path: root/stdlib/
diff options
authorGabriel Scherer <>2014-06-14 21:08:50 +0000
committerGabriel Scherer <>2014-06-14 21:08:50 +0000
commit49d3f7b9f89826ed1b2d33a144277b390bbc3f2e (patch)
treeeb2b30f059e83becd27eff964d963677b82b6650 /stdlib/
parent25b93e0823edfb8e1e09c9fa8dfd6c8497e9f5e9 (diff)
PR#6418: support "@[<hov %d>" in the new format implementation (Benoît Vaugon)
The bootstrap procedure, as for commit trunk@14973 (see there for detailed build instructions), requires to first commit a temporary patch: > diff -Naur old/typing/ new/typing/ > --- old/typing/ 2014-06-11 18:16:24.851647309 +0200 > +++ new/typing/ 2014-06-11 18:15:50.075646418 +0200 > @@ -2758,16 +2758,9 @@ > let mk_int n = mk_cst (Const_int n) > and mk_string str = mk_cst (Const_string (str, None)) > and mk_char chr = mk_cst (Const_char chr) in > - let mk_block_type bty = match bty with > - | Pp_hbox -> mk_constr "Pp_hbox" [] > - | Pp_vbox -> mk_constr "Pp_vbox" [] > - | Pp_hvbox -> mk_constr "Pp_hvbox" [] > - | Pp_hovbox -> mk_constr "Pp_hovbox" [] > - | Pp_box -> mk_constr "Pp_box" [] > - | Pp_fits -> mk_constr "Pp_fits" [] in > let rec mk_formatting_lit fmting = match fmting with > - | Open_box (org, bty, idt) -> > - mk_constr "Open_box" [ mk_string org; mk_block_type bty; mk_int idt ] > + | Open_box _ -> > + assert false > | Close_box -> > mk_constr "Close_box" [] > | Close_tag -> > @@ -2950,6 +2943,19 @@ > mk_constr "Alpha" [ mk_fmt rest ] > | Theta rest -> > mk_constr "Theta" [ mk_fmt rest ] > + | Formatting_lit (Open_box (org, _bty, _idt), rest) -> > + mk_constr "Formatting_gen" [ > + mk_constr "Open_box" [ > + mk_constr "Format" [ > + mk_constr "String_literal" [ > + mk_string "<>"; > + mk_constr "End_of_format" []; > + ]; > + mk_string "@[<>"; > + ] > + ]; > + mk_fmt rest; > + ] > | Formatting_lit (fmting, rest) -> > mk_constr "Formatting_lit" [ mk_formatting_lit fmting; mk_fmt rest ] > | Formatting_gen (fmting, rest) -> git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
Diffstat (limited to 'stdlib/')
1 files changed, 6 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/stdlib/ b/stdlib/
index b9592ae2b..c21de7248 100644
--- a/stdlib/
+++ b/stdlib/
@@ -1035,7 +1035,7 @@ fun k fmt -> match fmt with
| Formatting_lit (_, rest) -> take_format_readers k rest
| Formatting_gen (Open_tag (Format (fmt, _)), rest) -> take_format_readers k (concat_fmt fmt rest)
+ | Formatting_gen (Open_box (Format (fmt, _)), rest) -> take_format_readers k (concat_fmt fmt rest)
| Format_arg (_, _, rest) -> take_format_readers k rest
| Format_subst (_, fmtty, rest) -> take_fmtty_format_readers k (erase_rel (symm fmtty)) rest
@@ -1229,8 +1229,11 @@ fun ib fmt readers -> match fmt with
String.iter (check_char ib) (string_of_formatting_lit formatting_lit);
make_scanf ib rest readers
| Formatting_gen (Open_tag (Format (fmt', _)), rest) ->
- check_char ib '@'; check_char ib '{'; check_char ib '<';
- make_scanf ib (concat_fmt fmt' (Char_literal ('<', rest))) readers
+ check_char ib '@'; check_char ib '{';
+ make_scanf ib (concat_fmt fmt' rest) readers
+ | Formatting_gen (Open_box (Format (fmt', _)), rest) ->
+ check_char ib '@'; check_char ib '[';
+ make_scanf ib (concat_fmt fmt' rest) readers
| Ignored_param (ign, rest) ->
let Param_format_EBB fmt' = param_format_of_ignored_format ign rest in