path: root/stdlib
diff options
authorDamien Doligez <>2012-03-08 19:52:03 +0000
committerDamien Doligez <>2012-03-08 19:52:03 +0000
commit6c24f4f90b23e8c4536281d31461adfe5a15b739 (patch)
tree29f6c4af8052800cc7d0eafb9650c6be8e90a2e5 /stdlib
parent1fb4007ece64b1d59e16d7a84639fce1dd69ed45 (diff)
merge version 3.12 from 3.12.1 to r12205
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
Diffstat (limited to 'stdlib')
12 files changed, 95 insertions, 34 deletions
diff --git a/stdlib/format.mli b/stdlib/format.mli
index c8146d747..f660b1f24 100644
--- a/stdlib/format.mli
+++ b/stdlib/format.mli
@@ -631,13 +631,19 @@ val fprintf : formatter -> ('a, formatter, unit) format -> 'a;;
For more details about tags, see the functions [open_tag] and
- [@\}]: close the most recently opened tag.
- - [@@]: print a plain [@] character.
- [@%]: print a plain [%] character.
Example: [printf "@[%s@ %d@]@." "x =" 1] is equivalent to
[open_box (); print_string "x ="; print_space ();
print_int 1; close_box (); print_newline ()].
It prints [x = 1] within a pretty-printing box.
+ Note: the old [@@] ``pretty-printing indication'' is now deprecated, since
+ it had no pretty-printing indication semantics. If you need to prevent
+ the pretty-printing indication interpretation of a [@] character, simply
+ use the regular way to escape a character in format string: write [%@].
+ @since 3.12.2.
val printf : ('a, formatter, unit) format -> 'a;;
diff --git a/stdlib/genlex.mli b/stdlib/genlex.mli
index 41ce68d0f..b1098f097 100644
--- a/stdlib/genlex.mli
+++ b/stdlib/genlex.mli
@@ -37,6 +37,11 @@
[< 'Kwd "+"; n2 = parse_expr >] -> n1+n2
| ...
+ One should notice that the use of the [parser] keyword and associated
+ notation for streams are only available through camlp4 extensions. This
+ means that one has to preprocess its sources {i e. g.} by using the
+ ["-pp"] command-line switch of the compilers.
(** The type of tokens. The lexical classes are: [Int] and [Float]
diff --git a/stdlib/ b/stdlib/
index 359fcaa63..6a114245e 100644
--- a/stdlib/
+++ b/stdlib/
@@ -57,13 +57,13 @@ external force : 'a t -> 'a = "%lazy_force";;
let force_val = CamlinternalLazy.force_val;;
-let lazy_from_fun (f : unit -> 'arg) =
+let from_fun (f : unit -> 'arg) =
let x = Obj.new_block Obj.lazy_tag 1 in
Obj.set_field x 0 (Obj.repr f);
(Obj.obj x : 'arg t)
-let lazy_from_val (v : 'arg) =
+let from_val (v : 'arg) =
let t = Obj.tag (Obj.repr v) in
if t = Obj.forward_tag || t = Obj.lazy_tag || t = Obj.double_tag then begin
make_forward v
@@ -72,4 +72,10 @@ let lazy_from_val (v : 'arg) =
-let lazy_is_val (l : 'arg t) = Obj.tag (Obj.repr l) <> Obj.lazy_tag;;
+let is_val (l : 'arg t) = Obj.tag (Obj.repr l) <> Obj.lazy_tag;;
+let lazy_from_fun = from_fun;;
+let lazy_from_val = from_val;;
+let lazy_is_val = is_val;;
diff --git a/stdlib/lazy.mli b/stdlib/lazy.mli
index 4a3b5df0f..4a4419c22 100644
--- a/stdlib/lazy.mli
+++ b/stdlib/lazy.mli
@@ -62,15 +62,23 @@ val force_val : 'a t -> 'a;;
whether [force_val x] raises the same exception or [Undefined].
-val lazy_from_fun : (unit -> 'a) -> 'a t;;
-(** [lazy_from_fun f] is the same as [lazy (f ())] but slightly more
- efficient. *)
+val from_fun : (unit -> 'a) -> 'a t;;
+(** [from_fun f] is the same as [lazy (f ())] but slightly more efficient. *)
-val lazy_from_val : 'a -> 'a t;;
-(** [lazy_from_val v] returns an already-forced suspension of [v]
+val from_val : 'a -> 'a t;;
+(** [from_val v] returns an already-forced suspension of [v].
