path: root/otherlibs
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authorXavier Leroy <>2002-03-10 17:23:24 +0000
committerXavier Leroy <>2002-03-10 17:23:24 +0000
commit8e945874cb05f5ef445986910dae59f4d184583b (patch)
treedabdbae7beda1b4f4cdb38e06e27d7f64060994b /otherlibs
parent04cb5cdb68549d948af5e53c9d0c45931356cd87 (diff)
Ajout de l'exponentiation modulaire
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
Diffstat (limited to 'otherlibs')
5 files changed, 72 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/otherlibs/num/ b/otherlibs/num/
index 7542f1f89..7b1091096 100644
--- a/otherlibs/num/
+++ b/otherlibs/num/
@@ -531,6 +531,19 @@ let base_power_big_int base n bi =
then zero_big_int
else create_big_int (bi.sign) res
+(* Modular exponentiation *)
+let modexp_big_int a b c =
+ if b.sign < 0 || c.sign < 0 then invalid_arg "modexp_big_int";
+ if c.sign = 0 then raise Division_by_zero;
+ let na =
+ if a.sign < 0 || ge_big_int a c
+ then mod_big_int a c
+ else a in
+ let res_nat = modexp_nat na.abs_value b.abs_value c.abs_value in
+ { sign = if is_zero_nat res_nat 0 (length_nat res_nat) then 0 else 1;
+ abs_value = res_nat }
(* Coercion with float type *)
let float_of_big_int bi =
diff --git a/otherlibs/num/big_int.mli b/otherlibs/num/big_int.mli
index 9b140abf2..a92354c47 100644
--- a/otherlibs/num/big_int.mli
+++ b/otherlibs/num/big_int.mli
@@ -74,10 +74,15 @@ val power_big_int_positive_int: big_int -> int -> big_int
val power_int_positive_big_int: int -> big_int -> big_int
val power_big_int_positive_big_int: big_int -> big_int -> big_int
(** Exponentiation functions. Return the big integer
- representing the first argument [a] raised to the power [b]
- (the second argument). Depending
- on the function, [a] and [b] can be either small integers
- or big integers. Raise [Invalid_argument] if [b] is negative. *)
+ representing the first argument [a] raised to the power [b]
+ (the second argument). Depending
+ on the function, [a] and [b] can be either small integers
+ or big integers. Raise [Invalid_argument] if [b] is negative. *)
+val modexp_big_int: big_int -> big_int -> big_int -> big_int
+ (** Modular exponentiation. [modexp_big_int a b c] returns
+ [a] to the [b]-th power, modulo [c]. Raise [Invalid_argument]
+ if [b] or [c] are negative, and [Division_by_zero] if [c]
+ is zero. *)
(** {6 Comparisons and tests} *)
diff --git a/otherlibs/num/ b/otherlibs/num/
index 02f1b1b7a..3cc0fca4b 100644
--- a/otherlibs/num/
+++ b/otherlibs/num/
@@ -234,6 +234,34 @@ let sqrt_nat rad off len =
loop ()
+(* Modular exponentiation. Return a fresh nat equal to (a ^ b) mod c.
+ We assume c > 0 and a < c. *)
+let modexp_nat a b c =
+ let len_c = length_nat c in
+ let res = make_nat len_c in
+ set_digit_nat res 0 1;
+ let prod = create_nat (2 * len_c) in
+ let modmult_res x =
+ (* res <- res * x mod c *)
+ let len_x = length_nat x in
+ set_to_zero_nat prod 0 (2 * len_c);
+ ignore(mult_nat prod 0 (len_c + len_x) res 0 len_c x 0 len_x);
+ div_nat prod 0 (len_c + len_x) c 0 len_c;
+ blit_nat res 0 prod 0 len_c in
+ let digit = make_nat 1
+ and carry = make_nat 1 in
+ (* Iterate over each bit of b, from most significant to least significant *)
+ for i = length_nat b - 1 downto 0 do
+ blit_nat digit 0 b i 1;
+ for i = 1 to length_of_digit do
+ modmult_res res; (* res <- res * res *)
+ shift_left_nat digit 0 1 carry 0 1;
+ if is_digit_odd carry 0 then modmult_res a (* res <- res * a *)
+ done
+ done;
+ res
let power_base_max = make_nat 2;;
match length_of_digit with
diff --git a/otherlibs/num/nat.mli b/otherlibs/num/nat.mli
index df52473c0..a024e927a 100644
--- a/otherlibs/num/nat.mli
+++ b/otherlibs/num/nat.mli
@@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ external lxor_digit_nat: nat -> int -> nat -> int -> unit = "lxor_digit_nat"
val square_nat : nat -> int -> int -> nat -> int -> int -> int
val gcd_nat : nat -> int -> int -> nat -> int -> int -> int
val sqrt_nat : nat -> int -> int -> nat
+val modexp_nat : nat -> nat -> nat -> nat
val string_of_nat : nat -> string
val nat_of_string : string -> nat
val sys_nat_of_string : int -> string -> int -> int -> nat
diff --git a/otherlibs/num/test/ b/otherlibs/num/test/
index 61e9ae4df..2335d2edd 100644
--- a/otherlibs/num/test/
+++ b/otherlibs/num/test/
@@ -466,3 +466,24 @@ test 3 eq_big_int
(square_big_int (big_int_of_string "-1"), big_int_of_string "1");;
test 4 eq_big_int
(square_big_int (big_int_of_string "-7"), big_int_of_string "49");;
+testing_function "modexp_big_int";;
+test 1 eq_big_int
+ (modexp_big_int (big_int_of_int 0) (big_int_of_int 0) (big_int_of_int 42),
+ big_int_of_int 1);;
+test 2 eq_big_int
+ (modexp_big_int (big_int_of_int 0) (big_int_of_int 1) (big_int_of_int 42),
+ big_int_of_int 0);;
+test 3 eq_big_int
+ (modexp_big_int (big_int_of_int 12345) (big_int_of_int 6789)
+ (big_int_of_string "4782546123567"),
+ big_int_of_string "3726846414024");;
+test 4 eq_big_int
+ (modexp_big_int (big_int_of_int (-12345)) (big_int_of_int 6789)
+ (big_int_of_string "4782546123567"),
+ big_int_of_string "1055699709543");;
+test 5 eq_big_int
+ (modexp_big_int (big_int_of_string "200866937202159") (big_int_of_int 6789)
+ (big_int_of_string "4782546123567"),
+ big_int_of_string "3726846414024");;