path: root/otherlibs/num/bignum/c/bz.c
diff options
authorXavier Leroy <>1995-11-06 10:34:19 +0000
committerXavier Leroy <>1995-11-06 10:34:19 +0000
commit36381cc4d98ce6c63e148ca63b44bcee0fa508ff (patch)
tree26f46fcc0f35df534d5109288e593ead14913684 /otherlibs/num/bignum/c/bz.c
parent9b509431e4456edf7391bac5c492423be46be9ad (diff)
Portage de libnum pour Caml Special Light
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
Diffstat (limited to 'otherlibs/num/bignum/c/bz.c')
1 files changed, 833 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/otherlibs/num/bignum/c/bz.c b/otherlibs/num/bignum/c/bz.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..10d0c224f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/otherlibs/num/bignum/c/bz.c
@@ -0,0 +1,833 @@
+/* Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation & INRIA 1988, 1989 */
+/* Last modified_on Thu Apr 4 20:01:18 GMT+2:00 1991 by herve */
+/* modified_on Thu Mar 22 20:45:38 GMT+1:00 1990 by shand */
+/* bz.c: provides an implementation of "unlimited-precision"
+ * arithmetic for signed integers.
+ *
+ * Several conventions are used in the commentary:
+ * A "BigZ" is the name for an arbitrary-precision signed integer.
+ * Capital letters (e.g., "Z") are used to refer to the value of BigZs.
+ */
+#include "BigZ.h"
+ /***************************************/
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <macros.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <malloc.h>
+#include <values.h>
+#define NULL 0
+#define max(a,b) (a<b ? b : a)
+#define abs(x) (x>=0 ? x : -(x))
+#define M_LN2 0.69314718055994530942
+#define M_LN10 2.30258509299404568402
+#define BITSPERBYTE 8
+#define BITS(type) (BITSPERBYTE * (int)sizeof(type))
+#define HIBITI (1 << BITS(int) - 1)
+#define MAXINT (~HIBITI)
+ /***************************************/
+#define BzToBn(z) ((z)->Digits)
+#define CTOI(c) (c >= '0' && c <= '9' ? c - '0' :\
+ c >= 'a' && c <= 'f' ? c - 'a' + 10:\
+ c >= 'A' && c <= 'F' ? c - 'A' + 10:\
+ 0)
+extern char *malloc();
+ /*** copyright ***/
+static char copyright[]="@(#)bz.c: copyright Digital Equipment Corporation & INRIA 1988, 1989\n";
+ /***************************************/
+static int Initialized = FALSE;
+/* constants used by BzToString() and BzFromString() */
+static double BzLog [] =
+ 0,
+ 0, /* log (1) */
+ M_LN2, /* log (2) */
+ 1.098612, /* log (3) */
+ 1.386294, /* log (4) */
+ 1.609438, /* log (5) */
+ 1.791759, /* log (6) */
+ 1.945910, /* log (7) */
+ 2.079442, /* log (8) */
+ 2.197225, /* log (9) */
+ M_LN10, /* log (10) */
+ 2.397895, /* log (11) */
+ 2.484907, /* log (12) */
+ 2.564949, /* log (13) */
+ 2.639057, /* log (14) */
+ 2.708050, /* log (15) */
+ 2.772588, /* log (16) */
+/* */
+#ifndef _NO_PROTO
+void BzInit (void)
+#else /* _NO_PROTO */
+void BzInit ()
+#endif /* _NO_PROTO */
+ if (!Initialized)
+ {
+ BnnInit ();
+ Initialized = TRUE;
+ }
+ /***************************************/
+#ifndef _NO_PROTO
+BigZ BzCreate (BigNumLength Size)
+#else /* _NO_PROTO */
+BigZ BzCreate (Size)
+BigNumLength Size;
+#endif /* _NO_PROTO */
+ * Allocates a BigZ of the desired size.
+ * Sets it to 0.
+ */
+ BigZ z;
+ if ((z = (BigZ) (malloc (sizeof (struct BigZHeader) + Size * sizeof (BigNumDigit)))) != NULL)
+ {
+ /* reset digits */
+ BnnSetToZero (BzToBn (z), Size);
+ /* init header */
+ BzSetSize (z, Size);
+ BzSetSign (z, BZ_ZERO);
+ }
+ return (z);
+#ifndef _NO_PROTO
+void BzFree (BigZ z)
+#else /* _NO_PROTO */
+void BzFree (z)
+BigZ z;
+#endif /* _NO_PROTO */
+ * Frees an existing BigZ.
