path: root/otherlibs/win32unix/
diff options
authorXavier Leroy <>1996-09-05 13:32:25 +0000
committerXavier Leroy <>1996-09-05 13:32:25 +0000
commit6ded697b42a2f40a96c774975e36e99897195aec (patch)
tree101febfe5774275c5392863fd93a004465e58bc0 /otherlibs/win32unix/
parentb973b44d9fa9e63d5504cc59e5078411b30efe03 (diff)
Premiere compilation.
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
Diffstat (limited to 'otherlibs/win32unix/')
1 files changed, 13 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/otherlibs/win32unix/ b/otherlibs/win32unix/
index 5edbc5b26..b1a99c857 100644
--- a/otherlibs/win32unix/
+++ b/otherlibs/win32unix/
@@ -149,6 +149,8 @@ type open_flag =
+ | O_TEXT
type file_perm = int
@@ -233,14 +235,14 @@ type dir_entry =
| Dir_read of string
| Dir_toread
-type dir_handle = { handle: int; mutable entry: dir_entry }
+type dir_handle = { handle: int; mutable entry_read: dir_entry }
external findfirst : string -> string * int = "win_findfirst"
external findnext : int -> string= "win_findnext"
let opendir dirname =
- let (first_entry, handle) = findfirst (nom^"\\*.*") in
+ let (first_entry, handle) = findfirst (dirname ^ "\\*.*") in
{ handle = handle; entry_read = Dir_read first_entry }
with End_of_file ->
{ handle = 0; entry_read = Dir_empty }
@@ -260,12 +262,6 @@ let closedir d =
external pipe : unit -> file_descr * file_descr = "unix_pipe"
-type process_times =
- { tms_utime : float;
- tms_stime : float;
- tms_cutime : float;
- tms_cstime : float }
type tm =
{ tm_sec : int;
tm_min : int;
@@ -280,9 +276,8 @@ type tm =
external time : unit -> int = "unix_time"
external gmtime : int -> tm = "unix_gmtime"
external localtime : int -> tm = "unix_localtime"
+external mktime : tm -> int * tm = "unix_mktime"
external sleep : int -> unit = "unix_sleep"
-external times : unit -> process_times =
- "unix_times_bytecode" "unix_times_native"
external utimes : string -> int -> int -> unit = "unix_utimes"
let getlogin () =
@@ -432,7 +427,7 @@ let popen_processes = (Hashtbl.create 7 : (popen_process, int) Hashtbl.t)
let open_proc cmd proc input output =
let shell =
try Sys.getenv "COMSPEC"
- with Not_found -> raise(Unix_error(ENOEXEC, "open_proc", cmd) in
+ with Not_found -> raise(Unix_error(ENOEXEC, "open_proc", cmd)) in
let pid =
create_process shell [|shell; "/c"; cmd|] input output stderr in
Hashtbl.add popen_processes proc pid
@@ -440,14 +435,16 @@ let open_proc cmd proc input output =
let open_process_in cmd =
let (in_read, in_write) = pipe() in
let inchan = in_channel_of_descr in_read in
- open_proc cmd (Process_in inchan) stdin in_write [in_read];
+ set_close_on_exec in_read;
+ open_proc cmd (Process_in inchan) stdin in_write;
close in_write;
let open_process_out cmd =
let (out_read, out_write) = pipe() in
let outchan = out_channel_of_descr out_write in
- open_proc cmd (Process_out outchan) out_read stdout [out_write];
+ set_close_on_exec out_write;
+ open_proc cmd (Process_out outchan) out_read stdout;
close out_read;
@@ -456,8 +453,9 @@ let open_process cmd =
let (out_read, out_write) = pipe() in
let inchan = in_channel_of_descr in_read in
let outchan = out_channel_of_descr out_write in
- open_proc cmd (Process(inchan, outchan))
- out_read in_write [in_read; out_write];
+ set_close_on_exec in_read;
+ set_close_on_exec out_write;
+ open_proc cmd (Process(inchan, outchan)) out_read in_write;
(inchan, outchan)
let find_proc_id fun_name proc =