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1 files changed, 12 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
index 8b1480b54..49006d596 100644
--- a/ocamldoc/
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -904,7 +904,14 @@ class html =
method html_of_type t =
Odoc_info.reset_type_names ();
let father = Name.father t.ty_name in
- "<pre>"^
+ (match t.ty_manifest, t.ty_kind with
+ None, Type_abstract -> "<pre>"
+ | None, Type_variant _
+ | None, Type_record _ -> "<br><code>"
+ | Some _, Type_abstract -> "<pre>"
+ | Some _, Type_variant _
+ | Some _, Type_record _ -> "<pre>"
+ )^
(self#keyword "type")^" "^
(* html mark *)
"<a name=\""^(Naming.type_target t)^"\"></a>"^
@@ -919,7 +926,8 @@ class html =
Type_abstract -> "</pre>"
| Type_variant (l, priv) ->
"= "^(if priv then "private" else "")^
- "</pre><table class=\"typetable\">\n"^
+ (match t.ty_manifest with None -> "</code>" | Some _ -> "</pre>")^
+ "<table class=\"typetable\">\n"^
(String.concat "\n"
(fun constr ->
@@ -963,7 +971,8 @@ class html =
| Type_record (l, priv) ->
"= "^(if priv then "private " else "")^"{"^
- "</pre><table class=\"typetable\">\n"^
+ (match t.ty_manifest with None -> "</code>" | Some _ -> "</pre>")^
+ "<table class=\"typetable\">\n"^
(String.concat "\n"
(fun r ->