path: root/stdlib
diff options
authorPierre Weis <>1997-09-05 18:26:53 +0000
committerPierre Weis <>1997-09-05 18:26:53 +0000
commit72df7fcc4c24c75193d938a923d8116a3fc2d58e (patch)
tree518400042de0ffac7f95a91fe96d4f0910779926 /stdlib
parent86efb275c52103190fcba5a1a6899d39f7031e83 (diff)
Introduction de printf.
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
Diffstat (limited to 'stdlib')
2 files changed, 201 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/stdlib/ b/stdlib/
index 8302fbde0..dd949761e 100644
--- a/stdlib/
+++ b/stdlib/
@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ let scan_push state b tok =
the user may set the depth bound pp_max_boxes
any text nested deeper is printed as the character the ellipsis
-let pp_open_box state indent br_ty =
+let pp_open_box_gen state indent br_ty =
state.pp_curr_depth <- state.pp_curr_depth + 1;
if state.pp_curr_depth < state.pp_max_boxes then
(scan_push state false
@@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ let pp_close_box state () =
pp_enqueue state {elem_size = 0; token = Pp_end; length = 0};
set_size state true; set_size state false
- state.pp_curr_depth <- state.pp_curr_depth - 1
+ state.pp_curr_depth <- state.pp_curr_depth - 1;
(* Initialize pretty-printer. *)
@@ -434,12 +434,12 @@ let pp_print_char state c =
let s = String.create 1 in s.[0] <- c; pp_print_as state 1 s;;
(* Opening boxes *)
-let pp_open_hbox state () = pp_open_box state 0 Pp_hbox
-and pp_open_vbox state indent = pp_open_box state indent Pp_vbox
+let pp_open_hbox state () = pp_open_box_gen state 0 Pp_hbox
+and pp_open_vbox state indent = pp_open_box_gen state indent Pp_vbox
-and pp_open_hvbox state indent = pp_open_box state indent Pp_hvbox
-and pp_open_hovbox state indent = pp_open_box state indent Pp_hovbox
-and pp_open_box state indent = pp_open_box state indent Pp_box;;
+and pp_open_hvbox state indent = pp_open_box_gen state indent Pp_hvbox
+and pp_open_hovbox state indent = pp_open_box_gen state indent Pp_hovbox
+and pp_open_box state indent = pp_open_box_gen state indent Pp_box;;
(* Print a new line after printing all queued text
(same for print_flush but without a newline) *)
@@ -626,5 +626,159 @@ and set_formatter_output_functions =
and get_formatter_output_functions =
pp_get_formatter_output_functions std_formatter;;
+external format_int: string -> int -> string = "format_int"
+external format_float: string -> float -> string = "format_float"
+let fprintf ppf format =
+ let format = (Obj.magic format : string) in
+ let limit = String.length format in
+ let rec doprn i =
+ if i >= limit then
+ Obj.magic ()
+ else
+ match format.[i] with
+ | '@' ->
+ let j = succ i in
+ if j >= limit then invalid_arg ("fprintf: unknown format") else
+ begin match format.[j] with
+ | '@' ->
+ pp_print_char ppf '@';
+ doprn (succ j)
+ | '[' ->
+ let j = do_pp_open ppf (i + 2) in
+ doprn j
+ | ']' ->
+ pp_close_box ppf ();
+ doprn (succ j)
+ | ' ' ->
+ pp_print_space ppf ();
+ doprn (succ j)
+ | ',' ->
+ pp_print_cut ppf ();
+ doprn (succ j)
+ | '.' ->
+ pp_print_newline ppf ();
+ doprn (succ j)
+ | ';' ->
+ pp_force_newline ppf ();
+ doprn (succ j)
+ | _ -> invalid_arg ("fprintf: unknown format") end
+ | '%' ->
+ let j = skip_args (succ i) in
+ begin match format.[j] with
+ | '%' ->
+ pp_print_char ppf '%';
+ doprn (succ j)
+ | 's' ->
+ Obj.magic(fun s ->
+ if j <= i+1 then
+ pp_print_string ppf s
+ else begin
+ let p =
+ try
+ int_of_string (String.sub format (i+1) (j-i-1))
+ with _ ->
+ invalid_arg "fprintf: bad %s format" in
+ if p > 0 && String.length s < p then begin
+ pp_print_string ppf
+ (String.make (p - String.length s) ' ');
+ pp_print_string ppf s
+ end else if p < 0 && String.length s < -p then begin
+ pp_print_string ppf s;
+ pp_print_string ppf
+ (String.make (-p - String.length s) ' ')
+ end else
+ pp_print_string ppf s
+ end;
+ doprn (succ j))
+ | 'c' ->
+ Obj.magic(fun c ->
+ pp_print_char ppf c;
+ doprn (succ j))
+ | 'd' | 'o' | 'x' | 'X' | 'u' ->
+ Obj.magic(fun n ->
+ pp_print_string ppf
+ (format_int (String.sub format i (j-i+1)) n);
+ doprn (succ j))
+ | 'f' | 'e' | 'E' | 'g' | 'G' ->
+ Obj.magic(fun f ->
+ pp_print_string ppf
+ (format_float (String.sub format i (j-i+1)) f);
+ doprn (succ j))
+ | 'b' ->
+ Obj.magic(fun b ->
+ pp_print_string ppf (string_of_bool b);
+ doprn(succ j))
+ | 'a' ->
+ Obj.magic(fun printer arg ->
+ printer ppf arg;
+ doprn(succ j))
+ | 't' ->
+ Obj.magic(fun printer ->
+ printer ppf;
+ doprn(succ j))
+ | c ->
+ invalid_arg ("fprintf: unknown format")
+ end
+ | c -> pp_print_char ppf c; doprn (succ i)
+ and skip_args j =
+ match format.[j] with
