path: root/otherlibs/win32unix/unixLabels.mli
diff options
authorJacques Garrigue <garrigue at>2001-09-13 09:10:35 +0000
committerJacques Garrigue <garrigue at>2001-09-13 09:10:35 +0000
commitcf525c107ef0599a9d0657e501635850b596659b (patch)
tree82dcb2ef07a3db7133a38706a84067a0e5a0282b /otherlibs/win32unix/unixLabels.mli
parent63739730dd57ce4f5eeb22e82187cf20af7f7e90 (diff)
unixLabels is copied
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
Diffstat (limited to 'otherlibs/win32unix/unixLabels.mli')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1007 deletions
diff --git a/otherlibs/win32unix/unixLabels.mli b/otherlibs/win32unix/unixLabels.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 20de566f4..000000000
--- a/otherlibs/win32unix/unixLabels.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1007 +0,0 @@
-(* *)
-(* Objective Caml *)
-(* *)
-(* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
-(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
-(* under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License. *)
-(* *)
-(* $Id$ *)
-(* Module [UnixLabels]: interface to the Unix system *)
-(* To use as replacement to default [Unix] module, *)
-(* add [module Unix = UnixLabels] in your implementation *)
-(*** Error report *)
-type error = Unix.error =
- (* Errors defined in the POSIX standard *)
- E2BIG (* Argument list too long *)
- | EACCES (* Permission denied *)
- | EAGAIN (* Resource temporarily unavailable; try again *)
- | EBADF (* Bad file descriptor *)
- | EBUSY (* Resource unavailable *)
- | ECHILD (* No child process *)
- | EDEADLK (* Resource deadlock would occur *)
- | EDOM (* Domain error for math functions, etc. *)
- | EEXIST (* File exists *)
- | EFAULT (* Bad address *)
- | EFBIG (* File too large *)
- | EINTR (* Function interrupted by signal *)
- | EINVAL (* Invalid argument *)
- | EIO (* Hardware I/O error *)
- | EISDIR (* Is a directory *)
- | EMFILE (* Too many open files by the process *)
- | EMLINK (* Too many links *)
- | ENAMETOOLONG (* Filename too long *)
- | ENFILE (* Too many open files in the system *)
- | ENODEV (* No such device *)
- | ENOENT (* No such file or directory *)
- | ENOEXEC (* Not an executable file *)
- | ENOLCK (* No locks available *)
- | ENOMEM (* Not enough memory *)
- | ENOSPC (* No space left on device *)
- | ENOSYS (* Function not supported *)
- | ENOTDIR (* Not a directory *)
- | ENOTEMPTY (* Directory not empty *)
- | ENOTTY (* Inappropriate I/O control operation *)
- | ENXIO (* No such device or address *)
- | EPERM (* Operation not permitted *)
- | EPIPE (* Broken pipe *)
- | ERANGE (* Result too large *)
- | EROFS (* Read-only file system *)
- | ESPIPE (* Invalid seek e.g. on a pipe *)
- | ESRCH (* No such process *)
- | EXDEV (* Invalid link *)
- (* Additional errors, mostly BSD *)
- | EWOULDBLOCK (* Operation would block *)
- | EINPROGRESS (* Operation now in progress *)
- | EALREADY (* Operation already in progress *)
- | ENOTSOCK (* Socket operation on non-socket *)
- | EDESTADDRREQ (* Destination address required *)
- | EMSGSIZE (* Message too long *)
- | EPROTOTYPE (* Protocol wrong type for socket *)
- | ENOPROTOOPT (* Protocol not available *)
- | EPROTONOSUPPORT (* Protocol not supported *)
- | ESOCKTNOSUPPORT (* Socket type not supported *)
- | EOPNOTSUPP (* Operation not supported on socket *)
- | EPFNOSUPPORT (* Protocol family not supported *)
- | EAFNOSUPPORT (* Address family not supported by protocol family *)
- | EADDRINUSE (* Address already in use *)
- | EADDRNOTAVAIL (* Can't assign requested address *)
- | ENETDOWN (* Network is down *)
- | ENETUNREACH (* Network is unreachable *)
- | ENETRESET (* Network dropped connection on reset *)
- | ECONNABORTED (* Software caused connection abort *)
- | ECONNRESET (* Connection reset by peer *)
- | ENOBUFS (* No buffer space available *)
- | EISCONN (* Socket is already connected *)
- | ENOTCONN (* Socket is not connected *)
- | ESHUTDOWN (* Can't send after socket shutdown *)
- | ETOOMANYREFS (* Too many references: can't splice *)
- | ETIMEDOUT (* Connection timed out *)
- | ECONNREFUSED (* Connection refused *)
- | EHOSTDOWN (* Host is down *)
- | EHOSTUNREACH (* No route to host *)
- | ELOOP (* Too many levels of symbolic links *)
- (* All other errors are mapped to EUNKNOWNERR *)
- | EUNKNOWNERR of int (* Unknown error *)
- (* The type of error codes. *)
-exception Unix_error of error * string * string
- (* Raised by the system calls below when an error is encountered.
- The first component is the error code; the second component
- is the function name; the third component is the string parameter
- to the function, if it has one, or the empty string otherwise. *)
-val error_message : error -> string
- (* Return a string describing the given error code. *)
-val handle_unix_error : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
- (* [handle_unix_error f x] applies [f] to [x] and returns the result.
