path: root/stdlib/
diff options
authorPierre Weis <>2005-09-20 17:18:03 +0000
committerPierre Weis <>2005-09-20 17:18:03 +0000
commit339b08f82f26d4bf204162aee275057c9a264e5a (patch)
tree13c53b83210a9b2132da1313f784a34a2216ca61 /stdlib/
parent93474822f44c74c3819c6d5fb689581f617d44b8 (diff)
Closing a long standing bug in the implementation of printf-like
functions: partially applied printf functions were printing material as soon as the first argument was applied (and even before: printing started as soon as the format string was provided). This is the first step towards the implementation of $ formats (i.e. formats that can access directly to any of their arguments, using a $n notation to denote the nth argument (``a la Yacc'')). This is supposed to be mandatory to internationalisation of messages. git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
Diffstat (limited to 'stdlib/')
1 files changed, 226 insertions, 177 deletions
diff --git a/stdlib/ b/stdlib/
index d2a829841..f18cdd098 100644
--- a/stdlib/
+++ b/stdlib/
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
(* *)
(* Objective Caml *)
(* *)
-(* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* Xavier Leroy and Pierre Weis, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
@@ -20,6 +20,15 @@ external format_nativeint: string -> nativeint -> string
external format_int64: string -> int64 -> string = "caml_int64_format"
external format_float: string -> float -> string = "caml_format_float"
+external format_to_string: ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) format4 -> string = "%identity"
+type sz;;
+external sz_of_int : int -> sz = "%identity";;
+external int_of_sz : sz -> int = "%identity";;
+let succs sz = sz_of_int (succ (int_of_sz sz));;
let bad_conversion fmt i c =
("printf: bad conversion %" ^ String.make 1 c ^ ", at char number " ^
@@ -99,66 +108,117 @@ let sub_format incomplete_format bad_conversion conv fmt i =
let rec sub j =
if j >= len then incomplete_format fmt else
match fmt.[j] with
- | '%' -> sub_sub (j + 1)
- | _ -> sub (j + 1)
+ | '%' -> sub_sub (succ j)
+ | _ -> sub (succ j)
and sub_sub j =
if j >= len then incomplete_format fmt else
match fmt.[j] with
| '(' | '{' as c ->
- let j = sub_fmt c (j + 1) in sub (j + 1)
+ let j = sub_fmt c (succ j) in sub (succ j)
| ')' | '}' as c ->
if c = close then j else bad_conversion fmt i c
- | _ -> sub (j + 1) in
+ | _ -> sub (succ j) in
sub i in
sub_fmt conv i;;
let sub_format_for_printf = sub_format incomplete_format bad_conversion;;
-(* Returns a string that summarizes the typing information that a given
- format string contains.
- It also checks the well-formedness of the format string.
- For instance, [summarize_format_type "A number %d\n"] is "%i". *)
-let summarize_format_type fmt =
+let iter_format_args fmt add_conv add_char =
let len = String.length fmt in
- let b = Buffer.create len in
- let add i c = Buffer.add_char b c; i + 1 in
- let add_conv i c = Buffer.add_char b '%'; add i c in
- let rec scan_flags i =
+ let rec scan_flags skip i =
if i >= len then incomplete_format fmt else
match String.unsafe_get fmt i with
- | '*' -> scan_flags (add_conv i '*')
- | '#' | '-' | ' ' | '+' -> scan_flags (succ i)
- | '_' -> Buffer.add_char b '_'; scan_flags (i + 1)
+ | '*' -> scan_flags skip (add_conv skip i 'i')
+ | '#' | '-' | ' ' | '+' -> scan_flags skip (succ i)
+ | '_' -> scan_flags true (succ i)
| '0'..'9'
- | '.' -> scan_flags (succ i)
- | _ -> scan_conv i
- and scan_conv i =
+ | '.' -> scan_flags skip (succ i)
