otherlibs/graph
parent3844ccfcf176f5d3efd9df040f9134402b8f4d76 (diff)
Recuperation de libgraph de CL0.7
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
Diffstat (limited to 'otherlibs/graph')
16 files changed, 1457 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/otherlibs/graph/Makefile b/otherlibs/graph/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f9ab18633
--- /dev/null
+++ b/otherlibs/graph/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+# Makefile for the portable graphics library
+include ../../Makefile.config
+CFLAGS=$(CCCOMPOPTS) -I../../byterun -O
+CAMLC=../../boot/camlrun ../../boot/camlc -I ../../boot
+OBJS=open.o draw.o fill.o color.o text.o \
+ image.o make_img.o dump_img.o point_col.o sound.o events.o
+all: libgraph.a graphics.cmi graphics.cma
+libgraph.a: $(OBJS)
+ rm -f libgraph.a
+ ar rc libgraph.a $(OBJS)
+ $(RANLIB) libgraph.a
+graphics.cma: graphics.cmo
+ $(CAMLC) -a -o graphics.cma graphics.cmo
+ rm -f libgraph.a $(GENFILES) *.o *.cm[ioa]
+ cp libgraph.a $(LIBDIR)/libgraph.a
+ cd $(LIBDIR); $(RANLIB) libgraph.a
+ cp[ia] $(LIBDIR)
+.SUFFIXES: .ml .mli .cmo .cmi
+ $(CAMLC) -c $<
+ $(CAMLC) -c $<
+ gcc -MM $(CFLAGS) *.c > .depend
+ ../../tools/camldep *.mli *.ml >> .depend
+include .depend
diff --git a/otherlibs/graph/color.c b/otherlibs/graph/color.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..22ffc2925
--- /dev/null
+++ b/otherlibs/graph/color.c
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+#include "libgraph.h"
+/* Cache to speed up the translation rgb -> pixel value. */
+struct color_cache_entry {
+ int rgb; /* RGB value with format 0xRRGGBB */
+ unsigned long pixel; /* Pixel value */
+#define Color_cache_size 64
+static struct color_cache_entry color_cache[Color_cache_size];
+#define Empty (-1)
+#define Hash_rgb(r,g,b) \
+ ((((r) & 0xC0) >> 2) + (((g) & 0xC0) >> 4) + (((b) & 0xC0) >> 6))
+void gr_init_color_cache()
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < Color_cache_size; i++) color_cache[i].rgb = Empty;
+ i = Hash_rgb(0, 0, 0);
+ color_cache[i].rgb = 0;
+ color_cache[i].pixel = grblack;
+ i = Hash_rgb(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF);
+ color_cache[i].rgb = 0xFFFFFF;
+ color_cache[i].pixel = grwhite;
+unsigned long gr_pixel_rgb(rgb)
+ int rgb;
+ unsigned int r, g, b;
+ int h, i;
+ XColor color;
+ r = (rgb >> 16) & 0xFF;
+ g = (rgb >> 8) & 0xFF;
+ b = rgb & 0xFF;
+ h = Hash_rgb(r, g, b);
+ i = h;
+ while(1) {
+ if (color_cache[i].rgb == Empty) break;
+ if (color_cache[i].rgb == rgb) return color_cache[i].pixel;
+ i = (i + 1) & (Color_cache_size - 1);
+ if (i == h) break;
+ }
+ = r * 0x101;
+ = g * 0x101;
+ = b * 0x101;
+ XAllocColor(grdisplay, grcolormap, &color);
+ color_cache[i].rgb = rgb;
+ color_cache[i].pixel = color.pixel;
+ return color.pixel;
+int gr_rgb_pixel(pixel)
+ unsigned long pixel;
+ XColor color;
+ int i;
+ if (pixel == grblack) return 0;
+ if (pixel == grwhite) return 0xFFFFFF;
+ /* Probably faster to do a linear search than to query the X server. */
+ for (i = 0; i < Color_cache_size; i++) {
+ if (color_cache[i].rgb != Empty && color_cache[i].pixel == pixel)
+ return color_cache[i].rgb;
+ }
+ color.pixel = pixel;
+ XQueryColor(grdisplay, grcolormap, &color);
+ return
+ (( >> 8) << 16) + (( >> 8) << 8) + ( >> 8);
+value gr_set_color(vrgb)
+ value vrgb;
+ gr_check_open();
+ grcolor = gr_pixel_rgb(Int_val(vrgb));
+ XSetForeground(grdisplay, grwindow.gc, grcolor);
+ XSetForeground(grdisplay, grbstore.gc, grcolor);
+ return Val_unit;
diff --git a/otherlibs/graph/draw.c b/otherlibs/graph/draw.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8f41b5988
--- /dev/null
+++ b/otherlibs/graph/draw.c
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+#include "libgraph.h"
+#include <alloc.h>
+value gr_plot(vx, vy)
+ value vx, vy;
+ int x = Int_val(vx);
+ int y = Int_val(vy);
+ XDrawPoint(grdisplay,, grwindow.gc, x, Wcvt(y));
+ XDrawPoint(grdisplay,, grbstore.gc, x, Bcvt(y));
+ XFlush(grdisplay);
+ return Val_unit;
+value gr_moveto(vx, vy)
+ value vx, vy;
+ grx = Int_val(vx);
+ gry = Int_val(vy);
+ return Val_unit;
+value gr_current_point()
+ value res;
+ res = alloc_tuple(2);
+ Field(res, 0) = Val_int(grx);
+ Field(res, 1) = Val_int(gry);
+ return res;
+value gr_lineto(vx, vy)
+ value vx, vy;
+ int x = Int_val(vx);
+ int y = Int_val(vy);
+ XDrawLine(grdisplay,, grwindow.gc,
+ grx, Wcvt(gry), x, Wcvt(y));
+ XDrawLine(grdisplay,, grbstore.gc,
+ grx, Bcvt(gry), x, Bcvt(y));
+ grx = x;
+ gry = y;
+ XFlush(grdisplay);
+ return Val_unit;
+value gr_draw_arc(argv, argc)
+ int argc;
+ value * argv;
+ int x = Int_val(argv[0]);
+ int y = Int_val(argv[1]);
