path: root/test/Moretest
diff options
authorXavier Clerc <>2010-04-08 12:48:54 +0000
committerXavier Clerc <>2010-04-08 12:48:54 +0000
commit1cc7dffb2d97ce8a34dff983eb30c29fa1314e32 (patch)
tree24b1dba3b00e4bb61ae7d9b48dde6e998ffe5c2a /test/Moretest
parentf3fc27c47c1aefa2fe847cae531d8eddaf9576a4 (diff)
Tests moved to 'interactive'
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
Diffstat (limited to 'test/Moretest')
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 451 deletions
diff --git a/test/Moretest/ b/test/Moretest/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6fbe988ce..000000000
--- a/test/Moretest/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-(* To run this example:
- ********************
- 1. Select all the text in this window.
- 2. Drag it to the toplevel window.
- 3. Watch the colors.
- 4. Drag the mouse over the graphics window and click here and there.
- 5. Type any key to the graphics window to stop the program.
-open Graphics;;
-open_graph " 480x270";;
-let xr = size_x () / 2 - 30
-and yr = size_y () / 2 - 26
-and xg = size_x () / 2 + 30
-and yg = size_y () / 2 - 26
-and xb = size_x () / 2
-and yb = size_y () / 2 + 26
-let point x y =
- let dr = (x-xr)*(x-xr) + (y-yr)*(y-yr)
- and dg = (x-xg)*(x-xg) + (y-yg)*(y-yg)
- and db = (x-xb)*(x-xb) + (y-yb)*(y-yb)
- in
- if dr > dg && dr > db then set_color (rgb 255 (255*dg/dr) (255*db/dr))
- else if dg > db then set_color (rgb (255*dr/dg) 255 (255*db/dg))
- else set_color (rgb (255*dr/db) (255*dg/db) 255);
- fill_rect x y 2 2;
-for y = (size_y () - 1) / 2 downto 0 do
- for x = 0 to (size_x () - 1) / 2 do
- point (2*x) (2*y);
- done
-let n = 0x000000
-and w = 0xFFFFFF
-and b = 0xFFCC99
-and y = 0xFFFF00
-and o = 0xCC9966
-and v = 0x00BB00
-and g = 0x888888
-and c = 0xDDDDDD
-and t = transp
-let caml = make_image [|
- [|t;t;t;t;t;t;t;t;t;t;t;n;n;n;n;n;n;t;t;t;t;t;t;t;t;t;t;t;t;t;t;t;|];
- [|t;t;t;t;t;t;t;t;t;t;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;t;t;t;t;t;t;t;t;t;t;t;t;t;|];
- [|t;t;t;t;t;t;t;t;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;t;t;t;t;t;t;t;t;t;t;t;t;|];
- [|n;n;n;n;n;n;t;n;n;n;n;n;b;b;b;b;b;b;b;n;n;t;t;t;t;t;n;n;n;n;n;t;|];
- [|n;o;o;o;o;o;n;n;n;n;b;b;b;b;b;b;b;b;b;b;b;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;t;|];
- [|n;o;o;o;o;o;o;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;t;|];
- [|n;o;o;o;o;o;o;o;n;n;n;g;g;g;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;t;t;|];
- [|n;n;o;o;o;o;o;o;o;n;n;n;c;c;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;t;t;|];
- [|t;n;n;o;o;o;o;o;o;o;n;n;n;c;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;b;b;n;n;n;n;n;n;t;t;t;|];
- [|t;t;n;n;n;o;o;o;o;o;o;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;b;b;b;b;n;n;n;n;t;t;t;t;|];
- [|t;t;t;t;n;n;o;o;o;o;o;o;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;b;b;b;b;b;b;n;n;t;t;t;t;|];
- [|t;t;t;t;t;n;n;o;o;o;o;o;o;n;n;n;n;n;n;o;o;b;b;b;b;b;b;n;n;t;t;t;|];
- [|t;t;t;t;t;n;n;o;o;o;o;o;o;b;b;b;b;b;n;n;o;o;b;b;b;b;b;b;n;n;t;t;|];
- [|t;t;t;t;n;n;n;o;o;o;o;o;b;b;b;b;b;b;b;n;n;o;o;b;b;b;b;b;b;n;n;t;|];
- [|t;t;t;t;n;n;n;o;o;o;o;b;b;b;b;b;b;b;b;b;n;n;o;o;b;b;b;b;b;b;n;n;|];