+ | '0' .. '9' | ' ' | '.' | '-' -> skip_args (succ j)
+ | c -> j
+ and get_box_size i =
+ match format.[i] with
+ | ' ' -> get_box_size (i + 1)
+ | c ->
+ let rec get_size j =
+ match format.[j] with
+ | '0' .. '9' | '-' -> get_size (succ j)
+ | '>' ->
+ if j = i then 0, succ j else
+ begin try int_of_string (String.sub format i (j-i)), succ j
+ with Failure _ -> invalid_arg "fprintf: bad box format" end
+ | c -> invalid_arg "fprintf: bad box format" in
+ get_size i
+ and get_box_kind j =
+ if j >= limit then Pp_box, j else
+ match format.[j] with
+ | 'h' ->
+ let j = succ j in
+ if j >= limit then Pp_hbox, j else
+ begin match format.[j] with
+ | 'o' ->
+ let j = succ j in
+ if j >= limit
+ then invalid_arg "fprintf: bad box format" else
+ begin match format.[j] with
+ | 'v' -> Pp_hovbox, succ j
+ | _ -> invalid_arg "fprintf: bad box format" end
+ | 'v' -> Pp_hvbox, succ j
+ | c -> Pp_hbox, j
+ end
+ | 'b' -> Pp_box, succ j
+ | 'v' -> Pp_vbox, succ j
+ | _ -> Pp_box, j
+ and do_pp_open ppf i =
+ if i >= limit
+ then begin pp_open_box_gen ppf 0 Pp_box; i end else
+ match format.[i] with
+ | '<' ->
+ let k,j = get_box_kind (succ i) in
+ let size,j = get_box_size j in
+ pp_open_box_gen ppf size k;
+ j
+ | c -> pp_open_box_gen ppf 0 Pp_box; i
+ in doprn 0
+let printf f = fprintf std_formatter f;;
+let eprintf f = fprintf err_formatter f;;
let _ = at_exit print_flush;;
diff --git a/stdlib/format.mli b/stdlib/format.mli
index d49da5c22..80c3708a5 100644
--- a/stdlib/format.mli
+++ b/stdlib/format.mli
@@ -19,17 +19,22 @@
structure. *)
(* Rule of thumb for casual users:
- use simple boxes (as obtained by [open_box 0]);
- use simple break hints (as obtained by [print_cut ()] that outputs a
+- use simple boxes (as obtained by [open_box 0]);
+- use simple break hints (as obtained by [print_cut ()] that outputs a
simple break hint, or by [print_space ()] that ouputs a space
indicating a break hint);
- once a box is opened, display its material with basic printing
+- once a box is opened, display its material with basic printing
functions (e. g. [print_int] and [print_string]);
- when the material for a box has been printed, call [close_box ()] to
+- when the material for a box has been printed, call [close_box ()] to
close the box;
- at the end of your routine, evaluate [print_newline ()] to close
+- at the end of your routine, evaluate [print_newline ()] to close
all remaining boxes and flush the pretty-printer. *)
+(* You may alternatively consider this module as providing an extension to the
+ [printf] facility: you can simply add pretty-printing annotations to your
+ regular printf formats, as explained below in the documentation of
+ the function [fprintf]. *)
(* The behaviour of pretty-printing commands is unspecified
if there is no opened pretty-printing box. Each box opened via
one of the [open_] functions below must be closed using [close_box]
@@ -291,3 +296,33 @@ val pp_get_formatter_output_functions :
operating on the standard formatter are defined via partial
evaluation of these primitives. For instance,
[print_string] is equal to [pp_print_string std_formatter]. *)
+val fprintf : formatter -> ('a, formatter, unit) format -> 'a;;
+ (* [fprintf ff format arg1 ... argN] formats the arguments
+ [arg1] to [argN] according to the format string [format],
+ and outputs the resulting string on the formatter [ff].
+ The format is a character string which contains three types of
+ objects: plain characters and conversion specifications as
+ specified in the [printf] module, and pretty-printing
+ indications.
+ The pretty-printing indication characters are introduced by
+ a [@] character, and their meanings are:
+- [\[]: open a pretty-printing box. The type and offset of the
+ box may be optionally specified with the following syntax:
+ the [<] character, followed by an optional box type indication,
+ then an optional integer offset, and the closing [>] character.
+ Box type is one of [h], [v], [hv], or [hov],
+ which stand respectively for an horizontal, vertical,
+ ``horizontal-vertical'' and ``horizontal or vertical'' box.
+- [\]]: close the most recently opened pretty-printing box.
+- [,]: output a good break as with [print_cut ()].
+- [ ]: output a space, as with [print_space ()].
+- [;]: force a newline, as with [force_newline ()].
+- [.]: flush the pretty printer as with [print_newline ()].
+- [@]: a plain [@] character. *)
+val printf : ('a, formatter, unit) format -> 'a;;
+ (* Same as [fprintf], but output on [std_formatter]. *)
+val eprintf: ('a, formatter, unit) format -> 'a;;
+ (* Same as [fprintf], but output on [err_formatter]. *)