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1 files changed, 18 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 6d9652b4b..c2bf66cc2 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -271,7 +271,9 @@ and tree_of_row_field sch (l, f) =
and tree_of_typlist sch = function
| [] -> []
- | ty :: tyl -> tree_of_typexp sch ty :: tree_of_typlist sch tyl
+ | ty :: tyl ->
+ let tr = tree_of_typexp sch ty in
+ tr :: tree_of_typlist sch tyl
and tree_of_typobject sch ty fi nm =
begin match !nm with
@@ -623,7 +625,8 @@ let tree_of_constraints params =
(fun ty list ->
let ty' = unalias ty in
if ty != ty' then
- (tree_of_typexp true ty, tree_of_typexp true ty') :: list
+ let tr = tree_of_typexp true ty in
+ (tr, tree_of_typexp true ty') :: list
else list)
params []
@@ -759,7 +762,7 @@ let metho sch concrete ppf (lab, kind, ty) =
fprintf ppf "@ @[<2>method %s%s%s :@ %a@]" priv virt lab (typexp sch 0) ty
-let tree_of_metho sch concrete (lab, kind, ty) csil =
+let tree_of_metho sch concrete csil (lab, kind, ty) =
if lab <> "*dummy method*" then begin
let priv =
match field_kind_repr kind with
@@ -813,20 +816,22 @@ let rec tree_of_class_type sch params =
let csil = [] in
let csil =
- List.fold_right (tree_of_metho sch sign.cty_concr) fields csil
+ List.fold_left (tree_of_metho sch sign.cty_concr) csil fields
+ let all_vars =
+ Vars.fold (fun l (m, t) all -> (l, m, t) :: all) sign.cty_vars [] in
let csil =
- Vars.fold
- (fun l (m, t) csil ->
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun csil (l, m, t) ->
Ocsg_value (l, m = Mutable, tree_of_typexp sch t) :: csil)
- sign.cty_vars csil
+ csil all_vars
let csil =
- List.fold_right
- (fun (ty1, ty2) csil -> Ocsg_constraint (ty1, ty2) :: csil)
- (tree_of_constraints params) csil
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun csil (ty1, ty2) -> Ocsg_constraint (ty1, ty2) :: csil)
+ csil (tree_of_constraints params)
- Octy_signature (self_ty, csil)
+ Octy_signature (self_ty, List.rev csil)
| Tcty_fun (l, ty, cty) ->
let lab = if !print_labels && l <> "" || is_optional l then l else "" in
let ty =
@@ -835,7 +840,8 @@ let rec tree_of_class_type sch params =
| Tconstr(path, [ty], _) when Path.same path Predef.path_option -> ty
| _ -> newconstr (Path.Pident(Ident.create "<hidden>")) []
else ty in
- Octy_fun (lab, tree_of_typexp sch ty, tree_of_class_type sch params cty)
+ let tr = tree_of_typexp sch ty in
+ Octy_fun (lab, tr, tree_of_class_type sch params cty)
let class_type ppf cty =
reset ();