path: root/otherlibs/unix
diff options
authorJacques Garrigue <garrigue at>1999-11-30 16:07:38 +0000
committerJacques Garrigue <garrigue at>1999-11-30 16:07:38 +0000
commit296fc0547052da47bf0e983cab1ce173fa1e8882 (patch)
tree27f621f1e06d4f6493c88993969c4638861390d7 /otherlibs/unix
parentca0b21c5adbe660a52e5a9dfe1dda16985fe5f7c (diff)
Merge olabl branch
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
Diffstat (limited to 'otherlibs/unix')
1 files changed, 55 insertions, 45 deletions
diff --git a/otherlibs/unix/unix.mli b/otherlibs/unix/unix.mli
index ce4153507..2f6ee69fa 100644
--- a/otherlibs/unix/unix.mli
+++ b/otherlibs/unix/unix.mli
@@ -145,14 +145,14 @@ type wait_flag =
[WUNTRACED] means report also the children that receive stop
signals. *)
-val execv : string -> string array -> unit
+val execv : prog:string -> args:string array -> unit
(* [execv prog args] execute the program in file [prog], with
the arguments [args], and the current process environment. *)
-val execve : string -> string array -> string array -> unit
+val execve : prog:string -> args:string array -> env:string array -> unit
(* Same as [execv], except that the third argument provides the
environment to the program executed. *)
-val execvp : string -> string array -> unit
-val execvpe : string -> string array -> string array -> unit
+val execvp : prog:string -> args:string array -> unit
+val execvpe : prog:string -> args:string array -> env:string array -> unit
(* Same as [execv] and [execvp] respectively, except that
the program is searched in the path. *)
val fork : unit -> int
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ val fork : unit -> int
val wait : unit -> int * process_status
(* Wait until one of the children processes die, and return its pid
and termination status. *)
-val waitpid : wait_flag list -> int -> int * process_status
+val waitpid : flags:wait_flag list -> int -> int * process_status
(* Same as [wait], but waits for the process whose pid is given.
A pid of [-1] means wait for any child.
A pid of [0] means wait for any child in the same process group
@@ -211,17 +211,17 @@ type open_flag =
type file_perm = int
(* The type of file access rights. *)
-val openfile : string -> open_flag list -> file_perm -> file_descr
+val openfile : string -> flags:open_flag list -> perm:file_perm -> file_descr
(* Open the named file with the given flags. Third argument is
the permissions to give to the file if it is created. Return
a file descriptor on the named file. *)
val close : file_descr -> unit
(* Close a file descriptor. *)
-val read : file_descr -> string -> int -> int -> int
+val read : file_descr -> buffer:string -> pos:int -> len:int -> int
(* [read fd buff ofs len] reads [len] characters from descriptor
[fd], storing them in string [buff], starting at position [ofs]
in string [buff]. Return the number of characters actually read. *)
-val write : file_descr -> string -> int -> int -> int
+val write : file_descr -> buffer:string -> pos:int -> len:int -> int
(* [write fd buff ofs len] writes [len] characters to descriptor
[fd], taking them from string [buff], starting at position [ofs]
in string [buff]. Return the number of characters actually
@@ -256,11 +256,11 @@ type seek_command =
the current position, [SEEK_END] relative to the end of the
file. *)
-val lseek : file_descr -> int -> seek_command -> int
+val lseek : file_descr -> pos:int -> cmd:seek_command -> int
(* Set the current position for a file descriptor *)
-val truncate : string -> int -> unit
+val truncate : file:string -> len:int -> unit
(* Truncates the named file to the given size. *)
-val ftruncate : file_descr -> int -> unit
+val ftruncate : file_descr -> len:int -> unit
(* Truncates the file corresponding to the given descriptor
to the given size. *)
@@ -306,9 +306,9 @@ val fstat : file_descr -> stats
val unlink : string -> unit
(* Removes the named file *)
-val rename : string -> string -> unit
+val rename : old:string -> new:string -> unit
(* [rename old new] changes the name of a file from [old] to [new]. *)
-val link : string -> string -> unit
+val link : string -> as:string -> unit
(* [link source dest] creates a hard link named [dest] to the file
named [new]. *)
@@ -323,17 +323,17 @@ type access_permission =
(* Flags for the [access] call. *)
-val chmod : string -> file_perm -> unit
+val chmod : file:string -> perm:file_perm -> unit
(* Change the permissions of the named file. *)
-val fchmod : file_descr -> file_perm -> unit
+val fchmod : file_descr -> perm:file_perm -> unit
(* Change the permissions of an opened file. *)
-val chown : string -> int -> int -> unit
+val chown : file:string -> uid:int -> gid:int -> unit
(* Change the owner uid and owner gid of the named file. *)
-val fchown : file_descr -> int -> int -> unit
+val fchown : file_descr -> uid:int -> gid:int -> unit
(* Change the owner uid and owner gid of an opened file. *)
val umask : int -> int
(* Set the process creation mask, and return the previous mask. *)
-val access : string -> access_permission list -> unit
+val access : file:string -> perm:access_permission list -> unit
(* Check that the process has the given permissions over the named
