path: root/parsing/
diff options
authorXavier Leroy <>1997-08-22 08:55:41 +0000
committerXavier Leroy <>1997-08-22 08:55:41 +0000
commit579e1523e94f7fef3d11346207161beea667b9dc (patch)
treec41dd7d0041ef03ce58e40772b3a3ac612c9e7f7 /parsing/
parent23686e53207f43ee1b913095acc964063a36281f (diff)
Meilleures erreurs de syntaxe pour les parentheses mal fermees, etc
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
Diffstat (limited to 'parsing/')
1 files changed, 8 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/parsing/ b/parsing/
index 02a9a56fa..a04571f01 100644
--- a/parsing/
+++ b/parsing/
@@ -13,7 +13,8 @@
(* Entry points in the parser *)
-exception Error of int * int (* Syntax error *)
+open Location
(* Skip tokens to the end of the phrase *)
let rec skip_phrase lexbuf =
@@ -43,12 +44,15 @@ let wrap parsing_fun lexbuf =
| Lexer.Error(_, _, _) as err ->
if !Location.input_name = "" then skip_phrase lexbuf;
raise err
+ | Syntaxerr.Error _ as err ->
+ if !Location.input_name = "" then maybe_skip_phrase lexbuf;
+ raise err
| Parsing.Parse_error ->
- let start = Lexing.lexeme_start lexbuf
- and stop = Lexing.lexeme_end lexbuf in
+ let loc = { loc_start = Lexing.lexeme_start lexbuf;
+ loc_end = Lexing.lexeme_end lexbuf } in
if !Location.input_name = ""
then maybe_skip_phrase lexbuf;
- raise(Error(start, stop))
+ raise(Syntaxerr.Error(Syntaxerr.Other loc))
let implementation = wrap Parser.implementation
and interface = wrap Parser.interface