path: root/otherlibs/labltk/frx/
diff options
authorJun FURUSE / 古瀬 淳 <>2002-04-26 12:16:26 +0000
committerJun FURUSE / 古瀬 淳 <>2002-04-26 12:16:26 +0000
commitc54baa5bd6c2a6d8addbea0613998e89d8cf4167 (patch)
treefe926e50c17b7d67fcde37d2ef713bcc896a05e1 /otherlibs/labltk/frx/
parent82be04fd96c67653a27562c3f157674c99db84c2 (diff)
merge the branch mltk
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
Diffstat (limited to 'otherlibs/labltk/frx/')
1 files changed, 198 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/frx/ b/otherlibs/labltk/frx/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..088977d59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/otherlibs/labltk/frx/
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+(* *)
+(* MLTk, Tcl/Tk interface of Objective Caml *)
+(* *)
+(* Francois Rouaix, Francois Pessaux, Jun Furuse and Pierre Weis *)
+(* projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* Jacques Garrigue, Kyoto University RIMS *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2002 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique and Kyoto University. All rights reserved. *)
+(* This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU Library *)
+(* General Public License, with the special exception on linking *)
+(* described in file LICENSE found in the Objective Caml source tree. *)
+(* *)
+open Camltk
+ * Some standard requesters (in Amiga techspeak) or dialog boxes (in Apple
+ * jargon).
+let version = "$Id$"
+ * Simple requester
+ * an entry field, unrestricted, with emacs-like bindings
+ * Note: grabs focus, thus always unique at one given moment, and we
+ * shouldn't have to worry about toplevel widget name.
+ * We add a title widget in case the window manager does not decorate
+ * toplevel windows.
+let open_simple title action notaction memory =
+ let t = Toplevel.create Widget.default_toplevel [Class "Dialog"] in
+ Focus.set t;
+ Wm.title_set t title;
+ let tit = Label.create t [Text title] in
+ let len = max 40 (String.length (Textvariable.get memory)) in
+ let e =
+ Entry.create t [Relief Sunken; TextVariable memory; TextWidth len] in
+ let activate _ =
+ let v = Entry.get e in
+ Grab.release t; (* because of wm *)
+ destroy t; (* so action can call open_simple *)
+ action v in
+ bind e [[], KeyPressDetail "Return"] (BindSet ([], activate));
+ let f = Frame.create t [] in
+ let bok = Button.create f [Text "Ok"; Command activate] in
+ let bcancel = Button.create f
+ [Text "Cancel";
+ Command (fun () -> notaction(); Grab.release t; destroy t)] in
+ bind e [[], KeyPressDetail "Escape"]
+ (BindSet ([], (fun _ -> Button.invoke bcancel)));
+ pack [bok] [Side Side_Left; Expand true];
+ pack [bcancel] [Side Side_Right; Expand true];
+ pack [tit;e] [Fill Fill_X];
+ pack [f] [Side Side_Bottom; Fill Fill_X];
+ Frx_widget.resizeable t;
+ Focus.set e;
+ Tkwait.visibility t;
+ Grab.set t
+(* A synchronous version *)
+let open_simple_synchronous title memory =
+ let t = Toplevel.create Widget.default_toplevel [Class "Dialog"] in
+ Focus.set t;
+ Wm.title_set t title;
+ let tit = Label.create t [Text title] in
+ let len = max 40 (String.length (Textvariable.get memory)) in
+ let e =
+ Entry.create t [Relief Sunken; TextVariable memory; TextWidth len] in
+ let waiting = Textvariable.create_temporary t in
+ let activate _ =
+ Grab.release t; (* because of wm *)
+ destroy t; (* so action can call open_simple *)
+ Textvariable.set waiting "1" in
+ bind e [[], KeyPressDetail "Return"] (BindSet ([], activate));
+ let f = Frame.create t [] in
+ let bok = Button.create f [Text "Ok"; Command activate] in
+ let bcancel =
+ Button.create f
+ [Text "Cancel";
+ Command (fun () ->
+ Grab.release t; destroy t; Textvariable.set waiting "0")] in
+ bind e [[], KeyPressDetail "Escape"]
+ (BindSet ([], (fun _ -> Button.invoke bcancel)));
+ pack [bok] [Side Side_Left; Expand true];
+ pack [bcancel] [Side Side_Right; Expand true];
+ pack [tit;e] [Fill Fill_X];
+ pack [f] [Side Side_Bottom; Fill Fill_X];
+ Frx_widget.resizeable t;
+ Focus.set e;
+ Tkwait.visibility t;
+ Grab.set t;
+ Tkwait.variable waiting;
+ begin match Textvariable.get waiting with
+ "1" -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ end
+ * Simple list requester
+ * Same remarks as in open_simple.