- [|t;t;t;t;n;n;n;o;o;o;o;b;b;b;b;b;n;n;b;b;b;n;n;o;o;b;b;b;b;b;n;n;|];
- [|t;t;t;t;n;n;n;o;o;o;o;b;b;b;b;b;n;n;b;b;b;b;n;n;o;o;b;o;b;b;n;n;|];
- [|t;t;t;t;n;n;n;o;o;o;o;b;b;b;b;b;n;n;b;b;b;b;b;n;n;o;o;o;o;o;n;n;|];
- [|t;t;t;t;n;n;n;o;o;o;o;b;b;b;b;b;n;n;b;b;b;b;b;b;n;n;o;o;o;o;n;n;|];
- [|t;t;t;t;n;n;n;o;o;o;o;o;b;b;b;b;n;n;b;b;b;b;b;b;b;n;n;o;o;n;n;n;|];
- [|t;t;t;t;n;n;n;n;o;o;o;o;o;b;b;b;n;n;n;b;b;b;b;b;b;b;n;n;o;n;b;n;|];
- [|t;t;t;t;t;n;n;n;o;o;o;o;o;o;b;b;n;n;n;b;b;b;b;b;b;b;b;n;n;n;b;n;|];
- [|t;t;t;t;t;t;n;n;o;o;o;o;o;o;o;y;v;y;n;b;b;b;b;b;b;b;b;n;n;b;b;n;|];
- [|t;t;t;t;t;t;t;n;o;o;o;o;o;v;y;o;o;n;n;n;b;b;b;b;b;b;b;n;n;b;b;n;|];
- [|t;t;t;t;t;t;t;n;o;o;o;y;v;o;o;o;o;n;n;n;n;b;b;b;b;b;b;n;n;b;b;n;|];
- [|t;t;t;t;t;t;n;n;o;v;y;o;y;o;o;o;o;o;o;n;n;n;b;b;b;b;b;n;n;b;b;n;|];
- [|t;t;t;t;t;t;n;o;y;y;o;o;v;o;o;o;o;o;o;o;n;n;n;b;b;b;n;n;n;b;n;t;|];
- [|t;t;t;t;t;n;n;v;o;v;o;o;o;o;o;o;o;o;o;o;o;n;n;n;b;n;n;n;n;b;n;t;|];
- [|t;t;t;t;t;n;v;o;o;v;o;o;o;o;o;o;o;o;o;o;o;o;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;t;t;|];
- [|t;t;t;t;n;n;o;o;o;o;o;o;o;o;o;o;o;o;o;o;o;n;n;n;n;n;n;t;t;t;t;t;|];
- [|t;t;t;t;n;o;o;o;o;o;o;o;o;o;o;o;o;o;o;o;n;n;t;t;t;t;t;t;t;t;t;t;|];
- [|t;t;t;t;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;n;t;t;t;t;t;t;t;t;t;t;t;|];
-let x = ref 0 and y = ref 0;;
-let bg = get_image !x !y 32 32;;
-while true do
- let st = wait_next_event [Mouse_motion; Button_down] in
- if not st.button then draw_image bg !x !y;
- x := st.mouse_x;
- y := st.mouse_y;
- blit_image bg !x !y;
- draw_image caml !x !y;
-set_color (rgb 0 0 0);
-remember_mode false;
-try while true do
- let st = wait_next_event [Mouse_motion; Button_down; Key_pressed] in
- synchronize ();
- if st.keypressed then raise Exit;
- if st.button then begin
- remember_mode true;
- draw_image caml st.mouse_x st.mouse_y;
- remember_mode false;
- end;
- let x = st.mouse_x + 16 and y = st.mouse_y + 16 in
- moveto 0 y;
- lineto (x - 25) y;
- moveto 10000 y;
- lineto (x + 25) y;
- moveto x 0;
- lineto x (y - 25);
- moveto x 10000;
- lineto x (y + 25);
- draw_image caml st.mouse_x st.mouse_y;
-done with Exit -> ()
-(* To run this example:
- ********************
- 1. Select all the text in this window.
- 2. Drag it to the toplevel window.
- 3. Watch the colors.
- 4. Drag the mouse over the graphics window and click here and there.
- 5. Type any key to the graphics window to stop the program.
diff --git a/test/Moretest/ b/test/Moretest/
deleted file mode 100644
index cd4c0813d..000000000
--- a/test/Moretest/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,288 +0,0 @@
-(* *)
-(* Objective Caml *)
-(* *)
-(* Pierre Weis, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright 2000 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
-(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
-(* under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License, with *)
-(* the special exception on linking described in file ../../LICENSE. *)
-(* *)
-(* : tests various drawing and filling primitives of the
- Graphics library. *)
-(* To run this example just load this file into a suitable toplevel.
