diff options
author | Xavier Clerc <xavier.clerc@inria.fr> | 2013-09-09 09:32:00 +0000 |
committer | Xavier Clerc <xavier.clerc@inria.fr> | 2013-09-09 09:32:00 +0000 |
commit | e82104a755463d481667650ba4f00de535048f39 (patch) | |
tree | 054c7de9b2992be063de2dd22b56ee5993d5a374 /otherlibs/labltk/browser/editor.ml | |
parent | 83ca86dd2309914aa458bc25fd265f0bcadaa337 (diff) |
Remove labltk from the distribution (will be available as a third-party library).
git-svn-id: http://caml.inria.fr/svn/ocaml/trunk@14077 f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
Diffstat (limited to 'otherlibs/labltk/browser/editor.ml')
-rw-r--r-- | otherlibs/labltk/browser/editor.ml | 667 |
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 667 deletions
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/editor.ml b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/editor.ml deleted file mode 100644 index 90241c6b1..000000000 --- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/editor.ml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,667 +0,0 @@ -(*************************************************************************) -(* *) -(* OCaml LablTk library *) -(* *) -(* Jacques Garrigue, Kyoto University RIMS *) -(* *) -(* Copyright 1999 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) -(* en Automatique and Kyoto University. All rights reserved. *) -(* This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU Library *) -(* General Public License, with the special exception on linking *) -(* described in file ../../../LICENSE. *) -(* *) -(*************************************************************************) - -(* $Id$ *) - -open StdLabels -open Tk -open Parsetree -open Location -open Jg_tk -open Mytypes - -let lex_on_load = ref true -and type_on_load = ref false - -let compiler_preferences master = - let tl = Jg_toplevel.titled "Compiler" in - Wm.transient_set tl ~master; - let mk_chkbutton ~text ~ref ~invert = - let variable = Textvariable.create ~on:tl () in - if (if invert then not !ref else !ref) then - Textvariable.set variable "1"; - Checkbutton.create tl ~text ~variable, - (fun () -> - ref := Textvariable.get variable = (if invert then "0" else "1")) - in - let use_pp = ref (!Clflags.preprocessor <> None) in - let chkbuttons, setflags = List.split - (List.map - ~f:(fun (text, ref, invert) -> mk_chkbutton ~text ~ref ~invert) - [ "No pervasives", Clflags.nopervasives, false; - "No warnings", Typecheck.nowarnings, false; - "No labels", Clflags.classic, false; - "Recursive types", Clflags.recursive_types, false; - "Lex on load", lex_on_load, false; - "Type on load", type_on_load, false; - "Preprocessor", use_pp, false ]) - in - let pp_command = Entry.create tl (* ~state:(if !use_pp then `Normal else`Disabled) *) in - begin match !Clflags.preprocessor with None -> () - | Some pp -> Entry.insert pp_command ~index:(`Num 0) ~text:pp - end; - let buttons = Frame.create tl in - let ok = Button.create buttons ~text:"Ok" ~padx:20 ~command: - begin fun () -> - List.iter ~f:(fun f -> f ()) setflags; - Clflags.preprocessor := - if !use_pp then Some (Entry.get pp_command) else None; - destroy tl - end - and cancel = Jg_button.create_destroyer tl ~parent:buttons ~text:"Cancel" - in - pack chkbuttons ~side:`Top ~anchor:`W; - pack [pp_command] ~side:`Top ~anchor:`E; - pack [ok;cancel] ~side:`Left ~fill:`X ~expand:true; - pack [buttons] ~side:`Bottom ~fill:`X - -let rec exclude txt = function - [] -> [] - | x :: l -> if txt.number = x.number then l else x :: exclude txt l - -let goto_line tw = - let tl = Jg_toplevel.titled "Go to" in - Wm.transient_set tl ~master:(Winfo.toplevel tw); - Jg_bind.escape_destroy tl; - let ef = Frame.create tl in - let fl = Frame.create ef - and fi = Frame.create ef in - let ll = Label.create fl ~text:"Line ~number:" - and il = Entry.create fi ~width:10 - and lc = Label.create fl ~text:"Col ~number:" - and ic = Entry.create fi ~width:10 - and get_int ew = - try int_of_string (Entry.get ew) - with Failure "int_of_string" -> 0 - in - let buttons = Frame.create tl in - let ok = Button.create buttons ~text:"Ok" ~command: - begin fun () -> - let l = get_int il - and c = get_int ic in - Text.mark_set tw ~mark:"insert" ~index:(`Linechar (l,0), [`Char c]); - Text.see tw ~index:(`Mark "insert", []); - destroy tl - end - and cancel = Jg_button.create_destroyer tl ~parent:buttons ~text:"Cancel" in - - Focus.set il; - List.iter [il; ic] ~f: - begin fun w -> - Jg_bind.enter_focus w; - Jg_bind.return_invoke w ~button:ok - end; - pack [ll; lc] ~side:`Top ~anchor:`W; - pack [il; ic] ~side:`Top ~fill:`X ~expand:true; - pack [fl; fi] ~side:`Left ~fill:`X ~expand:true; - pack [ok; cancel] ~side:`Left ~fill:`X ~expand:true; - pack [ef; buttons] ~side:`Top ~fill:`X ~expand:true - -let select_shell txt = - let shells = Shell.get_all () in - let shells = List.sort shells ~cmp:compare in - let tl = Jg_toplevel.titled "Select Shell" in - Jg_bind.escape_destroy tl; - Wm.transient_set tl ~master:(Winfo.toplevel txt.tw); - let label = Label.create tl ~text:"Send to:" - and box = Listbox.create tl - and frame = Frame.create tl in - Jg_bind.enter_focus box; - let cancel = Jg_button.create_destroyer tl ~parent:frame ~text:"Cancel" - and ok = Button.create frame ~text:"Ok" ~command: - begin fun () -> - try - let name = Listbox.get box ~index:`Active in - txt.shell <- Some (name, List.assoc name shells); - destroy tl - with Not_found -> txt.shell <- None; destroy tl - end - in - Listbox.insert box ~index:`End ~texts:(List.map ~f:fst shells); - Listbox.configure box ~height:(List.length shells); - bind box ~events:[`KeyPressDetail"Return"] ~breakable:true - ~action:(fun _ -> Button.invoke ok; break ()); - bind box ~events:[`Modified([`Double],`ButtonPressDetail 1)] ~breakable:true - ~fields:[`MouseX;`MouseY] - ~action:(fun ev -> - Listbox.activate box ~index:(`Atxy (ev.ev_MouseX, ev.ev_MouseY)); - Button.invoke ok; break ()); - pack [label] ~side:`Top ~anchor:`W; - pack [box] ~side:`Top ~fill:`Both; - pack [frame] ~side:`Bottom ~fill:`X ~expand:true; - pack [ok;cancel] ~side:`Left ~fill:`X ~expand:true - -open Parser - -let send_phrase txt = - if txt.shell = None then begin - match Shell.get_all () with [] -> () - | [sh] -> txt.shell <- Some sh - | l -> select_shell txt - end; - match txt.shell with None -> () - | Some (_,sh) -> - try - let i1,i2 = Text.tag_nextrange txt.tw ~tag:"sel" ~start:tstart in - let phrase = Text.get txt.tw ~start:(i1,[]) ~stop:(i2,[]) in - sh#send phrase; - if Str.string_match (Str.regexp ";;") phrase 0 - then sh#send "\n" else sh#send ";;\n" - with Not_found | Protocol.TkError _ -> - let text = Text.get txt.tw ~start:tstart ~stop:tend in - let buffer = Lexing.from_string text in - let start = ref 0 - and block_start = ref [] - and pend = ref (-1) - and after = ref false in - while !pend = -1 do - let token = Lexer.token buffer in - let pos = - if token = SEMISEMI then Lexing.lexeme_end buffer - else Lexing.lexeme_start buffer - in - let bol = (pos = 0) || text.