path: root/typing
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authorGabriel Scherer <>2014-12-13 14:46:16 +0000
committerGabriel Scherer <>2014-12-13 14:46:16 +0000
commit843f15250595c355384cd0d006755b723c4048b1 (patch)
tree3df3214496fc1e016c60b92ca4224143a29daa4a /typing
parent9c53766241dec3f82b8187fbe59f91e62c409661 (diff)
simplify the spellcheck functions
- expose the core spellchecking functionality in Misc rather than Typetexp - remove the too high-order (yet insufficiently parametric) Typetexp.spellcheck from the public interface - rewrite the spellchecking functions for variants and fields in Typecore from the Misc functions rather than reusing Typetexp.spellcheck git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
Diffstat (limited to 'typing')
3 files changed, 37 insertions, 60 deletions
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 243549340..52b12cff5 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -614,10 +614,20 @@ end) = struct
| _ -> assert false
let spellcheck ppf env p lid =
- Typetexp.spellcheck_simple ppf fold
- (fun d ->
- if compare_type_path env p (get_type_path env d)
- then get_name d else "") env lid
+ let choices ~path name =
+ let valid_names =
+ fold (fun d acc ->
+ (* only consider the constructors/fields that are
+ in the expected type [p] *)
+ if compare_type_path env p (get_type_path env d)
+ then get_name d :: acc else acc) path env [] in
+ Misc.spellcheck valid_names name in
+ match lid with
+ | Longident.Lapply _ -> ()
+ | Longident.Lident s ->
+ Misc.did_you_mean ppf (fun () -> choices ~path:None s)
+ | Longident.Ldot (r, s) ->
+ Misc.did_you_mean ppf (fun () -> choices ~path:(Some r) s)
let lookup_from_type env tpath lid =
let descrs = get_descrs (Env.find_type_descrs tpath env) in
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 523d435bc..a4e87c113 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -859,60 +859,34 @@ open Format
open Printtyp
let spellcheck ppf fold env lid =
- let cutoff =
- match String.length (Longident.last lid) with
- | 1 | 2 -> 0
- | 3 | 4 -> 1
- | 5 | 6 -> 2
- | _ -> 3
- in
- let compare target head acc =
- let (best_choice, best_dist) = acc in
- match Misc.edit_distance target head cutoff with
- | None -> (best_choice, best_dist)
- | Some dist ->
- let choice =
- if dist < best_dist then [head]
- else if dist = best_dist then head :: best_choice
- else best_choice in
- (choice, min dist best_dist)
- in
- let init = ([], max_int) in
- let handle (choice, _dist) =
- match List.rev choice with
- | [] -> ()
- | last :: rev_rest ->
- fprintf ppf "@\nHint: Did you mean %s%s%s?"
- (String.concat ", " (List.rev rev_rest))
- (if rev_rest = [] then "" else " or ")
- last
- in
- (* flush now to get the error report early, in the (unheard of) case
- where the linear search would take a bit of time; in the worst
- case, the user has seen the error, she can interrupt the process
- before the spell-checking terminates. *)
- fprintf ppf "@?";
+ let choices ~path name =
+ let env = fold (fun x xs -> x::xs) path env [] in
+ Misc.spellcheck env name in
match lid with
| Longident.Lapply _ -> ()
| Longident.Lident s ->
- handle (fold (compare s) None env init)
+ Misc.did_you_mean ppf (fun () -> choices ~path:None s)
| Longident.Ldot (r, s) ->
- handle (fold (compare s) (Some r) env init)
-let spellcheck_simple ppf fold extr =
- spellcheck ppf (fun f -> fold (fun decl x -> f (extr decl) x))
+ Misc.did_you_mean ppf (fun () -> choices ~path:(Some r) s)
-let spellcheck ppf fold =
- spellcheck ppf (fun f -> fold (fun s _ _ x -> f s x))
+let fold_descr fold get_name f = fold (fun descr acc -> f (get_name descr) acc)
+let fold_simple fold4 f = fold4 (fun name _path _descr acc -> f name acc)
-type cd = string list * int
+let fold_values = fold_simple Env.fold_values
+let fold_types = fold_simple Env.fold_types
+let fold_modules = fold_simple Env.fold_modules
+let fold_constructors = fold_descr Env.fold_constructors (fun d -> d.cstr_name)
+let fold_labels = fold_descr Env.fold_labels (fun d -> d.lbl_name)
+let fold_classs = fold_simple Env.fold_classs
+let fold_modtypes = fold_simple Env.fold_modtypes
+let fold_cltypes = fold_simple Env.fold_cltypes
let report_error env ppf = function
| Unbound_type_variable name ->
fprintf ppf "Unbound type parameter %s@." name
| Unbound_type_constructor lid ->
fprintf ppf "Unbound type constructor %a" longident lid;
- spellcheck ppf Env.fold_types env lid;
+ spellcheck ppf fold_types env lid;
| Unbound_type_constructor_2 p ->
fprintf ppf "The type constructor@ %a@ is not yet completely defined"
path p
@@ -977,26 +951,25 @@ let report_error env ppf = function
s "Multiple occurences are not allowed."
| Unbound_value lid ->
fprintf ppf "Unbound value %a" longident lid;
- spellcheck ppf Env.fold_values env lid;
+ spellcheck ppf fold_values env lid;
| Unbound_module lid ->
fprintf ppf "Unbound module %a" longident lid;
- spellcheck ppf Env.fold_modules env lid;
+ spellcheck ppf fold_modules env lid;
| Unbound_constructor lid ->
fprintf ppf "Unbound constructor %a" longident lid;
- spellcheck_simple ppf Env.fold_constructors (fun d -> d.cstr_name)
- env lid;
+ spellcheck ppf fold_constructors env lid;
| Unbound_label lid ->
fprintf ppf "Unbound record field %a" longident lid;
- spellcheck_simple ppf Env.fold_labels (fun d -> d.lbl_name) env lid;
+ spellcheck ppf fold_labels env lid;
| Unbound_class lid ->
fprintf ppf "Unbound class %a" longident lid;
- spellcheck ppf Env.fold_classs env lid;
+ spellcheck ppf fold_classs env lid;
| Unbound_modtype lid ->
fprintf ppf "Unbound module type %a" longident lid;
- spellcheck ppf Env.fold_modtypes env lid;
+ spellcheck ppf fold_modtypes env lid;
| Unbound_cltype lid ->
fprintf ppf "Unbound class type %a" longident lid;
- spellcheck ppf Env.fold_cltypes env lid;
+ spellcheck ppf fold_cltypes env lid;
| Ill_typed_functor_application lid ->
fprintf ppf "Ill-typed functor application %a" longident lid
| Illegal_reference_to_recursive_module ->
diff --git a/typing/typetexp.mli b/typing/typetexp.mli
index 7bff403f0..b7a05dca9 100644
--- a/typing/typetexp.mli
+++ b/typing/typetexp.mli
@@ -107,12 +107,6 @@ val find_class_type:
val unbound_constructor_error: Env.t -> Longident.t Location.loc -> 'a
val unbound_label_error: Env.t -> Longident.t Location.loc -> 'a
-type cd
-val spellcheck_simple:
- Format.formatter ->
- (('a -> cd -> cd) -> Longident.t option -> 'b -> cd -> cd) ->
- ('a -> string) -> 'b -> Longident.t -> unit
val check_deprecated: Location.t -> Parsetree.attributes -> string -> unit
val warning_enter_scope: unit -> unit