- Alternatively execute
- ocamlc graphics.cma *)
-open Graphics;;
-auto_synchronize false;;
-display_mode false;;
-remember_mode true;;
-let sz = 450;;
-open_graph (Printf.sprintf " %ix%i" sz sz);;
-(* To be defined for older versions of O'Caml
- Lineto, moveto and draw_rect.
-let rlineto x y =
- let xc, yc = current_point () in
- lineto (x + xc) (y + yc);;
-let rmoveto x y =
- let xc, yc = current_point () in
- moveto (x + xc) (y + yc);;
-let draw_rect x y w h =
- let x0, y0 = current_point () in
- moveto x y;
- rlineto w 0;
- rlineto 0 h;
- rlineto (- w) 0;
- rlineto 0 (-h);
- moveto x0 y0;;
-(* A set of points. *)
-set_color foreground;;
-let dashes y =
- for i = 1 to 100 do
- plot y (2 * i);
- plot y (3 * i);
- plot y (4 * i);
- done;;
-dashes 3;;
-set_line_width 20;;
-dashes (sz - 20);;
-(* Drawing chars *)
-draw_char 'C';
-draw_char 'a';
-draw_char 'm';
-draw_char 'l';;
-(* More and more red enlarging squares *)
-moveto 10 10;;
-set_line_width 5;;
-let carre c =
- rlineto 0 c;
- rlineto c 0;
- rlineto 0 (- c);
- rlineto (- c) 0;;
-for i = 1 to 10 do
- moveto (10 * i) (10 * i);
- set_color (rgb (155 + 10 * i) 0 0);
- carre (10 * i)
-(* Blue squares in arithmetic progression *)
-moveto 10 210;;
-set_color blue;;
-set_line_width 1;;
-for i = 1 to 10 do
- carre (10 * i)
-(* Tiny circles filled or not *)
-rmoveto 0 120;;
-(* Must not change the current point *)
-fill_circle 20 190 10;;
-set_color green;;
-rlineto 0 10;;
-rmoveto 50 10;;
-let x, y = current_point () in
-(* Must not change the current point *)
-draw_circle x y 20;;
-set_color black;;
-rlineto 0 20;;
-(* Cyan rectangles as a kind of graphical representation *)
-set_color cyan;;
-let lw = 15;;
-set_line_width lw;;
-let go_caption l = moveto 210 (130 - lw + l);;
-let go_legend () = go_caption (- 3 * lw);;
-go_caption 0;;
-fill_rect 210 130 5 10;;
-fill_rect 220 130 10 20;;
-fill_rect 235 130 15 40;;
-fill_rect 255 130 20 80;;
-fill_rect 280 130 25 160;;
-(* A green rectangle below the graph. *)
-set_color green;;
-rlineto 50 0;;
-(* A black frame for each of our rectangles *)
-set_color black;;
-set_line_width (lw / 4);;
-draw_rect 210 130 5 10;;
-draw_rect 220 130 10 20;;
-draw_rect 235 130 15 40;;
-draw_rect 255 130 20 80;;
-draw_rect 280 130 25 160;;
-(* A black rectangle after the green one, below the graph. *)
-set_line_width lw;;
-rlineto 50 0;;
-(* Write a text in yellow on a blue background. *)
-(* x = 210, y = 70 *)
-go_legend ();;
-set_text_size 10;;
-set_color (rgb 150 100 250);;
-let x,y = current_point () in
-fill_rect x (y - 5) (8 * 20) 25;;
-set_color yellow;;
-go_legend ();;
-draw_string "Graphics (Caml)";;
-(* Pie parts in different colors. *)
-let draw_green_string s = set_color green; draw_string s;;
-let draw_red_string s = set_color red; draw_string s;;
-moveto 120 210;;
-set_color red;;
-fill_arc 150 260 25 25 60 300;
-draw_green_string "A ";
-draw_red_string "red";
-draw_green_string " pie.";
-set_text_size 5;
-moveto 180 240;
-draw_red_string "A "; draw_green_string "green"; draw_red_string " slice.";;
-set_color green;
-fill_arc 200 260 25 25 0 60;
-set_color black;
-set_line_width 2;
-draw_arc 200 260 27 27 0 60;;
-(* Should do nothing since this is a line *)
-set_color red;;
-fill_poly [| (40, 10); (150, 70); (150, 10); (40, 10) |];;
-set_color blue;;
-(* Drawing polygones. *)
-(* Redefining the draw_poly primitive for the usual library. *)
-let draw_poly v =
- let l = Array.length v in
- if l > 0 then begin