+ int rx = Int_val(argv[2]);
+ int ry = Int_val(argv[3]);
+ int a1 = Int_val(argv[4]);
+ int a2 = Int_val(argv[5]);
+ XDrawArc(grdisplay,, grwindow.gc,
+ x - rx, Wcvt(y) - ry, rx * 2, ry * 2, a1 * 64, (a2 - a1) * 64);
+ XDrawArc(grdisplay,, grbstore.gc,
+ x - rx, Bcvt(y) - ry, rx * 2, ry * 2, a1 * 64, (a2 - a1) * 64);
+ XFlush(grdisplay);
+ return Val_unit;
+value gr_set_line_width(vwidth)
+ value vwidth;
+ int width = Int_val(vwidth);
+ XSetLineAttributes(grdisplay, grwindow.gc,
+ width, LineSolid, CapRound, JoinRound);
+ XSetLineAttributes(grdisplay, grbstore.gc,
+ width, LineSolid, CapRound, JoinRound);
+ return Val_unit;
diff --git a/otherlibs/graph/dump_img.c b/otherlibs/graph/dump_img.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1578acb36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/otherlibs/graph/dump_img.c
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+#include "libgraph.h"
+#include "image.h"
+#include <memory.h>
+static value gr_alloc_int_vect(size)
+ mlsize_t size;
+ value res;
+ mlsize_t i;
+ if (size <= Max_young_wosize) {
+ res = alloc(size, 0);
+ } else {
+ res = alloc_shr(size, 0);
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ Field(res, i) = Val_long(0);
+ }
+ return res;
+value gr_dump_image(image)
+ value image;
+ int width, height, i, j;
+ XImage * idata, * imask;
+ Push_roots(root, 2);
+#define im root[0]
+#define m root[1]
+ gr_check_open();
+ im = image;
+ width = Width_im(im);
+ height = Height_im(im);
+ m = gr_alloc_int_vect(height);
+ for (i = 0; i < height; i++) {
+ value v = gr_alloc_int_vect(width);
+ modify(&Field(m, i), v);
+ }
+ idata =
+ XGetImage(grdisplay, Data_im(im), 0, 0, width, height, (-1), ZPixmap);
+ for (i = 0; i < height; i++)
+ for (j = 0; j < width; j++)
+ Field(Field(m, i), j) = Val_int(gr_rgb_pixel(XGetPixel(idata, j, i)));
+ XDestroyImage(idata);
+ if (Mask_im(im) != None) {
+ imask =
+ XGetImage(grdisplay, Mask_im(im), 0, 0, width, height, 1, ZPixmap);
+ for (i = 0; i < height; i++)
+ for (j = 0; j < width; j++)
+ if (XGetPixel(imask, j, i) == 0)
+ Field(Field(m, i), j) = Val_int(Transparent);
+ XDestroyImage(imask);
+ }
+ Pop_roots();
+ return m;
+#undef im
+#undef m
diff --git a/otherlibs/graph/events.c b/otherlibs/graph/events.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..78f061839
--- /dev/null
+++ b/otherlibs/graph/events.c
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+#include <signal.h>
+#include "libgraph.h"
+#include <alloc.h>
+static unsigned char gr_queue[SIZE_QUEUE];
+static int gr_head = 0; /* position of next read */
+static int gr_tail = 0; /* position of next write */
+#define QueueIsEmpty (gr_head == gr_tail)
+#define QueueIsFull (gr_head == gr_tail + 1)
+void gr_enqueue_char(c)
+ unsigned char c;
+ if (QueueIsFull) return;
+ gr_queue[gr_tail] = c;
+ gr_tail++;
+ if (gr_tail >= SIZE_QUEUE) gr_tail = 0;
+value gr_wait_event(eventlist)
+ value eventlist;
+ value res;
+ int mask;
+ Bool poll;
+ int mouse_x, mouse_y, button, key;
+ Window rootwin, childwin;
+ int root_x, root_y, win_x, win_y;
+ unsigned int modifiers;
+ void (*oldsig)();
+ XEvent event;
+ mask = 0;
+ poll = False;
+ while (Tag_val(eventlist) == 1) {
+ switch (Tag_val(Field(eventlist, 0))) {
+ case 0: /* Button_down */
+ mask |= ButtonPressMask; break;
+ case 1: /* Button_up */
+ mask |= ButtonReleaseMask; break;
+ case 2: /* Key_pressed */
+ mask |= KeyPressMask; break;
+ case 3: /* Mouse_motion */
+ mask |= PointerMotionMask; break;
+ case 4: /* Poll */
+ poll = True; break;
+ }
+ eventlist = Field(eventlist, 1);
+ }
+ mouse_x = -1;
+ mouse_y = -1;
+ button = 0;
+ key = 0x100;
+ if (poll) {
+ if (XQueryPointer(grdisplay,,
+ &rootwin, &childwin,
+ &root_x, &root_y, &win_x, &win_y,
+ &modifiers)) {
+ mouse_x = win_x;
+ mouse_y = win_y;
+ }
+ button = modifiers & Button1Mask;
+ if (!QueueIsEmpty) key = gr_queue[gr_head];
+ } else {
+ if ((mask & KeyPressMask) && !QueueIsEmpty) {
+ key = gr_queue[gr_head];
+ gr_head++;
+ if (gr_head >= SIZE_QUEUE) gr_head = 0;
+ } else {
+ oldsig = signal(EVENT_SIGNAL, SIG_IGN);
+ XSelectInput(grdisplay,, DEFAULT_EVENT_MASK | mask);
+ again:
+ XNextEvent(grdisplay, &event);
+ switch(event.type) {
+ case ButtonPress:
+ case ButtonRelease:
+ mouse_x = event.xbutton.x;
+ mouse_y = event.xbutton.y;
+ button = event.type == ButtonPress;
+ break;
+ case MotionNotify:
+ mouse_x = event.xmotion.x;
+ mouse_y = event.xmotion.y;
+ button = event.xmotion.state & Button1Mask;
+ break;
+ case KeyPress:
+ gr_handle_simple_event(&event);
+ /* Some KeyPress events do not enqueue any characters (e.g. pressing
+ Ctrl), because they expand via XLookupString to the empty string.