- If the exception [Unix_error] is raised, it prints a message
- describing the error and exits with code 2. *)
-(*** Access to the process environment *)
-val environment : unit -> string array
- (* Return the process environment, as an array of strings
- with the format ``variable=value''. *)
-val getenv: string -> string
- (* Return the value associated to a variable in the process
- environment. Raise [Not_found] if the variable is unbound.
- (This function is identical to [Sys.getenv].) *)
-val putenv: string -> string -> unit
- (* [Unix.putenv name value] sets the value associated to a
- variable in the process environment.
- [name] is the name of the environment variable,
- and [value] its new associated value. *)
-(*** Process handling *)
-type process_status = Unix.process_status =
- WEXITED of int
- | WSIGNALED of int
- | WSTOPPED of int
- (* The termination status of a process. [WEXITED] means that the
- process terminated normally by [exit]; the argument is the return
- code. [WSIGNALED] means that the process was killed by a signal;
- the argument is the signal number. [WSTOPPED] means
- that the process was stopped by a signal; the argument is the
- signal number. *)
-type wait_flag = Unix.wait_flag =
- (* Flags for [waitpid].
- [WNOHANG] means do not block if no child has
- died yet, but immediately return with a pid equal to 0.
- [WUNTRACED] means report also the children that receive stop
- signals. *)
-val execv : prog:string -> args:string array -> unit
- (* [execv prog args] execute the program in file [prog], with
- the arguments [args], and the current process environment. *)
-val execve : prog:string -> args:string array -> env:string array -> unit
- (* Same as [execv], except that the third argument provides the
- environment to the program executed. *)
-val execvp : prog:string -> args:string array -> unit
-val execvpe : prog:string -> args:string array -> env:string array -> unit
- (* Same as [execv] and [execvp] respectively, except that
- the program is searched in the path. *)
-val fork : unit -> int
- (* Fork a new process. The returned integer is 0 for the child
- process, the pid of the child process for the parent process. *)
-val wait : unit -> int * process_status
- (* Wait until one of the children processes die, and return its pid
- and termination status. *)
-val waitpid : mode:wait_flag list -> int -> int * process_status
- (* Same as [wait], but waits for the process whose pid is given.
- A pid of [-1] means wait for any child.
- A pid of [0] means wait for any child in the same process group
- as the current process.
- Negative pid arguments represent process groups.
- The list of options indicates whether [waitpid] should return
- immediately without waiting, or also report stopped children. *)
-val system : string -> process_status
- (* Execute the given command, wait until it terminates, and return
- its termination status. The string is interpreted by the shell
- [/bin/sh] and therefore can contain redirections, quotes, variables,
- etc. The result [WEXITED 127] indicates that the shell couldn't
- be executed. *)
-val getpid : unit -> int
- (* Return the pid of the process. *)
-val getppid : unit -> int
- (* Return the pid of the parent process. *)
-val nice : int -> int
- (* Change the process priority. The integer argument is added to the
- ``nice'' value. (Higher values of the ``nice'' value mean
- lower priorities.) Return the new nice value. *)
-(*** Basic file input/output *)
-type file_descr = Unix.file_descr
- (* The abstract type of file descriptors. *)
-val stdin : file_descr
-val stdout : file_descr
-val stderr : file_descr
- (* File descriptors for standard input, standard output and
- standard error. *)
-type open_flag = Unix.open_flag =
- O_RDONLY (* Open for reading *)
- | O_WRONLY (* Open for writing *)
- | O_RDWR (* Open for reading and writing *)
- | O_NONBLOCK (* Open in non-blocking mode *)
- | O_APPEND (* Open for append *)
- | O_CREAT (* Create if nonexistent *)
- | O_TRUNC (* Truncate to 0 length if existing *)
- | O_EXCL (* Fail if existing *)
- (* The flags to [open]. *)
-type file_perm = int
- (* The type of file access rights. *)
-val openfile : string -> mode:open_flag list -> perm:file_perm -> file_descr
- (* Open the named file with the given flags. Third argument is
- the permissions to give to the file if it is created. Return
- a file descriptor on the named file. *)
-val close : file_descr -> unit
- (* Close a file descriptor. *)
-val read : file_descr -> buf:string -> pos:int -> len:int -> int
- (* [read fd buff ofs len] reads [len] characters from descriptor
- [fd], storing them in string [buff], starting at position [ofs]
- in string [buff]. Return the number of characters actually read. *)
-val write : file_descr -> buf:string -> pos:int -> len:int -> int
- (* [write fd buff ofs len] writes [len] characters to descriptor
- [fd], taking them from string [buff], starting at position [ofs]
- in string [buff]. Return the number of characters actually
- written. *)
-(*** Interfacing with the standard input/output library. *)
-val in_channel_of_descr : file_descr -> in_channel
- (* Create an input channel reading from the given descriptor.
- The channel is initially in binary mode; use
- [set_binary_mode_in ic false] if text mode is desired. *)
-val out_channel_of_descr : file_descr -> out_channel
- (* Create an output channel writing on the given descriptor.
