path: root/otherlibs/labltk/example/
diff options
authorJacques Garrigue <garrigue at>1999-11-16 10:22:42 +0000
committerJacques Garrigue <garrigue at>1999-11-16 10:22:42 +0000
commitdf8e31a8ae8fda0499f209ebd6efadbe544d4549 (patch)
tree6ad5d6bd60a5126b08d77b8c6c60671cba022ab1 /otherlibs/labltk/example/
parentfce433fa4ddf1ce57a29a00cf7d6c6c62ba85bff (diff)
This commit was generated by cvs2svn to compensate for changes in r2531,
which included commits to RCS files with non-trunk default branches. git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
Diffstat (limited to 'otherlibs/labltk/example/')
1 files changed, 150 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/example/ b/otherlibs/labltk/example/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..897d4b9e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/otherlibs/labltk/example/
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+(* Some CamlTk4 Demonstration by JPF *)
+(* First, open these modules for convenience *)
+open Tk
+(* Dummy let *)
+let _ =
+(* Initialize Tk *)
+let top = openTk () in
+(* Title setting *)
+Wm.title_set top title:"LablTk demo";
+(* Base frame *)
+let base = Frame.create parent:top () in
+pack [base];
+(* Menu bar *)
+let bar =
+ Frame.create parent: base borderwidth: (`Pix 2) relief: `Raised () in
+pack [bar] fill: `X;
+ (* Menu and Menubutton *)
+ let meb = Menubutton.create parent: bar text: "Menu" () in
+ let men = Menu.create parent: meb () in
+ Menu.add_command men label: "Quit" command: (fun () -> closeTk (); exit 0);
+ Menubutton.configure meb menu: men;
+ (* Frames *)
+ let base2 = Frame.create parent:base () in
+ let left = Frame.create parent:base2 () in
+ let right = Frame.create parent:base2 () in
+ pack [base2];
+ pack [left; right] side: `Left;
+ (* Widgets on left and right *)
+ (* Button *)
+ let but = Button.create parent: left text: "Welcome to LablTk" () in
+ (* Canvas *)
+ let can = Canvas.create parent: left width: (`Pix 100)
+ height: (`Pix 100) borderwidth: (`Pix 1) relief: `Sunken ()
+ in
+ Canvas.create_oval can x1:(`Pix 10) y1:(`Pix 10)
+ x2:(`Pix 90) y2:(`Pix 90)
+ fill:`Red;
+ (* Check button *)
+ let che = Checkbutton.create parent: left text: "Check" () in
+ (* Entry *)
+ let ent = Entry.create parent: left width: 10 () in
+ (* Label *)
+ let lab = Label.create parent: left text: "Welcome to LablTk" () in
+ (* Listbox *)
+ let lis = Listbox.create parent: left () in
+ Listbox.insert lis index: `End texts: ["This"; "is"; "Listbox"];
+ (* Message *)
+ let mes = Message.create parent: left ()
+ text: "Hello this is a message widget with very long text, but ..." in
+ (* Radio buttons *)
+ let tv = Textvariable.create () in
+ Textvariable.set tv to: "One";
+ let radf = Frame.create parent: right () in
+ let rads = fun:(fun t ->
+ Radiobutton.create parent: radf text: t value: t variable: tv ())
+ ["One"; "Two"; "Three"] in
+ (* Scale *)
+ let sca = Scale.create parent:right label: "Scale" length: (`Pix 100)
+ showvalue: true () in
+ (* Text and scrollbar *)
+ let texf = Frame.create parent:right () in
+ (* Text *)
+ let tex = Text.create parent:texf width: 20 height: 8 () in
+ Text.insert tex text: "This is a text widget." index: (`End,[])
+ tags: [];
+ (* Scrollbar *)
+ let scr = Scrollbar.create parent:texf () in
+ (* Text and Scrollbar widget link *)
+ let scroll_link sb tx =
+ Text.configure tx yscrollcommand: (Scrollbar.set sb);
+ Scrollbar.configure sb command: (Text.yview tx) in
+ scroll_link scr tex;
+ pack [scr] side: `Right fill: `Y;
+ pack [tex] side: `Left fill: `Both expand: true;
+ (* Pack them *)
+ pack [meb] side: `Left;
+ pack [coe but; coe can; coe che; coe ent; coe lab; coe lis; coe mes];
+ pack [coe radf; coe sca; coe texf];
+ pack rads;
+ (* Toplevel *)
+ let top2 = Toplevel.create parent:top () in
+ Wm.title_set top2 title:"LablTk demo control";
+ let defcol = `Color "#dfdfdf" in
+ let selcol = `Color "#ffdfdf" in
+ let buttons =
+ fun:(fun (w, t, c, a) ->
+ let b = Button.create parent:top2 text:t command:c () in
+ bind b events: [[], `Enter]
+ action:(`Set ([], fun _ -> a selcol));
+ bind b events: [[], `Leave]
+ action:(`Set ([], fun _ -> a defcol));
+ b)
+ [coe bar, "Frame", (fun () -> ()),
+ (fun background -> Frame.configure bar :background);
+ coe meb, "Menubutton", (fun () -> ()),
+ (fun background -> Menubutton.configure meb :background);
+ coe but, "Button", (fun () -> ()),
+ (fun background -> Button.configure but :background);
+ coe can, "Canvas", (fun () -> ()),
+ (fun background -> Canvas.configure can :background);
+ coe che, "CheckButton", (fun () -> ()),
+ (fun background -> Checkbutton.configure che :background);
+ coe ent, "Entry", (fun () -> ()),
+ (fun background -> Entry.configure ent :background);
+ coe lab, "Label", (fun () -> ()),
+ (fun background -> Label.configure lab :background);
+ coe lis, "Listbox", (fun () -> ()),
+ (fun background -> Listbox.configure lis :background);
+ coe mes, "Message", (fun () -> ()),
+ (fun background -> Message.configure mes :background);
+ coe radf, "Radiobox", (fun () -> ()),
+ (fun background ->
+ List.iter rads fun:(fun b -> Radiobutton.configure b :background));
+ coe sca, "Scale", (fun () -> ()),
+ (fun background -> Scale.configure sca :background);
+ coe tex, "Text", (fun () -> ()),
+ (fun background -> Text.configure tex :background);
+ coe scr, "Scrollbar", (fun () -> ()),
+ (fun background -> Scrollbar.configure scr :background)
+ ]
+ in
+ pack buttons fill: `X;
+(* Main Loop *)
+Printexc.print mainLoop ()