+ * focus seems to be in the listbox automatically
+ *)
+let open_list title elements action notaction =
+ let t = Toplevel.create Widget.default_toplevel [Class "Dialog"] in
+ Wm.title_set t title;
+ let tit = Label.create t [Text title] in
+ let fls = Frame.create t [Relief Sunken; BorderWidth (Pixels 2)] in
+ let lb = Listbox.create fls [SelectMode Extended] in
+ let sb = Scrollbar.create fls [] in
+ Frx_listbox.scroll_link sb lb;
+ Listbox.insert lb End elements;
+ (* activation: we have to break() because we destroy the requester *)
+ let activate _ =
+ let l = (Listbox.get lb) (Listbox.curselection lb) in
+ Grab.release t;
+ destroy t;
+ List.iter action l;
+ break() in
+ bind lb [[Double], ButtonPressDetail 1] (BindSetBreakable ([], activate));
+ Frx_listbox.add_completion lb activate;
+ let f = Frame.create t [] in
+ let bok = Button.create f [Text "Ok"; Command activate] in
+ let bcancel = Button.create f
+ [Text "Cancel";
+ Command (fun () -> notaction(); Grab.release t; destroy t)] in
+ pack [bok; bcancel] [Side Side_Left; Fill Fill_X; Expand true];
+ pack [lb] [Side Side_Left; Fill Fill_Both; Expand true];
+ pack [sb] [Side Side_Right; Fill Fill_Y];
+ pack [tit] [Fill Fill_X];
+ pack [fls] [Fill Fill_Both; Expand true];
+ pack [f] [Side Side_Bottom; Fill Fill_X];
+ Frx_widget.resizeable t;
+ Tkwait.visibility t;
+ Grab.set t
+(* Synchronous *)
+let open_passwd title =
+ let username = ref ""
+ and password = ref ""
+ and cancelled = ref false in
+ let t = Toplevel.create Widget.default_toplevel [Class "Dialog"] in
+ Focus.set t;
+ Wm.title_set t title;
+ let tit = Label.create t [Text title]
+ and fu,eu = Frx_entry.new_label_entry t "Username" (fun s -> ())
+ and fp,ep = Frx_entry.new_label_entry t "Password" (fun s -> ())
+ in
+ let fb = Frame.create t [] in
+ let bok = Button.create fb
+ [Text "Ok"; Command (fun _ ->
+ username := Entry.get eu;
+ password := Entry.get ep;
+ Grab.release t; (* because of wm *)
+ destroy t)] (* will return from tkwait *)
+ and bcancel = Button.create fb
+ [Text "Cancel"; Command (fun _ ->
+ cancelled := true;
+ Grab.release t; (* because of wm *)
+ destroy t)] (* will return from tkwait *)
+ in
+ Entry.configure ep [Show '*'];
+ bind eu [[], KeyPressDetail "Return"]
+ (BindSetBreakable ([], (fun _ -> Focus.set ep; break())));
+ bind ep [[], KeyPressDetail "Return"]
+ (BindSetBreakable ([], (fun _ -> Button.flash bok;
+ Button.invoke bok;
+ break())));
+ pack [bok] [Side Side_Left; Expand true];
+ pack [bcancel] [Side Side_Right; Expand true];
+ pack [tit;fu;fp;fb] [Fill Fill_X];
+ Tkwait.visibility t;
+ Focus.set eu;
+ Grab.set t;
+ Tkwait.window t;
+ if !cancelled then failwith "cancelled"
+ else (!username, !password)