+ Therefore we need to check again whether the char queue is empty. */
+ if ((mask & KeyPressMask) == 0 || QueueIsEmpty) goto again;
+ key = gr_queue[gr_head];
+ gr_head++;
+ if (gr_head >= SIZE_QUEUE) gr_head = 0;
+ break;
+ default:
+ gr_handle_simple_event(&event);
+ goto again;
+ }
+ signal(EVENT_SIGNAL, oldsig);
+ XSelectInput(grdisplay,, DEFAULT_EVENT_MASK);
+ XFlush(grdisplay);
+ }
+ }
+ res = alloc_tuple(5);
+ Field(res, 0) = Val_int(mouse_x);
+ Field(res, 1) = Val_int(mouse_y == -1 ? -1 : Wcvt(mouse_y));
+ Field(res, 2) = Val_bool(button);
+ Field(res, 3) = Val_bool(key != 0x100);
+ Field(res, 4) = Val_int(key & 0xFF);
+ return res;
diff --git a/otherlibs/graph/fill.c b/otherlibs/graph/fill.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..66e728553
--- /dev/null
+++ b/otherlibs/graph/fill.c
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+#include "libgraph.h"
+#include <memory.h>
+value gr_fill_rect(vx, vy, vw, vh)
+ value vx, vy, vw, vh;
+ int x = Int_val(vx);
+ int y = Int_val(vy);
+ int w = Int_val(vw);
+ int h = Int_val(vh);
+ XFillRectangle(grdisplay,, grwindow.gc,
+ x, Wcvt(y) - h + 1, w, h);
+ XFillRectangle(grdisplay,, grbstore.gc,
+ x, Bcvt(y) - h + 1, w, h);
+ XFlush(grdisplay);
+ return Val_unit;
+value gr_fill_poly(array)
+ value array;
+ XPoint * points;
+ int npoints, i;
+ npoints = Wosize_val(array);
+ points = (XPoint *) stat_alloc(npoints * sizeof(XPoint));
+ for (i = 0; i < npoints; i++) {
+ points[i].x = Int_val(Field(Field(array, i), 0));
+ points[i].y = Wcvt(Int_val(Field(Field(array, i), 1)));
+ }
+ XFillPolygon(grdisplay,, grwindow.gc, points,
+ npoints, Complex, CoordModeOrigin);
+ for (i = 0; i < npoints; i++) {
+ points[i].y = WtoB(points[i].y);
+ }
+ XFillPolygon(grdisplay,, grbstore.gc, points,
+ npoints, Complex, CoordModeOrigin);
+ XFlush(grdisplay);
+ stat_free((char *) points);
+ return Val_unit;
+value gr_fill_arc(argv, argc)
+ int argc;
+ value * argv;
+ int x = Int_val(argv[0]);
+ int y = Int_val(argv[1]);
+ int rx = Int_val(argv[2]);
+ int ry = Int_val(argv[3]);
+ int a1 = Int_val(argv[4]);
+ int a2 = Int_val(argv[5]);
+ XFillArc(grdisplay,, grwindow.gc,
+ x - rx, Wcvt(y) - ry, rx * 2, ry * 2, a1 * 64, (a2 - a1) * 64);
+ XFillArc(grdisplay,, grbstore.gc,
+ x - rx, Bcvt(y) - ry, rx * 2, ry * 2, a1 * 64, (a2 - a1) * 64);
+ XFlush(grdisplay);
+ return Val_unit;
diff --git a/otherlibs/graph/ b/otherlibs/graph/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c9e5f1551
--- /dev/null
+++ b/otherlibs/graph/
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+exception Graphic_failure of string
+(* Initializations *)
+external raw_open_graph: string -> unit = "gr_open_graph"
+external raw_close_graph: unit -> unit = "gr_close_graph"
+external sigio_signal: unit -> int = "gr_sigio_signal"
+external sigio_handler: int -> unit = "gr_sigio_handler"
+external register_graphic_failure: exn -> unit = "gr_register_graphic_failure"
+let _ = register_graphic_failure(Graphic_failure "")
+let open_graph arg =
+ Sys.signal (sigio_signal()) (Sys.Signal_handle sigio_handler);
+ raw_open_graph arg
+let close_graph () =
+ Sys.signal (sigio_signal()) Sys.Signal_ignore;
+ raw_close_graph ()
+external clear_graph : unit -> unit = "gr_clear_graph"
+external size_x : unit -> int = "gr_size_x"
+external size_y : unit -> int = "gr_size_y"
+(* Colors *)
+type color = int
+let rgb r g b = (r lsl 16) + (g lsl 8) + b
+external set_color : color -> unit = "gr_set_color"
+let black = 0x000000
+and white = 0xFFFFFF
+and red = 0xFF0000
+and green = 0x00FF00
+and blue = 0x0000FF
+and yellow = 0xFFFF00
+and cyan = 0x00FFFF
+and magenta = 0xFF00FF
+let background = white
+and foreground = black
+(* Drawing *)
+external plot : int -> int -> unit = "gr_plot"
+external point_color : int -> int -> color = "gr_point_color"
+external moveto : int -> int -> unit = "gr_moveto"
+external current_point : unit -> int * int = "gr_current_point"
+external lineto : int -> int -> unit = "gr_lineto"
+external draw_arc : int -> int -> int -> int -> int -> int -> unit
+ = "gr_draw_arc"
+let draw_ellipse x y rx ry = draw_arc x y rx ry 0 360
+let draw_circle x y r = draw_arc x y r r 0 360
+external set_line_width : int -> unit = "gr_set_line_width"
+external fill_rect : int -> int -> int -> int -> unit = "gr_fill_rect"
+external fill_poly : (int * int) array -> unit = "gr_fill_poly"
+external fill_arc : int -> int -> int -> int -> int -> int -> unit
+ = "gr_fill_arc"
+let fill_ellipse x y rx ry = fill_arc x y rx ry 0 360
+let fill_circle x y r = fill_arc x y r r 0 360
+(* Text *)
+external draw_char : char -> unit = "gr_draw_char"
+external draw_string : string -> unit = "gr_draw_string"
+external set_font : string -> unit = "gr_set_font"
+let set_text_size sz = ()
+external text_size : string -> int * int = "gr_text_size"
+(* Images *)
+type image
+let transp = -1
+external make_image : color array array -> image = "gr_make_image"
+external dump_image : image -> color array array = "gr_dump_image"
+external draw_image : image -> int -> int -> unit = "gr_draw_image"
+external create_image : int -> int -> image = "gr_create_image"
+external blit_image : image -> int -> int -> unit = "gr_blit_image"
+let get_image x y w h =
+ let image = create_image w h in
+ blit_image image x y;
+ image
+(* Events *)
+type status =
+ { mouse_x : int;
+ mouse_y : int;
+ button : bool;
+ keypressed : bool;
+ key : char }
+type event =
+ Button_down
+ | Button_up
+ | Key_pressed
+ | Mouse_motion
+ | Poll
+external wait_next_event : event list -> status = "gr_wait_event"
+let mouse_pos () =
+ let e = wait_next_event [Poll] in (e.mouse_x, e.mouse_y)
+let button_down () =
+ let e = wait_next_event [Poll] in e.button
+let read_key () =
+ let e = wait_next_event [Key_pressed] in e.key
+let key_pressed () =
+ let e = wait_next_event [Poll] in e.keypressed
+(*** Sound *)
+external sound : int -> int -> unit = "gr_sound"
diff --git a/otherlibs/graph/graphics.mli b/otherlibs/graph/graphics.mli
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..606aaf8cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/otherlibs/graph/graphics.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+(* Machine-independent graphics primitives *)
+exception Graphic_failure of string
+ (* Raised by the functions below when they encounter an error. *)
+(*** Initializations *)
+val open_graph: string -> unit
+ (* Show the graphics window or switch the screen to graphic mode.
+ The graphics window is cleared. The string argument is used to
+ pass optional information on the desired graphics mode, the
+ graphics window size, and so on. Its interpretation is
+ implementation-dependent. If the empty string is given, a sensible
+ default is selected. *)
+val close_graph: unit -> unit
+ (* Delete the graphics window or switch the screen back to
+ text mode. *)
+external clear_graph : unit -> unit = "gr_clear_graph"
+ (* Erase the graphics window. *)
+external size_x : unit -> int = "gr_size_x"
+external size_y : unit -> int = "gr_size_y"
+ (* Return the size of the graphics window. Coordinates of the screen
+ pixels range over [0 .. size_x()-1] and [0 .. size_y()-1].
+ Drawings outside of this rectangle are clipped, without causing
+ an error. The origin (0,0) is at the lower left corner. *)
+(*** Colors *)
+type color = int
+ (* A color is specified by its R, G, B components. Each component
+ is in the range [0..255]. The three components are packed in
+ an [int]: [0xRRGGBB], where [RR] are the two hexadecimal digits for
+ the red component, [GG] for the green component, [BB] for the
+ blue component. *)
+val rgb: int -> int -> int -> int
+ (* [rgb r g b] returns the integer encoding the color with red
+ component [r], green component [g], and blue component [b].
+ [r], [g] and [b] are in the range [0..255]. *)
+external set_color : color -> unit = "gr_set_color"
+ (* Set the current drawing color. *)
+val black : color
+val white : color
+val red : color
+val green : color
+val blue : color
+val yellow : color
+val cyan : color
+val magenta : color
+ (* Some predefined colors. *)
+val background: color
+val foreground: color
+ (* Default background and foreground colors (usually, either black
+ foreground on a white background or white foreground on a
+ black background).
+ [clear_graph] fills the screen with the [background] color.
+ The initial drawing color is [foreground]. *)
+(*** Point and line drawing *)
+external plot : int -> int -> unit = "gr_plot"
+ (* Plot the given point with the current drawing color. *)
+external point_color : int -> int -> color = "gr_point_color"
+ (* Return the color of the given point. *)
+external moveto : int -> int -> unit = "gr_moveto"
+ (* Position the current point. *)
+external current_point : unit -> int * int = "gr_current_point"
+ (* Return the position of the current point. *)
+external lineto : int -> int -> unit = "gr_lineto"
+ (* Draw a line with endpoints the current point and the given point,
+ and move the current point to the given point. *)
+external draw_arc : int -> int -> int -> int -> int -> int -> unit
+ = "gr_draw_arc"
+ (* [draw_arc x y rx ry a1 a2] draws an elliptical arc with center
+ [x,y], horizontal radius [rx], vertical radius [ry], from angle
+ [a1] to angle [a2] (in degrees). The current point is unchanged. *)
+val draw_ellipse : int -> int -> int -> int -> unit
+ (* [draw_ellipse x y rx ry] draws an ellipse with center
+ [x,y], horizontal radius [rx] and vertical radius [ry].
+ The current point is unchanged. *)
+val draw_circle : int -> int -> int -> unit
+ (* [draw_circle x y r] draws a circle with center [x,y] and
+ radius [r]. The current point is unchanged. *)
+external set_line_width : int -> unit = "gr_set_line_width"
+ (* Set the width of points and lines drawn with the functions above.
+ Under X Windows, [set_line_width 0] selects a width of 1 pixel
+ and a faster, but less precise drawing algorithm than the one
+ used when [set_line_width 1] is specified. *)
+(*** Text drawing *)
+external draw_char : char -> unit = "gr_draw_char"
+external draw_string : string -> unit = "gr_draw_string"
+ (* Draw a character or a character string with lower left corner
+ at current position. After drawing, the current position is set
+ to the lower right corner of the text drawn. *)
+external set_font : string -> unit = "gr_set_font"
+val set_text_size : int -> unit
+ (* Set the font and character size used for drawing text.
+ The interpretation of the arguments to [set_font] and
+ [set_text_size] is implementation-dependent. *)
+external text_size : string -> int * int = "gr_text_size"
+ (* Return the dimensions of the given text, if it were drawn with
+ the current font and size. *)
+(*** Filling *)
+external fill_rect : int -> int -> int -> int -> unit = "gr_fill_rect"
+ (* [fill_rect x y w h] fills the rectangle with lower left corner
+ at [x,y], width [w] and heigth [h], with the current color. *)
+external fill_poly : (int * int) array -> unit = "gr_fill_poly"
+ (* Fill the given polygon with the current color. The array
+ contains the coordinates of the vertices of the polygon. *)
+external fill_arc : int -> int -> int -> int -> int -> int -> unit
+ = "gr_fill_arc"
+ (* Fill an elliptical pie slice with the current color. The
+ parameters are the same as for [draw_arc]. *)
+val fill_ellipse : int -> int -> int -> int -> unit
+ (* Fill an ellipse with the current color. The
+ parameters are the same as for [draw_ellipse]. *)
+val fill_circle : int -> int -> int -> unit
+ (* Fill a circle with the current color. The
+ parameters are the same as for [draw_circle]. *)
+(*** Images *)
+type image
+ (* The abstract type for images, in internal representation.
+ Externally, images are represented as matrices of colors. *)
+val transp : color
+ (* In matrices of colors, this color represent a ``transparent''
+ point: when drawing the corresponding image, all pixels on the
+ screen corresponding to a transparent pixel in the image will
+ not be modified, while other points will be set to the color
+ of the corresponding point in the image. This allows superimposing
+ an image over an existing background. *)
+external make_image : color array array -> image = "gr_make_image"
+ (* Convert the given color matrix to an image.
+ Each sub-array represents one horizontal line. All sub-arrays
+ must have the same length; otherwise, exception [Graphic_failure]
+ is raised. *)
+external dump_image : image -> color array array = "gr_dump_image"
+ (* Convert an image to a color matrix. *)
+external draw_image : image -> int -> int -> unit = "gr_draw_image"
+ (* Draw the given image with lower left corner at the given point. *)
+val get_image : int -> int -> int -> int -> image
+ (* Capture the contents of a rectangle on the screen as an image.
