path: root/otherlibs
diff options
authorXavier Leroy <>1996-07-25 13:18:23 +0000
committerXavier Leroy <>1996-07-25 13:18:23 +0000
commit1bf083e149b77415e677ee67cd39ef7c53152c46 (patch)
tree1e48a70ea68b1fff0579a07befe9d54c1e631101 /otherlibs
parent8d0091cd8de16c1e3bd2711fac0feef705b6b8c1 (diff)
itimer, unix: on reprend les temps de type float et on implemente specialement
pour le code natif. close, unix: suppression de closeall. git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
Diffstat (limited to 'otherlibs')
4 files changed, 63 insertions, 72 deletions
diff --git a/otherlibs/unix/close.c b/otherlibs/unix/close.c
index 355b27d23..41dfca5e9 100644
--- a/otherlibs/unix/close.c
+++ b/otherlibs/unix/close.c
@@ -20,12 +20,3 @@ value unix_close(fd) /* ML */
if (close(Int_val(fd)) == -1) uerror("close", Nothing);
return Val_unit;
-value unix_closeall(last_fd) /* ML */
- value last_fd;
- int fd;
- for (fd = 3; fd <= Int_val(last_fd); fd++) close(fd);
- return Val_unit;
diff --git a/otherlibs/unix/itimer.c b/otherlibs/unix/itimer.c
index 000238292..b2242ff89 100644
--- a/otherlibs/unix/itimer.c
+++ b/otherlibs/unix/itimer.c
@@ -40,6 +40,15 @@ static value unix_convert_itimer(tp)
return res;
+static value unix_convert_itimer_native(tp)
+ struct itimerval * tp;
+ value res = alloc(Double_wosize * 2, Double_array_tag);
+ Store_double_field(res, 0, Get_timeval(tp->it_interval));
+ Store_double_field(res, 1, Get_timeval(tp->it_value));
+ return res;
static int itimers[3] = { ITIMER_REAL, ITIMER_VIRTUAL, ITIMER_PROF };
value unix_setitimer(which, newval)
@@ -53,6 +62,17 @@ value unix_setitimer(which, newval)
return unix_convert_itimer(&old);
+value unix_setitimer_native(which, newval)
+ value which, newval;
+ struct itimerval new, old;
+ Set_timeval(new.it_interval, Double_field(newval, 0));
+ Set_timeval(new.it_value, Double_field(newval, 1));
+ if (setitimer(itimers[Int_val(which)], &new, &old) == -1)
+ uerror("setitimer", Nothing);
+ return unix_convert_itimer_native(&old);
value unix_getitimer(which)
value which;
@@ -62,9 +82,24 @@ value unix_getitimer(which)
return unix_convert_itimer(&val);
+value unix_getitimer_native(which)
+ value which;
+ struct itimerval val;
+ if (getitimer(itimers[Int_val(which)], &val) == -1)
+ uerror("getitimer", Nothing);
+ return unix_convert_itimer_native(&val);
-value unix_setitimer() { invalid_argument("setitimer not implemented"); }
-value unix_getitimer() { invalid_argument("getitimer not implemented"); }
+value unix_setitimer()
+{ invalid_argument("setitimer not implemented"); }
+value unix_getitimer()
+{ invalid_argument("getitimer not implemented"); }
+value unix_setitimer_native()
+{ invalid_argument("setitimer not implemented"); }
+value unix_getitimer_native()
+{ invalid_argument("getitimer not implemented"); }
diff --git a/otherlibs/unix/ b/otherlibs/unix/
index ed272af00..7daa12d29 100644
--- a/otherlibs/unix/
+++ b/otherlibs/unix/
@@ -133,11 +133,6 @@ let stdin = 0
let stdout = 1
let stderr = 2
-let max_opened_descr = ref 2
-let record_descr fd =
- if fd > !max_opened_descr then max_opened_descr := fd
type open_flag =
@@ -151,14 +146,9 @@ type open_flag =
type file_perm = int
-external sys_openfile : string -> open_flag list -> file_perm -> file_descr
+external openfile : string -> open_flag list -> file_perm -> file_descr
= "unix_open"
-let openfile name flags perm =
- let fd = sys_openfile name flags perm in
- record_descr fd;
- fd
external close : file_descr -> unit = "unix_close"