+ */
+ free (z);
+ /***************************************/
+ /***************************************/
+#ifndef _NO_PROTO
+void BzFreeString (char *s)
+#else /* _NO_PROTO */
+void BzFreeString (s)
+char *s;
+#endif /* _NO_PROTO */
+ * Frees an existing BigZ allocated string.
+ */
+ free (s);
+ /***************************************/
+/* */
+#ifndef _NO_PROTO
+BigNumLength BzNumDigits (BigZ z)
+#else /* _NO_PROTO */
+BigNumLength BzNumDigits (z)
+BigZ z;
+#endif /* _NO_PROTO */
+ * Returns the number of digits used by z.
+ */
+ return (BnnNumDigits (BzToBn (z), BzGetSize (z)));
+ /***************************************/
+#ifndef _NO_PROTO
+BigZ BzCopy (BigZ z)
+#else /* _NO_PROTO */
+BigZ BzCopy (z)
+BigZ z;
+#endif /* _NO_PROTO */
+ * Creates a copy of the passed BigZ.
+ */
+ BigZ y;
+ int zl;
+ zl = BzNumDigits (z);
+ if ((y = BzCreate (zl)) != NULL)
+ {
+ /* copy the digits */
+ BnnAssign (BzToBn (y), BzToBn (z), zl);
+ /* copy the header WITHOUT the size !! */
+ BzSetSign (y, BzGetSign (z));
+ }
+ return (y);
+ /***************************************/
+/* */
+#ifndef _NO_PROTO
+BigZ BzNegate (BigZ z)
+#else /* _NO_PROTO */
+BigZ BzNegate (z)
+BigZ z;
+#endif /* _NO_PROTO */
+ * Negates the passed BigZ.
+ */
+ BigZ y;
+ y = BzCopy (z);
+ BzSetSign (y, BzGetOppositeSign (z));
+ return (y);
+ /***************************************/
+#ifndef _NO_PROTO
+BigZ BzAbs (BigZ z)
+#else /* _NO_PROTO */
+BigZ BzAbs (z)
+BigZ z;
+#endif /* _NO_PROTO */
+ * Takes the absolute value of the passed BigZ.
+ */
+ BigZ y;
+ y = BzCopy (z);
+ BzSetSign (y, abs (BzGetSign (z)));
+ return (y);
+ /***************************************/
+#ifndef _NO_PROTO
+BzCmp BzCompare (BigZ y, BigZ z)
+#else /* _NO_PROTO */
+BzCmp BzCompare (y, z)
+BigZ y; BigZ z;
+#endif /* _NO_PROTO */
+ * Returns BZ_GT if Y > Z,
+ * BZ_LT if Y < Z,
+ * BZ_EQ otherwise.
+ */
+ return (BzGetSign (y) > BzGetSign (z) ? BZ_GT :
+ BzGetSign (y) < BzGetSign (z) ? BZ_LT :
+ BzGetSign (y) > 0 ? BnnCompare (BzToBn (y), BzGetSize (y),
+ BzToBn (z), BzGetSize (z)) :
+ BzGetSign (y) < 0 ? BnnCompare (BzToBn (z), BzGetSize (z),
+ BzToBn (y), BzGetSize (y)) :
+ BZ_EQ);
+ /***************************************/
+/* */
+#ifndef _NO_PROTO
+BigZ BzAdd (BigZ y, BigZ z)
+#else /* _NO_PROTO */
+BigZ BzAdd (y, z)
+BigZ y; BigZ z;
+#endif /* _NO_PROTO */
+ * Returns Y + Z.