+ The parameters are the same as for [fill_rect]. *)
+external create_image : int -> int -> image = "gr_create_image"
+ (* [create_image w h] returns a new image [w] pixels wide and [h]
+ pixels tall, to be used in conjunction with [blit_image].
+ The initial image contents are random. *)
+external blit_image : image -> int -> int -> unit = "gr_blit_image"
+ (* [blit_image img x y] copies screen pixels into the image [img],
+ modifying [img] in-place. The pixels copied are those inside the
+ rectangle with lower left corner at [x,y], and width and height
+ equal to those of the image. *)
+(*** Mouse and keyboard events *)
+type status =
+ { mouse_x : int; (* X coordinate of the mouse *)
+ mouse_y : int; (* Y coordinate of the mouse *)
+ button : bool; (* true if a mouse button is pressed *)
+ keypressed : bool; (* true if a key has been pressed *)
+ key : char } (* the character for the key pressed *)
+ (* To report events. *)
+type event =
+ Button_down (* A mouse button is pressed *)
+ | Button_up (* A mouse button is released *)
+ | Key_pressed (* A key is pressed *)
+ | Mouse_motion (* The mouse is moved *)
+ | Poll (* Don't wait; return immediately *)
+ (* To specify events to wait for. *)
+external wait_next_event : event list -> status = "gr_wait_event"
+ (* Wait until one of the events specified in the given event list
+ occurs, and return the status of the mouse and keyboard at
+ that time. If [Poll] is given in the event list, return immediately
+ with the current status. If the mouse cursor is outside of the
+ graphics window, the [mouse_x] and [mouse_y] fields of the event are
+ outside the range [0..size_x()-1, 0..size_y()-1]. Keypresses
+ are queued, and dequeued one by one when the [Key_pressed]
+ event is specified. *)
+(*** Mouse and keyboard polling *)
+val mouse_pos : unit -> int * int
+ (* Return the position of the mouse cursor, relative to the
+ graphics window. If the mouse cursor is outside of the graphics
+ window, [mouse_pos()] returns a point outside of the range
+ [0..size_x()-1, 0..size_y()-1]. *)
+val button_down : unit -> bool
+ (* Return [true] if the mouse button is pressed, [false] otherwise. *)
+val read_key : unit -> char
+ (* Wait for a key to be pressed, and return the corresponding
+ character. Keypresses are queued. *)
+val key_pressed : unit -> bool
+ (* Return [true] if a keypress is available; that is, if [read_key]
+ would not block. *)
+(*** Sound *)
+external sound : int -> int -> unit = "gr_sound"
+ (* [sound freq dur] plays a sound at frequency [freq] (in hertz)
+ for a duration [dur] (in milliseconds). On the Macintosh,
+ the frequency is rounded to the nearest note in the equal-tempered
+ scale. *)
diff --git a/otherlibs/graph/image.c b/otherlibs/graph/image.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..75b685a87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/otherlibs/graph/image.c
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+#include "libgraph.h"
+#include "image.h"
+#include <alloc.h>
+static void gr_free_image(im)
+ value im;
+ XFreePixmap(grdisplay, Data_im(im));
+ if (Mask_im(im) != None) XFreePixmap(grdisplay, Mask_im(im));
+value gr_new_image(w, h)
+ int w, h;
+ value res = alloc_shr(Grimage_wosize, Final_tag);
+ Final_fun(res) = gr_free_image;
+ Width_im(res) = w;
+ Height_im(res) = h;
+ Data_im(res) = XCreatePixmap(grdisplay,, w, h,
+ XDefaultDepth(grdisplay, grscreen));
+ Mask_im(res) = None;
+ return res;
+value gr_create_image(vw, vh)
+ value vw, vh;
+ gr_check_open();
+ return gr_new_image(Int_val(vw), Int_val(vh));
+value gr_blit_image(im, vx, vy)
+ value im, vx, vy;
+ int x = Int_val(vx);
+ int y = Int_val(vy);
+ gr_check_open();
+ XCopyArea(grdisplay,, Data_im(im), grbstore.gc,
+ x, Bcvt(y) + 1 - Height_im(im),
+ Width_im(im), Height_im(im),
+ 0, 0);
+ return Val_unit;
+value gr_draw_image(im, vx, vy)
+ value im, vx, vy;
+ int x = Int_val(vx);
+ int y = Int_val(vy);
+ int wy = Wcvt(y) + 1 - Height_im(im);
+ int by = Bcvt(y) + 1 - Height_im(im);
+ gr_check_open();
+ if (Mask_im(im) != None) {
+ XSetClipOrigin(grdisplay, grwindow.gc, x, wy);
+ XSetClipMask(grdisplay, grwindow.gc, Mask_im(im));
+ XSetClipOrigin(grdisplay, grbstore.gc, x, by);
+ XSetClipMask(grdisplay, grbstore.gc, Mask_im(im));
+ }
+ XCopyArea(grdisplay, Data_im(im),, grwindow.gc,
+ 0, 0,
+ Width_im(im), Height_im(im),
+ x, wy);
+ XCopyArea(grdisplay, Data_im(im),, grbstore.gc,
+ 0, 0,
+ Width_im(im), Height_im(im),
+ x, by);
+ if (Mask_im(im) != None) {
+ XSetClipMask(grdisplay, grwindow.gc, None);
+ XSetClipMask(grdisplay, grbstore.gc, None);
+ }
+ XFlush(grdisplay);
+ return Val_unit;
diff --git a/otherlibs/graph/image.h b/otherlibs/graph/image.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..761cb16aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/otherlibs/graph/image.h
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+struct grimage {
+ final_fun f; /* Finalization function */
+ int width, height; /* Dimensions of the image */
+ Pixmap data; /* Pixels */
+ Pixmap mask; /* Mask for transparent points, or None */
+#define Grimage_wosize \
+ ((sizeof(struct grimage) + sizeof(value) - 1) / sizeof(value))
+#define Width_im(i) (((struct grimage *)(i))->width)