This is for special purposes only and should not be confused with
[lazy (v)]. *)
-val lazy_is_val : 'a t -> bool;;
-(** [lazy_is_val x] returns [true] if [x] has already been forced and
+val is_val : 'a t -> bool;;
+(** [is_val x] returns [true] if [x] has already been forced and
did not raise an exception. *)
+val lazy_from_fun : (unit -> 'a) -> 'a t;;
+(** @deprecated synonym for [from_fun]. *)
+val lazy_from_val : 'a -> 'a t;;
+(** @deprecated synonym for [from_val]. *)
+val lazy_is_val : 'a t -> bool;;
+(** @deprecated synonym for [is_val]. *)
diff --git a/stdlib/ b/stdlib/
index c42851504..638f05434 100644
--- a/stdlib/
+++ b/stdlib/
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
type extern_flags =
| Closures
+(* note: this type definition is used in 'byterun/debugger.c' *)
external to_channel: out_channel -> 'a -> extern_flags list -> unit
= "caml_output_value"
diff --git a/stdlib/ b/stdlib/
index 9c6ecef62..37740765d 100644
--- a/stdlib/
+++ b/stdlib/
@@ -1111,7 +1111,7 @@ let make_char_bit_vect bit set =
(* Compute the predicate on chars corresponding to a char set. *)
-let make_pred bit set stp =
+let make_predicate bit set stp =
let r = make_char_bit_vect bit set in
(fun c -> set_bit_of_range r (int_of_char c) (bit_not bit)) stp;
@@ -1131,9 +1131,9 @@ let make_setp stp char_set =
(fun c -> if c == p1 || c == p2 then 1 else 0)
| 3 ->
let p1 = set.[0] and p2 = set.[1] and p3 = set.[2] in
- if p2 = '-' then make_pred 1 set stp else
+ if p2 = '-' then make_predicate 1 set stp else
(fun c -> if c == p1 || c == p2 || c == p3 then 1 else 0)
- | _ -> make_pred 1 set stp
+ | _ -> make_predicate 1 set stp
| Neg_set set ->
begin match String.length set with
@@ -1146,9 +1146,9 @@ let make_setp stp char_set =
(fun c -> if c != p1 && c != p2 then 1 else 0)
| 3 ->
let p1 = set.[0] and p2 = set.[1] and p3 = set.[2] in
- if p2 = '-' then make_pred 0 set stp else
+ if p2 = '-' then make_predicate 0 set stp else
(fun c -> if c != p1 && c != p2 && c != p3 then 1 else 0)
- | _ -> make_pred 0 set stp
+ | _ -> make_predicate 0 set stp
@@ -1335,18 +1335,10 @@ let scan_format ib ef fmt rv f =
let rec scan_fmt ir f i =
if i > lim then ir, f else
match Sformat.unsafe_get fmt i with
- | ' ' -> skip_whites ib; scan_fmt ir f (succ i)
| '%' -> scan_skip ir f (succ i)
- | '@' -> skip_indication ir f (succ i)
+ | ' ' -> skip_whites ib; scan_fmt ir f (succ i)
| c -> check_char ib c; scan_fmt ir f (succ i)
- and skip_indication ir f i =
- if i < lim then
- match Sformat.unsafe_get fmt i with
- | '@' | '%' as c -> check_char ib c; scan_fmt ir f (succ i)
- | c -> check_char ib c; scan_fmt ir f i
- else incomplete_format fmt
and scan_skip ir f i =
if i > lim then ir, f else
match Sformat.get fmt i with
@@ -1393,6 +1385,12 @@ let scan_format ib ef fmt rv f =
| '%' | '@' as c ->
check_char ib c;
scan_fmt ir f (succ i)
+ | '!' ->
+ if not (Scanning.end_of_input ib)
+ then bad_input "end of input not found" else
+ scan_fmt ir f (succ i)
+ | ',' ->
+ scan_fmt ir f (succ i)
| 's' ->
let i, stp = scan_indication (succ i) in
let _x = scan_string stp width ib in
@@ -1451,11 +1449,6 @@ let scan_format ib ef fmt rv f =
| _ -> scan_fmt ir (stack f (token_int64 conv1 ib)) (succ i) end
(* This is not an integer conversion, but a regular %l, %n or %L. *)
| _ -> scan_fmt ir (stack f (get_count conv0 ib)) i end
- | '!' ->
- if Scanning.end_of_input ib then scan_fmt ir f (succ i)
- else bad_input "end of input not found"
- | ',' ->
- scan_fmt ir f (succ i)
| '(' | '{' as conv (* ')' '}' *) ->
let i = succ i in
(* Find the static specification for the format to read. *)
diff --git a/stdlib/stdLabels.mli b/stdlib/stdLabels.mli
index cb1ba01a4..1360081a2 100644
--- a/stdlib/stdLabels.mli
+++ b/stdlib/stdLabels.mli
@@ -117,6 +117,7 @@ module String :
val concat : sep:string -> string list -> string
val iter : f:(char -> unit) -> string -> unit
