path: root/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
diff options
authorFabrice Le Fessant <>2012-05-30 14:52:37 +0000
committerFabrice Le Fessant <>2012-05-30 14:52:37 +0000
commitd39d43e55fab716fbe05cec3c89233f0dd208835 (patch)
treebf5c56aa9bb32a0e3d49509b8b2863a9ec407563 /otherlibs/labltk/browser/
parente3d82817909dd7bc69dff4f75aa63c5ba606d9c8 (diff)
merge with branch bin-annot
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
Diffstat (limited to 'otherlibs/labltk/browser/')
1 files changed, 41 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/ b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
index e624eca98..ab66f0f03 100644
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
+++ b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
(* $Id$ *)
+open Asttypes
open StdLabels
open Location
open Longident
@@ -218,9 +219,9 @@ let rec search_type_in_signature t ~sign ~prefix ~mode =
and lid_of_id id = mklid (prefix @ [ id]) in
List2.flat_map sign ~f:
begin fun item -> match item with
- Tsig_value (id, vd) ->
+ Sig_value (id, vd) ->
if matches vd.val_type then [lid_of_id id, Pvalue] else []
- | Tsig_type (id, td, _) ->
+ | Sig_type (id, td, _) ->
matches (newconstr (Pident id) td.type_params) ||
begin match td.type_manifest with
@@ -239,23 +240,23 @@ let rec search_type_in_signature t ~sign ~prefix ~mode =
List.exists l ~f:(fun (_, _, t) -> matches t)
then [lid_of_id id, Ptype] else []
- | Tsig_exception (id, l) ->
+ | Sig_exception (id, l) ->
if List.exists l.exn_args ~f:matches
then [lid_of_id id, Pconstructor]
else []
- | Tsig_module (id, Tmty_signature sign, _) ->
+ | Sig_module (id, Mty_signature sign, _) ->
search_type_in_signature t ~sign ~mode
~prefix:(prefix @ [ id])
- | Tsig_module _ -> []
- | Tsig_modtype _ -> []
- | Tsig_class (id, cl, _) ->
+ | Sig_module _ -> []
+ | Sig_modtype _ -> []
+ | Sig_class (id, cl, _) ->
let self = self_type cl.cty_type in
if matches self
|| (match cl.cty_new with None -> false | Some ty -> matches ty)
(* || List.exists (get_fields ~prefix ~sign self)
~f:(fun (_,_,ty_field) -> matches ty_field) *)
then [lid_of_id id, Pclass] else []
- | Tsig_cltype (id, cl, _) ->
+ | Sig_class_type (id, cl, _) ->
let self = self_type cl.clty_type in
if matches self
(* || List.exists (get_fields ~prefix ~sign self)
@@ -273,7 +274,7 @@ let search_all_types t ~mode =
begin fun modname ->
let mlid = Lident modname in
try match lookup_module mlid initial with
- _, Tmty_signature sign ->
+ _, Mty_signature sign ->
List2.flat_map tl
~f:(search_type_in_signature ~sign ~prefix:[modname] ~mode)
| _ -> []
@@ -286,12 +287,12 @@ let search_string_type text ~mode =
let sexp = Parse.interface (Lexing.from_string ("val z : " ^ text)) in
let sign =
- try Typemod.transl_signature !start_env sexp with _ ->
+ try (Typemod.transl_signature !start_env sexp).sig_type with _ ->
let env = List.fold_left !module_list ~init:initial ~f:
begin fun acc m ->
try open_pers_signature m acc with Env.Error _ -> acc
end in
- try Typemod.transl_signature env sexp
+ try (Typemod.transl_signature env sexp).sig_type
with Env.Error err -> []
| Typemod.Error (l,_) ->
let start_c = l.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum in
@@ -302,7 +303,7 @@ let search_string_type text ~mode =
let end_c = l.loc_end.Lexing.pos_cnum in
raise (Error (start_c - 8, end_c - 8))
in match sign with
- [Tsig_value (_, vd)] ->
+ [ Sig_value (_, vd) ] ->
search_all_types vd.val_type ~mode
| _ -> []
@@ -355,20 +356,20 @@ let search_pattern_symbol text =
let l = !module_list ~f:
begin fun modname -> Lident modname,
try match lookup_module (Lident modname) initial with
- _, Tmty_signature sign ->
+ _, Mty_signature sign ->
List2.flat_map sign ~f:
begin function
- Tsig_value (i, _) when check i -> [i, Pvalue]
- | Tsig_type (i, _, _) when check i -> [i, Ptype]
- | Tsig_exception (i, _) when check i -> [i, Pconstructor]
- | Tsig_module (i, _, _) when check i -> [i, Pmodule]
- | Tsig_modtype (i, _) when check i -> [i, Pmodtype]
- | Tsig_class (i, cl, _) when check i
+ Sig_value (i, _) when check i -> [i, Pvalue]
+ | Sig_type (i, _, _) when check i -> [i, Ptype]
+ | Sig_exception (i, _) when check i -> [i, Pconstructor]
+ | Sig_module (i, _, _) when check i -> [i, Pmodule]
+ | Sig_modtype (i, _) when check i -> [i, Pmodtype]
+ | Sig_class (i, cl, _) when check i
|| List.exists
(get_fields ~prefix:[modname] ~sign (self_type cl.cty_type))