+ */
+ BigZ n;
+ int yl;
+ int zl;
+ yl = BzNumDigits (y);
+ zl = BzNumDigits (z);
+ if (BzGetSign (y) == BzGetSign (z))
+ {
+ /* Add magnitudes if signs are the same */
+ switch (BnnCompare (BzToBn (y), yl, BzToBn (z), zl))
+ {
+ case BZ_EQ:
+ case BZ_GT: /* |Y| >= |Z| */
+ if ((n = BzCreate (yl+1)) != NULL)
+ {
+ BnnAssign (BzToBn (n), BzToBn (y), yl);
+ BnnAdd (BzToBn (n), yl+1, BzToBn (z), zl, (BigNumCarry) 0);
+ BzSetSign (n, BzGetSign (y));
+ }
+ break;
+ default: /* BZ_LT: |Y| < |Z| */
+ if ((n = BzCreate (zl+1)) != NULL)
+ {
+ BnnAssign (BzToBn (n), BzToBn (z), zl);
+ BnnAdd (BzToBn (n), zl+1, BzToBn (y), yl, (BigNumCarry) 0);
+ BzSetSign (n, BzGetSign (z));
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+/* */
+ else
+ {
+ /* Subtract magnitudes if signs are different */
+ switch (BnnCompare (BzToBn (y), yl, BzToBn (z), zl))
+ {
+ case BZ_EQ: /* Y = -Z */
+ n = BzCreate (1);
+ break;
+ case BZ_GT: /* |Y| > |Z| */
+ if ((n = BzCreate (yl)) != NULL)
+ {
+ BnnAssign (BzToBn (n), BzToBn (y), yl);
+ BnnSubtract (BzToBn (n), yl, BzToBn (z), zl, (BigNumCarry) 1);
+ BzSetSign (n, BzGetSign (y));
+ }
+ break;
+ default: /* BZ_LT: |Y| < |Z| */
+ if ((n = BzCreate (zl)) != NULL)
+ {
+ BnnAssign (BzToBn (n), BzToBn (z), zl);
+ BnnSubtract (BzToBn (n), zl, BzToBn (y), yl, (BigNumCarry) 1);
+ BzSetSign (n, BzGetSign (z));
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return (n);
+ /***************************************/
+/* */
+#ifndef _NO_PROTO
+BigZ BzSubtract (BigZ y, BigZ z)
+#else /* _NO_PROTO */
+BigZ BzSubtract (y, z)
+BigZ y; BigZ z;
+#endif /* _NO_PROTO */
+ * Returns Y - Z.
+ */
+ if (y == z)
+ return (BzCreate (1));
+ else
+ {
+ BigZ diff;
+ BzSetSign (z, BzGetOppositeSign (z));
+ diff = BzAdd (y, z);
+ BzSetSign (z, BzGetOppositeSign (z));
+ return diff;
+ }
+ /***************************************/
+/* */
+#ifndef _NO_PROTO
+BigZ BzMultiply (BigZ y, BigZ z)
+#else /* _NO_PROTO */
+BigZ BzMultiply (y, z)
+BigZ y; BigZ z;
+#endif /* _NO_PROTO */
+ * Returns Y * Z.
+ */
+ BigZ n;
+ int yl, zl;
+ yl = BzNumDigits (y);
+ zl = BzNumDigits (z);
+ if ((n = BzCreate (yl+zl)) != NULL)
+ {
+ BnnMultiply (BzToBn (n), yl+zl, BzToBn (y), yl, BzToBn (z), zl);
+ BzSetSign (n, BzGetSign (y) * BzGetSign (z));
+ }
+ return (n);
+ /***************************************/
+/* */
+#ifndef _NO_PROTO
+BigZ BzDivide (BigZ y, BigZ z, BigZ *r)
+#else /* _NO_PROTO */
+BigZ BzDivide (y, z, r)
+BigZ y; BigZ z; BigZ *r;
+#endif /* _NO_PROTO */
+ * Sets Y mod Z => R,
+ * Returns Y div Z => Q
+ *
+ * such that Y = ZQ + R
+ * and 0 <= R < |Z|.
+ *
+ * Return NULL if Z = 0
+ *
+ * Return floor(Y/Z) if Z > 0
+ * otherwise return ceil(Y/Z)
+ * where / is the real numbers division.
