path: root/otherlibs/labltk/support/
diff options
authorJacques Garrigue <garrigue at>1999-11-30 14:59:39 +0000
committerJacques Garrigue <garrigue at>1999-11-30 14:59:39 +0000
commitca0b21c5adbe660a52e5a9dfe1dda16985fe5f7c (patch)
treee202ba49531807a7a6c2bd46f37b2bbbeb170d0f /otherlibs/labltk/support/
parent68ba9a8c42b0197bc415de2f81aa6d0c8e84780a (diff)
Add to HEAD branch
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
Diffstat (limited to 'otherlibs/labltk/support/')
1 files changed, 160 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/support/ b/otherlibs/labltk/support/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7f6436c9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/otherlibs/labltk/support/
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+(* $Id$ *)
+ * Widgets
+ *)
+exception IllegalWidgetType of string
+ (* Raised when widget command applied illegally*)
+(* Widgets *)
+type 'a widget =
+ Untyped of string
+| Typed of string * string
+type any
+and button
+and canvas
+and checkbutton
+and entry
+and frame
+and label
+and listbox
+and menu
+and menubutton
+and message
+and radiobutton
+and scale
+and scrollbar
+and text
+and toplevel
+let forget_type w = (Obj.magic (w : 'a widget) : any widget)
+let coe = forget_type
+(* table of widgets *)
+let table = (Hashtbl.create 401 : (string, any widget) Hashtbl.t)
+let name = function
+ Untyped s -> s
+ | Typed (s,_) -> s
+(* Normally all widgets are known *)
+(* this is a provision for send commands to external tk processes *)
+let known_class = function
+ Untyped _ -> "unknown"
+ | Typed (_,c) -> c
+(* This one is always created by opentk *)
+let default_toplevel =
+ let wname = "." in
+ let w = Typed (wname, "toplevel") in
+ Hashtbl.add table key:wname data:w;
+ w
+(* Dummy widget to which global callbacks are associated *)
+(* also passed around by camltotkoption when no widget in context *)
+let dummy =
+ Untyped "dummy"
+let remove w =
+ Hashtbl.remove table key:(name w)
+(* Retype widgets returned from Tk *)
+(* JPF report: sometime s is "", see Protocol.cTKtoCAMLwidget *)
+let get_atom s =
+ try
+ Hashtbl.find table key:s
+ with
+ Not_found -> Untyped s
+let naming_scheme = [
+ "button", "b";
+ "canvas", "ca";
+ "checkbutton", "cb";
+ "entry", "en";
+ "frame", "f";
+ "label", "l";
+ "listbox", "li";
+ "menu", "me";
+ "menubutton", "mb";
+ "message", "ms";
+ "radiobutton", "rb";
+ "scale", "sc";
+ "scrollbar", "sb";
+ "text", "t";
+ "toplevel", "top" ]
+let widget_any_table = fun:fst naming_scheme
+(* subtypes *)
+let widget_button_table = [ "button" ]
+and widget_canvas_table = [ "canvas" ]
+and widget_checkbutton_table = [ "checkbutton" ]
+and widget_entry_table = [ "entry" ]
+and widget_frame_table = [ "frame" ]
+and widget_label_table = [ "label" ]
+and widget_listbox_table = [ "listbox" ]
+and widget_menu_table = [ "menu" ]
+and widget_menubutton_table = [ "menubutton" ]
+and widget_message_table = [ "message" ]
+and widget_radiobutton_table = [ "radiobutton" ]
+and widget_scale_table = [ "scale" ]
+and widget_scrollbar_table = [ "scrollbar" ]
+and widget_text_table = [ "text" ]
+and widget_toplevel_table = [ "toplevel" ]
+let new_suffix clas n =
+ try
+ (List.assoc key:clas naming_scheme) ^ (string_of_int n)
+ with
+ Not_found -> "w" ^ (string_of_int n)
+(* The function called by generic creation *)
+let counter = ref 0
+let new_atom :parent ?name:nom clas =
+ let parentpath = name parent in
+ let path =
+ match nom with
+ None ->
+ incr counter;
+ if parentpath = "."
+ then "." ^ (new_suffix clas !counter)
+ else parentpath ^ "." ^ (new_suffix clas !counter)
+ | Some name ->
+ if parentpath = "."
+ then "." ^ (new_suffix clas !counter)
+ else parentpath ^ "." ^ name
+ in
+ let w = Typed(path,clas) in
+ Hashtbl.add table key:path data:w;
+ w
+(* Just create a path. Only to check existence of widgets *)
+(* Use with care *)
+let atom :parent name:pathcomp =
+ let parentpath = name parent in
+ let path =
+ if parentpath = "."
+ then "." ^ pathcomp
+ else parentpath ^ "." ^ pathcomp in
+ Untyped path
+(* Redundant with subtyping of Widget, backward compatibility *)
+let check_class w clas =
+ match w with
+ Untyped _ -> () (* assume run-time check by tk*)
+ | Typed(_,c) ->
+ if List.mem clas elt:c then ()
+ else raise (IllegalWidgetType c)
+(* Checking membership of constructor in subtype table *)
+let chk_sub errname table c =
+ if List.mem table elt:c then ()
+ else raise (Invalid_argument errname)