+ | _ -> scan_conv skip i
+ and scan_conv skip i =
if i >= len then incomplete_format fmt else
match String.unsafe_get fmt i with
| '%' | '!' -> succ i
- | 's' | 'S' | '[' -> add_conv i 's'
- | 'c' | 'C' -> add i 'c'
- | 'd' | 'i' | 'o' | 'x' | 'X' | 'u' | 'N' -> add_conv i 'i'
- | 'f' | 'e' | 'E' | 'g' | 'G' | 'F' -> add_conv i 'f'
- | 'B' | 'b' -> add_conv i 'B'
- | 'a' | 't' as conv -> add_conv i conv
+ | 's' | 'S' | '[' -> add_conv skip i 's'
+ | 'c' | 'C' -> add_conv skip i 'c'
+ | 'd' | 'i' | 'o' | 'x' | 'X' | 'u' | 'N' -> add_conv skip i 'i'
+ | 'f' | 'e' | 'E' | 'g' | 'G' | 'F' -> add_conv skip i 'f'
+ | 'B' | 'b' -> add_conv skip i 'B'
+ | 'a' | 't' as conv -> add_conv skip i conv
| 'l' | 'n' | 'L' as conv ->
- let j = i + 1 in
- if j >= len then add_conv i 'i' else begin
+ let j = succ i in
+ if j >= len then add_conv skip i 'i' else begin
match fmt.[j] with
- | 'd' | 'i' | 'o' | 'x' | 'X' | 'u' -> add (add_conv i conv) 'i'
- | c -> add_conv i 'i' end
- | '{' | '(' as conv -> add_conv i conv
- | '}' | ')' as conv -> add_conv i conv
+ | 'd' | 'i' | 'o' | 'x' | 'X' | 'u' ->
+ add_char skip (add_conv skip i conv) 'i'
+ | c -> add_conv skip i 'i' end
+ | '{' | '(' as conv -> add_conv skip i conv
+ | '}' | ')' as conv -> add_conv skip i conv
| conv -> bad_conversion fmt i conv in
let lim = len - 1 in
let rec loop i =
if i < lim then
- if fmt.[i] = '%' then loop (scan_flags (i + 1)) else
- loop (i + 1) in
- loop 0;
+ if fmt.[i] = '%' then loop (scan_flags false (succ i)) else
+ loop (succ i) in
+ loop 0;;
+(* Returns a string that summarizes the typing information that a given
+ format string contains.
+ It also checks the well-formedness of the format string.
+ For instance, [summarize_format_type "A number %d\n"] is "%i". *)
+let summarize_format_type fmt =
+ let len = String.length fmt in
+ let b = Buffer.create len in
+ let add i c = Buffer.add_char b c; succ i in
+ let add_char skip i c =
+ if skip then succ i else add i c
+ and add_conv skip i c =
+ if skip then Buffer.add_string b "%_" else Buffer.add_char b '%';
+ add i c in
+ iter_format_args fmt add_conv add_char;
Buffer.contents b;;
+(* Computes the number of arguments of a format (including flag
+ arguments if any). *)
+let nargs_of_format_type fmt =
+ let num_args = ref 0
+ and skip_args = ref 0 in
+ let add_conv skip i c =
+ let incr_args n = if c = 'a' then n := !n + 2 else n := !n + 1 in
+ if skip then incr_args skip_args else incr_args num_args;
+ succ i
+ and add_char skip i c = succ i in
+ iter_format_args fmt add_conv add_char;
+ !skip_args + !num_args;;
+let list_iter_i f l =
+ let rec loop i = function
+ | [] -> ()
+ | x :: xs -> f i x; loop (succ i) xs in
+ loop 0 l;;
+(* Abstracting version of kprintf: returns a (curried) function that
+ will print when totally applied. *)
+let kapr kpr fmt =
+ let nargs = nargs_of_format_type fmt in
+ match nargs with
+ | 0 -> kpr fmt [||]
+ | 1 -> Obj.magic (fun x -> kpr fmt [|x|])
+ | 2 -> Obj.magic (fun x y -> kpr fmt [|x; y|])
+ | 3 -> Obj.magic (fun x y z -> kpr fmt [|x; y; z|])
+ | 4 -> Obj.magic (fun x y z t -> kpr fmt [|x; y; z; t|])
+ | 5 -> Obj.magic (fun x y z t u -> kpr fmt [|x; y; z; t; u|])
+ | 6 -> Obj.magic (fun x y z t u v -> kpr fmt [|x; y; z; t; u; v|])
+ | nargs ->
+ let rec loop i args =
+ if i >= nargs then
+ let v = Array.make nargs (Obj.repr 0) in
+ list_iter_i (fun i arg -> v.(nargs - i - 1) <- arg) args;
+ kpr fmt v
+ else Obj.magic (fun x -> loop (succ i) (x :: args)) in
+ loop 0 [];;
(* Decode a %format and act on it.