+#define Height_im(i) (((struct grimage *)(i))->height)
+#define Data_im(i) (((struct grimage *)(i))->data)
+#define Mask_im(i) (((struct grimage *)(i))->mask)
+#define Transparent (-1)
+value gr_new_image();
diff --git a/otherlibs/graph/libgraph.h b/otherlibs/graph/libgraph.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..60b9f6db9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/otherlibs/graph/libgraph.h
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <X11/Xlib.h>
+#include <X11/Xutil.h>
+#include <mlvalues.h>
+struct canvas {
+ int w, h; /* Dimensions of the drawable */
+ Drawable win; /* The drawable itself */
+ GC gc; /* The associated graphics context */
+Display * grdisplay; /* The display connection */
+int grscreen; /* The screen number */
+Colormap grcolormap; /* The color map */
+struct canvas grwindow; /* The graphics window */
+struct canvas grbstore; /* The pixmap used for backing store */
+int grwhite, grblack; /* Black and white pixels */
+int grx, gry; /* Coordinates of the current point */
+unsigned long grcolor; /* Current drawing color */
+extern XFontStruct * grfont; /* Current font */
+#define Wcvt(y) (grwindow.h - 1 - (y))
+#define Bcvt(y) (grbstore.h - 1 - (y))
+#define WtoB(y) ((y) + grbstore.h - grwindow.h)
+#define min(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
+#define max(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
+#define BORDER_WIDTH 2
+#define WINDOW_NAME "Caml Light graphics"
+#define ICON_NAME "Caml Light graphics"
+ (ExposureMask | KeyPressMask | StructureNotifyMask)
+#define DEFAULT_FONT "fixed"
+#define SIZE_QUEUE 256
+/* To handle events asynchronously */
+#ifdef HAS_ASYNC_IO
+#define USE_ASYNC_IO
+#define USE_ALARM
+void gr_fail();
+void gr_check_open();
+unsigned long gr_pixel_rgb();
+int gr_rgb_pixel();
+void gr_handle_simple_event();
+void gr_enqueue_char();
diff --git a/otherlibs/graph/make_img.c b/otherlibs/graph/make_img.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6c9570def
--- /dev/null
+++ b/otherlibs/graph/make_img.c
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+#include "libgraph.h"
+#include "image.h"
+#include <memory.h>
+value gr_make_image(m)
+ value m;
+ int width, height;
+ value im;
+ Bool has_transp;
+ XImage * idata, * imask;
+ char * bdata, * bmask;
+ int i, j, rgb;
+ value line;
+ GC gc;
+ gr_check_open();
+ height = Wosize_val(m);
+ if (height == 0) return gr_new_image(0, 0);
+ width = Wosize_val(Field(m, 0));
+ for (i = 1; i < height; i++)
+ if (Wosize_val(Field(m, i)) != width)
+ gr_fail("make_image: lines of different lengths", NULL);
+ /* Build an XImage for the data part of the image */
+ idata =
+ XCreateImage(grdisplay, DefaultVisual(grdisplay, grscreen),
+ XDefaultDepth(grdisplay, grscreen),
+ ZPixmap, 0, NULL, width, height,
+ BitmapPad(grdisplay), 0);
+ bdata = (char *) stat_alloc(height * idata->bytes_per_line);
+ idata->data = bdata;
+ has_transp = False;
+ for (i = 0; i < height; i++) {
+ line = Field(m, i);
+ for (j = 0; j < width; j++) {
+ rgb = Int_val(Field(line, j));
+ if (rgb == Transparent) { has_transp = True; rgb = 0; }
+ XPutPixel(idata, j, i, gr_pixel_rgb(rgb));
+ }
+ }
+ /* If the matrix contains transparent points,
+ build an XImage for the mask part of the image */
+ if (has_transp) {
+ imask =
+ XCreateImage(grdisplay, DefaultVisual(grdisplay, grscreen),
+ 1, ZPixmap, 0, NULL, width, height,
+ BitmapPad(grdisplay), 0);
+ bmask = (char *) stat_alloc(height * imask->bytes_per_line);
+ imask->data = bmask;
+ for (i = 0; i < height; i++) {
+ line = Field(m, i);
+ for (j = 0; j < width; j++) {
+ rgb = Int_val(Field(line, j));
+ XPutPixel(imask, j, i, rgb != Transparent);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Allocate the image and store the XImages into the Pixmaps */
+ im = gr_new_image(width, height);
+ gc = XCreateGC(grdisplay, Data_im(im), 0, NULL);
+ XPutImage(grdisplay, Data_im(im), gc, idata, 0, 0, 0, 0, width, height);
+ XDestroyImage(idata);
+ XFreeGC(grdisplay, gc);
+ if (has_transp) {
+ Mask_im(im) = XCreatePixmap(grdisplay,, width, height, 1);
+ gc = XCreateGC(grdisplay, Mask_im(im), 0, NULL);
+ XPutImage(grdisplay, Mask_im(im), gc, imask, 0, 0, 0, 0, width, height);
+ XDestroyImage(imask);
+ XFreeGC(grdisplay, gc);
+ }
+ XFlush(grdisplay);
+ return im;
diff --git a/otherlibs/graph/open.c b/otherlibs/graph/open.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4354033b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/otherlibs/graph/open.c
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include "libgraph.h"
+#include <alloc.h>
+#include <fail.h>
+#include <memory.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+static Bool gr_initialized = False;
+static int gr_error_handler(), gr_ioerror_handler();
+value gr_clear_graph();
+value gr_open_graph(arg)
+ value arg;
+ char display_name[64], geometry_spec[64];
+ char * p, * q;
+ XSizeHints hints;
+ int ret;
+ XEvent event;
+ int x, y, w, h;
+ XWindowAttributes attributes;
+ if (gr_initialized) {
+ gr_clear_graph();
+ } else {
+ /* Parse the argument */
+ for (p = String_val(arg), q = display_name; *p != 0 && *p != ' '; p++)
+ if (q < display_name + sizeof(display_name) - 1) *q++ = *p;