- The channel is initially in binary mode; use
- [set_binary_mode_out oc false] if text mode is desired. *)
-val descr_of_in_channel : in_channel -> file_descr
- (* Return the descriptor corresponding to an input channel. *)
-val descr_of_out_channel : out_channel -> file_descr
- (* Return the descriptor corresponding to an output channel. *)
-(*** Seeking and truncating *)
-type seek_command = Unix.seek_command =
- (* Positioning modes for [lseek]. [SEEK_SET] indicates positions
- relative to the beginning of the file, [SEEK_CUR] relative to
- the current position, [SEEK_END] relative to the end of the
- file. *)
-val lseek : file_descr -> int -> mode:seek_command -> int
- (* Set the current position for a file descriptor *)
-val truncate : string -> len:int -> unit
- (* Truncates the named file to the given size. *)
-val ftruncate : file_descr -> len:int -> unit
- (* Truncates the file corresponding to the given descriptor
- to the given size. *)
-(*** File statistics *)
-type file_kind = Unix.file_kind =
- S_REG (* Regular file *)
- | S_DIR (* Directory *)
- | S_CHR (* Character device *)
- | S_BLK (* Block device *)
- | S_LNK (* Symbolic link *)
- | S_FIFO (* Named pipe *)
- | S_SOCK (* Socket *)
-type stats = Unix.stats =
- { st_dev : int; (* Device number *)
- st_ino : int; (* Inode number *)
- st_kind : file_kind; (* Kind of the file *)
- st_perm : file_perm; (* Access rights *)
- st_nlink : int; (* Number of links *)
- st_uid : int; (* User id of the owner *)
- st_gid : int; (* Group ID of the file's group *)
- st_rdev : int; (* Device minor number *)
- st_size : int; (* Size in bytes *)
- st_atime : float; (* Last access time *)
- st_mtime : float; (* Last modification time *)
- st_ctime : float } (* Last status change time *)
- (* The informations returned by the [stat] calls. *)
-val stat : string -> stats
- (* Return the information for the named file. *)
-val lstat : string -> stats
- (* Same as [stat], but in case the file is a symbolic link,
- return the information for the link itself. *)
-val fstat : file_descr -> stats
- (* Return the information for the file associated with the given
- descriptor. *)
-(*** Operations on file names *)
-val unlink : string -> unit
- (* Removes the named file *)
-val rename : src:string -> dst:string -> unit
- (* [rename old new] changes the name of a file from [old] to [new]. *)
-val link : src:string -> dst:string -> unit
- (* [link source dest] creates a hard link named [dest] to the file
- named [new]. *)
-(*** File permissions and ownership *)
-type access_permission = Unix.access_permission =
- R_OK (* Read permission *)
- | W_OK (* Write permission *)
- | X_OK (* Execution permission *)
- | F_OK (* File exists *)
- (* Flags for the [access] call. *)
-val chmod : string -> perm:file_perm -> unit
- (* Change the permissions of the named file. *)
-val fchmod : file_descr -> perm:file_perm -> unit
- (* Change the permissions of an opened file. *)
-val chown : string -> uid:int -> gid:int -> unit
- (* Change the owner uid and owner gid of the named file. *)
-val fchown : file_descr -> uid:int -> gid:int -> unit
- (* Change the owner uid and owner gid of an opened file. *)
-val umask : int -> int
- (* Set the process creation mask, and return the previous mask. *)
-val access : string -> perm:access_permission list -> unit
- (* Check that the process has the given permissions over the named
- file. Raise [Unix_error] otherwise. *)
-(*** Operations on file descriptors *)
-val dup : file_descr -> file_descr
- (* Return a new file descriptor referencing the same file as
- the given descriptor. *)
-val dup2 : src:file_descr -> dst:file_descr -> unit
- (* [dup2 fd1 fd2] duplicates [fd1] to [fd2], closing [fd2] if already
- opened. *)
-val set_nonblock : file_descr -> unit
-val clear_nonblock : file_descr -> unit
- (* Set or clear the ``non-blocking'' flag on the given descriptor.
- When the non-blocking flag is set, reading on a descriptor
- on which there is temporarily no data available raises the
- [EAGAIN] or [EWOULDBLOCK] error instead of blocking;
- writing on a descriptor on which there is temporarily no room
- for writing also raises [EAGAIN] or [EWOULDBLOCK]. *)
-val set_close_on_exec : file_descr -> unit
-val clear_close_on_exec : file_descr -> unit
- (* Set or clear the ``close-on-exec'' flag on the given descriptor.
- A descriptor with the close-on-exec flag is automatically
- closed when the current process starts another program with
- one of the [exec] functions. *)
-(*** Directories *)
-val mkdir : string -> perm:file_perm -> unit
- (* Create a directory with the given permissions. *)
-val rmdir : string -> unit
- (* Remove an empty directory. *)
-val chdir : string -> unit
- (* Change the process working directory. *)
-val getcwd : unit -> string
- (* Return the name of the current working directory. *)
-val chroot : string -> unit
- (* Change the process root directory. *)
-type dir_handle = Unix.dir_handle
- (* The type of descriptors over opened directories. *)
-val opendir : string -> dir_handle
- (* Open a descriptor on a directory *)
-val readdir : dir_handle -> string
- (* Return the next entry in a directory.