+ */
+ BigZ q;
+ int yl, zl, ql, rl;
+ Boolean rnotnul;
+ if (BzGetSign (z) == BZ_ZERO)
+ return (NULL);
+ yl = BzNumDigits (y);
+ zl = BzNumDigits (z);
+ /* max +1 since BnnAddCarry can overflow */
+ ql = max (yl-zl+1, 1) +1;
+ rl = max (zl,yl) + 1;
+ /* Set up quotient, remainder */
+ q = BzCreate (ql);
+ *r = BzCreate (rl);
+ if (!*r || !q)
+ return (NULL);
+ BnnAssign (BzToBn (*r), BzToBn (y), yl);
+ /* Do the division */
+ BnnDivide (BzToBn (*r), rl, BzToBn (z), zl);
+ BnnAssign (BzToBn (q), BzToBn (*r) + zl, rl-zl);
+ BnnSetToZero (BzToBn (*r) + zl, rl-zl);
+ rl = zl;
+ /* Correct the signs, adjusting the quotient and remainder */
+ rnotnul = !BnnIsZero (BzToBn (*r), rl);
+ if (BzGetSign (y) == BZ_MINUS && rnotnul)
+ {
+ /* Y < 0, R > 0: (Q+1)=>Q, Z-R=>R */
+ BnnAddCarry (BzToBn (q), ql, (BigNumCarry) 1);
+ BzSetSign (q, BzGetOppositeSign (z));
+ BnnComplement (BzToBn (*r), rl);
+ BnnAdd (BzToBn (*r), rl, BzToBn (z), zl, (BigNumCarry) 1);
+ }
+ else
+ BzSetSign (q, BzGetSign (y) * BzGetSign (z));
+ if (BnnIsZero (BzToBn(q),ql))
+ BzSetSign (q,BZ_ZERO);
+ /* Correct the sign of the remainder */
+ if (rnotnul)
+ BzSetSign (*r, BZ_PLUS);
+ return (q);
+ /***************************************/
+/* */
+#ifndef _NO_PROTO
+BigZ BzDiv (BigZ y, BigZ z)
+#else /* _NO_PROTO */
+BigZ BzDiv (y, z)
+BigZ y; BigZ z;
+#endif /* _NO_PROTO */
+ * Returns Y div Z.
+ *
+ * Return NULL if Z = 0
+ *
+ * Return floor(Y/Z) if Z > 0
+ * otherwise return ceil(Y/Z)
+ * where / is the real numbers division
+ */
+ BigZ q, r;
+ q = BzDivide (y, z, &r);
+ BzFree (r);
+ return (q);
+ /***************************************/
+#ifndef _NO_PROTO
+BigZ BzMod (BigZ y, BigZ z)
+#else /* _NO_PROTO */
+BigZ BzMod (y, z)
+BigZ y; BigZ z;
+#endif /* _NO_PROTO */
+ * Returns Y mod Z.
+ */
+ BigZ r;
+ BzFree (BzDivide (y, z, &r));
+ return (r);
+ /***************************************/
+/* */
+#ifndef _NO_PROTO
+char * BzToString (BigZ z, BigNumDigit base)
+#else /* _NO_PROTO */
+char * BzToString (z, base)
+BigZ z; BigNumDigit base;
+#endif /* _NO_PROTO */
+ * Returns a pointer to a string that represents Z in the specified base.
+ * Assumes 2 <= base <= 16.
+ */
+ char * string;
+ BigZ y, q, t;
+ BigNumDigit r;
+ static char Digit[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
+ char * s;
+ int sd;
+ int zl, sl;
+ if (base < 2 || base > 16)
+ return (NULL);
+ /* Allocate BigNums and set up string */
+ zl = BzNumDigits (z) + 1;
+ sl = BzLog[2] * BN_DIGIT_SIZE * zl / BzLog[base] + 3;
+ y = BzCreate (zl);
+ q = BzCreate (zl);
+ string = malloc (sl * sizeof (char));
+ if (!y || !q || !string)
+ return (NULL);
+ BnnAssign (BzToBn (y), BzToBn (z), zl-1);
+ s = string + sl;
+ /* Divide Z by base repeatedly; successive digits given by remainders */
+ *--s = '\0';
+ if (BzGetSign (z) == BZ_ZERO)
+ *--s = '0';
+ else
+ do
+ {
+ r = BnnDivideDigit (BzToBn (q), BzToBn (y), zl, base);
+ *--s = Digit[r];
+ /* exchange y and q (to avoid BzMove (y, q) */
+ t = q, q = y, y = t;
+ } while (!BnnIsZero (BzToBn (y), zl));
+ /* Set sign if negative */
+ if (BzGetSign (z) < 0)
+ *--s = '-';
+ /* and move string into position */
+ if ((sd = s-string) > 0)
+ while (s < string + sl)
+ {
+ *(s-sd) = *s;
+ s++;
+ }
+ /* Free temporary BigNums and return the string */
+ BzFree(y);
+ BzFree(q);
+ return string;
+ /***************************************/
+/* */
+#ifndef _NO_PROTO
+BigZ BzFromString (char *s, BigNumDigit base)
+#else /* _NO_PROTO */
+BigZ BzFromString (s, base)
+char *s; BigNumDigit base;
+#endif /* _NO_PROTO */
+ * Creates a BigZ whose value is represented by "string" in the
+ * specified base. The "string" may contain leading spaces,
+ * followed by an optional sign, followed by a series of digits.