file. Raise [Unix_error] otherwise. *)
@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ val clear_close_on_exec : file_descr -> unit
(*** Directories *)
-val mkdir : string -> file_perm -> unit
+val mkdir : string -> perm:file_perm -> unit
(* Create a directory with the given permissions. *)
val rmdir : string -> unit
(* Remove an empty directory. *)
@@ -406,7 +406,8 @@ val mkfifo : string -> file_perm -> unit
(*** High-level process and redirection management *)
val create_process :
- string -> string array -> file_descr -> file_descr -> file_descr -> int
+ prog:string -> args:string array ->
+ in:file_descr -> out:file_descr -> err:file_descr -> int
(* [create_process prog args new_stdin new_stdout new_stderr]
forks a new process that executes the program
in file [prog], with arguments [args]. The pid of the new
@@ -424,8 +425,8 @@ val create_process :
outputs. *)
val create_process_env :
- string -> string array -> string array ->
- file_descr -> file_descr -> file_descr -> int
+ prog:string -> args:string array -> env:string array ->
+ in:file_descr -> out:file_descr -> err:file_descr -> int
(* [create_process_env prog args env new_stdin new_stdout new_stderr]
works as [create_process], except that the extra argument
[env] specifies the environment passed to the program. *)
@@ -441,7 +442,7 @@ val open_process: string -> in_channel * out_channel
are buffered, hence be careful to call [flush] at the right times
to ensure correct synchronization. *)
val open_process_full:
- string -> string array -> in_channel * out_channel * in_channel
+ string -> env:string array -> in_channel * out_channel * in_channel
(* Similar to [open_process], but the second argument specifies
the environment passed to the command. The result is a triple
of channels connected to the standard output, standard input,
@@ -457,7 +458,7 @@ val close_process_full: in_channel * out_channel * in_channel -> process_status
(*** Symbolic links *)
-val symlink : string -> string -> unit
+val symlink : string -> as:string -> unit
(* [symlink source dest] creates the file [dest] as a symbolic link
to the file [source]. *)
val readlink : string -> string
@@ -467,7 +468,8 @@ val readlink : string -> string
(*** Polling *)
val select :
- file_descr list -> file_descr list -> file_descr list -> float ->
+ read:file_descr list -> write:file_descr list -> exn:file_descr list ->
+ timeout:float ->
file_descr list * file_descr list * file_descr list
(* Wait until some input/output operations become possible on
some channels. The three list arguments are, respectively, a set
@@ -492,7 +494,7 @@ type lock_command =
(* Commands for [lockf]. *)
-val lockf : file_descr -> lock_command -> int -> unit
+val lockf : file_descr -> cmd:lock_command -> len:int -> unit
(* [lockf fd cmd size] puts a lock on a region of the file opened
as [fd]. The region starts at the current read/write position for
@@ -507,7 +509,7 @@ val lockf : file_descr -> lock_command -> int -> unit
(*** Signals *)
-val kill : int -> int -> unit
+val kill : pid:int -> signal:int -> unit
(* [kill pid sig] sends signal number [sig] to the process
with id [pid]. *)
@@ -580,7 +582,7 @@ val sleep : int -> unit
(* Stop execution for the given number of seconds. *)
val times : unit -> process_times
(* Return the execution times of the process. *)
-val utimes : string -> float -> float -> unit
+val utimes : file:string -> access:float -> modif:float -> unit
(* Set the last access time (second arg) and last modification time
(third arg) for a file. Times are expressed in seconds from
00:00:00 GMT, Jan. 1, 1970. *)
@@ -710,12 +712,14 @@ type sockaddr =
domain; [addr] is the Internet address of the machine, and
[port] is the port number. *)
-val socket : socket_domain -> socket_type -> int -> file_descr
+val socket :
+ domain:socket_domain -> type:socket_type -> proto:int -> file_descr
(* Create a new socket in the given domain, and with the
given kind. The third argument is the protocol type; 0 selects
the default protocol for that kind of sockets. *)
val socketpair :
- socket_domain -> socket_type -> int -> file_descr * file_descr
+ domain:socket_domain -> type:socket_type -> proto:int ->
+ file_descr * file_descr
(* Create a pair of unnamed sockets, connected together. *)
val accept : file_descr -> file_descr * sockaddr
(* Accept connections on the given socket. The returned descriptor
@@ -725,7 +729,7 @@ val bind : file_descr -> sockaddr -> unit
(* Bind a socket to an address. *)
val connect : file_descr -> sockaddr -> unit
(* Connect a socket to an address. *)
-val listen : file_descr -> int -> unit
+val listen : file_descr -> max:int -> unit
(* Set up a socket for receiving connection requests. The integer
argument is the maximal number of pending requests. *)
@@ -735,7 +739,7 @@ type shutdown_command =
| SHUTDOWN_ALL (* Close both *)
(* The type of commands for [shutdown]. *)
-val shutdown : file_descr -> shutdown_command -> unit
+val shutdown : file_descr -> cmd:shutdown_command -> unit
(* Shutdown a socket connection. [SHUTDOWN_SEND] as second argument
causes reads on the other end of the connection to return
an end-of-file condition.