[fmt] is the printf format style, and [pos] points to a [%] character.
After consuming the appropriate number of arguments and formatting
@@ -178,166 +238,155 @@ let summarize_format_type fmt =
caught by the [_ -> bad_conversion] clauses below.
Don't do this at home, kids. *)
-let scan_format fmt pos cont_s cont_a cont_t cont_f cont_m =
- let rec scan_flags widths i =
+let scan_format fmt args n pos cont_s cont_a cont_t cont_f cont_m =
+ let get_arg args n = Obj.magic args.(int_of_sz n) in
+ let rec scan_flags n widths i =
match String.unsafe_get fmt i with
| '*' ->
- Obj.magic(fun w -> scan_flags (w :: widths) (succ i))
- | '0'..'9' | '.' | '#' | '-' | ' ' | '+' -> scan_flags widths (succ i)
- | _ -> scan_conv widths i
- and scan_conv widths i =
+ let (width : int) = get_arg args n in
+ scan_flags (succs n) (width :: widths) (succ i)
+ | '0'..'9' | '.' | '#' | '-' | ' ' | '+' -> scan_flags n widths (succ i)
+ | _ -> scan_conv n widths i
+ and scan_conv n widths i =
match String.unsafe_get fmt i with
| '%' ->
- cont_s "%" (succ i)
+ cont_s n "%" (succ i)
| 's' | 'S' as conv ->
- Obj.magic (fun (s : string) ->
- let s = if conv = 's' then s else "\"" ^ String.escaped s ^ "\"" in
- if i = succ pos (* optimize for common case %s *)
- then cont_s s (succ i)
- else cont_s (format_string (extract_format fmt pos i widths) s)
- (succ i))
+ let (x : string) = get_arg args n in
+ let x = if conv = 's' then x else "\"" ^ String.escaped x ^ "\"" in
+ let s =
+ (* optimize for common case %s *)
+ if i = succ pos then x else
+ format_string (extract_format fmt pos i widths) x in
+ cont_s (succs n) s (succ i)
| 'c' | 'C' as conv ->
- Obj.magic (fun (c : char) ->
- if conv = 'c'
- then cont_s (String.make 1 c) (succ i)
- else cont_s ("'" ^ Char.escaped c ^ "'") (succ i))
+ let (x : char) = get_arg args n in
+ let s =
+ if conv = 'c' then String.make 1 x else "'" ^ Char.escaped x ^ "'" in
+ cont_s (succs n) s (succ i)
| 'd' | 'i' | 'o' | 'x' | 'X' | 'u' | 'N' as conv ->
- Obj.magic (fun (n : int) ->
- cont_s
- (format_int_with_conv conv (extract_format fmt pos i widths) n)
- (succ i))
+ let (x : int) = get_arg args n in
+ let s = format_int_with_conv conv (extract_format fmt pos i widths) x in
+ cont_s (succs n) s (succ i)
| 'f' | 'e' | 'E' | 'g' | 'G' | 'F' as conv ->
- Obj.magic (fun (f : float) ->
- let s =
- if conv = 'F' then string_of_float f else
- format_float (extract_format fmt pos i widths) f in
- cont_s s (succ i))
+ let (x : float) = get_arg args n in
+ let s =
+ if conv = 'F' then string_of_float x else
+ format_float (extract_format fmt pos i widths) x in
+ cont_s (succs n) s (succ i)
| 'B' | 'b' ->
- Obj.magic (fun (b : bool) ->
- cont_s (string_of_bool b) (succ i))
+ let (x : bool) = get_arg args n in
+ cont_s (succs n) (string_of_bool x) (succ i)
| 'a' ->
- Obj.magic (fun printer arg ->
- cont_a printer arg (succ i))
+ let printer = get_arg args n in
+ let n = succs n in
+ let arg = get_arg args n in
+ cont_a (succs n) printer arg (succ i)
| 't' ->
- Obj.magic (fun printer ->
- cont_t printer (succ i))