+ * Assumes 2 <= base <= 16.
+ * When called from C, only the first 2 arguments are passed.
+ */
+ BigZ z, p, t;
+ BzSign sign;
+ int zl;
+ /* Throw away any initial space */
+ while (*s == ' ')
+ s++;
+ /* Allocate BigNums */
+ zl = strlen (s) * BzLog[base] / (BzLog[2] * BN_DIGIT_SIZE) + 1;
+ z = BzCreate (zl);
+ p = BzCreate (zl);
+ if (!z || !p)
+ return (NULL);
+ /* Set up sign, base, initialize result */
+ sign = (*s == '-' ? (s++, BZ_MINUS) : *s == '+' ? (s++, BZ_PLUS) : BZ_PLUS);
+ /* Multiply in the digits of the string, one at a time */
+ for (; *s != '\0'; s++)
+ {
+ BnnSetToZero (BzToBn (p), zl);
+ BnnSetDigit (BzToBn (p), CTOI (*s));
+ BnnMultiplyDigit (BzToBn (p), zl, BzToBn (z), zl, base);
+ /* exchange z and p (to avoid BzMove (z, p) */
+ t = p, p = z, z = t;
+ }
+ /* Set sign of result */
+ BzSetSign (z, BnnIsZero (BzToBn (z), zl) ? BZ_ZERO : sign);
+ /* Free temporary BigNums */
+ BzFree (p);
+ return (z);
+ /***************************************/
+#ifndef _NO_PROTO
+BigZ BzFromInteger (int i)
+#else /* _NO_PROTO */
+BigZ BzFromInteger (i)
+int i;
+#endif /* _NO_PROTO */
+ BigZ z;
+ z = BzCreate (1);
+ z->Digits[0] = abs (i);
+ if (i > 0)
+ BzSetSign (z, BZ_PLUS);
+ else
+ if (i < 0)
+ BzSetSign (z, BZ_MINUS);
+ else
+ BzSetSign (z, BZ_ZERO);
+ return z;
+ /***************************************/
+#ifndef _NO_PROTO
+int BzToInteger (BigZ z)
+#else /* _NO_PROTO */
+int BzToInteger (z)
+BigZ z;
+#endif /* _NO_PROTO */
+ if (BzNumDigits (z) > 1)
+ return (MAXINT);
+ if (BzGetSign (z) == BZ_MINUS)
+ return (- z->Digits[0]);
+ else
+ return (z->Digits[0]);
+ /***************************************/
+#ifndef _NO_PROTO
+BigZ BzFromBigNum (BigNum n, BigNumLength nl)
+#else /* _NO_PROTO */
+BigZ BzFromBigNum (n, nl)
+BigNum n; BigNumLength nl;
+#endif /* _NO_PROTO */
+ BigZ z;
+ int i;
+ z = BzCreate (nl);
+ /* set the sign of z such that the pointer n is unchanged yet */
+ if (BnnIsZero (n, nl))
+ BzSetSign (z, BZ_ZERO);
+ else
+ BzSetSign (z, BZ_PLUS);
+ for (i = 0; i < nl; i++, n++)
+ z->Digits[i] = *n;
+ return z;
+ /***************************************/
+#ifndef _NO_PROTO
+BigNum BzToBigNum (BigZ z, BigNumLength *nl)
+#else /* _NO_PROTO */
+BigNum BzToBigNum (z, nl)
+BigZ z; BigNumLength *nl;
+#endif /* _NO_PROTO */
+ BigNum n, m;
+ int i;
+ if (BzGetSign (z) == BZ_MINUS)
+ return NULL;
+ *nl = BzNumDigits (z);
+ if ((n = (BigNum) (malloc (((*nl+1) * sizeof (BigNumDigit))))) != NULL)
+ {
+ *n = *nl; /* set size */
+ for (i = 0, m = ++n; i < *nl; i++, m++)
+ *m = z->Digits[i];
+ }
+ return n;
+ /***************************************/
+#ifndef _NO_PROTO
+void BzClose (void)
+#else /* _NO_PROTO */
+void BzClose ()
+#endif /* _NO_PROTO */
+ if (Initialized)
+ {
+ BnnClose ();
+ Initialized = FALSE;
+ }
+ /***************************************/