- let x0, y0 = current_point () in
- let p0 = v.(0) in
- let x, y = p0 in moveto x y;
- for i = 1 to l - 1 do
- let x, y = v.(i) in lineto x y
- done;
- lineto x y;
- moveto x0 y0
- end;;
-draw_poly [| (150, 10); (150, 70); (260, 10); (150, 10) |];;
-(* Filling polygones. *)
-(* Two equilateral triangles, one red and one blue, and their inside
- filled in black. *)
-let equi x y l =
- [| (x - l / 2, y);
- (x, y + int_of_float (float_of_int l *. (sqrt 3.0 /. 2.0)));
- (x + l / 2, y) |];;
-set_color black;;
-fill_poly (Array.append (equi 300 20 40) (equi 300 44 (- 40)));;
-set_line_width 1;;
-set_color cyan;;
-draw_poly (equi 300 20 40);;
-set_color red;;
-draw_poly (equi 300 44 (- 40));;
-(* Drawing and filling ellipses. *)
-let x, y = current_point () in
-rlineto 10 10; moveto x y;
-moveto 395 100;;
-let x, y = current_point () in
-fill_ellipse x y 25 15;;
-set_color (rgb 0xFF 0x00 0xFF);;
-rmoveto 0 (- 50);;
-let x, y = current_point () in
-fill_ellipse x y 15 30;;
-rmoveto (- 45) 0;;
-let x, y = current_point () in
-draw_ellipse x y 25 10;;
-(* Drawing and filling arcs. *)
-let draw_arc_ellipse x y r1 r2 =
- set_color green;
- draw_arc x y r1 r2 60 120;
- set_color black;
- draw_arc x y r1 r2 120 420;;
-set_line_width 3;;
-let draw_arc_ellipses x y r1 r2 =
- let step = 5 in
- for i = 0 to (r1 - step) / (2 * step) do
- for j = 0 to (r2 - step) / (2 * step) do
- draw_arc_ellipse x y (3 * i * step) (3 * j * step)
- done
- done;;
-draw_arc_ellipses 20 128 15 50;;
-let fill_arc_ellipse x y r1 r2 c1 c2 =
- set_color c1;
- fill_arc x y r1 r2 60 120;
- set_color c2;
- fill_arc x y r1 r2 120 420;;
-let fill_arc_ellipses x y r1 r2 =
- let step = 3 in
- let c1 = ref black
- and c2 = ref yellow in
- let exchange r1 r2 = let tmp = !r1 in r1 := !r2; r2 := tmp in
- for i = r1 / (2 * step) downto 10 do
- for j = r2 / (2 * step) downto 30 do
- exchange c1 c2;
- fill_arc_ellipse x y (3 * i) (3 * j) !c1 !c2
- done
- done;;
-fill_arc_ellipses 400 240 150 200;;
-synchronize ();;
-(* transparent color drawing *)
-set_color transp;;
-draw_circle 400 240 50;;
-draw_circle 400 240 40;;
-draw_circle 400 240 30;;
-(* try to go back a normal color *)
-set_color red;;
-draw_circle 400 240 20;;
-synchronize ();;
-input_line stdin;;
diff --git a/test/Moretest/ b/test/Moretest/
deleted file mode 100644
index ce93a27e2..000000000
--- a/test/Moretest/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-let rec tak (x, y, z as tuple) =
- if x > y then tak(tak (x-1, y, z), tak (y-1, z, x), tak (z-1, x, y))
- else z
-let break_handler _ =
- print_string "Thank you for pressing ctrl-C."; print_newline();
- print_string "Allocating a bit..."; flush stdout;
- tak(18,12,6); print_string "done."; print_newline()
-let stop_handler _ =
- print_string "Thank you for pressing ctrl-Z."; print_newline();
- print_string "Now raising an exception..."; print_newline();
- raise Exit
-let _ =
- Sys.signal Sys.sigint (Sys.Signal_handle break_handler);
- Sys.signal Sys.sigtstp (Sys.Signal_handle stop_handler);
- begin try
- print_string "Computing like crazy..."; print_newline();
- for i = 1 to 1000 do tak(18,12,6) done;
- print_string "Reading on input..."; print_newline();
- for i = 1 to 5 do
- try
- let s = read_line () in
- print_string ">> "; print_string s; print_newline()
- with Exit ->
- print_string "Got Exit, continuing."; print_newline()
- done
- with Exit ->
- print_string "Got Exit, exiting."; print_newline()
- end;
- exit 0