@@ -753,13 +757,18 @@ type msg_flag =
(* The flags for [recv], [recvfrom], [send] and [sendto]. *)
-val recv : file_descr -> string -> int -> int -> msg_flag list -> int
+val recv :
+ file_descr -> buffer:string -> pos:int -> len:int
+ -> flags:msg_flag list -> int
val recvfrom :
- file_descr -> string -> int -> int -> msg_flag list -> int * sockaddr
+ file_descr -> buffer:string -> pos:int -> len:int
+ -> flags:msg_flag list -> int * sockaddr
(* Receive data from an unconnected socket. *)
-val send : file_descr -> string -> int -> int -> msg_flag list -> int
+val send : file_descr -> buffer:string -> pos:int -> len:int
+ -> flags:msg_flag list -> int
val sendto :
- file_descr -> string -> int -> int -> msg_flag list -> sockaddr -> int
+ file_descr -> buffer:string -> pos:int -> len:int
+ -> flags:msg_flag list -> addr:sockaddr -> int
(* Send data over an unconnected socket. *)
type socket_option =
@@ -771,9 +780,9 @@ type socket_option =
| SO_OOBINLINE (* Leave out-of-band data in line *)
(* The socket options settable with [setsockopt]. *)
-val getsockopt : file_descr -> socket_option -> bool
+val getsockopt : file_descr -> opt:socket_option -> bool
(* Return the current status of an option in the given socket. *)
-val setsockopt : file_descr -> socket_option -> bool -> unit
+val setsockopt : file_descr -> opt:socket_option -> bool -> unit
(* Set or clear an option in the given socket. *)
(*** High-level network connection functions *)
@@ -787,7 +796,8 @@ val shutdown_connection : in_channel -> unit
(* ``Shut down'' a connection established with [open_connection];
that is, transmit an end-of-file condition to the server reading
on the other side of the connection. *)
-val establish_server : (in_channel -> out_channel -> 'a) -> sockaddr -> unit
+val establish_server : fun:(in:in_channel -> out:out_channel -> 'a) ->
+ addr:sockaddr -> unit
(* Establish a server on the given address.
The function given as first argument is called for each connection
with two buffered channels connected to the client. A new process
@@ -831,10 +841,10 @@ val getprotobyname : string -> protocol_entry
val getprotobynumber : int -> protocol_entry
(* Find an entry in [protocols] with the given protocol number,
or raise [Not_found]. *)
-val getservbyname : string -> string -> service_entry
+val getservbyname : string -> proto:string -> service_entry
(* Find an entry in [services] with the given name, or raise
[Not_found]. *)
-val getservbyport : int -> string -> service_entry
+val getservbyport : int -> proto:string -> service_entry
(* Find an entry in [services] with the given service number,
or raise [Not_found]. *)
@@ -900,7 +910,7 @@ val tcgetattr: file_descr -> terminal_io
type setattr_when = TCSANOW | TCSADRAIN | TCSAFLUSH
-val tcsetattr: file_descr -> setattr_when -> terminal_io -> unit
+val tcsetattr: file_descr -> when:setattr_when -> terminal_io -> unit
(* Set the status of the terminal referred to by the given
file descriptor. The second argument indicates when the
status change takes place: immediately ([TCSANOW]),
@@ -910,7 +920,7 @@ val tcsetattr: file_descr -> setattr_when -> terminal_io -> unit
the output parameters; [TCSAFLUSH], when changing the input
parameters. *)
-val tcsendbreak: file_descr -> int -> unit
+val tcsendbreak: file_descr -> duration:int -> unit
(* Send a break condition on the given file descriptor.
The second argument is the duration of the break, in 0.1s units;
0 means standard duration (0.25s). *)
@@ -921,7 +931,7 @@ val tcdrain: file_descr -> unit
type flush_queue = TCIFLUSH | TCOFLUSH | TCIOFLUSH
-val tcflush: file_descr -> flush_queue -> unit
+val tcflush: file_descr -> cmd:flush_queue -> unit
(* Discard data written on the given file descriptor but not yet
transmitted, or data received but not yet read, depending on the
second argument: [TCIFLUSH] flushes data received but not read,
@@ -930,7 +940,7 @@ val tcflush: file_descr -> flush_queue -> unit
type flow_action = TCOOFF | TCOON | TCIOFF | TCION
-val tcflow: file_descr -> flow_action -> unit
+val tcflow: file_descr -> cmd:flow_action -> unit
(* Suspend or restart reception or transmission of data on
the given file descriptor, depending on the second argument:
[TCOOFF] suspends output, [TCOON] restarts output,