external unsafe_read : file_descr -> string -> int -> int -> int = "unix_read"
external unsafe_write : file_descr -> string -> int -> int -> int = "unix_write"
@@ -229,11 +219,7 @@ external fchown : file_descr -> int -> int -> unit = "unix_fchown"
external umask : int -> int = "unix_umask"
external access : string -> access_permission list -> unit = "unix_access"
-external sys_dup : file_descr -> file_descr = "unix_dup"
-let dup fd =
- let newfd = sys_dup fd in record_descr newfd; newfd
+external dup : file_descr -> file_descr = "unix_dup"
external dup2 : file_descr -> file_descr -> unit = "unix_dup2"
external set_nonblock : file_descr -> unit = "unix_set_nonblock"
external clear_nonblock : file_descr -> unit = "unix_clear_nonblock"
@@ -252,12 +238,7 @@ external readdir : dir_handle -> string = "unix_readdir"
external rewinddir : dir_handle -> unit = "unix_rewinddir"
external closedir : dir_handle -> unit = "unix_closedir"
-external sys_pipe : unit -> file_descr * file_descr = "unix_pipe"
-let pipe () =
- let (fd1, fd2 as fdpair) = sys_pipe() in
- record_descr fd1; record_descr fd2; fdpair
+external pipe : unit -> file_descr * file_descr = "unix_pipe"
external symlink : string -> string -> unit = "unix_symlink"
external readlink : string -> string = "unix_readlink"
external mkfifo : string -> file_perm -> unit = "unix_mkfifo"
@@ -310,17 +291,15 @@ type interval_timer =
-type time_value = float
type interval_timer_status =
- { it_interval: time_value; (* Period *)
- it_value: time_value } (* Current value of the timer *)
- (* The type describing the status of an interval timer *)
+ { it_interval: float; (* Period *)
+ it_value: float } (* Current value of the timer *)
-external getitimer: interval_timer -> interval_timer_status = "unix_getitimer"
+external getitimer: interval_timer -> interval_timer_status
+ = "unix_getitimer" "unix_getitimer_native"
external setitimer:
interval_timer -> interval_timer_status -> interval_timer_status
- = "unix_setitimer"
+ = "unix_setitimer" "unix_setitimer_native"
external getuid : unit -> int = "unix_getuid"
external geteuid : unit -> int = "unix_geteuid"
@@ -393,24 +372,12 @@ type socket_option =
-external sys_socket : socket_domain -> socket_type -> int -> file_descr
+external socket : socket_domain -> socket_type -> int -> file_descr
= "unix_socket"
-let socket domain typ proto =
- let fd = sys_socket domain typ proto in
- record_descr fd; fd
-external sys_socketpair :
+external socketpair :
socket_domain -> socket_type -> int -> file_descr * file_descr
= "unix_socketpair"
-let socketpair domain typ proto =
- let (fd1, fd2 as fdpair) = sys_socketpair domain typ proto in
- record_descr fd1; record_descr fd2; fdpair
-external sys_accept : file_descr -> file_descr * sockaddr = "unix_accept"
-let accept fd =
- let (newfd, addr as result) = sys_accept fd in
- record_descr newfd; result
+external accept : file_descr -> file_descr * sockaddr = "unix_accept"
external bind : file_descr -> sockaddr -> unit = "unix_bind"
external connect : file_descr -> sockaddr -> unit = "unix_connect"
@@ -540,12 +507,9 @@ external tcflow: file_descr -> flow_action -> unit = "unix_tcflow"
(* High-level process management (system, popen) *)
-external closeall : int -> unit = "unix_closeall"
let system cmd =
match fork() with
- 0 -> closeall !max_opened_descr;
- execv "/bin/sh" [| "/bin/sh"; "-c"; cmd |];
+ 0 -> execv "/bin/sh" [| "/bin/sh"; "-c"; cmd |];
exit 127
| id -> snd(waitpid [] id)
@@ -555,7 +519,6 @@ let create_process cmd args new_stdin new_stdout new_stderr =