- Raise [End_of_file] when the end of the directory has been
- reached. *)
-val rewinddir : dir_handle -> unit
- (* Reposition the descriptor to the beginning of the directory *)
-val closedir : dir_handle -> unit
- (* Close a directory descriptor. *)
-(*** Pipes and redirections *)
-val pipe : unit -> file_descr * file_descr
- (* Create a pipe. The first component of the result is opened
- for reading, that's the exit to the pipe. The second component is
- opened for writing, that's the entrance to the pipe. *)
-val mkfifo : string -> perm:file_perm -> unit
- (* Create a named pipe with the given permissions. *)
-(*** High-level process and redirection management *)
-val create_process :
- prog:string -> args:string array ->
- stdin:file_descr -> stdout:file_descr -> stderr:file_descr -> int
- (* [create_process prog args new_stdin new_stdout new_stderr]
- forks a new process that executes the program
- in file [prog], with arguments [args]. The pid of the new
- process is returned immediately; the new process executes
- concurrently with the current process.
- The standard input and outputs of the new process are connected
- to the descriptors [new_stdin], [new_stdout] and [new_stderr].
- Passing e.g. [stdout] for [new_stdout] prevents the redirection
- and causes the new process to have the same standard output
- as the current process.
- The executable file [prog] is searched in the path.
- The new process has the same environment as the current process.
- All file descriptors of the current process are closed in the
- new process, except those redirected to standard input and
- outputs. *)
-val create_process_env :
- prog:string -> args:string array -> env:string array ->
- stdin:file_descr -> stdout:file_descr -> stderr:file_descr -> int
- (* [create_process_env prog args env new_stdin new_stdout new_stderr]
- works as [create_process], except that the extra argument
- [env] specifies the environment passed to the program. *)
-val open_process_in: string -> in_channel
-val open_process_out: string -> out_channel
-val open_process: string -> in_channel * out_channel
- (* High-level pipe and process management. These functions
- run the given command in parallel with the program,
- and return channels connected to the standard input and/or
- the standard output of the command. The command is interpreted
- by the shell [/bin/sh] (cf. [system]). Warning: writes on channels
- are buffered, hence be careful to call [flush] at the right times
- to ensure correct synchronization. *)
-val open_process_full:
- string -> env:string array -> in_channel * out_channel * in_channel
- (* Similar to [open_process], but the second argument specifies
- the environment passed to the command. The result is a triple
- of channels connected to the standard output, standard input,
- and standard error of the command. *)
-val close_process_in: in_channel -> process_status
-val close_process_out: out_channel -> process_status
-val close_process: in_channel * out_channel -> process_status
-val close_process_full: in_channel * out_channel * in_channel -> process_status
- (* Close channels opened by [open_process_in], [open_process_out],
- [open_process] and [open_process_full], respectively,
- wait for the associated command to terminate,
- and return its termination status. *)
-(*** Symbolic links *)
-val symlink : src:string -> dst:string -> unit
- (* [symlink source dest] creates the file [dest] as a symbolic link
- to the file [source]. *)
-val readlink : string -> string
- (* Read the contents of a link. *)
-(*** Polling *)
-val select :
- read:file_descr list -> write:file_descr list -> except:file_descr list ->
- timeout:float ->
- file_descr list * file_descr list * file_descr list
- (* Wait until some input/output operations become possible on
- some channels. The three list arguments are, respectively, a set
- of descriptors to check for reading (first argument), for writing
- (second argument), or for exceptional conditions (third argument).
- The fourth argument is the maximal timeout, in seconds; a
- negative fourth argument means no timeout (unbounded wait).
- The result is composed of three sets of descriptors: those ready
- for reading (first component), ready for writing (second component),
- and over which an exceptional condition is pending (third
- component). *)
-(*** Locking *)
-type lock_command = Unix.lock_command =
- F_ULOCK (* Unlock a region *)
- | F_LOCK (* Lock a region for writing, and block if already locked *)
- | F_TLOCK (* Lock a region for writing, or fail if already locked *)
- | F_TEST (* Test a region for other process locks *)
- | F_RLOCK (* Lock a region for reading, and block if already locked *)
- | F_TRLOCK (* Lock a region for reading, or fail if already locked *)
- (* Commands for [lockf]. *)
-val lockf : file_descr -> mode:lock_command -> len:int -> unit
- (* [lockf fd cmd size] puts a lock on a region of the file opened
- as [fd]. The region starts at the current read/write position for
- [fd] (as set by [lseek]), and extends [size] bytes forward if
- [size] is positive, [size] bytes backwards if [size] is negative,
- or to the end of the file if [size] is zero.
- A write lock (set with [F_LOCK] or [F_TLOCK]) prevents any other
- process from acquiring a read or write lock on the region.
- A read lock (set with [F_RLOCK] or [F_TRLOCK]) prevents any other
- process from acquiring a write lock on the region, but lets
- other processes acquire read locks on it. *)
-(*** Signals *)
- (* Note: installation of signal handlers is performed via
- the functions [signal] and [set_signal] of module [Sys]. *)
-val kill : pid:int -> signal:int -> unit
- (* [kill pid sig] sends signal number [sig] to the process
- with id [pid]. *)
-type sigprocmask_command = Unix.sigprocmask_command =
-val sigprocmask: mode:sigprocmask_command -> int list -> int list
- (* [sigprocmask cmd sigs] changes the set of blocked signals.