+ let printer = get_arg args n in
+ cont_t (succs n) printer (succ i)
| 'l' | 'n' | 'L' as conv ->
- begin match String.unsafe_get fmt (succ i) with
- | 'd' | 'i' | 'o' | 'x' | 'X' | 'u' ->
- begin match conv with
- | 'l' ->
- Obj.magic (fun (n : int32) ->
- cont_s
- (format_int32 (extract_format fmt pos (succ i) widths) n)
- (i + 2))
- | 'n' ->
- Obj.magic (fun (n : nativeint) ->
- cont_s
- (format_nativeint (extract_format fmt pos (succ i) widths) n)
- (i + 2))
- | _ ->
- Obj.magic (fun (n : int64) ->
- cont_s
- (format_int64 (extract_format fmt pos (succ i) widths) n)
- (i + 2))
- end
- | _ ->
- Obj.magic (fun (n : int) ->
- cont_s
- (format_int_with_conv 'n' (extract_format fmt pos i widths) n)
- (succ i))
- end
- | '!' ->
- Obj.magic (cont_f (succ i))
- | '{' | '(' as conv ->
- Obj.magic (fun xf ->
- let i = succ i in
- let j = sub_format_for_printf conv fmt i + 1 in
- if conv = '{' then
- (* Just print the format argument as a specification. *)
- cont_s (summarize_format_type (string_of_format xf)) j else
- (* Use the format argument instead of the format specification. *)
- cont_m xf j)
+ begin match String.unsafe_get fmt (succ i) with
+ | 'd' | 'i' | 'o' | 'x' | 'X' | 'u' ->
+ let s =
+ match conv with
+ | 'l' ->
+ let (x : int32) = get_arg args n in
+ format_int32 (extract_format fmt pos (succ i) widths) x
+ | 'n' ->
+ let (x : nativeint) = get_arg args n in
+ format_nativeint (extract_format fmt pos (succ i) widths) x
+ | _ ->
+ let (x : int64) = get_arg args n in
+ format_int64 (extract_format fmt pos (succ i) widths) x in
+ cont_s (succs n) s (i + 2)
+ | _ ->
+ let (x : int) = get_arg args n in
+ cont_s
+ (succs n)
+ (format_int_with_conv 'n' (extract_format fmt pos i widths) x)
+ (succ i)
+ end
+ | '!' -> cont_f n (succ i)
+ | '{' | '(' as conv (* ')' '}' *)->
+ let (xf : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) format4) = get_arg args n in
+ let i = succ i in
+ let j = sub_format_for_printf conv fmt i + 1 in
+ if conv = '{' (* '}' *) then
+ (* Just print the format argument as a specification. *)
+ cont_s (succs n) (summarize_format_type (format_to_string xf)) j else
+ (* Use the format argument instead of the format specification. *)
+ cont_m (succs n) xf j
| ')' ->
- Obj.magic (cont_s "" (succ i))
+ cont_s n "" (succ i)
| conv ->
- bad_conversion fmt i conv in
- scan_flags [] (pos + 1)
+ bad_conversion fmt i conv in
-(* Application to [fprintf], etc. See also [Format.*printf]. *)
+ scan_flags n [] (succ pos);;
-let rec kfprintf k chan fmt =
- let fmt = string_of_format fmt in
- let len = String.length fmt in
+let mkprintf str get_out outc outs flush =
+ let rec kprintf k fmt =
+ let fmt = format_to_string fmt in
+ let len = String.length fmt in
- let rec doprn i =
- if i >= len then Obj.magic (k chan) else
- match String.unsafe_get fmt i with
- | '%' -> scan_format fmt i cont_s cont_a cont_t cont_f cont_m
- | c -> output_char chan c; doprn (succ i)
- and cont_s s i =
- output_string chan s; doprn i
- and cont_a printer arg i =
- printer chan arg; doprn i