[pos-1] = '\n' in - if not !after && - Text.compare txt.tw ~index:(tpos pos) ~op:(if bol then `Gt else `Ge) - ~index:(`Mark"insert",[]) - then begin - after := true; - let anon, real = - List.partition !block_start ~f:(fun x -> x = -1) in - block_start := anon; - if real <> [] then start := List.hd real; - end; - match token with - CLASS | EXTERNAL | EXCEPTION | FUNCTOR - | LET | MODULE | OPEN | TYPE | VAL | SHARP when bol -> - if !block_start = [] then - if !after then pend := pos else start := pos - else block_start := pos :: List.tl !block_start - | SEMISEMI -> - if !block_start = [] then - if !after then pend := Lexing.lexeme_start buffer - else start := pos - else block_start := pos :: List.tl !block_start - | BEGIN | OBJECT -> - block_start := -1 :: !block_start - | STRUCT | SIG -> - block_start := Lexing.lexeme_end buffer :: !block_start - | END -> - if !block_start = [] then - if !after then pend := pos else () - else block_start := List.tl !block_start - | EOF -> - pend := pos - | _ -> - () - done; - let phrase = String.sub text ~pos:!start ~len:(!pend - !start) in - sh#send phrase; - sh#send ";;\n" - -let search_pos_window txt ~x ~y = - if txt.type_info = [] && txt.psignature = [] then () else - let `Linechar (l, c) = Text.index txt.tw ~index:(`Atxy(x,y), []) in - let text = Jg_text.get_all txt.tw in - let pos = Searchpos.lines_to_chars l ~text + c in - try if txt.type_info <> [] then begin match - Searchpos.search_pos_info txt.type_info ~pos - with [] -> () - | (kind, env, loc) :: _ -> Searchpos.view_type kind ~env - end else begin match - Searchpos.search_pos_signature txt.psignature ~pos ~env:!Searchid.start_env - with [] -> () - | ((kind, lid), env, loc) :: _ -> - Searchpos.view_decl lid ~kind ~env - end - with Not_found -> () - -let search_pos_menu txt ~x ~y = - if txt.type_info = [] && txt.psignature = [] then () else - let `Linechar (l, c) = Text.index txt.tw ~index:(`Atxy(x,y), []) in - let text = Jg_text.get_all txt.tw in - let pos = Searchpos.lines_to_chars l ~text + c in - try if txt.type_info <> [] then begin match - Searchpos.search_pos_info txt.type_info ~pos - with [] -> () - | (kind, env, loc) :: _ -> - let menu = Searchpos.view_type_menu kind ~env ~parent:txt.tw in - let x = x + Winfo.rootx txt.tw and y = y + Winfo.rooty txt.tw - 10 in - Menu.popup menu ~x ~y - end else begin match - Searchpos.search_pos_signature txt.psignature ~pos ~env:!Searchid.start_env - with [] -> () - | ((kind, lid), env, loc) :: _ -> - let menu = Searchpos.view_decl_menu lid ~kind ~env ~parent:txt.tw in - let x = x + Winfo.rootx txt.tw and y = y + Winfo.rooty txt.tw - 10 in - Menu.popup menu ~x ~y - end - with Not_found -> () - -let string_width s = - let width = ref 0 in - for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do - if s.