- If [cmd] is [SIG_SETMASK], blocked signals are set to those in
- the list [sigs].
- If [cmd] is [SIG_BLOCK], the signals in [sigs] are added to
- the set of blocked signals.
- If [cmd] is [SIG_UNBLOCK], the signals in [sigs] are removed
- from the set of blocked signals.
- [sigprocmask] returns the set of previously blocked signals. *)
-val sigpending: unit -> int list
- (* Return the set of blocked signals that are currently pending. *)
-val sigsuspend: int list -> unit
- (* [sigsuspend sigs] atomically sets the blocked signals to [sig]
- and waits for a non-ignored, non-blocked signal to be delivered.
- On return, the blocked signals are reset to their initial value. *)
-val pause : unit -> unit
- (* Wait until a non-ignored, non-blocked signal is delivered. *)
-(*** Time functions *)
-type process_times = Unix.process_times =
- { tms_utime : float; (* User time for the process *)
- tms_stime : float; (* System time for the process *)
- tms_cutime : float; (* User time for the children processes *)
- tms_cstime : float } (* System time for the children processes *)
- (* The execution times (CPU times) of a process. *)
-type tm = =
- { tm_sec : int; (* Seconds 0..59 *)
- tm_min : int; (* Minutes 0..59 *)
- tm_hour : int; (* Hours 0..23 *)
- tm_mday : int; (* Day of month 1..31 *)
- tm_mon : int; (* Month of year 0..11 *)
- tm_year : int; (* Year - 1900 *)
- tm_wday : int; (* Day of week (Sunday is 0) *)
- tm_yday : int; (* Day of year 0..365 *)
- tm_isdst : bool } (* Daylight time savings in effect *)
- (* The type representing wallclock time and calendar date. *)
-val time : unit -> float
- (* Return the current time since 00:00:00 GMT, Jan. 1, 1970,
- in seconds. *)
-val gettimeofday : unit -> float
- (* Same as [time], but with resolution better than 1 second. *)
-val gmtime : float -> tm
- (* Convert a time in seconds, as returned by [time], into a date and
- a time. Assumes Greenwich meridian time zone, also known as UTC. *)
-val localtime : float -> tm
- (* Convert a time in seconds, as returned by [time], into a date and
- a time. Assumes the local time zone. *)
-val mktime : tm -> float * tm
- (* Convert a date and time, specified by the [tm] argument, into
- a time in seconds, as returned by [time]. Also return a normalized
- copy of the given [tm] record, with the [tm_wday], [tm_yday],
- and [tm_isdst] fields recomputed from the other fields.
- The [tm] argument is interpreted in the local time zone. *)
-val alarm : int -> int
- (* Schedule a [SIGALRM] signal after the given number of seconds. *)
-val sleep : int -> unit
- (* Stop execution for the given number of seconds. *)
-val times : unit -> process_times
- (* Return the execution times of the process. *)
-val utimes : string -> access:float -> modif:float -> unit
- (* Set the last access time (second arg) and last modification time
- (third arg) for a file. Times are expressed in seconds from
- 00:00:00 GMT, Jan. 1, 1970. *)
-type interval_timer = Unix.interval_timer =
- (* The three kinds of interval timers.
- [ITIMER_REAL] decrements in real time, and sends the signal
- [SIGALRM] when expired.
- [ITIMER_VIRTUAL] decrements in process virtual time, and sends
- [SIGVTALRM] when expired.
- [ITIMER_PROF] (for profiling) decrements both when the process
- is running and when the system is running on behalf of the
- process; it sends [SIGPROF] when expired. *)
-type interval_timer_status = Unix.interval_timer_status =
- { it_interval: float; (* Period *)
- it_value: float } (* Current value of the timer *)
- (* The type describing the status of an interval timer *)
-val getitimer: interval_timer -> interval_timer_status
- (* Return the current status of the given interval timer. *)
-val setitimer:
- interval_timer -> interval_timer_status -> interval_timer_status
- (* [setitimer t s] sets the interval timer [t] and returns
- its previous status. The [s] argument is interpreted as follows:
- [s.it_value], if nonzero, is the time to the next timer expiration;
- [s.it_interval], if nonzero, specifies a value to
- be used in reloading it_value when the timer expires.
- Setting [s.it_value] to zero disable the timer.
