path: root/win32caml/inria.h
diff options
authorDamien Doligez <>2002-07-23 14:12:03 +0000
committerDamien Doligez <>2002-07-23 14:12:03 +0000
commit37bf95c248f7f8e9f0f2557224837e530c428e93 (patch)
tree1fe95869eaf97ba5888bb1f2a7163a4d6770d4f3 /win32caml/inria.h
parent30fdb7585514c6557ad38b87f8bfe079c322edc4 (diff)
git-svn-id: f963ae5c-01c2-4b8c-9fe0-0dff7051ff02
Diffstat (limited to 'win32caml/inria.h')
1 files changed, 22 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/win32caml/inria.h b/win32caml/inria.h
index 0ba73faae..afa252404 100644
--- a/win32caml/inria.h
+++ b/win32caml/inria.h
@@ -62,50 +62,50 @@
// In this structure should go eventually all global variables scattered
// through the program.
typedef struct _programParams {
- HFONT hFont; // The handle of the current font
- COLORREF TextColor; // The text color
- char CurrentWorkingDir[MAX_PATH];// The current directory
+ HFONT hFont; // The handle of the current font
+ COLORREF TextColor; // The text color
+ char CurrentWorkingDir[MAX_PATH];// The current directory
//**************** Global variables ***********************
extern PROGRAM_PARAMS ProgramParams;
-extern COLORREF BackColor; // The background color
-extern HBRUSH BackgroundBrush; // A brush built with the background color
-extern char LibDir[]; // The lib directory
-extern char OcamlPath[]; // The Path to ocaml.exe
-extern HANDLE hInst; // The instance handle for this application
-extern HWND hwndSession; // The current session window handle
-extern LOGFONT CurrentFont; // The current font characteristics
+extern COLORREF BackColor; // The background color
+extern HBRUSH BackgroundBrush; // A brush built with the background color
+extern char LibDir[]; // The lib directory
+extern char OcamlPath[]; // The Path to ocaml.exe
+extern HANDLE hInst; // The instance handle for this application
+extern HWND hwndSession; // The current session window handle
+extern LOGFONT CurrentFont; // The current font characteristics
extern HWND hwndMain,hwndMDIClient; // Window handles of frame and mdi window
// ***************** Function prototypes ******************
-int WriteToPipe(char *data); // Writes to the pipe
+int WriteToPipe(char *data); // Writes to the pipe
int ReadFromPipe(char *data,int len);// Reads from the pipe
-int AskYesOrNo(char *msg); //Ditto!
+int AskYesOrNo(char *msg); //Ditto!
int BrowseForFile(char *fname,char *path);
-void GotoEOF(void); // Positions the cursor at the end of the text
-void ShowDbgMsg(char *msg); // Shows an error message
+void GotoEOF(void); // Positions the cursor at the end of the text
+void ShowDbgMsg(char *msg); // Shows an error message
void HandleCommand(HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam);
-int GetOcamlPath(void); // Finds where ocaml.exe is
-void ForceRepaint(void); // Ditto.
+int GetOcamlPath(void); // Finds where ocaml.exe is
+void ForceRepaint(void); // Ditto.
void AddLineToControl(char *buf);
-char *GetHistoryLine(int n); // Gets the nth history line base 1.
+char *GetHistoryLine(int n); // Gets the nth history line base 1.
int StartOcaml(void);
// **************** User defined window messages *************
-#define WM_NEWLINE (WM_USER+6000)
+#define WM_NEWLINE (WM_USER+6000)
#define WM_TIMERTICK (WM_USER+6001)
#define WM_QUITOCAML (WM_USER+6002)
// ********************** Structures ***********************
typedef struct tagPosition {
- int line;
- int col;
+ int line;
+ int col;
// Simple linked list for holding the history lines
typedef struct tagHistory {
- struct tagHistory *Next;
- char *Text;
+ struct tagHistory *Next;
+ char *Text;
extern void *SafeMalloc(int);