~f:(fun (name,_,_) -> check_match ~pattern (explode name))
-> [i, Pclass]
- | Tsig_cltype (i, cl, _) when check i
+ | Sig_class_type (i, cl, _) when check i
|| List.exists
(get_fields ~prefix:[modname] ~sign (self_type cl.clty_type))
~f:(fun (name,_,_) -> check_match ~pattern (explode name))
@@ -412,8 +413,8 @@ open Parsetree
let rec bound_variables pat =
match pat.ppat_desc with
Ppat_any | Ppat_constant _ | Ppat_type _ | Ppat_unpack _ -> []
- | Ppat_var s -> [s]
- | Ppat_alias (pat,s) -> s :: bound_variables pat
+ | Ppat_var s -> [s.txt]
+ | Ppat_alias (pat,s) -> s.txt :: bound_variables pat
| Ppat_tuple l -> List2.flat_map l ~f:bound_variables
| Ppat_construct (_,None,_) -> []
| Ppat_construct (_,Some pat,_) -> bound_variables pat
@@ -437,7 +438,7 @@ let search_structure str ~name ~kind ~prefix =
List.fold_left ~init:[] str ~f:
begin fun acc item ->
match item.pstr_desc with
- Pstr_module (s, mexp) when s = modu ->
+ Pstr_module (s, mexp) when s.txt = modu ->
loc := mexp.pmod_loc.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum;
begin match mexp.pmod_desc with
Pmod_structure str -> str
@@ -457,27 +458,27 @@ let search_structure str ~name ~kind ~prefix =
then loc := pat.ppat_loc.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum
- | Pstr_primitive (s, _) when kind = Pvalue -> name = s
+ | Pstr_primitive (s, _) when kind = Pvalue -> name = s.txt
| Pstr_type l when kind = Ptype ->
List.iter l ~f:
begin fun (s, td) ->
- if s = name then loc := td.ptype_loc.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum
+ if s.txt = name then loc := td.ptype_loc.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum
- | Pstr_exception (s, _) when kind = Pconstructor -> name = s
- | Pstr_module (s, _) when kind = Pmodule -> name = s
- | Pstr_modtype (s, _) when kind = Pmodtype -> name = s
+ | Pstr_exception (s, _) when kind = Pconstructor -> name = s.txt
+ | Pstr_module (s, _) when kind = Pmodule -> name = s.txt
+ | Pstr_modtype (s, _) when kind = Pmodtype -> name = s.txt
| Pstr_class l when kind = Pclass || kind = Ptype || kind = Pcltype ->
List.iter l ~f:
begin fun c ->
- if c.pci_name = name
+ if c.pci_name.txt = name
then loc := c.pci_loc.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum
| Pstr_class_type l when kind = Pcltype || kind = Ptype ->
List.iter l ~f:
begin fun c ->
- if c.pci_name = name
+ if c.pci_name.txt = name
then loc := c.pci_loc.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum
@@ -487,6 +488,8 @@ let search_structure str ~name ~kind ~prefix =
let search_signature sign ~name ~kind ~prefix =
+ ignore (name = "");
+ ignore (prefix = [""]);
let loc = ref 0 in
let rec search_module_type sign ~prefix =
match prefix with [] -> sign
@@ -495,7 +498,7 @@ let search_signature sign ~name ~kind ~prefix =
List.fold_left ~init:[] sign ~f:
begin fun acc item ->
match item.psig_desc with
- Psig_module (s, mtyp) when s = modu ->
+ Psig_module (s, mtyp) when s.txt = modu ->
loc := mtyp.pmty_loc.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum;
begin match mtyp.pmty_desc with
Pmty_signature sign -> sign
@@ -508,27 +511,27 @@ let search_signature sign ~name ~kind ~prefix =
List.iter (search_module_type sign ~prefix) ~f:
begin fun item ->
if match item.psig_desc with
- Psig_value (s, _) when kind = Pvalue -> name = s
+ Psig_value (s, _) when kind = Pvalue -> name = s.txt
| Psig_type l when kind = Ptype ->
List.iter l ~f:
begin fun (s, td) ->
- if s = name then loc := td.ptype_loc.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum
+ if s.txt = name then loc := td.ptype_loc.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum
- | Psig_exception (s, _) when kind = Pconstructor -> name = s
- | Psig_module (s, _) when kind = Pmodule -> name = s
- | Psig_modtype (s, _) when kind = Pmodtype -> name = s
+ | Psig_exception (s, _) when kind = Pconstructor -> name = s.txt
+ | Psig_module (s, _) when kind = Pmodule -> name = s.txt
+ | Psig_modtype (s, _) when kind = Pmodtype -> name = s.txt
| Psig_class l when kind = Pclass || kind = Ptype || kind = Pcltype ->
List.iter l ~f:
begin fun c ->
- if c.pci_name = name
+ if c.pci_name.txt = name
then loc := c.pci_loc.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum
| Psig_class_type l when kind = Ptype || kind = Pcltype ->
List.iter l ~f:
begin fun c ->
- if c.pci_name = name
+ if c.pci_name.txt = name
then loc := c.pci_loc.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum