path: root/otherlibs/num
diff options
authorXavier Leroy <>2009-04-01 16:20:20 +0000
committerXavier Leroy <>2009-04-01 16:20:20 +0000
commit42f90d720e3ece73c333ead49e44c76b7f4096e7 (patch)
treeab81639b7a75539f475e9dd60d0055daf3da3a08 /otherlibs/num
parentc2bdcafb6ad6280ace7f9f69244412e8d033085c (diff)
PR#4641: added bitwise operation to Big_int
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
Diffstat (limited to 'otherlibs/num')
3 files changed, 334 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/otherlibs/num/ b/otherlibs/num/
index d742c595b..9465bcd6c 100644
--- a/otherlibs/num/
+++ b/otherlibs/num/
@@ -656,3 +656,182 @@ let approx_big_int prec bi =
else (sign^(String.sub s off 1)^"."^
(String.sub s (succ off) (pred prec))
^"e"^(string_of_int (n - succ off + String.length s)))
+(* Logical operations *)
+(* Shift left by N bits *)
+let shift_left_big_int bi n =
+ if n < 0 then invalid_arg "shift_left_big_int"
+ else if n = 0 then bi
+ else if bi.sign = 0 then bi
+ else begin
+ let size_bi = num_digits_big_int bi in
+ let size_res = size_bi + ((n + length_of_digit - 1) / length_of_digit) in
+ let res = create_nat size_res in
+ let ndigits = n / length_of_digit in
+ set_to_zero_nat res 0 ndigits;
+ blit_nat res ndigits bi.abs_value 0 size_bi;
+ let nbits = n mod length_of_digit in
+ if nbits > 0 then
+ shift_left_nat res ndigits size_bi res (ndigits + size_bi) nbits;
+ { sign = bi.sign; abs_value = res }
+ end
+(* Shift right by N bits (rounds toward zero) *)
+let shift_right_big_int bi n =
+ if n < 0 then invalid_arg "shift_right_big_int"
+ else if n = 0 then bi
+ else if bi.sign = 0 then bi
+ else begin
+ let size_bi = num_digits_big_int bi in
+ let ndigits = n / length_of_digit in
+ let nbits = n mod length_of_digit in
+ if ndigits >= size_bi then zero_big_int else begin
+ let size_res = size_bi - ndigits in
+ let res = create_nat size_res in
+ blit_nat res 0 bi.abs_value ndigits size_res;
+ if nbits > 0 then begin
+ let tmp = create_nat 1 in
+ shift_right_nat res 0 size_res tmp 0 nbits
+ end;
+ { sign = bi.sign; abs_value = res }
+ end
+ end
+(* Compute 2^n *)
+let two_power_big_int n =
+ if n < 0 then invalid_arg "two_power_big_int";
+ let size_res = (n + length_of_digit - 1) / length_of_digit in
+ let res = make_nat n in
+ set_digit_nat_native res (n / length_of_digit)
+ (Nativeint.shift_left 1n (n mod length_of_digit));
+ { sign = 1; abs_value = res }
+(* Compute 2^n - 1 *)
+let two_power_m1_big_int n =
+ if n < 0 then invalid_arg "two_power_m1_big_int"
+ else if n = 0 then zero_big_int
+ else begin
+ let size_res = (n + length_of_digit - 1) / length_of_digit in
+ let res = make_nat n in
+ set_digit_nat_native res (n / length_of_digit)
+ (Nativeint.shift_left 1n (n mod length_of_digit));
+ ignore (decr_nat res 0 size_res 0);
+ { sign = 1; abs_value = res }
+ end
+(* Shift right logical by N bits (rounds toward minus infinity) *)
+let lsr_big_int bi n =
+ if n < 0 then invalid_arg "asr_big_int"
+ else if bi.sign >= 0 then asr_big_int bi n
+ else asr_big_int (sub_big_int bi (two_power_m1_big_int n)) n
+(* Extract N bits starting at ofs.
+ Treats bi in two's complement.
+ Result is always positive. *)
+let extract_big_int bi ofs n =
+ if ofs < 0 || n < 0 then invalid_arg "extract_big_int"
+ else if bi.sign = 0 then bi
+ else begin
+ let size_bi = num_digits_big_int bi in
+ let size_res = (n + length_of_digit - 1) / length_of_digit in
+ let ndigits = ofs / length_of_digit in
+ let nbits = ofs mod length_of_digit in
+ let res = make_nat size_res in
+ if ndigits < size_bi then
+ blit_nat res 0 bi.abs_value ndigits (min size_res (size_bi - ndigits));
+ if bi.sign < 0 then begin
+ (* Two's complement *)
+ complement_nat res 0 size_res;
+ ignore (incr_nat res 0 size_res 1)
+ end;
+ if nbits > 0 then begin
+ let tmp = create_nat 1 in
+ shift_right_nat res 0 size_res tmp 0 nbits
+ end;
+ let n' = n mod length_of_digit in
+ if n' > 0 then begin
+ let tmp = create_nat 1 in
+ set_digit_nat_native tmp 0
+ (Nativeint.shift_right_logical (-1n) (length_of_digit - n'));
+ land_digit_nat res (size_res - 1) tmp 0
+ end;
+ if is_zero_nat res 0 size_res
+ then zero_big_int
+ else { sign = 1; abs_value = res }
+ end
+(* Bitwise logical operations. Arguments must be >= 0. *)
+let and_big_int a b =
+ if a.sign < 0 || b.sign < 0 then invalid_arg "and_big_int"
+ else if a.sign = 0 || b.sign = 0 then zero_big_int
+ else begin
+ let size_a = num_digits_big_int a
+ and size_b = num_digits_big_int b in
+ let size_res = min size_a size_b in
+ let res = create_nat size_res in
+ blit_nat res 0 a.abs_value 0 size_res;
+ for i = 0 to size_res - 1 do
+ land_digit_nat res i b.abs_value i
+ done;
+ if is_zero_nat res 0 size_res
+ then zero_big_int
+ else { sign = 1; abs_value = res }
+ end
+let or_big_int a b =
+ if a.sign < 0 || b.sign < 0 then invalid_arg "or_big_int"
+ else if a.sign = 0 then b
+ else if b.sign = 0 then a
+ else begin
+ let size_a = num_digits_big_int a
+ and size_b = num_digits_big_int b in
+ let size_res = max size_a size_b in
+ let res = create_nat size_res in
+ let or_aux a' b' size_b' =
+ blit_nat res 0 a'.abs_value 0 size_res;
+ for i = 0 to size_b' - 1 do
+ lor_digit_nat res i b'.abs_value i
+ done in
+ if size_a >= size_b
+ then or_aux a b size_b
+ else or_aux b a size_a;
+ if is_zero_nat res 0 size_res
+ then zero_big_int
+ else { sign = 1; abs_value = res }
+ end
+let xor_big_int a b =
+ if a.sign < 0 || b.sign < 0 then invalid_arg "xor_big_int"
+ else if a.sign = 0 then b
+ else if b.sign = 0 then a
+ else begin
+ let size_a = num_digits_big_int a
+ and size_b = num_digits_big_int b in
+ let size_res = max size_a size_b in
+ let res = create_nat size_res in
+ let xor_aux a' b' size_b' =
+ blit_nat res 0 a'.abs_value 0 size_res;
+ for i = 0 to size_b' - 1 do
+ lxor_digit_nat res i b'.abs_value i
+ done in
+ if size_a >= size_b
+ then xor_aux a b size_b
+ else xor_aux b a size_a;
+ if is_zero_nat res 0 size_res
+ then zero_big_int
+ else { sign = 1; abs_value = res }
+ end
diff --git a/otherlibs/num/big_int.mli b/otherlibs/num/big_int.mli
index 11561b605..e6b50b1df 100644
--- a/otherlibs/num/big_int.mli
+++ b/otherlibs/num/big_int.mli
@@ -152,6 +152,32 @@ val float_of_big_int : big_int -> float
(** Returns a floating-point number approximating the
given big integer. *)
+(** {6 Bit-oriented operations} *)
+val and_big_int : big_int -> big_int -> big_int
+ (** Bitwise logical ``and''.
+ The arguments must be positive or zero. *)
+val or_big_int : big_int -> big_int -> big_int
+ (** Bitwise logical ``or''.
+ The arguments must be positive or zero. *)
+val xor_big_int : big_int -> big_int -> big_int
+ (** Bitwise logical ``exclusive or''.
+ The arguments must be positive or zero. *)
+val shift_left_big_int : big_int -> int -> big_int
+ (** [shift_left_big_int b n] returns [b] shifted left by [n] bits.
+ Equivalent to multiplication by [2^n]. *)
+val shift_right_big_int : big_int -> int -> big_int
+ (** [shift_right_big_int b n] returns [b] shifted right by [n] bits.
+ The shift is performed on the absolute value of [b].
+ The result has the same sign as [b].
+ Equivalent to division by [2^n] with the result being
+ rounded towards zero. *)
+val extract_big_int : big_int -> int -> int -> big_int
+ (** [extract_big_int bi ofs n] returns a nonnegative number
+ corresponding to bits [ofs] to [ofs + n - 1] of the
+ binary representation of [bi]. If [bi] is negative,
+ a two's complement representation is used. *)
(** {6 For internal use} *)
diff --git a/otherlibs/num/test/ b/otherlibs/num/test/
index f3080e5d1..e1e4b88b0 100644
--- a/otherlibs/num/test/
+++ b/otherlibs/num/test/
@@ -770,3 +770,132 @@ test 5 eq_int
(should_fail "-9223372036854775809", 1);;
test 6 eq_int
(should_fail "18446744073709551616", 1);;
+(* build a 128-bit big int from two int64 *)
+let big_int_128 hi lo =
+ add_big_int (mult_big_int (big_int_of_int64 hi)
+ (big_int_of_string "18446744073709551616"))
+ (big_int_of_int64 lo);;
+let h1 = 0x7fd05b7ee46a29f8L
+and h2 = 0x64b28b8ee70b6e6dL
+and h3 = 0x58546e563f5b44f0L
+and h4 = 0x1db72f6377ff3ec6L
+and h5 = 0x4f9bb0a19c543cb1L;;
+testing_function "and_big_int";;
+test 1 eq_big_int
+ (and_big_int unit_big_int zero_big_int, zero_big_int);;
+test 2 eq_big_int
+ (and_big_int zero_big_int unit_big_int, zero_big_int);;
+test 3 eq_big_int
+ (and_big_int unit_big_int unit_big_int, unit_big_int);;
+test 4 eq_big_int
+ (and_big_int (big_int_128 h1 h2) (big_int_128 h3 h4),
+ big_int_128 (Int64.logand h1 h3) (Int64.logand h2 h4));;
+test 5 eq_big_int
+ (and_big_int (big_int_128 h1 h2) (big_int_of_int64 h5),
+ big_int_of_int64 (Int64.logand h2 h5));;
+test 6 eq_big_int
+ (and_big_int (big_int_of_int64 h5) (big_int_128 h3 h4) ,
+ big_int_of_int64 (Int64.logand h5 h4));;
+testing_function "or_big_int";;
+test 1 eq_big_int
+ (or_big_int unit_big_int zero_big_int, unit_big_int);;
+test 2 eq_big_int
+ (or_big_int zero_big_int unit_big_int, unit_big_int);;
+test 3 eq_big_int
+ (or_big_int unit_big_int unit_big_int, unit_big_int);;
+test 4 eq_big_int
+ (or_big_int (big_int_128 h1 h2) (big_int_128 h3 h4),
+ big_int_128 (Int64.logor h1 h3) (Int64.logor h2 h4));;
+test 5 eq_big_int
+ (or_big_int (big_int_128 h1 h2) (big_int_of_int64 h5),
+ big_int_128 h1 (Int64.logor h2 h5));;
+test 6 eq_big_int
+ (or_big_int (big_int_of_int64 h5) (big_int_128 h3 h4) ,
+ big_int_128 h3 (Int64.logor h5 h4));;
+testing_function "xor_big_int";;
+test 1 eq_big_int
+ (xor_big_int unit_big_int zero_big_int, unit_big_int);;
+test 2 eq_big_int
+ (xor_big_int zero_big_int unit_big_int, unit_big_int);;
+test 3 eq_big_int
+ (xor_big_int unit_big_int unit_big_int, zero_big_int);;
+test 4 eq_big_int
+ (xor_big_int (big_int_128 h1 h2) (big_int_128 h3 h4),
+ big_int_128 (Int64.logxor h1 h3) (Int64.logxor h2 h4));;
+test 5 eq_big_int
+ (xor_big_int (big_int_128 h1 h2) (big_int_of_int64 h5),
+ big_int_128 h1 (Int64.logxor h2 h5));;
+test 6 eq_big_int
+ (xor_big_int (big_int_of_int64 h5) (big_int_128 h3 h4) ,
+ big_int_128 h3 (Int64.logxor h5 h4));;
+testing_function "shift_left_big_int";;
+test 1 eq_big_int
+ (shift_left_big_int unit_big_int 0,
+ unit_big_int);;
+test 2 eq_big_int
+ (shift_left_big_int unit_big_int 1,
+ big_int_of_int 2);;
+test 2 eq_big_int
+ (shift_left_big_int unit_big_int 31,
+ big_int_of_string "2147483648");;
+test 3 eq_big_int
+ (shift_left_big_int unit_big_int 64,
+ big_int_of_string "18446744073709551616");;
+test 4 eq_big_int
+ (shift_left_big_int unit_big_int 95,
+ big_int_of_string "39614081257132168796771975168");;
+test 5 eq_big_int
+ (shift_left_big_int (big_int_of_string "39614081257132168796771975168") 67,
+ big_int_of_string "5846006549323611672814739330865132078623730171904");;
+test 6 eq_big_int
+ (shift_left_big_int (big_int_of_string "-39614081257132168796771975168") 67,
+ big_int_of_string "-5846006549323611672814739330865132078623730171904");;
+testing_function "shift_right_big_int";;
+test 1 eq_big_int
+ (shift_right_big_int unit_big_int 0,
+ unit_big_int);;
+test 2 eq_big_int
+ (shift_right_big_int (big_int_of_int 12345678) 3,
+ big_int_of_int 1543209);;
+test 3 eq_big_int
+ (shift_right_big_int (big_int_of_string "5299989648942") 32,
+ big_int_of_int 1234);;
+test 4 eq_big_int
+ (shift_right_big_int (big_int_of_string "5846006549323611672814739330865132078623730171904") 67,
+ big_int_of_string "39614081257132168796771975168");;
+test 5 eq_big_int
+ (shift_right_big_int (big_int_of_string "-5299989648942") 32,
+ big_int_of_int (-1234));;
+testing_function "extract_big_int";;
+test 1 eq_big_int
+ (extract_big_int (big_int_of_int64 0x123456789ABCDEFL) 3 13,
+ big_int_of_int 6589);;
+test 2 eq_big_int
+ (extract_big_int (big_int_128 h1 h2) 67 12,
+ big_int_of_int 1343);;
+test 3 eq_big_int
+ (extract_big_int (big_int_of_string "-1844674407370955178") 37 9,
+ big_int_of_int 307);;
+test 4 eq_big_int
+ (extract_big_int unit_big_int 2048 254,
+ zero_big_int);;
+test 5 eq_big_int
+ (extract_big_int (big_int_of_int64 0x123456789ABCDEFL) 0 32,
+ big_int_of_int64 2309737967L);;
+test 6 eq_big_int
+ (extract_big_int (big_int_of_int (-1)) 2048 254,
+ zero_big_int);;