- and cont_t printer i =
- printer chan; doprn i
- and cont_f i =
- flush chan; doprn i
- and cont_m sfmt i =
- kfprintf (Obj.magic (fun _ -> doprn i)) chan sfmt in
- doprn 0
-let fprintf chan fmt = kfprintf (fun _ -> ()) chan fmt
+ let kpr fmt v =
+ let out = get_out fmt in
+ let rec doprn n i =
+ if i >= len then Obj.magic (k out) else
+ match String.unsafe_get fmt i with
+ | '%' -> scan_format fmt v n i cont_s cont_a cont_t cont_f cont_m
+ | c -> outc out c; doprn n (succ i)
+ and cont_s n s i =
+ outs out s; doprn n i
+ and cont_a n printer arg i =
+ if str then
+ outs out ((Obj.magic printer : unit -> _ -> string) () arg)
+ else
+ printer out arg;
+ doprn n i
+ and cont_t n printer i =
+ if str then
+ outs out ((Obj.magic printer : unit -> string) ())
+ else
+ printer out;
+ doprn n i
+ and cont_f n i =
+ flush out; doprn n i
+ and cont_m n sfmt i =
+ kprintf (Obj.magic (fun _ -> doprn n i)) sfmt in
+ doprn (sz_of_int 0) 0 in
+ kapr kpr fmt in
+ kprintf;;
+let kfprintf k oc =
+ mkprintf false (fun _ -> oc) output_char output_string flush k
+let fprintf oc = kfprintf ignore oc
let printf fmt = fprintf stdout fmt
let eprintf fmt = fprintf stderr fmt
-let rec ksprintf k fmt =
- let fmt = string_of_format fmt in
- let len = String.length fmt in
- let dst = Buffer.create (len + 16) in
- let rec doprn i =
- if i >= len then begin
- let res = Buffer.contents dst in
- Buffer.clear dst; (* just in case ksprintf is partially applied *)
- Obj.magic (k res)
- end else
- match String.unsafe_get fmt i with
- | '%' -> scan_format fmt i cont_s cont_a cont_t cont_f cont_m
- | c -> Buffer.add_char dst c; doprn (succ i)
- and cont_s s i =
- Buffer.add_string dst s; doprn i
- and cont_a printer arg i =
- Buffer.add_string dst (printer () arg); doprn i
- and cont_t printer i =
- Buffer.add_string dst (printer ()); doprn i
- and cont_f i = doprn i
- and cont_m sfmt i =
- ksprintf (fun res -> Obj.magic (cont_s res i)) sfmt in
- doprn 0
-let sprintf fmt = ksprintf (fun x -> x) fmt
-let kprintf = ksprintf
-let rec bprintf dst fmt =
- let fmt = string_of_format fmt in
- let len = String.length fmt in
- let rec doprn i =
- if i >= len then Obj.magic () else
- match String.unsafe_get fmt i with
- | '%' -> scan_format fmt i cont_s cont_a cont_t cont_f cont_m
- | c -> Buffer.add_char dst c; doprn (succ i)
- and cont_s s i =
- Buffer.add_string dst s; doprn i
- and cont_a printer arg i =
- printer dst arg; doprn i
- and cont_t printer i =
- printer dst; doprn i
- and cont_f i = doprn i
- and cont_m sfmt i =
- bprintf dst sfmt; doprn i in
- doprn 0
+let kbprintf k b =
+ mkprintf false (fun _ -> b) Buffer.add_char Buffer.add_string ignore k
+let bprintf b = kbprintf ignore b
+let get_buff fmt =
+ let len = 2 * String.length fmt in
+ Buffer.create len;;
+let get_contents b =
+ let s = Buffer.contents b in
+ Buffer.clear b;
+ s;;
+let get_cont k b = k (get_contents b);;
+let ksprintf k =
+ mkprintf true get_buff Buffer.add_char Buffer.add_string ignore (get_cont k);;
+let kprintf = ksprintf;;
+let sprintf fmt = ksprintf (fun s -> s) fmt;;