if new_stdin <> stdin then dup2 new_stdin stdin;
if new_stdout <> stdout then dup2 new_stdout stdout;
if new_stderr <> stderr then dup2 new_stderr stderr;
- closeall !max_opened_descr;
execvp cmd args;
exit 127
| id -> id
diff --git a/otherlibs/unix/unix.mli b/otherlibs/unix/unix.mli
index de4920be2..722e7a6cc 100644
--- a/otherlibs/unix/unix.mli
+++ b/otherlibs/unix/unix.mli
@@ -201,7 +201,8 @@ type open_flag =
type file_perm = int
(* The type of file access rights. *)
-val openfile : string -> open_flag list -> file_perm -> file_descr
+external openfile : string -> open_flag list -> file_perm -> file_descr
+ = "unix_open"
(* Open the named file with the given flags. Third argument is
the permissions to give to the file if it is created. Return
a file descriptor on the named file. *)
@@ -326,7 +327,7 @@ external access : string -> access_permission list -> unit = "unix_access"
(*** Operations on file descriptors *)
-val dup : file_descr -> file_descr
+external dup : file_descr -> file_descr = "unix_dup"
(* Return a new file descriptor referencing the same file as
the given descriptor. *)
external dup2 : file_descr -> file_descr -> unit = "unix_dup2"
@@ -378,7 +379,7 @@ external closedir : dir_handle -> unit = "unix_closedir"
(*** Pipes and redirections *)
-val pipe : unit -> file_descr * file_descr
+external pipe : unit -> file_descr * file_descr = "unix_pipe"
(* Create a pipe. The first component of the result is opened
for reading, that's the exit to the pipe. The second component is
opened for writing, that's the entrance to the pipe. *)
@@ -553,18 +554,17 @@ type interval_timer =
is running and when the system is running on behalf of the
process; it sends [SIGPROF] when expired. *)
-type time_value = float
type interval_timer_status =
- { it_interval: time_value; (* Period *)
- it_value: time_value } (* Current value of the timer *)
+ { it_interval: float; (* Period *)
+ it_value: float } (* Current value of the timer *)
(* The type describing the status of an interval timer *)
-external getitimer: interval_timer -> interval_timer_status = "unix_getitimer"
+external getitimer: interval_timer -> interval_timer_status
+ = "unix_getitimer" "unix_getitimer_native"
(* Return the current status of the given interval timer. *)
external setitimer:
interval_timer -> interval_timer_status -> interval_timer_status
- = "unix_setitimer"
+ = "unix_setitimer" "unix_setitimer_native"
(* [setitimer t s] sets the interval timer [t] and returns
its previous status. The [s] argument is interpreted as follows:
[s.it_value], if nonzero, is the time to the next timer expiration;
@@ -670,14 +670,16 @@ type sockaddr =
domain; [addr] is the Internet address of the machine, and
[port] is the port number. *)
-val socket : socket_domain -> socket_type -> int -> file_descr
+external socket : socket_domain -> socket_type -> int -> file_descr
+ = "unix_socket"
(* Create a new socket in the given domain, and with the
given kind. The third argument is the protocol type; 0 selects
the default protocol for that kind of sockets. *)
-val socketpair :
+external socketpair :
socket_domain -> socket_type -> int -> file_descr * file_descr
+ = "unix_socketpair"
(* Create a pair of unnamed sockets, connected together. *)
-val accept : file_descr -> file_descr * sockaddr
+external accept : file_descr -> file_descr * sockaddr = "unix_accept"
(* Accept connections on the given socket. The returned descriptor
is a socket connected to the client; the returned address is
the address of the connecting client. *)