- Setting [s.it_interval] to zero causes the timer to be disabled
- after its next expiration. *)
-(*** User id, group id *)
-val getuid : unit -> int
- (* Return the user id of the user executing the process. *)
-val geteuid : unit -> int
- (* Return the effective user id under which the process runs. *)
-val setuid : int -> unit
- (* Set the real user id and effective user id for the process. *)
-val getgid : unit -> int
- (* Return the group id of the user executing the process. *)
-val getegid : unit -> int
- (* Return the effective group id under which the process runs. *)
-val setgid : int -> unit
- (* Set the real group id and effective group id for the process. *)
-val getgroups : unit -> int array
- (* Return the list of groups to which the user executing the process
- belongs. *)
-type passwd_entry = Unix.passwd_entry =
- { pw_name : string;
- pw_passwd : string;
- pw_uid : int;
- pw_gid : int;
- pw_gecos : string;
- pw_dir : string;
- pw_shell : string }
- (* Structure of entries in the [passwd] database. *)
-type group_entry = Unix.group_entry =
- { gr_name : string;
- gr_passwd : string;
- gr_gid : int;
- gr_mem : string array }
- (* Structure of entries in the [groups] database. *)
-val getlogin : unit -> string
- (* Return the login name of the user executing the process. *)
-val getpwnam : string -> passwd_entry
- (* Find an entry in [passwd] with the given name, or raise
- [Not_found]. *)
-val getgrnam : string -> group_entry
- (* Find an entry in [group] with the given name, or raise
- [Not_found]. *)
-val getpwuid : int -> passwd_entry
- (* Find an entry in [passwd] with the given user id, or raise
- [Not_found]. *)
-val getgrgid : int -> group_entry
- (* Find an entry in [group] with the given group id, or raise
- [Not_found]. *)
-(*** Internet addresses *)
-type inet_addr = Unix.inet_addr
- (* The abstract type of Internet addresses. *)
-val inet_addr_of_string : string -> inet_addr
-val string_of_inet_addr : inet_addr -> string
- (* Conversions between string with the format [XXX.YYY.ZZZ.TTT]
- and Internet addresses. [inet_addr_of_string] raises [Failure]
- when given a string that does not match this format. *)
-val inet_addr_any : inet_addr
- (* A special Internet address, for use only with [bind], representing
- all the Internet addresses that the host machine possesses. *)
-(*** Sockets *)
-type socket_domain = Unix.socket_domain =
- PF_UNIX (* Unix domain *)
- | PF_INET (* Internet domain *)
- (* The type of socket domains. *)
-type socket_type = Unix.socket_type =
- SOCK_STREAM (* Stream socket *)
- | SOCK_DGRAM (* Datagram socket *)
- | SOCK_RAW (* Raw socket *)
- | SOCK_SEQPACKET (* Sequenced packets socket *)
- (* The type of socket kinds, specifying the semantics of
- communications. *)
-type sockaddr = Unix.sockaddr =
- ADDR_UNIX of string
- | ADDR_INET of inet_addr * int
- (* The type of socket addresses. [ADDR_UNIX name] is a socket
- address in the Unix domain; [name] is a file name in the file
- system. [ADDR_INET(addr,port)] is a socket address in the Internet
- domain; [addr] is the Internet address of the machine, and
- [port] is the port number. *)
-val socket :
- domain:socket_domain -> kind:socket_type -> protocol:int -> file_descr
- (* Create a new socket in the given domain, and with the
- given kind. The third argument is the protocol type; 0 selects
- the default protocol for that kind of sockets. *)
-val socketpair :
- domain:socket_domain -> kind:socket_type -> protocol:int ->
- file_descr * file_descr
- (* Create a pair of unnamed sockets, connected together. *)
-val accept : file_descr -> file_descr * sockaddr
- (* Accept connections on the given socket. The returned descriptor
- is a socket connected to the client; the returned address is
- the address of the connecting client. *)
-val bind : file_descr -> addr:sockaddr -> unit
- (* Bind a socket to an address. *)
-val connect : file_descr -> addr:sockaddr -> unit
- (* Connect a socket to an address. *)
-val listen : file_descr -> max:int -> unit
- (* Set up a socket for receiving connection requests. The integer
- argument is the maximal number of pending requests. *)
-type shutdown_command = Unix.shutdown_command =
- SHUTDOWN_RECEIVE (* Close for receiving *)
- | SHUTDOWN_SEND (* Close for sending *)
- | SHUTDOWN_ALL (* Close both *)
- (* The type of commands for [shutdown]. *)
-val shutdown : file_descr -> mode:shutdown_command -> unit
- (* Shutdown a socket connection. [SHUTDOWN_SEND] as second argument
- causes reads on the other end of the connection to return
- an end-of-file condition.