+ *q = 0;
+ while (*p == ' ') p++;
+ for (q = geometry_spec; *p != 0; p++)
+ if (q < geometry_spec + sizeof(geometry_spec) - 1) *q++ = *p;
+ *q = 0;
+ /* Open the display */
+ grdisplay = XOpenDisplay(display_name);
+ if (grdisplay == NULL)
+ gr_fail("Cannot open display %s", XDisplayName(display_name));
+ grscreen = DefaultScreen(grdisplay);
+ grblack = BlackPixel(grdisplay, grscreen);
+ grwhite = WhitePixel(grdisplay, grscreen);
+ grcolormap = DefaultColormap(grdisplay, grscreen);
+ /* Set up the error handlers */
+ XSetErrorHandler(gr_error_handler);
+ XSetIOErrorHandler(gr_ioerror_handler);
+ /* Parse the geometry specification */
+ hints.x = 0;
+ hints.y = 0;
+ hints.width = DEFAULT_SCREEN_WIDTH;
+ hints.height = DEFAULT_SCREEN_HEIGHT;
+ hints.flags = PPosition | PSize;
+ hints.win_gravity = 0;
+ ret = XWMGeometry(grdisplay, grscreen, geometry_spec, "", BORDER_WIDTH,
+ &hints, &x, &y, &w, &h, &hints.win_gravity);
+ if (ret & (XValue | YValue)) {
+ hints.x = x; hints.y = y; hints.flags |= USPosition;
+ }
+ if (ret & (WidthValue | HeightValue)) {
+ hints.width = w; hints.height = h; hints.flags |= USSize;
+ }
+ /* Initial drawing color is black */
+ grcolor = grblack;
+ /* Create the on-screen window */
+ grwindow.w = hints.width;
+ grwindow.h = hints.height;
+ =
+ XCreateSimpleWindow(grdisplay, DefaultRootWindow(grdisplay),
+ hints.x, hints.y, hints.width, hints.height,
+ BORDER_WIDTH, grblack, grwhite);
+ XSetStandardProperties(grdisplay,, WINDOW_NAME, ICON_NAME,
+ None, NULL, 0, &hints);
+ grwindow.gc = XCreateGC(grdisplay,, 0, NULL);
+ XSetBackground(grdisplay, grwindow.gc, grwhite);
+ XSetForeground(grdisplay, grwindow.gc, grcolor);
+ /* Require exposure, resize and keyboard events */
+ XSelectInput(grdisplay,, DEFAULT_EVENT_MASK);
+ /* Map the window on the screen and wait for the first Expose event */
+ XMapWindow(grdisplay,;
+ do { XNextEvent(grdisplay, &event); } while (event.type != Expose);
+ /* Get the actual window dimensions */
+ XGetWindowAttributes(grdisplay,, &attributes);
+ grwindow.w = attributes.width;
+ grwindow.h = attributes.height;
+ /* Create the pixmap used for backing store */
+ grbstore.w = grwindow.w;
+ grbstore.h = grwindow.h;
+ =
+ XCreatePixmap(grdisplay,, grbstore.w, grbstore.h,
+ XDefaultDepth(grdisplay, grscreen));
+ grbstore.gc = XCreateGC(grdisplay,, 0, NULL);
+ XSetBackground(grdisplay, grbstore.gc, grwhite);
+ /* Clear the pixmap */
+ XSetForeground(grdisplay, grbstore.gc, grwhite);
+ XFillRectangle(grdisplay,, grbstore.gc,
+ 0, 0, grbstore.w, grbstore.h);
+ XSetForeground(grdisplay, grbstore.gc, grcolor);
+ /* The global data structures are now correctly initialized.
+ In particular, gr_sigio_handler can now handle events safely. */
+ gr_initialized = True;
+ /* If possible, request that system calls be restarted after
+ the EVENT_SIGNAL signal. */
+#ifdef SA_RESTART
+ { struct sigaction action;
+ sigaction(EVENT_SIGNAL, NULL, &action);
+ action.sa_flags |= SA_RESTART;
+ sigaction(EVENT_SIGNAL, &action, NULL);
+ }
+#ifdef USE_ASYNC_IO
+ /* If BSD-style asynchronous I/O are supported:
+ arrange for I/O on the connection to trigger the SIGIO signal */
+ ret = fcntl(ConnectionNumber(grdisplay), F_GETFL, 0);
+ fcntl(ConnectionNumber(grdisplay), F_SETFL, ret | FASYNC);
+ fcntl(ConnectionNumber(grdisplay), F_SETOWN, getpid());
+ /* If BSD-style interval timers are provided, use the real-time timer
+ to poll events. */
+ { struct itimerval it;
+ it.it_interval.tv_sec = 0;
+ it.it_interval.tv_usec = 250000;
+ it.it_value.tv_sec = 0;
+ it.it_value.tv_usec = 250000;
+ setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &it, NULL);
+ }
+#ifdef USE_ALARM
+ /* The poor man's solution: use alarm to poll events. */
+ alarm(1);
+ }
+ /* Position the current point at origin */
+ grx = 0;
+ gry = 0;
+ /* Reset the color cache */
+ gr_init_color_cache();
+ return Val_unit;
+value gr_close_graph()
+ if (gr_initialized) {
+ struct itimerval it;
+ it.it_value.tv_sec = 0;
+ it.it_value.tv_usec = 0;
+ setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &it, NULL);
+ gr_initialized = False;
+ if (grfont != NULL) { XFreeFont(grdisplay, grfont); grfont = NULL; }
+ XFreeGC(grdisplay, grwindow.gc);
+ XDestroyWindow(grdisplay,;
+ XFreeGC(grdisplay, grbstore.gc);
+ XFreePixmap(grdisplay,;
+ XCloseDisplay(grdisplay);
+ }
+ return Val_unit;
+value gr_clear_graph()
+ gr_check_open();
+ XSetForeground(grdisplay, grwindow.gc, grwhite);
+ XFillRectangle(grdisplay,, grwindow.gc,
+ 0, 0, grwindow.w, grwindow.h);
+ XSetForeground(grdisplay, grwindow.gc, grcolor);
+ XSetForeground(grdisplay, grbstore.gc, grwhite);
+ XFillRectangle(grdisplay,, grbstore.gc,
+ 0, 0, grbstore.w, grbstore.h);
+ XSetForeground(grdisplay, grbstore.gc, grcolor);
+ XFlush(grdisplay);
+ return Val_unit;
+value gr_size_x()
+ gr_check_open();
+ return Val_int(grwindow.w);
+value gr_size_y()
+ gr_check_open();
+ return Val_int(grwindow.h);
+/* The gr_sigio_handler is called via the signal machinery in the bytecode
+ interpreter. The signal system ensures that this function will be
+ called either between two bytecode instructions, or during a blocking
+ primitive. In either case, not in the middle of an Xlib call.