[i] = '\t' then width := (!width / 8 + 1) * 8 - else incr width - done; - !width - -let indent_line = - let ins = `Mark"insert" and reg = Str.regexp "[ \t]*" in - fun tw -> - let `Linechar(l,c) = Text.index tw ~index:(ins,[]) - and line = Text.get tw ~start:(ins,[`Linestart]) ~stop:(ins,[`Lineend]) in - ignore (Str.string_match reg line 0); - let len = Str.match_end () in - if len < c then Text.insert tw ~index:(ins,[]) ~text:"\t" else - let width = string_width (Str.matched_string line) in - Text.mark_set tw ~mark:"insert" ~index:(ins,[`Linestart;`Char len]); - let indent = - if l <= 1 then 2 else - let previous = - Text.get tw ~start:(ins,[`Line(-1);`Linestart]) - ~stop:(ins,[`Line(-1);`Lineend]) in - ignore (Str.string_match reg previous 0); - let previous = Str.matched_string previous in - let width_previous = string_width previous in - if width_previous <= width then 2 else width_previous - width - in - Text.insert tw ~index:(ins,[]) ~text:(String.make indent ' ') - -(* The editor class *) - -class editor ~top ~menus = object (self) - val file_menu = new Jg_menu.c "File" ~parent:menus - val edit_menu = new Jg_menu.c "Edit" ~parent:menus - val compiler_menu = new Jg_menu.c "Compiler" ~parent:menus - val module_menu = new Jg_menu.c "Modules" ~parent:menus - val window_menu = new Jg_menu.c "Windows" ~parent:menus - initializer - Menu.add_checkbutton menus ~state:`Disabled - ~onvalue:"modified" ~offvalue:"unchanged" - val mutable current_dir = Unix.getcwd () - val mutable error_messages = [] - val mutable windows = [] - val mutable current_tw = Text.create top - val vwindow = Textvariable.create ~on:top () - val mutable window_counter = 0 - - method has_window name = - List.exists windows ~f:(fun x -> x.name = name) - - method reset_window_menu = - Menu.delete window_menu#menu ~first:(`Num 0) ~last:`End; - List.iter - (List.sort windows ~cmp: - (fun w1 w2 -> - compare (Filename.basename w1.name) (Filename.basename w2.name))) - ~f: - begin fun txt -> - Menu.add_radiobutton window_menu#menu - ~label:(Filename.basename txt.name) - ~variable:vwindow ~value:txt.number - ~command:(fun () -> self#set_edit txt) - end - - method set_file_name txt = - Menu.configure_checkbutton menus `Last - ~label:(Filename.basename txt.name) - ~variable:txt.modified - - method set_edit txt = - if windows <> [] then - Pack.forget [(List.hd windows).frame]; - windows <- txt :: exclude txt windows; - self#reset_window_menu; - current_tw <- txt.tw; - self#set_file_name txt; - Textvariable.set vwindow txt.number; - Text.yview txt.tw ~scroll:(`Page 0); - pack [txt.frame] ~fill:`Both ~expand:true ~side:`Bottom - - method new_window name = - let tl, tw, sb = Jg_text.create_with_scrollbar top in - Text.configure tw ~background:`White; - Jg_bind.enter_focus tw; - window_counter <- window_counter + 1; - let txt = - { name = name; tw = tw; frame = tl; - number = string_of_int window_counter; - modified = Textvariable.create ~on:tw (); - shell = None; - structure = []; type_info = []; signature = []; psignature = [] } - in - let control c = Char.chr (Char.code c - 96) in - bind tw ~events:[`Modified([`Alt], `KeyPress)] ~action:ignore; - bind tw ~events:[`KeyPress] ~fields:[`Char] - ~action:(fun ev -> - if ev.ev_Char <> "" && - (ev.ev_Char.[0] >= ' ' || - List.mem ev.ev_Char.