- [SHUTDOWN_RECEIVE] causes writes on the other end of the connection
- to return a closed pipe condition ([SIGPIPE] signal). *)
-val getsockname : file_descr -> sockaddr
- (* Return the address of the given socket. *)
-val getpeername : file_descr -> sockaddr
- (* Return the address of the host connected to the given socket. *)
-type msg_flag = Unix.msg_flag =
- (* The flags for [recv], [recvfrom], [send] and [sendto]. *)
-val recv :
- file_descr -> buf:string -> pos:int -> len:int
- -> mode:msg_flag list -> int
-val recvfrom :
- file_descr -> buf:string -> pos:int -> len:int
- -> mode:msg_flag list -> int * sockaddr
- (* Receive data from an unconnected socket. *)
-val send : file_descr -> buf:string -> pos:int -> len:int
- -> mode:msg_flag list -> int
-val sendto :
- file_descr -> buf:string -> pos:int -> len:int
- -> mode:msg_flag list -> addr:sockaddr -> int
- (* Send data over an unconnected socket. *)
-(*** Socket options *)
-type socket_bool_option =
- SO_DEBUG (* Record debugging information *)
- | SO_BROADCAST (* Permit sending of broadcast messages *)
- | SO_REUSEADDR (* Allow reuse of local addresses for bind *)
- | SO_KEEPALIVE (* Keep connection active *)
- | SO_DONTROUTE (* Bypass the standard routing algorithms *)
- | SO_OOBINLINE (* Leave out-of-band data in line *)
- | SO_ACCEPTCONN (* Report whether socket listening is enabled *)
- (* The socket options that can be consulted with [getsockopt]
- and modified with [setsockopt]. These options have a boolean
- ([true]/[false]) value. *)
-type socket_int_option =
- SO_SNDBUF (* Size of send buffer *)
- | SO_RCVBUF (* Size of received buffer *)
- | SO_ERROR (* Report the error status and clear it *)
- | SO_TYPE (* Report the socket type *)
- | SO_RCVLOWAT (* Minimum number of bytes to process for input operations *)
- | SO_SNDLOWAT (* Minimum number of bytes to process for output operations *)
- (* The socket options that can be consulted with [getsockopt_int]
- and modified with [setsockopt_int]. These options have an
- integer value. *)
-type socket_optint_option =
- SO_LINGER (* Whether to linger on closed connections
- that have data present, and for how long
- (in seconds) *)
- (* The socket options that can be consulted with [getsockopt_optint]
- and modified with [setsockopt_optint]. These options have a
- value of type [int option], with [None] meaning ``disabled''. *)
-type socket_float_option =
- SO_RCVTIMEO (* Timeout for input operations *)
- | SO_SNDTIMEO (* Timeout for output operations *)
- (* The socket options that can be consulted with [getsockopt_float]
- and modified with [setsockopt_float]. These options have a
- floating-point value representing a time in seconds.
- The value 0 means infinite timeout. *)
-val getsockopt : file_descr -> socket_bool_option -> bool
- (* Return the current status of a boolean-valued option
- in the given socket. *)
-val setsockopt : file_descr -> socket_bool_option -> bool -> unit
- (* Set or clear a boolean-valued option in the given socket. *)
-external getsockopt_int : file_descr -> socket_int_option -> int
- = "unix_getsockopt_int"
-external setsockopt_int : file_descr -> socket_int_option -> int -> unit
- = "unix_setsockopt_int"
- (* Same, for an integer-valued socket option. *)
-external getsockopt_optint : file_descr -> socket_optint_option -> int option
- = "unix_getsockopt_optint"
-external setsockopt_optint : file_descr -> socket_optint_option -> int option -> unit
- (* Same, for a socket option whose value is an [int option]. *)
- = "unix_setsockopt_optint"
-external getsockopt_float : file_descr -> socket_float_option -> float
- = "unix_getsockopt_float"
-external setsockopt_float : file_descr -> socket_float_option -> float -> unit
- = "unix_setsockopt_float"
- (* Same, for a socket option whose value is a floating-point number. *)
-(*** High-level network connection functions *)
-val open_connection : sockaddr -> in_channel * out_channel
- (* Connect to a server at the given address.
- Return a pair of buffered channels connected to the server.
- Remember to call [flush] on the output channel at the right times
- to ensure correct synchronization. *)
-val shutdown_connection : in_channel -> unit
- (* ``Shut down'' a connection established with [open_connection];
- that is, transmit an end-of-file condition to the server reading
- on the other side of the connection. *)
-val establish_server : (in_channel -> out_channel -> unit) ->
- addr:sockaddr -> unit
- (* Establish a server on the given address.
- The function given as first argument is called for each connection
- with two buffered channels connected to the client. A new process
- is created for each connection. The function [establish_server]
- never returns normally. *)
-(*** Host and protocol databases *)
-type host_entry = Unix.host_entry =
- { h_name : string;
- h_aliases : string array;
- h_addrtype : socket_domain;
- h_addr_list : inet_addr array }
- (* Structure of entries in the [hosts] database. *)
-type protocol_entry = Unix.protocol_entry =
- { p_name : string;
- p_aliases : string array;
- p_proto : int }
- (* Structure of entries in the [protocols] database. *)
-type service_entry = Unix.service_entry =
- { s_name : string;
- s_aliases : string array;
- s_port : int;
- s_proto : string }
- (* Structure of entries in the [services] database. *)
-val gethostname : unit -> string
- (* Return the name of the local host. *)
-val gethostbyname : string -> host_entry
- (* Find an entry in [hosts] with the given name, or raise
- [Not_found]. *)
-val gethostbyaddr : inet_addr -> host_entry