+ (There is no blocking primitives in this library, not even
+ wait_next_event, for various reasons.) */
+void gr_handle_simple_event();
+value gr_sigio_signal(unit)
+ value unit;
+ return Val_int(EVENT_SIGNAL);
+value gr_sigio_handler()
+ XEvent grevent;
+ if (gr_initialized) {
+ while (XCheckMaskEvent(grdisplay, -1 /*all events*/, &grevent))
+ gr_handle_simple_event(&grevent);
+ }
+#ifdef USE_ALARM
+ alarm(1);
+ return Val_unit;
+void gr_handle_simple_event(e)
+ XEvent * e;
+ switch (e->type) {
+ case Expose:
+ XCopyArea(grdisplay,,, grwindow.gc,
+ e->xexpose.x, e->xexpose.y + grbstore.h - grwindow.h,
+ e->xexpose.width, e->xexpose.height,
+ e->xexpose.x, e->xexpose.y);
+ XFlush(grdisplay);
+ break;
+ case ConfigureNotify:
+ grwindow.w = e->xconfigure.width;
+ grwindow.h = e->xconfigure.height;
+ if (grwindow.w > grbstore.w || grwindow.h > grbstore.h) {
+ /* Allocate a new backing store large enough to accomodate
+ both the old backing store and the current window. */
+ struct canvas newbstore;
+ newbstore.w = max(grwindow.w, grbstore.w);
+ newbstore.h = max(grwindow.h, grbstore.h);
+ =
+ XCreatePixmap(grdisplay,, newbstore.w, newbstore.h,
+ XDefaultDepth(grdisplay, grscreen));
+ newbstore.gc = XCreateGC(grdisplay,, 0, NULL);
+ XSetBackground(grdisplay, newbstore.gc, grwhite);
+ XSetForeground(grdisplay, newbstore.gc, grwhite);
+ XFillRectangle(grdisplay,, newbstore.gc,
+ 0, 0, newbstore.w, newbstore.h);
+ XSetForeground(grdisplay, newbstore.gc, grcolor);
+ /* Copy the old backing store into the new one */
+ XCopyArea(grdisplay,,, newbstore.gc,
+ 0, 0, grbstore.w, grbstore.h, 0, newbstore.h - grbstore.h);
+ /* Free the old backing store */
+ XFreeGC(grdisplay, grbstore.gc);
+ XFreePixmap(grdisplay,;
+ /* Use the new backing store */
+ grbstore = newbstore;
+ XFlush(grdisplay);
+ }
+ break;
+ case MappingNotify:
+ XRefreshKeyboardMapping(&(e->xmapping));
+ break;
+ case KeyPress:
+ { KeySym thekey;
+ char keytxt[256];
+ int nchars;
+ char * p;
+ nchars = XLookupString(&(e->xkey), keytxt, sizeof(keytxt), &thekey, 0);
+ for (p = keytxt; nchars > 0; p++, nchars--) gr_enqueue_char(*p);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+/* Processing of graphic errors */
+static value graphic_failure_exn;
+value gr_register_graphic_failure(exn)
+ value exn;
+ graphic_failure_exn = Field(exn, 0);
+ register_global_root(&graphic_failure_exn);
+ return Val_unit;
+void gr_fail(fmt, arg)
+ char * fmt, * arg;
+ char buffer[1024];
+ sprintf(buffer, fmt, arg);
+ raise_with_string(graphic_failure_exn, buffer);
+void gr_check_open()
+ if (!gr_initialized) gr_fail("graphic screen not opened", NULL);
+static int gr_error_handler(display, error)
+ Display * display;
+ XErrorEvent * error;
+ char errmsg[512];
+ XGetErrorText(error->display, error->error_code, errmsg, sizeof(errmsg));
+ gr_fail("Xlib error: %s", errmsg);
+ return 0;
+static int gr_ioerror_handler(display)
+ Display * display;
+ gr_fail("fatal I/O error", NULL);
+ return 0;
diff --git a/otherlibs/graph/point_col.c b/otherlibs/graph/point_col.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..757cf4720
--- /dev/null
+++ b/otherlibs/graph/point_col.c
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+#include "libgraph.h"
+value gr_point_color(vx, vy)
+ value vx, vy;
+ int x = Int_val(vx);
+ int y = Int_val(vy);
+ XImage * im;
+ int rgb;
+ im = XGetImage(grdisplay,, x, Bcvt(y), 1, 1, (-1), ZPixmap);
+ rgb = gr_rgb_pixel(XGetPixel(im, 0, 0));
+ XDestroyImage(im);
+ return Val_int(rgb);
diff --git a/otherlibs/graph/sound.c b/otherlibs/graph/sound.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ad9f6240b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/otherlibs/graph/sound.c
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+#include "libgraph.h"
+value gr_sound(vfreq, vdur)
+ value vfreq, vdur;
+ XKeyboardControl kbdcontrol;
+ kbdcontrol.bell_pitch = Int_val(vfreq);
+ kbdcontrol.bell_duration = Int_val(vdur);
+ XChangeKeyboardControl(grdisplay, KBBellPitch | KBBellDuration,
+ &kbdcontrol);
+ XBell(grdisplay, 0);
+ kbdcontrol.bell_pitch = -1; /* restore default value */
+ kbdcontrol.bell_duration = -1; /* restore default value */
+ XChangeKeyboardControl(grdisplay, KBBellPitch | KBBellDuration,
+ &kbdcontrol);
+ XFlush(grdisplay);
+ return Val_unit;
diff --git a/otherlibs/graph/text.c b/otherlibs/graph/text.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..22961f528
--- /dev/null
+++ b/otherlibs/graph/text.c
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+#include "libgraph.h"
+XFontStruct * grfont = NULL;
+static void gr_font(fontname)
+ char * fontname;
+ XFontStruct * font = XLoadQueryFont(grdisplay, fontname);
+ if (font == NULL) gr_fail("cannot find font %s", fontname);
+ if (grfont != NULL) XFreeFont(grdisplay, grfont);
+ grfont = font;
+ XSetFont(grdisplay, grwindow.gc, grfont->fid);
+ XSetFont(grdisplay, grbstore.gc, grfont->fid);
+value gr_set_font(fontname)
+ value fontname;
+ gr_check_open();
+ gr_font(String_val(fontname));
+ return Val_unit;
+static void gr_draw_text(txt, len)
+ char * txt;
+ int len;
+ if (grfont == NULL) gr_font(DEFAULT_FONT);
+ XDrawString(grdisplay,, grwindow.gc,
+ grx, Wcvt(gry) - grfont->descent + 1, txt, len);
+ XDrawString(grdisplay,, grbstore.gc,
+ grx, Bcvt(gry) - grfont->descent + 1, txt, len);
+ grx += XTextWidth(grfont, txt, len);
+ XFlush(grdisplay);
+value gr_draw_char(chr)
+ value chr;
+ char str[1];
+ gr_check_open();
+ str[0] = Int_val(chr);
+ gr_draw_text(str, 1);
+ return Val_unit;
+value gr_draw_string(str)
+ value str;
+ gr_check_open();
+ gr_draw_text(String_val(str), string_length(str));
+ return Val_unit;
+value gr_text_size(str)
+ value str;
+ int width;
+ value res;
+ gr_check_open();
+ if (grfont == NULL) gr_font(DEFAULT_FONT);
+ width = XTextWidth(grfont, String_val(str), string_length(str));
+ res = alloc_tuple(2);
+ Field(res, 0) = Val_int(width);
+ Field(res, 1) = Val_int(grfont->ascent + grfont->descent);
+ return res;