[0] - (List.map ~f:control ['d'; 'h'; 'i'; 'k'; 'o'; 't'; 'w'; 'y'])) - then Textvariable.set txt.modified "modified"); - bind tw ~events:[`KeyPressDetail"Tab"] ~breakable:true - ~action:(fun _ -> - indent_line tw; - Textvariable.set txt.modified "modified"; - break ()); - bind tw ~events:[`Modified([`Control],`KeyPressDetail"k")] - ~action:(fun _ -> - let text = - Text.get tw ~start:(`Mark"insert",[]) ~stop:(`Mark"insert",[`Lineend]) - in ignore (Str.string_match (Str.regexp "[ \t]*") text 0); - if Str.match_end () <> String.length text then begin - Clipboard.clear (); - Clipboard.append ~data:text () - end); - bind tw ~events:[`KeyRelease] ~fields:[`Char] - ~action:(fun ev -> - if ev.ev_Char <> "" then - Lexical.tag tw ~start:(`Mark"insert", [`Linestart]) - ~stop:(`Mark"insert", [`Lineend])); - bind tw ~events:[`Motion] ~action:(fun _ -> Focus.set tw); - bind tw ~events:[`ButtonPressDetail 2] - ~action:(fun _ -> - Textvariable.set txt.modified "modified"; - Lexical.tag txt.tw ~start:(`Mark"insert", [`Linestart]) - ~stop:(`Mark"insert", [`Lineend])); - bind tw ~events:[`Modified([`Double], `ButtonPressDetail 1)] - ~fields:[`MouseX;`MouseY] - ~action:(fun ev -> search_pos_window txt ~x:ev.ev_MouseX ~y:ev.ev_MouseY); - bind tw ~events:[`ButtonPressDetail 3] ~fields:[`MouseX;`MouseY] - ~action:(fun ev -> search_pos_menu txt ~x:ev.ev_MouseX ~y:ev.ev_MouseY); - - pack [sb] ~fill:`Y ~side:`Right; - pack [tw] ~fill:`Both ~expand:true ~side:`Left; - self#set_edit txt; - Textvariable.set txt.modified "unchanged"; - Lexical.init_tags txt.tw - - method clear_errors () = - Text.tag_remove current_tw ~tag:"error" ~start:tstart ~stop:tend; - List.iter error_messages - ~f:(fun tl -> try destroy tl with Protocol.TkError _ -> ()); - error_messages <- [] - - method typecheck () = - self#clear_errors (); - error_messages <- Typecheck.f (List.hd windows) - - method lex () = - List.iter [ Widget.default_toplevel; top ] - ~f:(Toplevel.configure ~cursor:(`Xcursor "watch")); - Text.configure current_tw ~cursor:(`Xcursor "watch"); - ignore (Timer.add ~ms:1 ~callback: - begin fun () -> - Text.tag_remove current_tw ~tag:"error" ~start:tstart ~stop:tend; - Lexical.tag current_tw; - Text.configure current_tw ~cursor:(`Xcursor "xterm"); - List.iter [ Widget.default_toplevel; top ] - ~f:(Toplevel.configure ~cursor:(`Xcursor "")) - end) - - method save_text ?name:l txt = - let l = match l with None -> [txt.name] | Some l -> l in - if l = [] then () else - let name = List.hd l in - if txt.name <> name then current_dir <- Filename.dirname name; - try - if Sys.file_exists name then - if txt.name = name then begin - let backup = name ^ "~" in - if Sys.file_exists backup then Sys.remove backup; - try Sys.rename name backup with Sys_error _ -> () - end else begin - match Jg_message.ask ~master:top ~title:"Save" - ("File `" ^ name ^ "' exists. Overwrite it?") - with `Yes -> Sys.remove name - | `No -> raise (Sys_error "") - | `Cancel -> raise Exit - end; - let file = open_out name in - let text = Text.get txt.tw ~start:tstart ~stop:(tposend 1) in - output_string file text; - close_out file; - txt.name <- name; - self#set_file_name txt - with - Sys_error _ -> - Jg_message.info ~master:top ~title:"Error" - ("Could not save `" ^ name ^ "'.") - | Exit -> () - - method load_text l = - if l = [] then () else - let name = List.hd l in - try - let index = - try - self#set_edit (List.find windows ~f:(fun x -> x.name = name)); - let txt = List.hd windows in - if Textvariable.get txt.modified = "modified" then - begin match Jg_message.ask ~master:top ~title:"Open" - ("`" ^ Filename.basename txt.name ^ "' modified. Save it?") - with `Yes -> self#save_text txt - | `No -> () - | `Cancel -> raise Exit - end; - Textvariable.set txt.modified "unchanged"; - (Text.index current_tw ~index:(`Mark"insert", []), []) - with Not_found -> self#new_window name; tstart - in - current_dir <- Filename.dirname name; - let file = open_in name - and tw = current_tw - and len = ref 0 - and buf = String.create 4096 in - Text.delete tw ~start:tstart ~stop:tend; - while - len := input file buf 0 4096; - !len > 0 - do - Jg_text.output tw ~buf ~pos:0 ~len:!len - done; - close_in file; - Text.mark_set tw ~mark:"insert" ~index; - Text.see tw ~index; - if Filename.check_suffix name ".ml" || - Filename.check_suffix name ".mli" - then begin - if !lex_on_load then self#lex (); - if !type_on_load then self#typecheck () - end - with - Sys_error _ | Exit -> () - - method close_window txt = - try - if Textvariable.get txt.modified = "modified" then - begin match Jg_message.ask ~master:top ~title:"Close" - ("`" ^ Filename.basename txt.name ^ "' modified. Save it?") - with `Yes -> self#save_text txt - | `No -> () - | `Cancel -> raise Exit - end; - windows <- exclude txt windows; - if windows = [] then - self#new_window (current_dir ^ "/untitled") - else self#set_edit (List.hd windows); - destroy txt.frame - with Exit -> () - - method open_file () = - Fileselect.f ~title:"Open File" ~action:self#load_text - ~dir:current_dir ~filter:("*.{ml,mli}") ~sync:true () - - method save_file () = self#save_text (List.hd windows) - - method close_file () = self#close_window (List.hd windows) - - method quit ?(cancel=true) () = - try - List.iter windows ~f: - begin fun txt -> - if Textvariable.get txt.modified = "modified" then - match Jg_message.ask ~master:top ~title:"Quit" ~cancel - ("`" ^ Filename.basename txt.name ^ "' modified. Save it?") - with `Yes -> self#save_text txt - | `No -> () - | `Cancel -> raise Exit - end; - bind top ~events:[`Destroy]; - destroy top - with Exit -> () - - method reopen ~file ~pos = - if not (Winfo.ismapped top) then Wm.deiconify top; - match file with None -> () - | Some file -> - self#load_text [file]; - Text.mark_set current_tw ~mark:"insert" ~index:(tpos pos); - try - let index = - Text.search current_tw ~switches:[`Backwards] ~pattern:"*)" - ~start:(tpos pos) ~stop:(tpos pos ~modi:[`Line(-1)]) in - let index = - Text.search current_tw ~switches:[`Backwards] ~pattern:"(*" - ~start:(index,[]) ~stop:(tpos pos ~modi:[`Line(-20)]) in - let s = Text.get current_tw ~start:(index,[`Line(-1);`Linestart]) - ~stop:(index,[`Line(-1);`Lineend]) in - for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do - match s.[i] with '\t'|' ' -> () | _ -> raise Not_found - done; - Text.yview_index current_tw ~index:(index,[`Line(-1)]) - with _ -> - Text.yview_index current_tw ~index:(tpos pos ~modi:[`Line(-2)]) - - initializer - (* Create a first window *) - self#new_window (current_dir ^ "/untitled"); - - (* Bindings for the main window *) - List.iter - [ [`Control], "s", (fun () -> Jg_text.search_string current_tw); - [`Control], "g", (fun () -> goto_line current_tw); - [`Alt], "s", self#save_file; - [`Alt], "x", (fun () -> send_phrase (List.hd windows)); - [`Alt], "l", self#lex; - [`Alt], "t", self#typecheck ] - ~f:begin fun (modi,key,act) -> - bind top ~events:[`Modified(modi, `KeyPressDetail key)] ~breakable:true - ~action:(fun _ -> act (); break ()) - end; - - bind top ~events:[`Destroy] ~fields:[`Widget] ~action: - begin fun ev -> - if Widget.name ev.ev_Widget = Widget.name top - then self#quit ~cancel:false () - end; - - (* File menu *) - file_menu#add_command "Open File..." ~command:self#open_file; - file_menu#add_command "Reopen" - ~command:(fun () -> self#load_text [(List.hd windows).name]); - file_menu#add_command "Save File" ~command:self#save_file ~accelerator:"M-s"; - file_menu#add_command "Save As..." ~underline:5 ~command: - begin fun () -> - let txt = List.hd windows in - Fileselect.f ~title:"Save as File" - ~action:(fun name -> self#save_text txt ~name) - ~dir:(Filename.dirname txt.name) - ~filter:"*.