+ val trim : string -> string
val escaped : string -> string
val index : string -> char -> int
val rindex : string -> char -> int
diff --git a/stdlib/ b/stdlib/
index 7eafec02f..f3906f353 100644
--- a/stdlib/
+++ b/stdlib/
@@ -85,6 +85,27 @@ external is_printable: char -> bool = "caml_is_printable"
external char_code: char -> int = "%identity"
external char_chr: int -> char = "%identity"
+let is_space = function
+ | ' ' | '\012' | '\n' | '\r' | '\t' -> true
+ | _ -> false
+let trim s =
+ let len = length s in
+ let i = ref 0 in
+ while !i < len && is_space (unsafe_get s !i) do
+ incr i
+ done;
+ let j = ref (len - 1) in
+ while !j >= !i && is_space (unsafe_get s !j) do
+ decr j
+ done;
+ if !i = 0 && !j = len - 1 then
+ s
+ else if !j >= !i then
+ sub s !i (!j - !i + 1)
+ else
+ ""
let escaped s =
let n = ref 0 in
for i = 0 to length s - 1 do
diff --git a/stdlib/string.mli b/stdlib/string.mli
index d1ae9356b..2405ac6ad 100644
--- a/stdlib/string.mli
+++ b/stdlib/string.mli
@@ -132,6 +132,12 @@ val map : (char -> char) -> string -> string
the characters of [s] and stores the results in a new string that
is returned. *)
+val trim : string -> string
+(** Return a copy of the argument, without leading and trailing whitespace.
+ The characters regarded as whitespace are: [' '], ['\012'], ['\n'],
+ ['\r'], and ['\t']. If there is no whitespace character in the argument,
+ return the original string itself, not a copy. *)
val escaped : string -> string
(** Return a copy of the argument, with special characters
represented by escape sequences, following the lexical
diff --git a/stdlib/stringLabels.mli b/stdlib/stringLabels.mli
index 5a17c67da..84f618be2 100644
--- a/stdlib/stringLabels.mli
+++ b/stdlib/stringLabels.mli
@@ -86,11 +86,22 @@ val iter : f:(char -> unit) -> string -> unit
val iteri : f:(int -> char -> unit) -> string -> unit
(** Same as {!String.iter}, but the
- function is applied to the index of the element as first argument (counting from 0),
- and the character itself as second argument.
+ function is applied to the index of the element as first argument
+ (counting from 0), and the character itself as second argument.
@since 3.13.0
+val map : f:(char -> char) -> string -> string
+(** [ f s] applies function [f] in turn to all
+ the characters of [s] and stores the results in a new string that
+ is returned. *)
+val trim : string -> string
+(** Return a copy of the argument, without leading and trailing whitespace.
+ The characters regarded as whitespace are: [' '], ['\012'], ['\n'],
+ ['\r'], and ['\t']. If there is no whitespace character in the argument,
+ return the original string itself, not a copy. *)
val escaped : string -> string
(** Return a copy of the argument, with special characters
represented by escape sequences, following the lexical
diff --git a/stdlib/sys.mli b/stdlib/sys.mli
index 4913bef8e..b127bc00b 100644
--- a/stdlib/sys.mli
+++ b/stdlib/sys.mli
@@ -84,6 +84,9 @@ val word_size : int
(** Size of one word on the machine currently executing the OCaml
program, in bits: 32 or 64. *)
+val big_endian : bool
+(** Whether the machine currently executing the Caml program is big-endian. *)
val max_string_length : int
(** Maximum length of a string. *)
diff --git a/stdlib/sys.mlp b/stdlib/sys.mlp
index b83cbb287..c7271794d 100644
--- a/stdlib/sys.mlp
+++ b/stdlib/sys.mlp
@@ -19,11 +19,11 @@
(* System interface *)
-external get_config: unit -> string * int = "caml_sys_get_config"
+external get_config: unit -> string * int * bool = "caml_sys_get_config"
external get_argv: unit -> string * string array = "caml_sys_get_argv"
let (executable_name, argv) = get_argv()
-let (os_type, word_size) = get_config()
+let (os_type, word_size, big_endian) = get_config()
let max_array_length = (1 lsl (word_size - 10)) - 1;;
let max_string_length = word_size / 8 * max_array_length - 1;;