- (* Find an entry in [hosts] with the given address, or raise
- [Not_found]. *)
-val getprotobyname : string -> protocol_entry
- (* Find an entry in [protocols] with the given name, or raise
- [Not_found]. *)
-val getprotobynumber : int -> protocol_entry
- (* Find an entry in [protocols] with the given protocol number,
- or raise [Not_found]. *)
-val getservbyname : string -> protocol:string -> service_entry
- (* Find an entry in [services] with the given name, or raise
- [Not_found]. *)
-val getservbyport : int -> protocol:string -> service_entry
- (* Find an entry in [services] with the given service number,
- or raise [Not_found]. *)
-(*** Terminal interface *)
-(* The following functions implement the POSIX standard terminal
- interface. They provide control over asynchronous communication ports
- and pseudo-terminals. Refer to the [termios] man page for a
- complete description. *)
-type terminal_io = Unix.terminal_io = {
- (* Input modes: *)
- mutable c_ignbrk: bool; (* Ignore the break condition. *)
- mutable c_brkint: bool; (* Signal interrupt on break condition. *)
- mutable c_ignpar: bool; (* Ignore characters with parity errors. *)
- mutable c_parmrk: bool; (* Mark parity errors. *)
- mutable c_inpck: bool; (* Enable parity check on input. *)
- mutable c_istrip: bool; (* Strip 8th bit on input characters. *)
- mutable c_inlcr: bool; (* Map NL to CR on input. *)
- mutable c_igncr: bool; (* Ignore CR on input. *)
- mutable c_icrnl: bool; (* Map CR to NL on input. *)
- mutable c_ixon: bool; (* Recognize XON/XOFF characters on input. *)
- mutable c_ixoff: bool; (* Emit XON/XOFF chars to control input flow. *)
- (* Output modes: *)
- mutable c_opost: bool; (* Enable output processing. *)
- (* Control modes: *)
- mutable c_obaud: int; (* Output baud rate (0 means close connection).*)
- mutable c_ibaud: int; (* Input baud rate. *)
- mutable c_csize: int; (* Number of bits per character (5-8). *)
- mutable c_cstopb: int; (* Number of stop bits (1-2). *)
- mutable c_cread: bool; (* Reception is enabled. *)
- mutable c_parenb: bool; (* Enable parity generation and detection. *)
- mutable c_parodd: bool; (* Specify odd parity instead of even. *)
- mutable c_hupcl: bool; (* Hang up on last close. *)
- mutable c_clocal: bool; (* Ignore modem status lines. *)
- (* Local modes: *)
- mutable c_isig: bool; (* Generate signal on INTR, QUIT, SUSP. *)
- mutable c_icanon: bool; (* Enable canonical processing
- (line buffering and editing) *)
- mutable c_noflsh: bool; (* Disable flush after INTR, QUIT, SUSP. *)
- mutable c_echo: bool; (* Echo input characters. *)
- mutable c_echoe: bool; (* Echo ERASE (to erase previous character). *)
- mutable c_echok: bool; (* Echo KILL (to erase the current line). *)
- mutable c_echonl: bool; (* Echo NL even if c_echo is not set. *)
- (* Control characters: *)
- mutable c_vintr: char; (* Interrupt character (usually ctrl-C). *)
- mutable c_vquit: char; (* Quit character (usually ctrl-\). *)
- mutable c_verase: char; (* Erase character (usually DEL or ctrl-H). *)
- mutable c_vkill: char; (* Kill line character (usually ctrl-U). *)
- mutable c_veof: char; (* End-of-file character (usually ctrl-D). *)
- mutable c_veol: char; (* Alternate end-of-line char. (usually none). *)
- mutable c_vmin: int; (* Minimum number of characters to read
- before the read request is satisfied. *)
- mutable c_vtime: int; (* Maximum read wait (in 0.1s units). *)
- mutable c_vstart: char; (* Start character (usually ctrl-Q). *)
- mutable c_vstop: char (* Stop character (usually ctrl-S). *)
- }
-val tcgetattr: file_descr -> terminal_io
- (* Return the status of the terminal referred to by the given
- file descriptor. *)
-type setattr_when = Unix.setattr_when = TCSANOW | TCSADRAIN | TCSAFLUSH
-val tcsetattr: file_descr -> mode:setattr_when -> terminal_io -> unit
- (* Set the status of the terminal referred to by the given
- file descriptor. The second argument indicates when the
- status change takes place: immediately ([TCSANOW]),
- when all pending output has been transmitted ([TCSADRAIN]),
- or after flushing all input that has been received but not
- read ([TCSAFLUSH]). [TCSADRAIN] is recommended when changing
- the output parameters; [TCSAFLUSH], when changing the input
- parameters. *)
-val tcsendbreak: file_descr -> duration:int -> unit
- (* Send a break condition on the given file descriptor.
- The second argument is the duration of the break, in 0.1s units;
- 0 means standard duration (0.25s). *)
-val tcdrain: file_descr -> unit
- (* Waits until all output written on the given file descriptor
- has been transmitted. *)
-type flush_queue = Unix.flush_queue = TCIFLUSH | TCOFLUSH | TCIOFLUSH
-val tcflush: file_descr -> mode:flush_queue -> unit
- (* Discard data written on the given file descriptor but not yet
- transmitted, or data received but not yet read, depending on the
- second argument: [TCIFLUSH] flushes data received but not read,
- [TCOFLUSH] flushes data written but not transmitted, and
- [TCIOFLUSH] flushes both. *)
-type flow_action = Unix.flow_action = TCOOFF | TCOON | TCIOFF | TCION
-val tcflow: file_descr -> mode:flow_action -> unit
- (* Suspend or restart reception or transmission of data on
- the given file descriptor, depending on the second argument:
- [TCOOFF] suspends output, [TCOON] restarts output,
- [TCIOFF] transmits a STOP character to suspend input,
- and [TCION] transmits a START character to restart input. *)
-val setsid : unit -> int
- (* Put the calling process in a new session and detach it from
- its controlling terminal. *)