{ml,mli}" - ~file:(Filename.basename txt.name) - ~sync:true ~usepath:false () - end; - file_menu#add_command "Close File" ~command:self#close_file; - file_menu#add_command "Close Window" ~command:self#quit ~underline:6; - - (* Edit menu *) - edit_menu#add_command "Paste selection" ~command: - begin fun () -> - Text.insert current_tw ~index:(`Mark"insert",[]) - ~text:(Selection.get ~displayof:top ()) - end; - edit_menu#add_command "Goto..." ~accelerator:"C-g" - ~command:(fun () -> goto_line current_tw); - edit_menu#add_command "Search..." ~accelerator:"C-s" - ~command:(fun () -> Jg_text.search_string current_tw); - edit_menu#add_command "To shell" ~accelerator:"M-x" - ~command:(fun () -> send_phrase (List.hd windows)); - edit_menu#add_command "Select shell..." - ~command:(fun () -> select_shell (List.hd windows)); - - (* Compiler menu *) - compiler_menu#add_command "Preferences..." - ~command:(fun () -> compiler_preferences top); - compiler_menu#add_command "Lex" ~accelerator:"M-l" - ~command:self#lex; - compiler_menu#add_command "Typecheck" ~accelerator:"M-t" - ~command:self#typecheck; - compiler_menu#add_command "Clear errors" - ~command:self#clear_errors; - compiler_menu#add_command "Signature..." ~command: - begin fun () -> - let txt = List.hd windows in if txt.signature <> [] then - let basename = Filename.basename txt.name in - let modname = String.capitalize - (try Filename.chop_extension basename with _ -> basename) in - let env = - Env.add_module (Ident.create modname) - (Types.Mty_signature txt.signature) - Env.initial - in Viewer.view_defined (Longident.Lident modname) ~env ~show_all:true - end; - - (* Modules *) - module_menu#add_command "Path editor..." - ~command:(fun () -> Setpath.set ~dir:current_dir); - module_menu#add_command "Reset cache" - ~command:(fun () -> Setpath.exec_update_hooks (); Env.reset_cache ()); - module_menu#add_command "Search symbol..." - ~command:Viewer.search_symbol; - module_menu#add_command "Close all" - ~command:Viewer.close_all_views; -end - -(* The main function starts here ! *) - -let already_open : editor list ref = ref [] - -let editor ?file ?(pos=0) ?(reuse=false) () = - - if !already_open <> [] && - let ed = List.hd !already_open - (* try - let name = match file with Some f -> f | None -> raise Not_found in - List.find !already_open ~f:(fun ed -> ed#has_window name) - with Not_found -> List.hd !already_open *) - in try - ed#reopen ~file ~pos; - true - with Protocol.TkError _ -> - already_open := [] (* List.filter !already_open ~f:((<>) ed) *); - false - then () else - let top = Jg_toplevel.titled "OCamlBrowser Editor" in - let menus = Jg_menu.menubar top in - let ed = new editor ~top ~menus in - already_open := !already_open @ [ed]; - if file <> None then ed#reopen ~file ~pos - -let f ?file ?pos ?(opendialog=false) () = - if opendialog then - Fileselect.f ~title:"Open File" - ~action:(function [file] -> editor ~file () | _ -> ()) - ~filter:("*.{ml,mli}") ~sync:true () - else editor ?file ?pos ~reuse:(file <> None) () |